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Few are as truly challenged as Peng

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

and the scenario is where?

I think Rune is tuggin' your chain Peng. He's working on becoming, in his words, a Justicar. Perhaps if you served him up a nice warm plate of Die-A-Lot-Now™ he'd get up off his pontificating ass and send you the abortion he terms scenario. Once you get it, if you get it, it will probably be only slightly less steaming as the piles Ker Dessel ****es.

Does that help clear thing up for ya?

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

...{snipped comments to Peng, it's my personal opinion that Peng is a particularly nasty figment of Berli's imagination.} ...

Once you get it, if you get it, it will probably be only slightly less steaming as the piles Ker Dessel ****es.

Does that help clear thing up for ya?

LUMPS of ****e if you please ... piles is what you get if you try to play them on a full stomach.


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Heathen, twits, vermin, lend me your ears...I have returned (with a tip o' the hat to the gorgeous, graceful and erudite Ladies of the Pool).

I have lowered myself to discourse with you all again for the plain and simple reason that I grow weary of beating-up Nidan1 on a regular basis and crave fresh game.

Speak Knights (shut up Berli) and say which of you has a Squire worthy of my attention and in need of a tactical lesson. I shall challenge same forthwith and thereby bring shame and dishonor upon thy House!

Noble Justicar, I apologize for my long absence. I can only say that...ummm...I was busy doing stuff (did I mention Nidan1?).

In closing, did I mention you were all mindless twits? Die Justicar and The Ladies excepted, of course.

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Originally posted by willbell:

Senachai song.

Fired one time but they kept a comin'

Weren't neigh as many as there were a while ago

Fired once more and they began a runnin'

Down the Tellaro to the Golfo de Noto

Come out, come out where ever you are my pretty.


Don't you mean

Down the Mississippi

To the Gulf of Mexico?


Jim Boggs,

Not unless the Mississippi now runs through Sicily. It's an adaptation of the old song to fit Senachai's handling of a battle.

Tick, tick, tick... ping!

Now you get it.


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Originally posted by Vadr:

Heathen, twits, vermin, lend me your ears...I have returned (with a tip o' the hat to the gorgeous, graceful and erudite Ladies of the Pool).

I have lowered myself to discourse with you all again for the plain and simple reason that I grow weary of beating-up Nidan1 on a regular basis and crave fresh game.

Speak Knights (shut up Berli) and say which of you has a Squire worthy of my attention and in need of a tactical lesson. I shall challenge same forthwith and thereby bring shame and dishonor upon thy House!

Noble Justicar, I apologize for my long absence. I can only say that...ummm...I was busy doing stuff (did I mention Nidan1?).

In closing, did I mention you were all mindless twits? Die Justicar and The Ladies excepted, of course.

Don't be telling me to die ... I won't stand for it.

Who are you again?


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Who are you again?


Surely a phrase that Joe Shaw, in his dotage, uses numerous times each day, when the nurse gives him his meds, the orderly slaps him around just for the fun of it, when his wife comes in asking him to sign yet another power of attorney form and even when he looks into the mirror as he slips his yellowed, gnarly dentures into his mouth each morning.

And the mirror seems to whisper back, "Who cares?"


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

And the mirror seems to whisper back, "Who cares?"

{little child voice}Mommy! Boo's been sniffing the polishing compound again! And he's eating all the blue crayons.{/little child voice}
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Peng ,

It was sent, I just sent it a second time. Try your wonderful netscape account* to see if you got it.

Berli, i have as much to do with teh Justicar as you do with angels singing in heaven. yes..yes..yes..I got the shot, but what do I expect from pure evil? Remember, I still hold a bottle of scotch here hostage. It is worth more then what dalem collects from unemployment for 2 years.

Is this Vadr creature an offspring of Boo? Seems clueless enough to be one of his...


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<font color="E41BB2">It's hot in Taipei and you all suck. That's right my brain is boiling and I can't come up with anything better right now. I think this colour is appropriate, given every second person here is dressed in it.</pink> May you all have to play Rune scenarios endlessly in your afterlife.

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Originally posted by v42below:

<font color="E41BB2">It's hot in Taipei and you all suck. That's right my brain is boiling and I can't come up with anything better right now. I think this colour is appropriate, given every second person here is dressed in it.</font> May you all have to play Rune scenarios endlessly in your afterlife.

Try that. I can see that, for you, this is rocket science
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Well the genie is outta the bottle now.

I tried to warn people about this "gift from the Devil". Did anyone listen? Of course not. Even as they post their multi-color, eye straining drivel, the corruption and degradation begins.

That it is an Aussie that is giving pointers and advice on technique should be enough to set off all the warning flags and whistles.

But no, you say, the colors are so nice, they make my posts seem worthy, they make me look cool, etc.

So sad, but clearly the fires of the Infernal Regions will be burning bright for the near future. The only positive is that it will keep Berli occupied counting all his new disciples.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Even as they post their multi-color, eye straining drivel, the corruption and degradation begins.

But no, you say, the colors are so nice, they make my posts seem worthy, they make me look cool, etc.

I have my browser set to white letters on a black background, so it doesn't bother me in the least.

Well, besides actually reading the drivel...

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

So sad, but clearly the fires of the Infernal Regions will be burning bright for the near future. The only positive is that it will keep Berli occupied counting all his new disciples.

Hell, that happens if I do nothing at all... lok at john j rambo, I got him for no effort on my part whatsoever.

I'm suddenly thinkin it sucks to be me

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Originally posted by Elvis:

You sound drunk.

Oddly enough, you say that about everyone. Have you thought about having your head removed from that bottle? Other people (and I use that term in the loosest sense when refering to Rune) might sound clearer to you.
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

lok at john j rambo, I got him for no effort on my part whatsoever.

JJR, in hell?

In that case cancel my booking. I've changed my mind and plan to have everlasting rest in limbo (Heaven won't have me).


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Originally posted by Vadr:

I have lowered myself to discourse with you all again for the plain and simple reason that I grow weary of beating-up Nidan1 on a regular basis and crave fresh game.

Lowered yourself???? , you come crawling back here, after being God knows where, and associating with all sorts of Floridian vermin, perhaps Buggs even? You were lower than whale ****e when you left, and now you look to elevate your status by returning to the pool???

You saddle me with hopelessly one-side scenarios and battles, carefully tilted in your favor I might add, and crafted to make it impossible for you to lose, and you are tired of beating me up?

You'll get no better competition here, but perhaps a certain serf...soon to be squire, stikkypixie, will give you a go.

Stikkypixie...you Asian-Belgian cretin, get in here and teach this daft bugger a lesson!!!!!

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