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Cap'n Jack Peng and the Black Challenge

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Originally posted by Lorak:

yea, i would type more, but limited to onr arm makes it a bitch. Those are the basics, you really should hit netwings or one of the Flight sim sights to ask. Here is bad, because it takes nothing to play cm.


i run a p4 2.6 with a 9800 non-pro. Ihave no problems with anything out right now.


Good Me Almighty. Flight sims, football, and, finally, snowboarding.

This is the most extraordinary pre-Mid-Life crisis I've ever encountered.

I can't remember when I've been more perturbed. Oh, well, except for that period when Bauhaus was playing snowboard computer games. That was just unnatural.

What has wrought this change?

I'd like to think it was some sort of deep emotional trauma dating back to an incident in your past that you're trying to sublimate beneath a round of vulgar behaviours, rather than that you've become some sort of pillock.

But I forgive you, in any case. You'll always be the Herald of the Cesspool to me. Even when I take you out behind the barn with a borrowed .22 rifle for that last hug and then your long, long journey to a better place, I'll always have a catch in my voice when I speak of you.

Excuse me, everyone. There's something in my eye, and I must react. I'm off to buy some hollow-points.

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Originally posted by Javaslinger:

Hello to you of the wee village de Peng,

I've been away from CM for a bit and I believe that whence upon a time this was where you found the weaker players congregating. Insuch that I'm out of practice I thought some of that sorty of cannon fodder might be nice to warm up on.

Are there any of the more sickly sort of CM players still hanging out in here for my sport?

I haven't gotten CMAK just yet, so it'll have to be a CMBB match. I prefer a scenario vs. QB and something smaller to start with I guess. I'll take either side.

As for my own skill level... I suppose on a large enough scale I might be willing to call myself a 10. I'm the sort of player that you might like to pull out of your bag of tricks that little scheme you'd never dare try vs a good player. With myself, litterly anything could happen....

Anyone willing?



How wondrous. How perfect. How magical.

It's like finding a virgin posting a personals ad in the style 'nice white boy wants to meet single white girl for dirty fun' in a newsletter devoted to reporting serial crimes.

Javaslinger, I honour you. Please send me your actual address. Someday, perhaps while on vacation, I'd like to come and visit you, and perhaps eat your family pets.

Did Hannibal Lector have to deal with challenges like this?

I think not.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

That's okay, Seanachai. You'd probably just gorge yourself again and forget where you parked the car.

In other news, my new laptop rocks -- you guys suck, and everyone's turns are out except Leeo, so it sucks to be him.

Or not, depending upon how you look at it.


I ask myself: When was the last time MrSpkr, who I beat like a gong in our last game, shuffled in here to clean my shoes with the sleeve of his Armani suit, and called me 'Master'.

My quite civil response to myself was: 'Ah, Seanachai! He still pretends that he doesn't need to do so!'

I consider. I ponder.

I realize that certain Lawyers have not yet lost enough. Enough to make them humble. Enough to make them wise. Enough to make them realize that above Man, there are Olde Ones.

Steve, I think you should lose more. You'll be the better man for it. Send me a setup.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Lackey Beggin' yer pardon Commadore, but the standin' watch reports sightin' that froggie, Lay Grenola Frantic off the squadron's lee.

Commadore, Sir Berli Notworthadamn Is'e now. Let's hav'a look... *glances through the telescope* Sink me! That dem'd frog is none to bright! He's set his t'gallants and we hav'a gale blowin' up.

Lackey There goes her Mainmast! An' it's takin' the Mizzen with it!

Commadore, Sir Berli Notworthadamn So't'ld seem. Wind'll take her into those shoals. She'll break up on the rocks.

Lackey Should we render assistance?

Commadore, Sir Berli Notworthadamn I think not. Our mission's to save Her Majesty... not save a dem'd frog that learn'd to sail in'a Paris brothel

Seanachai What i' the name of all the gods?! What canard piled on all that canvas?!!

R Leete But Master! We must away, to save the Queen from what fate must not be spoken!

Seanachai Oh, don't be a halfwit, man. She's a grown woman! She's got more children than you've got IQ points! She's quite familiar with what fate must not be named!

Seanachai Christ on a crutch, attempting to engrave a tattoo! My ship dismasted...my henchmen almost as drunk as I am... Curse Berli!


Seanachai Sod it. Boo, break out the Ninja piloted jet-skis! See if you can catch up with Shaw's fecking ship!


Seanachai It's not right for my Oeuvre, but I will not be seen as approaching the Queen rearmost! That is, I will not approach our Queen hindmost. That is..oh, sod this for a lark! Someone get me a fecking ale!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

What the hell, Macey? Did you pull a groin muscle, or something?

*Takes a puff on his pipe, ponders Seanachai's question, then answers*

Aaaaaarrrrrr, matey, have ye not noticed me ...arrrr... limp?

I seem to be pulling the ol groin muscle on almost a ...arrrrrrrr... daily basis.

*takes another puff on his pipe, ponders more, then clarifies*

It must be because of this damned ...arrrrrgh... parrot nested on me shoulder. He's a right ...aaaaarrrrrr.... heavy one.


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Originally posted by Mace:

I seem to be pulling the ol groin muscle on almost a ...arrrrrrrr... daily basis.

So, the sheep have learned to recognize your smell and are keeping well away then?

Well, I did write a little poem to cheer you up with fond memories.

I'm not a sheep-shagger

Nor a sheep-shagger's son,

But I'll shag sheep

'Til the sheep-shagger comes.

There. Now wasn't that thoughtful and kindly of me? Now I think I will go bake some cookies.

Sweet dreams, all! Smiles all around!



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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

My Queen ... HE WILL LEAVE! He has never been constant ... he has come, and left, come, and left, and now he's back again ... AN HE WILL LEAVE AGAIN, you may count upon it.

You think I'm not aware of such things Capt Joe Justicar?

Of course he will leave...like he has left a dozen times before...

A very good friend said to me just recently...

"Cease the moment for when it's gone it's gone"

Or somefink like that..

Anyhoo... I am doing just that... I decided a while back to cease every moment and take from it, what I can... For without such moments what do we have?

A life full of regrets..

Aye... I be taking all I can.. for as long as I can and I 'll have no regrets doing so.. harrrrr... And when he leaves again I can live on my memories until next time...savvy?

Drop a bauble upon the deck ...


Hmmmmmmmmmm now there's a thought..

Meeks never could resist a shiny bauble.

I shall go dress in my tightest silk corset and wear the Blue Velvet Gown he brought me from his last time ashore.. It has real pearls stitched into the low neckline.. yes... that should make him think twice about leaving again....

Cease the moment Capt Joe... cease the moment...for tomorrow may never come...

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Time for a sing song....

Sometimes late at night..

I lie awake and watch him sleeping..

he's lost in peaceful dreams..

So I turn out the lights..

And Lay there in the dark....

And the thought crosses my mind..

If I never wake in the morning..

Would he ever doubt the way I feel..

About him in my heart..

If tomorrow never comes...

If tomorrow never comes..

Will he know how much I love him..

Did I try in every way.. to show him everyday..

he's my only one.....

And if my time on earth were through...

he must face the world without me...

Is the love I gave him in the past...

Going to be enough to last..

If tomorrow never comes....

I've lost a love once in my life..

Who never knew how much I loved him..

Now I live with the regret...

That my true feelings for them..

never were revealed...

So I made a promise to myself..

To say each day how much he means to me..

And avoid that circumstance..

Well there's no second chance..

to tell him how I feel...

If tomorrow never comes..

Will he know how much I love him

Did I try in every way to show him everyday

he's my only one

And if my time on earth were through

he must face the world without me

Is the love I gave him in the past

Going to be enough to last

If tomorrow never comes

So tell that someone that you love

Just what you're thinking of..

If tomorrow never comes.........

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Seanachai Sod it. Boo, break out the Ninja piloted jet-skis! See if you can catch up with Shaw's fecking ship!

Sorry, Guv, we had to let the Ninja Powered Jet Skis go last month during that protracted labor dispute.

I was able to pick up some slightly shop worn Fiji Islanders with dug out canoes.

Will we be traveling with or without the benefit of ukulele music?

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Originally posted by YK2:

Anyhoo... I am doing just that... I decided a while back to cease every moment and take from it, what I can... For without such moments what do we have?

A life full of regrets..

For all sad words

of tongue or pen

the saddest are these,

"It might have been".

Go get 'em, Emma.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Ask how people are, but don’t wait for a response.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Joe, define reasonable. What price range? What do you want it to do?

I just got a laptop that outperforms most desktops for about $2200 or so. Is that reasonable enough?



And Ha!

A reasonable price range for Shaw would be if you bought it for him.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Joe, define reasonable. What price range? What do you want it to do?

I just got a laptop that outperforms most desktops for about $2200 or so. Is that reasonable enough?



And Ha!

A reasonable price range for Shaw would be if you bought it for him. </font>

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

p.s. Now if you could somehow persuade this lot to provide me with REASONABLE computer specs ... THAT would be a miracle.

Joe, get one of those optical mouse dealybobs. They make real purdy red glowy thingies in the dark.

Papa </font>

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Once again the pool has lost focus. The Queen is not rescued yet! Or at the very least she's wearing really hot attire and we're not there to see it!

Follow me! For the Queen, Death and Glory!

[The wind blowing his hair back and his semi-buttoned shirt open, Lurkur manfully blows the Horn of Doom™. As he does so, the longships of the Nefarious Legions glide with lethal ease out of the fiord and head south.]


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Joe, define reasonable. What price range? What do you want it to do?

I just got a laptop that outperforms most desktops for about $2200 or so. Is that reasonable enough?



And Ha!

A reasonable price range for Shaw would be if you bought it for him. </font>

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Damnation, I thought I was free of all this... I never should have run up the bow line of that scow in the harbor... but they were shipping out and those cats were chasing... grumble... grumble...

So Hoe Squaw needs recommendations for a new computer?

Well, generally I like to recommend hardware that performs the anticipated tasks well, but is not at the price point where you are still paying for the 'newness' factor, while still attempting to hold to the line that "Any machine you have to wait for is, by definition, too slow."

For most, I would recommend a P4 2.4GHz or 2.6GHz processor with the 800 MHz frontside bus and hyperthreading, although if you only run single applications at a time, you should tweak the hyperthreading off. Memory should be 1 GB. Less is soooo passe... Video cards are tough, as I am an nVidia fan (GeForce 4 Ti 5700 was my last purchase). The exact model can be debated, but look for the fastest GPU MHz, 'cause like the CPU, faster is better. Likewise, 128 MB RAM on the video card and DirectX 9 support are de rigeur.

So in your case, Hoe Squaw, I think an abacus strikes the right balance. Very affordable, and it won't process at a speed that overtaxes your neurons.

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Originally posted by Lurkur:


Aarrr, That’s enough to warm the cockles of my Black Heart, it is!

“Alright you Swabbies, prep the onager! Bring forth me spiked armor and me best cutlass. Thar’s cuttin’ t’ be done, and I’m the scurvy-ridden bastard t’ do it!

All set? Right-o me hearties, load me up there. Better wind ‘er a bit tighter. Now turn bow on to the Meeksian scow. Ready then? RELEASE!”

thwang! woosh, woosh, woosh; ker-THUD

Here I am, My Queen! Point me in the direction of that scaliwag Meeks, and I’ll cut his bloody keel from prow to stern. There’ll be feastin’ for the sharks today, of that ye can be sure…

Ho ho ho, and a barrel of rum!

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Ahh welcome Lurker ..

I'm glad you got home safe and sound..I was beginning to worry that some of Meeks crew may have seen you when you left his ship..

Thanks for the portrait, the finishing touches you made look just right and I shall reward you greatly on my return as promised....

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Originally posted by Leeo:

All set? Right-o me hearties, load me up there. Better wind ‘er a bit tighter. Now turn bow on to the Meeksian scow. Ready then? RELEASE!”

thwang! woosh, woosh, woosh; ker-THUD

Here I am, My Queen! Point me in the direction of that scaliwag Meeks, and I’ll cut his bloody keel from prow to stern. There’ll be feastin’ for the sharks today, of that ye can be sure…

Ho ho ho, and a barrel of rum!

Look there, Smythe, that sorry excuse for a cannon-swaddler thinks he's boarding my Jack-ass barque (A real type of ship, and with a name like that, how could I resist?). Har, har, har, wait till he finds out he's tangled up ol' Admiral Berli's flagship and he's now proceeding to liberate the Dark One's own evil parrot. Look at that, ee's cut off the head of Berli's lucky marmot, all the while thinking it to be me own scurvyness. Arrr, the sea's got no place fer a man who can't tell a marmot from a hamster!

Well, yes, Dalem, 'ee is far astern, that's why I've used me spyglass to watch the action. Aye, just like the one yer usin', except ye've got it turned around, and it looks as if ye've lacquered both ends. Aye, I'm sure her royal majesty would like a lacquered spyglass, given that she's sufferin' from a damned sight o' the madness, likely better off if ya stop feastin' her on them psychedelic frogs that one-armed Amy gave ye back at San Peng de la Sonrisa Santa. Aye, she sure did like ya in that corset, even with all yer blubberin'.

I must confess, Smythe, I'm worried. Aye, Shaw's post was witty, humorous in intent and execution, and its a bad sign. I've been rubbin' my bracelet of the Church of the Gnome like Leeo on Berli's parrot. But it's not that. To get to Cess Island, we'll have to pass through the Straits of Wild-Eyed Boredom! On one side is the monstrosity known as Gaylord Focker, who if we sail too close to we shall never again see another day of scuppers and roses. But just as terrible a fate lays on the other, where JasonC, Dorosh, Germanboy and a dozen other of the groggiest grogs ever to have slogged the board await, ready to snatch the unwitting sailor and lecture him on the misrepresentation of the 1941 Canadian canteen within CM and its obvious effects on the rightward slant of the Lee-Enfield two-step pocketknife.

Batten down the hatches, Smythe, and tell the queen to put her clothes back on, we don't need any more of those kind of distractions, it'll take all my wits, and your one wit as well, to get through there alive!


[ January 28, 2004, 03:38 PM: Message edited by: Elijah Meeks ]

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

To get to Cess Island, we'll have to pass through the Straits of Wild-Eyed Boredom!


Scylla, Charybdis and the odd harpy (vaguely scratching) for good measure.

*sniff* One can hardly row the oars quick enough to get through... I'll just exhume me rubber gnome for light relief.


[ January 28, 2004, 04:08 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lorak:

yea, i would type more, but limited to onr arm makes it a bitch. Those are the basics, you really should hit netwings or one of the Flight sim sights to ask. Here is bad, because it takes nothing to play cm.


i run a p4 2.6 with a 9800 non-pro. Ihave no problems with anything out right now.


Good Me Almighty. Flight sims, football, and, finally, snowboarding.

This is the most extraordinary pre-Mid-Life crisis I've ever encountered.

I can't remember when I've been more perturbed. Oh, well, except for that period when Bauhaus was playing snowboard computer games. That was just unnatural.

What has wrought this change?

I'd like to think it was some sort of deep emotional trauma dating back to an incident in your past that you're trying to sublimate beneath a round of vulgar behaviours, rather than that you've become some sort of pillock.

But I forgive you, in any case. You'll always be the Herald of the Cesspool to me. Even when I take you out behind the barn with a borrowed .22 rifle for that last hug and then your long, long journey to a better place, I'll always have a catch in my voice when I speak of you.

Excuse me, everyone. There's something in my eye, and I must react. I'm off to buy some hollow-points. </font>

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