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It seems the more BFC gets into CMX2 the less they talk about it. Can't blame 'em, the last thing they want is for some big Chinese or Indian design house to get the particulars of what they're doing and rushing ahead of them with a cheap knock-off. There was a BBC online interview with the (now quite wealthy) inventor of 'Tombraider' who decries the pitiful state of original game design these days.

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Originally posted by Necrobaron:

Whoa! That's quite a ways away.... :eek:

I'm not so sure about that. It took BFC at least two years to make the original CMBO engine and at least a year to modify it for the more recent games. I'd say that based on the past, two years or more is not unlikely at all.
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There is something to be said about why the silence.

When CMBO was first being developed long before the Alpha game came out Steve and Charles came on the forum and asked questions, explained motivations and gave examples of play. There were some great discussions.

I kind of miss that camaraderie.

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“There is something to be said about why the silence.

When CMBO was first being developed long before the Alpha game came out Steve and Charles came on the forum and asked questions, explained motivations and gave examples of play. There were some great discussions.

I kind of miss that camaraderie.”

I “sort of” agree, before the Great Crash of 99 my member number was 400 odd;) I do remember the atmosphere. Looking forward to the next game, while enjoying the current one, is a big part of the fun. In my view.

But… I always remember that the timing of many of Steve’s posts was around 0300 Eastern Time. This is clearly not sustainable, nor desirable. I doubt they have time to develop at full speed “and” field questions from the likes of you and I.

Of course, the answer is to let Martin field all the questions;) I am sure he has the odd 20 hours a day free to field are very reasonable suggestions:)

All good fun,

All the best,


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Oh I know it couldn’t sustainable.

I remember Steve complaining about he’s been so busy with work that his grass hasn’t been mowed and his back door is was still broken after several weeks.

I hope he’s finally made time for a beer and a lobster role. ;)

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Well, I guess I should modify my statement. I would also buy it if it covered the early Jap campaigns against Russia and China in the 30's. It's not technically WWII, but it kinda sets the stage(as well as Germany annexing Austria and Czechoslovakia). Khalkin Gol would be cool, but it might be too limited....

Hell, why not just have a game based on the forgotten(earlier) battles of WWII and the events that led up to the war itself? Of course a Pacific front would also be a good setting for a new game. ;)

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BFC's original Soviet-style '5 year plan', I recall reading, was to produce a Western Front game (CMBO) , Eastern Front game (CMBB), Desert/Med. game (CMAK), to be followed by an early war Bitzkrieg game. I don't know if those plans are out the window because they're switching to the new engine or not. But if they're going to stick with armor-heavy WWII there ain't many places to go besides early war, unless they're willing to backtrack to CMBO redux.

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When it comes to the subject for the next game my vote is Cold War.

However… I think all CM veterans, me included, have to be realistic about the fact that there may be the odd game subject that would not make for one of their first choices.

WWII NWE and Eastern Front are a safe bet with 95% of wargamers, but once you move beyond those two settings peoples preferences do diverge quite a bit. Given that one of the aims of the new engine is to increase the through put of games all of us probably have to be braced for some subjects that are not our personal favourites. I doubt BFC will just go on producing NWE and Eastern Front games.

My major interest is WWII, in common with many, but I would like to play with some new toys for the next game, hence my vote for Cold War, 1970-1989.

Anyway…. looking forward to CMX2 whatever the subject…

All the best,


PS. I agree with flamingknives, my hunch is also that Charles and Steve, in fact all at BFC, like their tanks:) Hence a tanks running around in Europe, in some form, is most likely. Time will tell.

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BFC has used the word 'modular' (modular for them, not for us) for the new engine which could mean faster turn-over of titles.

An extreme product development scheme would be whipping out a game covering the little known face-off between Lybia and Egypt (in the 70s?), followed by Vietnam vs Cambodia in the 70s, fighting in Kashmere, followed by Croatia 1989, then Desert Storm 1, etc. We could theoretically see a cascade of limited scope wargame titles without the epic sweep of an Eastern Front (not many topics of that scope anyway!) but with enough new engine detail to easily fill a game CD for each title.

It could happen.

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