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Where are all the major reviews?

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Yup, reviews are important. Thing is, we've shipped review copies fairly late, after getting the major first rush of orders out of the way. And holidays might be delaying things also. But You should see some reviews appearing soon.

The only one I know of at the moment is the one sombody recently posted from the finnish Mikrobitti magazine at 93%.


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Sure Xmas is important but its a relatively short period of time. We are much more interested in getting reviews to pop AFTER the end of the year then right now.

CMAK was only released a few weeks ago so right now we are riding on that initial buzz and servicing all the thousands of current CM players but after the holidays we will need a way to keep that excitement going. By having big media reviews come out staggered in time we can inject that excitement and increase our potential customer base every few months and produce nice consitent sales which will continue far beyond the life of other games.

Remember, we aren't amatuers at this and while other publishers post lame reports on their future prospects or release really bug ridden uplayable games we keep on chugging along at our own pace and contineu to do what we do best, make quality games that last a LONG LONG time. ;)


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Originally posted by Madmatt:


Remember, we aren't amatuers at this and while other publishers post lame reports on their future prospects or release really bug ridden uplayable games we keep on chugging along at our own pace and contineu to do what we do best, make quality games that last a LONG LONG time. ;)


For that reason, I plan to keep supporting BFC with my purchases for a LONG LONG time. As far as I'm concerned, you guys have built a level of customer satisfaction beyond most retailers' wildest dreams. Quality products, reasonable prices, and paying attention to your customers equal long-term product loyalty. Have you guys considered building cars? :D:D
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Originally posted by Dave H:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Madmatt:


Remember, we aren't amatuers at this and while other publishers post lame reports on their future prospects or release really bug ridden uplayable games we keep on chugging along at our own pace and contineu to do what we do best, make quality games that last a LONG LONG time. ;)


For that reason, I plan to keep supporting BFC with my purchases for a LONG LONG time. As far as I'm concerned, you guys have built a level of customer satisfaction beyond most retailers' wildest dreams. Quality products, reasonable prices, and paying attention to your customers equal long-term product loyalty. Have you guys considered building cars? :D:D </font>
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Originally posted by Madmatt:

I think Charl might be the winner of the "Longest Sig line which isn't funny" award.

Geezo man, might want to abridge that baby some!


He'd probably edit it, but since you guys put that abominable 250 character limitation . . .

In any event, I hope you get some good reviews this January or February. The early part of the year generally doesn't have a lot of hot new releases, so it is possible for CMAK to shine even more amid a field of mediocre competitors.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Madmatt:

I think Charl might be the winner of the "Longest Sig line which isn't funny" award.

Geezo man, might want to abridge that baby some!


Let's see Matt, is this better?


  • Grateful donateur to the drinking habits of Battlefront.com (“I am simultaneously embarrassed and proud to state for the record that only two bottles of your fine South African wines remain in my wine rack. The rest gave their lives honorably in the service of the construction of CMAK over the past several months.” -- Charles Moylan, 28 Nov. 2003)</font>
Wine donations send to the following gentlemen for their contributions to CM:

Sponsor of the following CM tournaments:


Mmm, not much shorter is it. How do I get the URL code for smaller print that is being distributed among the poolers?

But then, I'm a man of relatively few words, it's the deeds that count. I want M. Dorosh to be limited to 10,000 posts on this forum, the poolers to 1,000,000,000. tongue.gif

[ January 02, 2004, 07:32 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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Originally posted by WineCape:

But then, I'm a man of relatively few words, it's the deeds that count. I want M. Dorosh to be limited to 10,000 posts on this forum, the poolers to 1,000,000,000. tongue.gif

Winecape just the other day someone said that your wine wasn't good enough to be fed to pigs. I took umbrage at that, and defended your honour.

I said that it is.


You might prove the point by sending a few bottles to the Four Horsemen....

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

You might prove the point by sending a few bottles to the Four Horsemen....

Right. You can address them to me and I will make sure they get to the proper recipient...er, I mean recipients. Yeah, that's it.


BTW, has anyone given Seanachai his ritual beating yet today?

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Originally posted by Madmatt:

CMAK was only released a few weeks ago so right now we are riding on that initial buzz and servicing all the thousands of current CM players but after the holidays we will need a way to keep that excitement going. By having big media reviews come out staggered in time we can inject that excitement and increase our potential customer base every few months and produce nice consitent sales which will continue far beyond the life of other games.

May I humbly suggest that you try to get such magazines as Military History and World War II to jump on the bandwagon a little faster than they did last time around. I think their reviews didn't come out until something like nine or ten months after CMBB was released. I suspect that a lot of their readers who might have an interest in the game do not necessarily purchase and read the computer gaming mags.


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The 4 horsemen, isn't it the actor Valentino or somefink dude that was reported to be a pink dandy and tried to sue the Hollywood reporters off their butts before he himself pegged into oblivion?

Dorosh, the Lawyer was supposed to arrange a pool tourney 1 year ago - me sponsering. It took so long to arrange anything among the poolers that I have removed said contribution to my sig - see below. Shall we try this again? How do I know the garden gnome will not claim the prize all by his lonesome selve?

But your efforts in defending me is sporting. In fact, defending anyone in the cesspool smacks of chivalry! I'm impressed.


Charl Theron



Wine donations send to the following for their contributions to CM:


  • Staff @ Battlefront.com</font>
  • Fuerte for his PBEM HELPER</font>
  • Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>
  • Boots & Tracks (RoW tournament scenarios)</font>
  • Andrew Fox (for his art)</font>
  • Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot</font>
  • Gordon Molek’s CMMOS utility</font>

Sponsor of the following Combat Mission tournaments:


[ January 02, 2004, 12:36 PM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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"Innovation isn't the key to economic growth. Management is the key to economic growth." Forgot who wrote this but when you have got both Innovation & Management you are going to be prosperous in business.

Another customer review.

I purchased (Mac) CMBO, CMBB and now CMAK. I will continue to support similar BFC games because they are FUN to play, attractive in appearance, effortless to adjust level and style of combat. BFC games are great long term gaming values using the built in editors and hundreds of user submitted scenarios. As a business venture, BFC has been courteous and timely in delivery of products. With support of their CM gaming forums BFC has assisted in my meeting some very engaging, artistic and perceptive people. Best of luck in your quality game obsession / economic growth BFC.

"Live long and prosper."

Robert … not a "major" reviewer but a satisfied, repeat customer.

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I have been wargaming off and on for a long time, probably about 25 years now. Left the board games behind 15 years ago. But have only just recently been turned on to this game system. CMAK is my first from Battlefront - though I used to play TacOps back before you guys bought it and it was Mac only. Great game. I have since moved to a PC platform....

But I just wanted to add my "me too" and say this is by far the best wargame I have ever played. My wife is very disappointed.... lol. Keep up the great work.

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