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In the Forum the Fools Come and Go, Talking of Challenges to Peng, You Know

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

...would be like trying to explain paragraphs and run-on sentences to Seanachai.

Admit it, you worship my every excessive flight of verbal fancy as though I was a god, you silly litle bugger. </font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

So, try to hide your envy, you bunch of Brittany Spears-listening-on-your-Mattel-close 'N' Play bunch of tone deaf cousins to lemurs.


I'm not envious.

Let's see.

Started the day with Suzi Quatro's Quatro.

Moved to Dokken's Beast from the East (live dontcha know)

Now listening to Def Leppard....loud.

PS In Australia, a Bog(g) is something you accidently step into, then try to remove from your boots in case it stinks out the house.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Perhaps we need a Junior Justicar? Deputy Justicar, Assistant to the Justicar, Justicar Pro Tempore ... somefink.


p.s. No I DON'T want you to appoint someone, Gawd I'd end up with some buffoon ... hmmm ... actually are there any NON buffoons here? Why am I asking you?

After reading this, I sat, for a long time, and reflected.

As you should have, you fecking fools.

And then I wept.

I weep easy, these days. There's too much arrogance, and not enough beauty, as far as I can tell.

It makes weeping easy.

The apple trees are blooming, and you walk and see them, and they are simply a wonder. Like great clouds of white, blossoms refulgent, and more beautiful than anything you can explain.

And then I consider you shower. And I cast my mind back to anything you've ever said...

And you all come up short.

I would like to put forward ny own, large, thuggish henchman Boo Radley as a juniour to Justice.

I think that he knows from which bell justice rings. Not like the fecking pictures we're seeing from Iraq. Who can smile and do a thumbs up while you're photographing yourself being a complete asshole?'

It's degrading. I've never been so humiliated to be an American. What are we all supposed to make of that? What can I take from a soldier doing a 'thumb's up' while crouching atop a hooded, naked prisoner?

That's not America.

That's not my America. That's not the America that I endlessly argue about with people on this board. Is that what America has become under this Administration?

I'm sorry, but I come from an afternoon of watching my sister throw-up while she attempts to kick cancer in the fecking balls, and then I see...what?

I see America degraded...DEGRADED.

I see America degraded by Americans. And I see the people who can't be bothered to admit that they knew it all along...that simply shrug...that thought to themselves, all along 'that's what I want to get out of this war'..

So, MrSpkr, how bout you come here, and you explain to us how it's important for America to degrade both Itself and prisoners under it's authority for...what?

Sorry. I don't drag politics in here, normally.

But I have never been so sickened as by what I've seen recently.

So, MrSpkr, I'm sure that you can justify the current Administration...and their conduct of the war...and what's recently been revealed...without batting an eye. Eh?

Because if you can't, you know, If you can't reconcile your vision of the War we've entered into, with any vision of justice...well, then I'm sure that you're going to jump right up here and be horrified with what Arrogance, out of Power has led us to.

Aren't you?

What will this Presidency give the world next? A commercial where armed American soldiers stand over bound prisoners forced to masturbate into the mouths of other bound prisoners, while some Pop group sings 'I'd like to buy the World a Choke"?

At what point do we stop dancing around the issue of arrogance, and just kneel and pray? At what point do we close our eyes, and ask for forgivnance? At what point do we simply admit to ourselves, and tell the rest of the world 'We're the World's only Super Power, and We Are Going to Do Whatever We Like, No Matter How Sickening It Becomes'?

Is that what Democracy is all about? Is that what we've been reduced to?

Is that the Freedom we've brought to the brutalized masses suffering under Saddam Hussein's dictatorship?

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How about that heterosexual commie pinko lesbian from that god-forsaken little country which WE always stumble upon on our way to invade France, whose biggest mountain is a garbage dump and whose citizens each day pray for a BIG flood to relieve them of their suffering of being Belgians?

That would be you, Sturmi.

WOOOT! I seem to have been challenged by an überTwit. Well, if CMBB fits you i'll send you a setup, i prefer TCP-ip though... Let me know?

Der SturmSebber

PS.: OOPS, seems i've already sent you my pics where i'm wearing sexy underwear.Better just forward them to your daddy, he likes them just fine.

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Ah Seanachai don't think you're alone my friend. I too have been mightily distrubed by the same thing, no doubt it's a result of our latent homosexuality (no offense, Sturmsebber (spelt but not bolded) that we cannot justify it as simply "needing to be done".

BUT my friend, it won't do ... not here, not in the sanctuary of the CessPool. By all means vent your bile in the GF, I've taken to doing that lately when I just can't hold it the anger any longer.

But not here ... MrSpkr has as much right to his opinion as we have to ours even though, as you know, my opinion is so much closer to yours. We may disagree all we like on the GF though that does make it more difficult to forget our differences here ... here where it, oddly enough, matters. But I remember that we ARE friends here and ameliorate my message.

Here ... here is for sing songs, hamsters, and all of that which would distract us, we hope, from the plight of those we love.

I know you're driven to distraction my friend, and I wish there was something I could do and know that there isn't. But let's just keep the CessPool the CessPool.


p.s. See what I mean ... Boo Radley is CLEARLY fallen into the Buffoon category. Still, he IS here and that's important. But I don't know that I can trust him not to attempt some Coupe de Estate ... he's just the sort you know. Perhaps if he makes some statement of support indicating his ... well ... support.

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Originally posted by SturmSebber:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />How about that heterosexual commie pinko lesbian from that god-forsaken little country which WE always stumble upon on our way to invade France, whose biggest mountain is a garbage dump and whose citizens each day pray for a BIG flood to relieve them of their suffering of being Belgians?

That would be you, Sturmi.

WOOOT! I seem to have been challenged by an überTwit. Well, if CMBB fits you i'll send you a setup, i prefer TCP-ip though... Let me know?

Der SturmSebber

PS.: OOPS, seems i've already sent you my pics where i'm wearing sexy underwear.Better just forward them to your daddy, he likes them just fine. </font>

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Sturmy, CMBB is fine with me.

Haven't done much TCP/IPing lately but since we're in the same timezone finding some time shouldn't be that difficult.

So, choose a setup, you tulip-loving lite-beer drinker.

PS: I've forwarded your pics to alt.binary.hobbies.sheep_shagging.

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Originally posted by Persephone:

The R is back!

No it isn't. Whatever gave you that idea? Must be your browser settings. Try hitting ctrl-alt-del a couple of times, really fast.

Oh, and Pop Kahn? It ain't a toy. Toys are for little kids who have yet to outgrow clankety things, big booms and lots of 'splody stuff. Okay, so it is a toy. Sue me.

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My dear Joseph, Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House.

Know you, that if the lofty office of Sub-Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread were bestowed upon my humble personage, I would never stoop (or shtup, for that matter) to chance a coup de etat, or even a coupe de ville.

I would hold your office for you, awaiting your return, dispensing justice and wisdom in a manner that I would hope you would find meet and proper as befitting one of high rank.

And besides, why take something with force when you can pull it off with cunning and guile.

Wait, did I say that last part out loud?

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So the best part of my little impromptu science experiment the other day was my Sheer and Unadulterated GENIUS, may I live to tell you about it a thousand times.

So it's time to do the lawn for the first time this season, and I need to dump the bad gas I left in the lawnmower all winter. I grab the first container at hand, which is a big 32oz Taco Bell soda cup I've left in the garage for such cheap-container-needing occasions. I empty the gas into the cup and place it on the garage loft stairs, thinking that is a good holding spot until I can unobtrusively dump the two cups or so in the federally unmandated brownfield that I have declared between my garage and the alley.

Of course you are thinking that you know the rest of the story but I assure you that you do not know the whole of the truth of the rest of the facts of the matter of which I type.

So sure, I come back in ten minutes to find that I have indeed accidentally created some cheapass low-rent backyard napalm because the plastic soda cup bottom has reacted with the gasoline (see: Solvents and Reactants) and dissolved into a nice gooey disk on the stairs and the stairs are now soaked with gasoline. So I roll my eyes and hose the gas mostly out of the garage and leave the doors open and in the process of prying up the disk of gunk get some of the no-doubt-flammable goo all over my hands.

Here is the part where I reveal my Sheer and Unadulterated GENIUS, may I live to tell you about it a thousand times.

In seeking to get said substance off of my hands I of course fail, because I have only soap and water and no real industrial solvent cleaners, because I am a man of peace and mechanical insufficiency, and as we all know,

Napalm napalm, sticks like glue

Sticks to me and sticks to you!

So what to do, what to do?


I reason that oil would help to lift it, but I don't want to bust open a jug of WD-40 just to wash my hands, so I think of, you guessed it - Kraft Zesty Italian Dressing! A little oil, a little mild acid, oughtta do the trick just fine.


A few gloops later and some vigorous hand wringing and voila! No more napalm!

Sheer and Unadulterated GENIUS!!!

So not only is Kraft Zesty Italian dressing my favorite easy marinade, it's also now a handy-dandy napalm remover.

Of course, my hands did end up smelling like I'd just finished double-fisting a serious salad bar afficianado, but sometimes that's the price one must pay to be a part of Sheer and Unadulterated GENIUS!!!

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Originally posted by dalem:

So the best part of my little impromptu science experiment the other day was my Sheer and Unadulterated GENIUS, may I live to tell you about it a thousand times.

So it's time to do the lawn for the first time this season, and I need to dump the bad gas I left in the lawnmower all winter. I grab the first container at hand, which is a big 32oz Taco Bell soda cup I've left in the garage for such cheap-container-needing occasions. I empty the gas into the cup and place it on the garage loft stairs, thinking that is a good holding spot until I can unobtrusively dump the two cups or so in the federally unmandated brownfield that I have declared between my garage and the alley.

Of course you are thinking that you know the rest of the story but I assure you that you do not know the whole of the truth of the rest of the facts of the matter of which I type.

So sure, I come back in ten minutes to find that I have indeed accidentally created some cheapass low-rent backyard napalm because the plastic soda cup bottom has reacted with the gasoline (see: Solvents and Reactants) and dissolved into a nice gooey disk on the stairs and the stairs are now soaked with gasoline. So I roll my eyes and hose the gas mostly out of the garage and leave the doors open and in the process of prying up the disk of gunk get some of the no-doubt-flammable goo all over my hands.

Here is the part where I reveal my Sheer and Unadulterated GENIUS, may I live to tell you about it a thousand times.

In seeking to get said substance off of my hands I of course fail, because I have only soap and water and no real industrial solvent cleaners, because I am a man of peace and mechanical insufficiency, and as we all know,

Napalm napalm, sticks like glue

Sticks to me and sticks to you!

So what to do, what to do?


I reason that oil would help to lift it, but I don't want to bust open a jug of WD-40 just to wash my hands, so I think of, you guessed it - Kraft Zesty Italian Dressing! A little oil, a little mild acid, oughtta do the trick just fine.


A few gloops later and some vigorous hand wringing and voila! No more napalm!

Sheer and Unadulterated GENIUS!!!

So not only is Kraft Zesty Italian dressing my favorite easy marinade, it's also now a handy-dandy napalm remover.

Of course, my hands did end up smelling like I'd just finished double-fisting a serious salad bar afficianado, but sometimes that's the price one must pay to be a part of Sheer and Unadulterated GENIUS!!!

I just started up the mower with the gas from last season and mowed the lawn. That way I didn't have to worry about how to dispose of the gas and end up with napalm and salad dressing all over my hands.

It was much easier.


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

And to think, dalem, you were this close to receiving your very own Darwin Award.

I bet you feel sad now.

Boo, you should DEMAND your new sig. Or would you like to start a competition ? I'm sure there would be lots of entries. You could even offer a prize.


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Originally posted by Persephone:

I just started up the mower with the gas from last season and mowed the lawn. That way I didn't have to worry about how to dispose of the gas and end up with napalm and salad dressing all over my hands.

It was much easier.


I just eat the grass.
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Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

And to think, dalem, you were this close to receiving your very own Darwin Award.

I bet you feel sad now.

Boo, you should DEMAND your new sig. Or would you like to start a competition ? I'm sure there would be lots of entries. You could even offer a prize.

Noba </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

And to think, dalem, you were this close to receiving your very own Darwin Award.

I bet you feel sad now.

Boo, you should DEMAND your new sig. Or would you like to start a competition ? I'm sure there would be lots of entries. You could even offer a prize.

Noba </font>

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