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Can You Articulate Exactly WHY you Challenge Peng?

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I think we're trying to "extract" this problem from the wrong end.

Beans are the answer. Minor internal explosives, if you will. The tail will be blown out by the gasses (no more noxious than that which Shaw exudes), or the donkey will explode like a giant overpressurized balloon. Mission accomplished.

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Turns are OUT. If you didn't receive a turn from me that means one of two things:

(GLM) I didn't send one because ... well, just because.

(Sandy Irving) I don't owe you a turn, instead it is far more likely that you owe ME a turn.

(Falaise Pocket) was just mentioned on the History Channel, how cool is that.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Turns are OUT.


This reminds me of an amusing E-mail I received earlier today from...well, Joe Shaw actually.

He asked me if he owed me a turn, forgetting that our latest game ended two weeks ago (I won, of course).

How sad is that?

A short skit concerning the issues of old age and memory loss, starring Joe Shaw as the smelly old man and Boo Radley as the handsome stranger.

Let's watch, shall we?

Joe: "My memory is getting so bad!"

Boo: "How bad is it?"

Joe Shaw: "How bad is what?"


Thank you.

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I think we've 'extracted' all the humour possible from the donkey arse cheeks, frankly.

So let's move on to new and ever more amazing topics.



Or how 'bout a jolly singsong?!

Come, bonnie lass, and lie near me,

And let the brandy cheer ye,

For the road frae Fife to Falkirk's lang

And cold and wet an' dreary.

My trade, it is the weaving

At the bonnie toon o' Leven;

An' we'll drink to the health o' the fairmer's dames

Who'll buy oor claith the morn

cho: For ye can see them a', the lads o' the fair,

Lads frae the Forth an' the Carron Water,.

Workin' lads an' lads wi' gear,

Lads that'll sell ye the provost's dochter,

Sogers back frae the German Wars,.

Peddlers up frae the Border;

An' lassies wi' an eye for mair than the kye,

At the tryst an' fair o' Falkirk

Come, Geordie, lead the pony for the path is steep an' stony,

An' we're three lang weeks frae the Isle o' Skye.

An' the beasts are thin an' bony.

We'll tak the last o' the siller.

An' we'll buy oorsels a gill or two;

An' we'll drink tae lads who'll buy oor kye.

In Falkirk in the morn.

Stan here an' I'll show ye, there's the toon below ye,.

But ye'd best bide here in the barn the nicht

For the nichtwatch dinna know ye.

Ma brither, he's a plooman an' I'm for the feein' noo, man;

Sae we'll drink tae the price o' the harvest corn

In Falkirk in the morn.

O, the wark o' the weaver's over, likewise the days o' the drover,

An' a plowboy sits on a tractor noo; (too high tae see the clover,)

The workin's no so steady, but the lads are past the ready.

For tae drink a health tae the workin' man in Falkirk in the morn.

Lads O' the Fair

-Brian McNeill

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Originally posted by dalem:

So it's wargaming you want? I say "when"? You name the night.

Umm...dunno. What works for Papa Khann. I think he should be there, too. He's such a soothing presence when you start shrieking about killing all Third Worlders in job lots, and demanding that all U.S. laws not directly concerned with capital crimes be immediately repealed.

I'm open any night, although not tomorrow (Monday). Biopsy surgery (again) for me sister.

End of the week?

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Originally posted by rleete:

Lighten up, olde man.

Lighten up? Why, Roger, me little lamb, I bob above the landscape like thistledown!

It's your own, ponderous, bearded, furrowed-brow self that stomps about the place like Godzilla with hemorrhoids. Compared to my singing, effervescent repartee, and general all-round good-natured postings, yours are starting to look like the stormy growls of some Calvinist Minister for whom Armageddon isn't coming quick enough.

Say, did your ISP get my complaints about the 'pro-Nazi' content of your website?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

So it's wargaming you want? I say "when"? You name the night.

Umm...dunno. What works for Papa Khann. I think he should be there, too. He's such a soothing presence when you start shrieking about killing all Third Worlders in job lots, and demanding that all U.S. laws not directly concerned with capital crimes be immediately repealed.

I'm open any night, although not tomorrow (Monday). Biopsy surgery (again) for me sister.

End of the week? </font>

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Thursday bad. Friday good. Saturday maybe ok. Sunday we normally reserve for the sacrificial ceremonies, so Sunday probably bad.


{serious}Good luck to you and your sister, Steve.{/serious}

Friday good. Cancer bad. Seanachai hate cancer, like Mace hate sobriety.

Dalem bad. Gaming good. Seanachai likes Dalem like Mace like beer.

Berli evil. Peng crusty and vicious. Seanachai wander far, far, look for better companions. Find none.

Best companions, most hateful, here in Cesspool.

Sister tough. Kick living ****e out of cancer. Pity cancer, like pity 'Nazgul' on General Forum. Bigger tool than Cancer.

Sorry, I hadn't switched out of my 'trying to reach hearts and minds' mode from an earlier posting session on the GF.

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Moriaty, A Berli scenario awaits your fingertips.

I hope you bought your bathers/boardies/swimming togs/speedo's {eeeeewwwwwww, what a horible thought}...what could be worse ?

[shudder]NO ! Don't even think about it.[/shudder]


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Seanachai , I thought your therapist instructed you to stay out of the GF.

You know what happened the last time you ventured there. A truly Jekyll and Hyde moment it was....

Glad to hear that Sis is fighting back.

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Good Morning boys and girls....why don't we start off the morning with a visit to the World of Reptiles, as our continuing "Peng Nature Series" seeks to bring you closer to the animal kingdom.

I know, I know, some of you may think we are close enough....sharing this space with the likes of Yeknod and Moriarty. Not to worry, just move closer to the screen, have mommy pour you a bowl of Frosted Flakes, and read on.


A blue-tongued skink displays its strikingly colored tongue. Skinks, which are found throughout the tropics and the warmer parts of the world’s temperate regions, are the most numerous type of lizard. The blue-tongued skink extends its tongue to frighten predatory birds and mammals.

I've been told that Seanachai sticks out his tongue in a similar fashion, when crusading among the unsuspecting fools of the General Forum.

After eating the felt part of a magic marker Seanachai can make his fearsome tongue any color he chooses, unlike the above pictured skink, who is stuck with blue.

[ August 23, 2004, 04:36 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Seanachai , I thought your therapist instructed you to stay out of the GF.



He can't even go into the Kiddie GF without the padlock being brought out.

I have a mental image of Seanachai as a child waltzing into his kindergarten class during "quiet time" and immediately breaking out with the latest drinking song that he learned hanging out at the Gnome Dome where he pretended to be "one of the boys" in order to feed his insatiable thirst for rabblerousing and causing severe annoyance amongst the citizenry.

Now, as he reaches his "golden years", he has perfected (through countless years of study and practice) the art of annoying everybody, everytime, everywhere he goes.

Further, Nidan1 seems incapable of translating subtle hints so I will resort to the more direct method:

<big><big>You spelled BRITAIN wrong you Non-Spell Checking Ponce</big></big>

Of course, to truly get through requires the use of a 2 X 4, placed ever so firmly against a region that will evoke an immediate cry of acknowledgement.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I think we've 'extracted' all the humour possible from the donkey arse cheeks, frankly.

So let's move on to new and ever more amazing topics.



Or how 'bout a jolly singsong?!

If it's a jolly sing-song you want, then Gaelic Storm is what you'll be listening to...

We set sail at half-past morn,

looking for a new tomorrow,

don't know when we're coming home,

so we'll drink, and we'll dance,

and we'll drown our sorrow!

Weigh-hey! Hey Laddie Hey!

Weigh, hey, hey!

We'll drink the night away!

Now, I don't know what there lies in store,

but it's better than this

That's why I'm willing ,

to stake my claim on a foreign shore,

whit me spoons, and me fiddle,

and half a shlling!

Weigh-hey! Hey Laddie Hey!

Weigh, hey, hey!

We'll drink the night away!

I dreamt a place,

I know it's true

where the dolphins play and it's always sunny.

The girls are brown and the ocean blue,

less work to do,

but you make more money!

Weigh-hey! Hey Laddie Hey!

Weigh, hey, hey!

We'll drink the night away!

I must be off by morning's light,

I can hear our bo'sun's whistle blowing,

so its one more kiss,

and one more fight,

and one more song while the beer is flowing!

Weigh-hey! Hey Laddie Hey!

Weigh, hey, hey!

We'll drink the night away!

When the sky is grey,

look out to sea.

When the waves are high and the light is dying,

well raise a glass and think of me...

When I'm home again,

boys, I'll be buying!

Weigh-hey! Hey Laddie Hey!

Weigh, hey, hey!

We'll drink the night away!

Weigh-hey! Hey Laddie Hey!

Weigh, hey, hey!

We'll drink the night away!

Weigh-hey! Hey Laddie Hey!

Weigh, hey, hey!

We'll drink the night away!

Weigh-hey! Hey Laddie Hey!

Weigh, hey, hey!

We'll drink the night away!

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

So this is to be some more of the, um, "alternative" wargaming the Gnome mentioned a few pages back? Does that mean I have to wear the "outfit" again?


The racy little Mata Hari costume? Well, it's entirely your call. You weren't required to wear it last time, but when you showed up at the door in it, Seanachai and dalem naturally assumed you were in the middle of one of your little "episodes". The ones that no one really likes to talk about.

It's more fun writing about them in public washrooms.

So, whatever blows up your skirt. Oops! Sorry. Bad pun.

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Originally posted by Jim Bogs:

Further, Nidan1 seems incapable of translating subtle hints so I will resort to the more direct method:

You spelled BRITAIN wrong you Non-Spell Checking Ponce

Of course, to truly get through requires the use of a 2 X 4, placed ever so firmly against a region that will evoke an immediate cry of acknowledgement.

If I were a small minded person, I would perhaps take this obvious attempt to belittle me, personally. However, knowling that Buggs is a Floridian, and still in the throes of "after natural disaster shock" I will allow it to pass as another small indication of impending psychosis.

Jimmy, please calm down...we can't have you over-reacting and saying stupid things ala, Seanachai. Take your lithium like a good boy, and go back out on the lanai and have a lie down.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

If I were a small minded person,

You would be twice as smart as you are now.

I would perhaps take this obvious attempt to belittle me, personally.

I wasn't belittling your dog, or your house, or your city, so...

However, knowling that Buggs is a Floridian,


and still in the throes of "after natural disaster shock" I will allow it to pass as another small indication of impending psychosis.

IMPENDING?????? (spelled correctly, but a day late and a dollar short)

Jimmy, please calm down...we can't have you over-reacting and saying stupid things ala, Seanachai. Take your lithium like a good boy, and go back out on the lanai and have a lie down.
I am at work and cannot access my "medicine bowl" as it were. I am forced to digest these "lines" without the benefit of "mind altering chemicals".

I used to be a good Republican, and then I saw That Movie. Now I cannot sleep at night, I am haunted by the images, I cannot believe that I was deceived for so long. A word of warning to all of you who wish to remain innocent and true to your moral standards (or convictions as the case may be). DO NOT WATCH that movie. It should be burned, it should be reviled, it should be buried along with all it's nefarious plot twists and scary parts.

I say Down With Pee Wee's Big Adventure!!!!

Think of the children.

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Almost committed murder this weekend.

Spent the last month getting the apartment building all primed for the final coat of paint. Saturday was finally the day to go to the hardware store and pick out the final color. Not being a complete moron (like say, Boo, for instance...) I take the GF with. Besides, the hardware store guys have a sign up saying, "All men buying paint must have a signed note from their wife!", so I had to bring her anyway.

There follows the twenty minute conversation at the paint sample display, "How about this one? OK, how about this one? Alright, this one?" Repeat until happy.

Finally, a CHOICE is made. And there is much rejoicing. "Spruce Shade". Lovely, eh? Paint is mixed, shaken, opened to double check, test patch put on a chip to triple check, and we're good to go.

Back to the building, set up mucho ladders, spill paint into the bucket, climb up and start applying paint. GF is happy.

Several hours later, front of building is now complete. However, in the meantime, the Sun has moved and the front of the building has gone from the shade into full light.

GF says, "I think it's too green..."

dalem, send me a e-mail invite for wargame night. I need to kill something, and Seanachai will do nicely...

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Originally posted by Lars:

Almost committed murder this weekend.

Spent the last month getting the apartment building all primed for the final coat of paint. Saturday was finally the day to go to the hardware store and pick out the final color. Not being a complete moron (like say, Boo, for instance...) I take the GF with. Besides, the hardware store guys have a sign up saying, "All men buying paint must have a signed note from their wife!", so I had to bring her anyway.

There follows the twenty minute conversation at the paint sample display, "How about this one? OK, how about this one? Alright, this one?" Repeat until happy.

Finally, a CHOICE is made. And there is much rejoicing. "Spruce Shade". Lovely, eh? Paint is mixed, shaken, opened to double check, test patch put on a chip to triple check, and we're good to go.

Back to the building, set up mucho ladders, spill paint into the bucket, climb up and start applying paint. GF is happy.

Several hours later, front of building is now complete. However, in the meantime, the Sun has moved and the front of the building has gone from the shade into full light.

GF says, "I think it's too green..."

dalem, send me a e-mail invite for wargame night. I need to kill something, and Seanachai will do nicely...

ROFL ... you have my pity. Please tell me you didn't choose your color whilst standing under cheap fluorescent lighting in the paint store... but then, after hearing your story, I'll assume that you did... (I'm always appalled by the crappy lighting that paint stores have traditionally used... old fluorescent lights have color rendering indices that belong in the crapper)
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