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It Don't Mean a Thing if it Ain't Got That Peng -- Challenge, that is . . .


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Originally posted by Snarker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Btw, I can't fly an F4F worth a damn ... does that piece of crap CLIMB ... at all ... without stalling?


It pisses energy off rapidly and turns like a wounded duck... it wasn't called "The Flying Brick" for nothing. On the bright side, it dives very well, as you found out while trying to climb.

Use the afterburner for climbing, and make sure your energy is high before trying to climb. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Yes, yes, but when it gets to the "bled OUT" part of the bleeding off of the energy it stalls, spins and, assuming that I can recover, never a sure thing, I laboriously climb up to the point where ... it stalls again, eventually I die ... again. I HATE these realistic games, it was all so much easier with Red Baron.

The ol' Wildcat huh?

You're so looking forward to a flyable Brewster Buffalo then, aren't you?


PS Try a Beaufighter or A20G for ground attack fun!

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Snarker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Btw, I can't fly an F4F worth a damn ... does that piece of crap CLIMB ... at all ... without stalling?


It pisses energy off rapidly and turns like a wounded duck... it wasn't called "The Flying Brick" for nothing. On the bright side, it dives very well, as you found out while trying to climb.

Use the afterburner for climbing, and make sure your energy is high before trying to climb. </font>

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Originally posted by Snarker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Snarker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Btw, I can't fly an F4F worth a damn ... does that piece of crap CLIMB ... at all ... without stalling?


It pisses energy off rapidly and turns like a wounded duck... it wasn't called "The Flying Brick" for nothing. On the bright side, it dives very well, as you found out while trying to climb.

Use the afterburner for climbing, and make sure your energy is high before trying to climb. </font>

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Originally posted by rleete:

Well, you certainly have the feeble part down pat.

Hey, Sean (friend), the health insurance issues I had were not having any, you ponce. Mind explaining how that logically qualifies me to give some other, poor, under insured person advice?

I don't pay any attention to anything you say except the insults, because I figure that's where what little ability you have will manifest itself. Besides, I believe that most of what you have to say to me falls into that category, O member of my House.

You can at least go over and show solidarity with the disenfranchised, can't you, you right wing nutter?

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Snarker as you are an SSN here I would normally make fun of your name ...


I don't think we should class Goodalers as SSNs. I mean, not Knights or anything, but certainly not SSNs. Sort of a professional courtesy thing.

And I though Snarker made it to Squire?

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Oh Gnomed One.

Things are quiet around these here parts. Can you give us an update on the "Crush All Australians" part of your petty existence? Certainly no little bits of things crushed under a little red-booted foot here.

I'll just wander over to the fridge whilst you wind up some self-important, indignation-stuff. Don't forget to puff out that miniscule white haired chestlet of yours as you spout.


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Originally posted by Noba:

Can you give us an update on the "Crush All Australians" part of your petty existence? Noba.

Aussies fear me. They've stopped lining up. Word must have spread. Also, I haven't been drunk enough lately to be able to communicate with them.

Hard to believe, I know, but I've been busy, and broke.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

Can you give us an update on the "Crush All Australians" part of your petty existence? Noba.

Aussies fear me. They've stopped lining up. Word must have spread. Also, I haven't been drunk enough lately to be able to communicate with them.

Hard to believe, I know, but I've been busy, and broke. </font>

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Originally posted by Snarker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Btw, I can't fly an F4F worth a damn ... does that piece of crap CLIMB ... at all ... without stalling?


It pisses energy off rapidly and turns like a wounded duck... it wasn't called "The Flying Brick" for nothing. On the bright side, it dives very well, as you found out while trying to climb.

Use the afterburner for climbing, and make sure your energy is high before trying to climb. </font>

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You mean you cant get afterburner on a Wildcat ?

I do love those Phantoms though, cruising in at tree top, engines screaming, smoke pouring out of their tails...dropping 250lb glide bombs, and napalm only 100 or so meters in front of us poor land locked grunts...it reminds me of Victory .

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Well lookee what we have here?

Have all the Cesspoolers gone ‘up in the air’?

Had enough of the ‘hard grind’ have we?

Is it not ‘interesting’ enough anymore for you & your buddies to march bravely through a hail of lead, pour like lava into your enemies defences & wallow in the warm entrails of your former opponents?

No! Now we’ve got us a bunch of wannabee fly-boys, all golden hair, clean teeth, fine liquor, smart leather jackets, plump pillows & easy ladies…

Perhaps this shouldn’t be called the ‘ Peng challenge’ any more?

Perhaps it should be called ‘pie in the sky’?

We could replace the challenges with the dialogue you’d expect to hear from people deprived of adequate oxygen...

“Hey ‘Hard Goose’ I’m on your tail, my six is high & a 109 is burning down on me”

“Okay ‘Maverick’ I’ll cover your four fingers but watch out for Jerry's ack-ack”

Worse it is our own 'supposed' Justicar who started all of this aerial nonsense…

At least you’re all not singing too much…

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Originally posted by 37mm:

Well lookee what we have here?

Have all the Cesspoolers gone ‘up in the air’?

Had enough of the ‘hard grind’ have we?

Is it not ‘interesting’ enough anymore for you & your buddies to march bravely through a hail of lead, pour like lava into your enemies defences & wallow in the warm entrails of your former opponents?

No! Now we’ve got us a bunch of wannabee fly-boys, all golden hair, clean teeth, fine liquor, smart leather jackets, plump pillows & easy ladies…

Perhaps this shouldn’t be called the ‘ Peng challenge’ any more?

Perhaps it should be called ‘pie in the sky’?

We could replace the challenges with the dialogue you’d expect to hear from people deprived of adequate oxygen...

“Hey ‘Hard Goose’ I’m on your tail, my six is high & a 109 is burning down on me”

“Okay ‘Maverick’ I’ll cover your four fingers but watch out for Jerry's ack-ack”

Worse it is our own 'supposed' Justicar who started all of this aerial nonsense…

At least you’re all not singing too much…

Look you here 37mm, as a lowly Squire ... not as lowly, of course, as a Serf but still lowly, it's not YOUR place to question the discussions of your betters ... or, in your case, to even UNDERSTAND the discussions of your betters.

Don't you have a term paper to complete for your liege ... oh wait, I forgot who your liege was ... don't you have a coloring book to complete?


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Originally posted by 37mm:

Well lookee what we have here?

Have all the Cesspoolers gone ‘up in the air’?

Had enough of the ‘hard grind’ have we?

Is it not ‘interesting’ enough anymore for you & your buddies to march bravely through a hail of lead, pour like lava into your enemies defences & wallow in the warm entrails of your former opponents?

No! Now we’ve got us a bunch of wannabee fly-boys, all golden hair, clean teeth, fine liquor, smart leather jackets, plump pillows & easy ladies…

Perhaps this shouldn’t be called the ‘ Peng challenge’ any more?

Perhaps it should be called ‘pie in the sky’?

We could replace the challenges with the dialogue you’d expect to hear from people deprived of adequate oxygen...

“Hey ‘Hard Goose’ I’m on your tail, my six is high & a 109 is burning down on me”

“Okay ‘Maverick’ I’ll cover your four fingers but watch out for Jerry's ack-ack”

Worse it is our own 'supposed' Justicar who started all of this aerial nonsense…

At least you’re all not singing too much…

My my someone feels left out.
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Look you here 37mm, as a lowly Squire ... not as lowly, of course, as a Serf but still lowly, it's not YOUR place to question the discussions of your betters ... or, in your case, to even UNDERSTAND the discussions of your betters.
Was I questioning?

Perhaps I was...

Still I can't be the only one who hates seeing the Peng challenge become a caring home for senile incontinents , fly-boy wannabee's & Australians...

Where is the HE, the vodka, the morphine?

The Nidan1 inspired ‘charge of the light brigade’ tactics?

Where are the foul mouthed insults & proclamations of tactical excellence*?

Where are stickypiss's boyish cheers as he celebrates destroying a few T-26’s?

Where are the experienced veterans gently mocking the naive tactics of their young?

Instead we get...

“My A4-pegasus is lost in a tail induced radical spin what do I do?”


“I can’t hit a Messerschmitt Mk. IX with my 22 machine guns, what am I doing wrong?”

I suppose I despair when I see the ‘ Peng challenge’ being dismantled by the very people who say that they are trying to preserve it in its natural state…

* A great example would be “despite the incredible weight & depth of my enemies attack I realised it was unimaginative in its conception I therefore decided to launch a local spoiling attack. All awhile my forces defended bitterly first with machine guns & then with rifles, and when they were spent with pistols & grenades, then they hurled rocks & the still hot recovered shrapnel at the enemy, then they fought hand to hand with spades, knifes & rifle butts, then they fought with teeth & fists & broken limbs. Through this bravery they bought me time enough to launch my attack. The enemy automatons began to panic as they realized they’d been outwitted once again. The enemy broke & my staunch defenders cheered my name”.

nowadays we get bland introductions to the stickers on dalems monitor…

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Now see lads, THIS is what comes of accepting a Squire before he's ripe. I warned of it, indeed I did, but did you lot take notice? NO, you did not. It was "Oh Please, Sir Joe may I take THIS one to Squire?" and "Sir Joe, Sir Joe, this Serf is ready, I KNOW he is, may I take him NOW Sir Joe, PLEASE?".

I suppose I'm too soft hearted, that must be it. For I KNEW, and I WARNED but no ... instead we get these VAPID GROGGLY POSTURINGS!

A great example would be “despite the incredible weight & depth of my enemies attack I realised it was unimaginative in its conception I therefore decided to launch a local spoiling attack. All awhile my forces defended bitterly first with machine guns & then with rifles, and when they were spent with pistols & grenades, then they hurled rocks & the still hot recovered shrapnel at the enemy, then they fought hand to hand with spades, knifes & rifle butts, then they fought with teeth & fists & broken limbs. Through this bravery they bought me time enough to launch my attack. The enemy automatons began to panic as they realized they’d been outwitted once again. The enemy broke & my staunch defenders cheered my name”.
BAH! As if any of that matters. Where's the bile? Where's the vitriol, the hatred, the abuse ... NOWHERE! It reads as if the gameplay MATTERED!

I blame his liege, so I do. A PROPER liege would have instructed the lad that we play the game so we can TAUNT! That's the reason for the game. Who gives a flying (you should excuse the expression) fig about SKILLS and TACTICS and GAMEPLAY. We play to taunt ... period. The final score of the game matters not a whit when compared to the final score HERE!

I should have followed my better instincts ... WHO is responsible for this ... this ... GROG in CessPool clothing? Will there be no instruction, no CORRECTION ... NO ***BOOT***?

How's the lad to learn?


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Squire 37mm! For SHAME!

Who are YOU to question our Justicar's desire to find new and different games to suck at? If anything, you should be cheering him on as he expands his experience to be reviled and mocked as a pathetic loser in ALL aspects of gamesmanship!

Instead of crying, "Oh WOE to the MBT, for Joe Shaw is whoring himself out to games not of the Combat Mission venue!", you should be exulting, "Yay, Joe! Prove to us and the world at large that your suckitudinous is like a mighty river that deigns NOT to stay safely within it's banks, but rather leaps it's boundaries to overwhelm the sewer system and flood our basements!"

For even as his birdlike chest swells with misplaced pride and he raises his shiny head to the sun, he will not see the banana peel you toss in front of him, nor the thumbtacks and broken glass you have strewn in his path.

For your homework, I'd like to see a paper written on the subject of "Sycophants: Their Use as a Fifth Column, or Pride Goeth Before A Fall Down, Go Boom.

Twenty pages single spaced. Have it on my desk by Monday.

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BAH! As if any of that matters. Where's the bile? Where's the vitriol, the hatred, the abuse ... NOWHERE! It reads as if the gameplay MATTERED!

I blame his liege, so I do. A PROPER liege would have instructed the lad that we play the game so we can TAUNT! That's the reason for the game. Who gives a flying (you should excuse the expression) fig about SKILLS and TACTICS and GAMEPLAY. We play to taunt ... period. The final score of the game matters not a whit when compared to the final score HERE!

Well I'm sorry if my beautiful & moving description didn't please you but can I ask where exactly was the bile in your whining “I can’t fly my aeroplane will someone help me” posts?

I accept your criticisms Boo … I will try harder to ‘understand’ Joe in the future

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

As to the Wildcat ... I LOVE the "Start High, Dive Through, Repeat." advice ... it does rather overlook the necessity of actually GETTING higher than the target to begin and then getting higher AGAIN in the "repeat" phase doesn't it?

I see that someone's been reading the Dicta Boelcke again ... hummpfff ... catchphrases weren't good enough to keep von Richtofen from shooting him down ... well, I've said enough on THAT subject.


Richtofen shot down Boelke, did he? The silly bugger.

As to the advice with the Wildcat, you do need to be higher than the Jap planes. Dive through and run is the best recourse. How you get higher is a tricky thing from a position of disadvantage. A split s might be in order if they're on your 6, followed by a series of climb, level, climb, manouvers until you are high enough and can turn and dive.

And yes, I did mistake your comments as a reference to the Phantom initially. But the brick of one era is the brick of another, sans afterburner.

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