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It Don't Mean a Thing if it Ain't Got That Peng -- Challenge, that is . . .


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Alright, now that all that election=year crap is out of the way, we can get back to doing that which we do best -- hating each other.

But this isn't your ordinary hate. This hear is not your Grandfather's "greatest generation" hate, fully of nobility and sacrifice.

Heck, it isn't even your weird uncle's Vietnam-era hate, with much twitching and odd looks.

No, this here is modern day international hate. And, in the spirit of internationalism, we gots us some Rules:

FL. Sod off.

OH. I said "Sod Off."

IA. If you are still here, feel free to Sod Off!

HI. Okay, if you stay, recognize that our hatred is beyond yours. Please, don't bring up your petty political hatred here. We've moved beyond that (well, maybe not Joe, but we humor him.

WV. Be nice to the Ladies of the Pool, lest they cut your gonads off and add them to the display in the library.

NM. Speaking of gonads, well, DON'T. We are not interested in your assessment of genitalia, human or otherwise. Okay, sometimes Boo is, but it is strictly for scientific purposes, he swears it.

KS. While we're at it, no depraved comments regarding race, creed, color, religious belief or nationality. We are only interested in some old fashioned PERSONAL hatred around here.

NV. A word about the social status. You have none. Now would be a good time to Sod Off.


SD. Yes, of course you could challenge rleete by asking him to tie his shoes or 3.7mm to remember that the admonition to put on his shoes and socks does not mean that he should put them on in that order.

IN. But here in this thread, we challenge folks to play a game of CM.

TN. Of course, the term "play" is used very loosely for folks like Seanachai, whose style resembles that of your average WWI French general.

TX. In any event, don't bother challenging a Knight, or even a Squire. You aren't worth their notice.

VA. Seriously, you should just Sod Off now and get it done with.

OK. Challenge some other peon and entertain us. We want a write up. We want scintillating taunts. We demand the Spectacle of Combat.

NE. Now sod off.

[ November 06, 2004, 09:05 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Damn fine rules, MrSpkr ... for a faux Texan.

Actually damned fine rules period, I especially liked the electoral theme ... not that THIS lot would understand the concept, they still think someone gathers up all those punched out chads and counts THEM to see who won.


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37mm enters the stage resplendent is his new ‘squire’ uniform… its all shiny & buttony, got nice golden lappets, accessorised with a chest full of metals* , it includes more leather than rleete has in his basement/dungeon and I also have a riding crop which I can use to hit inferior sorts like… well pretty much anyone.

Everyone not only realises they should be nice & respectful to such an ascendant individual but they are actually awed by such obvious brilliance, many call out… “He is the messiah!”

Despite his outward look of strength & confidence he realises (being a humble & wise man who knows his limitations, unlike Joe who really does believe all the nonsense he utters) he still has a few things to learn…

In a bold & commanding voice 37mm demands to know…

“Who here can make a Peng Challenge title & are they any restrictions on Australians starting them?”

• including a couple of ‘I kick butt’ crosses- all first class, a ‘medal of incredible honour- much better than the bog standard ‘medal of honour’ which any cretin could get’, two purple hearts & three green hearts (only awarded to those who suffer incredible injuries, ignore them, gut out their opponents & then, so as not to strain the medical corps, heal themselves), the AT-gunner metal, sharpshooter medal, stone-age weapon usage medal, the ‘excellence in the art of chainsaw wielding’ medal, the pyro medal (awarded for extraordinarily original usage of ampulomets or/and flamethrowers), the ‘top bloke’ medal, the morale medal (awarded for improving the morale of lesser sorts with my hilarious wit), the hand to hand combat medal, the ‘art of combat cooking’ medal (awarded for feeding my men on the bodies of the fallen enemy), the ‘mighty liver medal’ (awarded for my sobriety even after many nights of heavy drinking most unlike stickypiss who starts embarrassingly flirting with Nidan whenever he’s had a shandy too many), a variety of medals from countries who respect my services (including strangely enough a ‘please don’t nuke us medal’ from Tasmania) and a whole bunch of miscellaneous medals that I don’t ever remember being awarded (when was I declared ‘master of the tree’s of Kentucky’ or ‘Lord of the seas around Ireland’?)...

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Hmmm ... do I smell a whiff of ... Iron Chef Sakai? Either that or another SSN who hasn't learned the value of capital letters.

Young 37mm ... PLEASE don't be rummaging around your liege lords closet. It's bad enough when HE dons that getup for his visits to those ... ahem ... Social Clubs he frequents, not that there's anything wrong ... no, no there IS something wrong with it, especially the clubs HE frequents. As to the riding crop, put it down lad, trust me, you don't know where that's been. Have you had your shots lately?

As to the rest of it ... you're a Squire of the CessPool ... but you're ONLY a Squire. Don't be getting delusions of grandeur lad, it ill becomes you.


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Now, Joe, you can't fault the little guy for getting all excited. He's Squired to a great House with a long lineage. And as we all know, that and a buck will get you a cup of coffee.

I say let the little nipper feel his oats (No, 37mm, that's NOT what I meant...put that thing away before you hurt yourself. Well don't come crying to me when you break it!). He'll soon tucker himself out and with any luck, will sleep the night through.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Now, Joe, you can't fault the little guy for getting all excited. He's Squired to a great House with a long lineage. And as we all know, that and a buck will get you a cup of coffee.

I say let the little nipper feel his oats (No, 37mm, that's NOT what I meant...put that thing away before you hurt yourself. Well don't come crying to me when you break it!). He'll soon tucker himself out and with any luck, will sleep the night through.

Just like before his first day of school. He must have felt very proud of himself, after all he was so special he got to go to special school, normal boys and girls weren't allowed, so special.

Come to think about it: the more things change the more they stay the same.

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Originally posted by dalem:

rleete send to me turn please thank you

To you, turn is sent. Is there reason for broken Eeenglish?


Pardon, bad on me. Turn no sent. Computer is big fooked, CM no run. Reinstall no help. New OS is to be got.

[ November 07, 2004, 06:05 PM: Message edited by: rleete ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Young 37mm ... PLEASE don't be rummaging around your liege lords closet. It's bad enough when HE dons that getup for his visits to those ... ahem ... Social Clubs he frequents, not that there's anything wrong ... no, no there IS something wrong with it, especially the clubs HE frequents. As to the riding crop, put it down lad, trust me, you don't know where that's been. Have you had your shots lately?

Joe [/qb]

37mm takes off his squires uniform, mumbles something about ‘ senile spoilsports', puts back on his lab coat & starts counting the legs of thousands of unconscious fruit flies…
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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Boo dear,

Please just make sure it doesn't piddle on the carpet like the *last* one did.

There's still a stain from that one.

I'll have you know Dear Lady , it was never me.....it was a horrible lie perpetrated by Aussies, I think. Probably Noba, or maybe it was Mace .....no matter, the Depends work quite well now.
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Boo dear,

Please just make sure it doesn't piddle on the carpet like the *last* one did.

There's still a stain from that one.

I'll have you know Dear Lady , it was never me.....it was a horrible lie perpetrated by Aussies, I think. Probably Noba, or maybe it was Mace .....no matter, the Depends work quite well now. </font>
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Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Boo dear,

Please just make sure it doesn't piddle on the carpet like the *last* one did.

There's still a stain from that one.

I'll have you know Dear Lady , it was never me.....it was a horrible lie perpetrated by Aussies, I think. Probably Noba, or maybe it was Mace .....no matter, the Depends work quite well now. </font>
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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

hmmm...I wonder why someone would find the need to count the LEGS on thousands of fruit flies.

Just count the fruit flies and multiply by six.

But then, suppose one or more of them were an amputee? That would throw the whole count off. No, I think it best that young whazzitsname keep at the job until it is completed. Then perhaps he should start over just to be sure of the sum. Yes, I think that would be prudent.


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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

hmmm...I wonder why someone would find the need to count the LEGS on thousands of fruit flies.

Just count the fruit flies and multiply by six.


Some people are just soooo daft.

By the way...I've got a dozen or so drowned ones you can add to your collection there if you'd like.

I don't think this is wise, the lad is still overcome with excitement and the challenge of multiplying might be just too much.
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