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Ahh, what a glorious day it has been, first signs of spring (a pleasant 20 degrees thank you very much), passed economy and made serf.

Beautiful day indeed, now i finally have the legal foundation to push around SSN's without being threatened with legal action. *starts looking for vskalex*

Even learned a new word, and only one day left till weekend.

the only thing that would top this off would be a turn from a certain very honorable (<== look american spelling) and wise knight ;) ...

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Originally posted by v42below:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

the only thing that would top this off would be a turn from a certain very honorable ... and wise knight ;) ...

Thanks for the compliment, but we're not even playing a game, twit. </font>
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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Again, Boo's rapier wit strikes a blow unto my very marrow.



It's bumptious, you boob.

Not if you are using it in the declamatorious mode. Here, I'll conjugate it for you:

Bumptuous, bumptuarious, bumptararian, Bumpty-bumpty-bump*, bumptlidocious.

*Never to be used with a free standing fricative, unless you've had your shots.

I hope this has been of help for you.

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Furthermore, irradiate is a synonym for enlighten, and once Boo's limited intellect grasps onto a notion, I truly fear what he is capable of.


Hmm, if you irradiate Boo I would guess that the result would soon be seen

With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound

he pulls the spitting high tension wires down

Helpless people on a subway train

scream bug-eyed as he looks in on them

He picks up a bus and he throws it back down

As he wades through the buildings toward the center of town.

Oh no, they say he's got to go - go go Boo Radley

Oh no, there goes Ohio - go go Boo Radley

History shows again and again

How nature points up the folly of men

Go go Boo Radley

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

What did v42below DO, exactly, to warrant being raised to Knighthood...Indeed we don't even know that he and the other one ... what WAS his name ... are going to stick around...I offer no offense to Her Majesty, who is as dear to me as to anyone here, but I blame the wine ... you know how wonderful some ideas can appear ... at times ... just look at Seanachai



At the time I was knighted these arguements were made. Indeed I wrote to the Queen myself asking her to consider whether I should in fact be knighted and whether I was worthy. I also wrote that being a Squire to the Queen meant far more to me than a knighthood. Subsequently I was bestowed both honours. At that time the question was raised whether or not a person could in fact be a kanigget and a squire simultaneously. At the end, the Queen did not object, nor did you make a ruling, as I recall.

Your allegation of alcohol being involved in the decision regarding my knighthood is completely false. The only chemical involved was the adrenalin rush of battle.

As for my staying power, I assure you I will be here much longer than yourself, if only due to nature taking its course (barring any unfortunate incident that would prematurely end my immense hatred of you and all others reading this post).

Titles have little meaning to me, I come here for two reasons only - to serve my Queen and to enjoy the hatred and the stench that fills this place to the brim, not unlike manure fills stinkywinky's posts.

In summary, I shall abide by any decision made by our glorious Queen.


P.S. I certainly hope no offense is taken by the Queen at your last comment, for I am in need of some fencing practice, and will gladly chop any who offend Her into colslaw.


[ March 17, 2004, 11:24 PM: Message edited by: v42below ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I propose that v42below and ... who WAS the other one anyway ... Joe

The name, you Aardvark, is SturmSebber ..Sturmy for the friends, so you can call me Sir.

Knighthood in the Pool was just a formality, because anyone -well except maybe a lower form of dead animal life such as yourself- can see that i've got "Knight" written all over my beautiful body.

I'd challenge you , but since i am so far superior, you are doomed from the start.

You insist? Ha, i oblitorate you with my gigantical Karma.

Want a re-match? Too bad, you lose again!

Had enough? I thought so!

Now, i will go back to my comfy sofa near my fireplace while you clean my shoes by kissing them.

(Feel free to faint in admiration)

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*Looks at the Justicar and scowls*

You're giving me more wrinkles Joe .

Do I really want to be awakened from my slumber to listen to your repetitive dribblings Joe?

Lunchtime would have been quite soon enough..But seeing as you have already started...

How many times do we have to go over the same old thing again eh?

Now bring me my morning cuppa and sit yourself down while I explain a few things yet again...

Firstly.... you ask what the SSNs v42below and Sturmy have done to rate being elavated to Knighthood....

Well if you hadn't been off on your travels and collecting more mormon wives and frilly lingerie from lands afar, then you would have no doubt been on the battlefields with the rest of the men..

Fighting.... FIGHTING like true Knights for their QUEEN and Cess..Saving our Fiefdoms from ruin and our people from being destitute...

Yes Joe a REAL battle..with swords and horses and armour and stuff...

Of course the other Knights were all there giving it everything they had...

LARS was so bloodthirsty I swear I could see it dribble from his mouth as he cursed the Crimson Brigade,then crushed them into the ground like dust..

Boo was also magnificent, pouring his venom and his money into the alliance..Fighting for all his worth...

Then there was dalem.. sitting quietly at times, watching, planning, then pouncing from nowhere to send those gits running for cover.. and sending me more money than I knew what to do with....

Elvis and MrPeng joining my alliance, and fighting till the end.. like only they know how...(plenty whisky, music and partying in between)

Seanacoochie Making light of things with his stories of the past, and yacking on like a demented puppy while I was being raided and pillaged, and then telling me to be more ladylike and stop screaming like a banshee... reminding me I was Queen, and that I would return quite soon for yet another battle...

Berli.. The quiet but ruthless one... he who if anyone upset my fiefdom, would take their tongue and use it for shoe leather.. then soothe my troubled mind till I could see the sense of it all again... (is there any)?


If I had to mention everyone, that fought so bravely for their Queen and Cess then you would be writing up paperwork for a week...

RLeete he was there...although I'm not quite sure as to where he stands, is he a Knight of the pool Justicar?..

And of course Mr........ dare I utter his name.. Spkr!!!!!!

*Takes fingers and makes them into a cross*

He had me so angry, that I was oozing venom from every pore in my body, to suggest that I fled from the alliance for reasons that only he could justify and then come in here and slate me for doing so.. when all I had done was to drop back to my own quarters as planned...

LACK of communication breeds contempt..as does playing fiefdom at all hours of the day and night alongside someone who has no idea as to what is going on inside your head or has any incling as to how you tick ... faults on both sides though....

I did try to gather would be alliance members around on the GF before the start of the game so as we could discuss tactics (if any) but people get caught up with other things.... then before you know it fiefdom has begun and only your closest allies know what you're planning to do.. (if anything)

I have kept every last letter from those days gone past, just to remind me of what NOT to do or say next time around... It remains to be seen if there have been any lessons learned..But hopefully we can try NOT to fall out amongst ourselves..

*Offers the hand of friendhsip to MrSpkr*

Then there's lovely Leeoooooooooooo popping in and out, as and when he can...as well as the numerous Knights from the GF..

YES!!! we have Knights on the outer boards... strange concept, but true none the less...

To know that there are some who will fight alongside the poolers till the death.. brought a tear to my eye, and warmed the very cockles of my heart.. (what the hell does that mean) cockles!!!.... isn't that some kind of sea- food? Anyway you get my jist..

And so many other brave men.....

They know who they are .. and had they not already been Knights then they would be now....

Fiefdom may NOT be CM.. but it sure as hell separated the real men from the pansies and strangley ebough Sturmy showed himself to be a REAL MAN..

When I saw him standing there with hardly any armour and nought but his trusty sword, and vowing to take revenge for his Queen...my bosom swelled with pride.. like he was one of my own Knights..

And then v42below.. also standing proud.. like a true Knight he fought each battle until he dropped from sheer exhaustion, and he cut down anyone who tried to enter my fiefdom...

The two of them looking at Seanacoochie and yelling "Who's next Guv" planning and fighting alongside an Olde One in the absense of the Queen without a thought to their own fiefdoms safety....

And you Justicar ask what have they done to be elevated to Knighthood!!!!!!!

Indeed.. after the battle of Fiefdom past, the Oldes ones were so proud and amazed that such loyalty could be shown to their Queen by 2 non Pengers that it was suggested they should be included in the list, when the next Knighthoods were given out...

Now at this point. I would like to point out that, I, as Queen of the MBT gave, nor gives, any direct orders to such matters... I am but gently guided....

Contrary to what some may think.... I do NOT go around suggesting that people should be given a Knighthood on my whim.. I do NOT run to the Olde Ones when things get a little difficult and ask for their assistance.. I am Queen of the MBT and proud of it yes...But...

I make my own decisions and fight my own battles.. if people show me their loyalty by fighting alongside me and standing by my side then that's just what it is...LOYALTY... to the Queen and CESS...

There is no hiddden agenda... The Olde ones guide me.. I do not guide them....

But of course... I do have the last word...

*Gives the Justicar a wicked grin*

v42 did write to me and suggest that he couldn't possibly accept the title of Knight until he had shown his worth... he was happy to remain squire to his Queen, and told me that he would Loyaly serve and protect until such times as the Justicar saw fit to raise him to Knighthood...

Sturmy on the other hand was so *bedazzled* by his new title, and shiney armour that he accepted his Knighthood without a second thought..

And why shouldn't he have?

They both fought like lions, true warriors... with not a thought of title or money...

That Joe is deserved of a Knighthood...

And so, I WAVED the rules.. and asked you to re- write the last few pages/tablets.. to include "far and above the call of loyalty and duty".. or some such thing...

Are you telling me you still haven't done so?

*Looks Joe straight in the eyes*

As for whether or not they will stick around...

I don't have any doubts of that... so why should you?..... They are still here.. are they not?

So for fear of repeating myself again..

v42 is serving as my squire..in my eyes he is a Knight and shall wear the Knights armour when in battle..

I propose that in order he can allow himself to accept fully, the title of Knight, and drop the Squire... that a battle of CM against stickyfingers should commence....it's a start... and I'll think up a few more challenges as and when neccessary....

As for Sturmy... he is the first and only knight with whom I can trust not to go rifling through my drawers when my back is turned... He brings me the finest cloths from his travels, which have made the most Glorious Gowns, and the only interest he has in my bedroom is the picture of himself I have hanging above my bed..

Yes.... his title shall stay ... of course if there is anyone willing to show Sturmy why THEY were made a Knight in the first place... then please, feel free to offer him a battle of your choice..

Now I hope we have heard the last of this Joe... I am tiring.. and the next battle will be upon us soon.. we will have bigger fish to fry, and need to concentrate on that, rather than squabling amongst ourselves, as to who gets which title and why....

Now pour me another cup of tea and have one yourself.. you look like you need it...

Watches as Joe takes a left turn instead of a right while heading for the kitchen...

No Joe .. the teabags are NOT in my bedroom...

[ March 18, 2004, 05:19 AM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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P.S.... I missed this part..

And what of those who came before, eh? What of those who trod the hard path to Knighthood and suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous CessPool? Are their accomplishments to be tossed aside like so much litter into the midden?

Are you speaking of anyone in particular Joe ?

Is there some Knight who is so insecure as to his own Knighthood and worth that he feels threatened by the new?

If so.. then bring him to my chambers...

And make sure you lock the door after you show him in...

[ March 18, 2004, 05:56 AM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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Originally posted by SturmSebber:

well except maybe a lower form of dead animal life such as yourself-

Now, i will go back to my comfy sofa near my fireplace while you clean my shoes by kissing them.

*Grabs Sturmy by the scruff of his neck and slaps him around the head*

Tst....*shakes head*

You can't go around speaking to the Justicar like that... at least not to his face ..

Now play nice, and mind your manners or I'll have you shining the more wiser and older Knights armour....

Pst.... *whispers in Sturmy's ear*

Joes' the Justicar .. you got to let him at least THINK he's above you....

Now.. I'm off shopping and I intend spending so much that my Bank Manager will be heading for a newer E type Jag....

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Originally posted by YK2:

P.S.... I missed this part..

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> And what of those who came before, eh? What of those who trod the hard path to Knighthood and suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous CessPool? Are their accomplishments to be tossed aside like so much litter into the midden?

Are you speaking of anyone in particular Joe ?

Is there some Knight who is so insecure as to his own Knighthood and worth that he feels threatened by the new?

If so.. then bring him to my chambers...

And make sure you lock the door after you show him in... </font>

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Berli ,

I place the blame on you. Fully! What am I talking about? Queen Emma being possessed by the soul of Seanachai . We all know this is your department, so no use in denying it.

I haven't seen a post that long since.... hell, even the Bard would be envious...if it wasn't he who took over YK2 .

Joebob , in your duties of Just-a-car , do you also perform exorcism? We must save her majesty before she gets a fetish for small pointy hats.


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Originally posted by dalem:

Hmm, if you irradiate Boo I would guess that the result would soon be seen

With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound

he pulls the spitting high tension wires down

Helpless people on a subway train

scream bug-eyed as he looks in on them

He picks up a bus and he throws it back down

As he wades through the buildings toward the center of town.

Oh no, they say he's got to go - go go Boo Radley

Oh no, there goes Ohio - go go Boo Radley

History shows again and again

How nature points up the folly of men

Go go Boo Radley

This B.O.C. moment brought to you by Acapulco GOLD.

All day and nothing to do but crank up the speakers and hit the bong, eh dalem?

Lucky sod...

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