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Apocalypso! 4Horsemen!! But no Seanacoochie or Peng To Challenge Them?


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

It's my considered opinion that the man ain't got no soul.

Firstly, when did you ever consider one of your opinions?

Secondly, how could you say such a thing about Quasimodo? </font>

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Oh... can't wait for the bell riding scene. Rune is nuts enough for it

I guess we should be more kind than accusatory, given the fact that he's a puir, wee, daft useless Chicago Suburbs Napoleon.

Except that his hand's tucked in a bit lower, ya' ken, than is typical for a depiction of Napoleon.

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While we wait for Berli to abuse Rune some more, and while I contemplate the beauty of the Fair Emma (down, you pack of jackals! Whine and lick yerselvses as ye' please, but I will hae a sense of decency shown to a Lady o' the 'Pool), I post us a jolly sing-song.

Here`s A Health Tae The Sauters

In the village o' Saut Preston whaur the maister's auld Cadell

For he owns five branders on the Forth and the coal to fire them as well

My faither's ta'en his oancoast shin just to feed his bairn and wife

Ay, and when that bloody deed was done, Ah was thirled for a' my life

Here's a health tae the sauters and the white gowd they make

Here's a health tae the sauters that drink in the Land o'Cakes

Noo a' the sauters ken me for they cry me Puddock Wull

Ah was boo-leggit when Ah was born and by God, Ah'm that way still

Ay but Ah can swim like ony fish that sair com oot the sea

Ay tae fetch the buckets the furthest oot there is nane as good as me

Here's a health tae the sauters and the white gowd they make

Here's a health tae the sauters that drink in the Land o'Cakes

Ah've manned these brands these last ten years, Ah've worked as fast as Ah can

For every box a sauter fills there's copper in his hand

But the grieve he is a dowsie raif, he hates us every yin

He wad make your level drop so ye maun dae anither rin

Here's a health tae the sauters and the white gowd they make

Here's a health tae the sauters that drink in the Land o'Cakes

Here's luck tae the sautwork smugglers, ay an' keep them frae the gaugers' hands

For they only tak' what they can spread tae the puir folk that hae nane

For the tax the saut a'heavy, and it shouldnae be taxed at a'

No it shouldnae be just for the rich, there's enough here for us a'

Here's a health tae the sauters and the white gowd they make

Here's a health tae the sauters that drink in the Land o'Cakes


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

While we wait for Berli to abuse Rune some more

Abuse him? I would never abuse Rune. I mean, I'm the one you likens him to charles Laughton. And let's face it, charles Laughton is much better looking than Rune


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Oh, no, that's Grog Dorosh's field. With Rune, I think it's a bit more of the 'sullied but still cheap' approach to the CM community.

You know, the Grog that 'everyone's had', but still prances about the place like he's just brought down the Commandments from the Mount?

That sort of thing.

Are you implying that Rune is some sort of Grog Harlot? Hmmm... now that almost has the ring of a title to it, doncha think?
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Are you implying that Rune is some sort of Grog Harlot? Hmmm... now that almost has the ring of a title to it, doncha think?

Well, that's about it, isn't it? Rune's just another CM Madam, now isn't he? Take away all the flouncing, poncing, mugging for the camera's, and adjusting his belt while shouting 'Mr. Christian', and he's just another megalomaniac with an NDA in his hands welcoming them into his house of 'CMAK Previews', now isn't he?
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SirReal:

It so happens that my significant other (and I'm not talking about my right hand)...


I thought there was something sinister about you... </font>
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Are you implying that Rune is some sort of Grog Harlot?



Do you think I may have picked up a nasty disease playing with his.....scenarios?


[ October 31, 2003, 04:17 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

he's just another megalomaniac with an NDA in his hands welcoming them into his house of 'CMAK Previews', now isn't he?

Ah, you're just steamed because Mini-soda lacks anyone with the talent, charm and basic intelligence necessary to be in a position to host a preview
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Ah, you're just steamed because Mini-soda lacks anyone with the talent, charm and basic intelligence necessary to be in a position to host a preview

No, no, I like to see 'working boys' like Rune get somewhere in a bad economy.

We aren't given the option of 'previewing' in Minnesota because we're not a fair sampling. BFC wants to get the take of the 'common man', as it were, and we are, as a State, so far beyond that that it skews the customer data.

If you weigh things properly, then accepting impressions from a State with a surplus of intelligence, education, and knowledge will, by necessity, throw off the interpretation of whether your game appeals and works even to the lower 2/3s of the population.

Minnesota isn't used for beta testing for the same but opposite reason that Texas isn't used. You have to ignore the 'high end', that is, Minnesota, where your games are totally understood and do well, and you don't look for realistic input from Texas, or the 'low end', where the fact that they can actually install the game onto their Hard drives is a sort of victory of the Human Spirit.

This is why neither Minnesota nor Texas has hosted previews. We're simply too above the average, and Texas is too, too on the end of 'Lookee here, bubba, I got that damn game loaded' to count towards any realistic appraisal.

So places like Illinois host a lot of previews. Everyone there is almost astonishingly 'average'. I imagine songs have been written about it.

[ October 31, 2003, 04:43 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Secondly, how could you say such a thing about Quasimodo?

How right you are, Mace!

From the bells of St Mary

To the Count of Monte Cristo

Nothing can stop

Nothing can stop

Nothing can stop

The sins of Memphisto

Sally used to play with her hula hoops

Now she tells her problems to therapy groups

Grampa's on the front lawn staring at a rake

Wondering if his marriage was a terrible mistake

I'm sitting on the front steps drinking orange crush

Wondering if it's possible if I could still blush

Uh huh Oh yeah

A boy on a bike with courduroy slacks

Sleeps in the river by the railroad tracks

He waits for the whistle on the train to scream

So he can close his eyes and begin to dream

Uh huh Oh yeah

From the bells of St Mary

To the Count of Monte Cristo

Nothing can stop

Nothing can stop

Nothing can stop

The sins of Memphisto

The hands on his watch spin slowly around

With his mind on a bus that goes all over town

Looking at the babies and the factories

And listening to the music of Mister Squeeze

As if by magic or remote control

He finds a piece of a puzzle

That he missed in his soul

Uh huh Oh yeah

From the bells of St Mary

To the Count of Monte Cristo

Nothing can stop

Nothing can stop

Nothing can stop

The sins of Memphisto

Adam and Eve and Lucy and Ricky

Bit the big apple and got a little sticky

Esmeralda and the Hunchback of Notre Dame

They humped each other like they had no shame

They paused as they posed for a Polaroid photo

She whispered in his ear "Exactly Odo...Quasi Modo"

"Sins of Memphisto"

-John Prine

[ October 31, 2003, 05:05 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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I might create evil scenarios, I may perhaps, even ring the bell, but who else buys for his guests, a Bottle of 12 year old single malt scotch [Glenfiddich] that cost more then you average wage for a lawngnome for a month? Who else supplies REAL beer, like DAB, Corona Extra, Pilsner, and etc? Who else supplies pizza while watching Berli fight JasonC in the desert? Who else sends you a screenshot showing you after Berli was done with your likeness? Who else has made a scenario featuring Peng's pod farm, and Mace's sheep farm? [a co-design with Berli]

Now go forth and scrub the deck, or i'll have you keel hauled. There will be no mutiny on my ship.


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Scene: A brightly lit kitchen table in a new suburban home. The stars twinkle brightly outside the bay windows.

In the home, an attractive woman sits at the table, grading papers.

Metallic Female Voice: "Front Door."

A tall, slightly rotund man walks through the door carrying a black briefcase.

MrSpkr: grumbles "Stinkin' annoying alarm."

brightens as his wife comes into view

"Hi honey! I'm home!"

A swarm of young children appear as if by magic. Shouts of joy erupt from them.

. . .

Some time later, after supper, football practice, cheerleading practice, putting the children to bed, calling and setting up an interview with a nanny, and light housekeeping, children's baths, bedtime stories, and tucking-ins while away the evening hours, MrSpkr and MrsSpkr sit on the couch in the living room.

MrSpkr: "So, like I told you on the phone this afternoon, I think I might head to Chicago this weekend."

MrsSpkr: "You were serious about that? I thought Terry had finally put a wet bar in your office. Why Chicago? Why this weekend?"

MrSpkr: "Umm . . . Something to do, dear."

MrsSpkr: "Something to do? We have lots to do here. Philip has a football game -- the first in the playoffs--"

MrSpkr: "I thought he had a bye this week?"

MrsSpkr: "Oh, that's right. Liz has her birthday party, though --"

MrSpkr: "Birthday party? Her birthday was last week!"

MrsSpkr: "Yes, well, she wanted to have several other teenagers over to help paint her room. I was counting on you to watch the babies, but I guess it would be okay to leave eight thirteen year old girls with a couple of gallons of paint in our new home."

MrSpkr: "But, umm, honey . . . I really wanted to go to Chicago this weekend."

MrsSpkr: "Then go. Who's stopping you? I don't think the paint would stain the carpet or vinyl flooring too badly."

MrSpkr: "But there's no way I could get back in time for the party. It's a fourteen hour drive from Chicago to here."

MrsSpkr: "That is a long drive."

MrSpkr: thinking quickly "Maybe I could fly up Friday night, then back Saturday evening, getting home in time for the party!"

MrsSpkr: "Well, you could, but the kids sure would be disappointed if you missed Halloween again this year."

MrSpkr: "Hey, that's not fair! Last year I was stuck in a deposition in Podunk, East Texas until well after dark."

MrsSpkr: "I know, I know. I'm just saying they would be disappointed, that's all."

MrSpkr: "Maybe I could fly up Saturday morning, then fly back Saturday afternoon. I'll check airfares."

MrsSpkr: "Sounds good."

Several minutes later, after hurriedly checking several major airlines' web sites, MrSpkr comes back.

MrSpkr: "Well, I found a couple of fares. They're a bit pricey, but . . ."

MrsSpkr: "How much?"

MrSpkr: "Well, United wanted $862.00. I thought that was pricey, so I checked Southwest. They don't fly from Dallas to Chicago. Something about that bastiche Jim Wright and his stupid amendment or something. Continental wanted $765.00. That was too high, too. Then I checked American -- they wanted $576.00, which I thought was better, but still not great. Delta was a little better -- $546.50."

MrsSpkr: "That's an awful lot of money . . ."

MrSpkr: quickly "So then I looked at Northwest Airlines. They could get me there and back for $175! The only problem is that I would get there about noon, and my return flight would leave about 3:00. That's an awful narrow margin."

MrsSpkr: "What's so important about Chicago, anyway? You have a deposition up there, meeting with a client, what?"

MrSpkr: "Well, to be perfectly honest, there's a coughCMAKPreviewatrune'scough."

MrsSpkr: "What was that?"

MrSpkr: "Err, a CMAK preview at Rune's"

MrsSpkr: "So, let me get thsi straight. You want to spend $200 to fly half-way across the country, just so you can hang out with a bunch of people you have never met, and look at a game for two hours, then fly back?"

MrSpkr: "Umm, well, yes, that's about the size of it."

MrsSpkr: "I'll have to think about this one, Steve."

MrSpkr: "What if I stayed the night, then grabbed the red-eye the next morning? I could be back in Dallas by 10:15 a.m. for the same price!"

MrsSpkr: "Yes, but then you would have to get a hotel room, and that costs money. Also, how are you getting to this place? Won't you need to rent a car?"

MrSpkr: "Well, I could call up Uncle John and see if I could crash there . . ."

MrsSpkr: "The communist? Last time you guys were in the same room I had visions of Khruschev pounding his shoe on the podium."

MrSpkr: quickly -- again "Or I could just stay at rune's until ten or so that night, then head of to the airport and wait in the departure lounge until my red-eye the next morning."

MrsSpkr: "I said I'll have to think about this one, Steve . . ."

To be continued . . .


[ October 31, 2003, 07:04 AM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Rest assured that I will be out of the shadows and back in the saddle tonight, gleefully swinging my aforementioned 2x4 in my best Whitey Ford manner...

In other words, I'll be aiming at your hinder regions.

I don't mind Grog Porn, but this 'Neo-Cricket' Porn is too sodding much.

Desist, oh Boo. </font>

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