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Question: How accurate do you want CMAK to be?

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Besides the difficulty and time that might be involved in adding the ahistorical armor to the newer engine, I really don't understand why people want to eliminate the option for others to recreate CMBO battles.

I love CMBB and am interested in playing some Italian scenarios (not too fired up about Africa right now), but I would love to be able to recreate some Western European scenarios. I bought the CMBO & CMBB bundled pack, but I have only played CMBO once since CMBB is such a leap forward. Why not allow me to try and recreate some fun BO combat with the newer engine? You can still play in the desert with the realistic tanks, just let me pretend I am in Normandy and play my battles.

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Originally posted by Wunsche:

Besides the difficulty and time that might be involved in adding the ahistorical armor to the newer engine, I really don't understand why people want to eliminate the option for others to recreate CMBO battles.

I love CMBB and am interested in playing some Italian scenarios (not too fired up about Africa right now), but I would love to be able to recreate some Western European scenarios. I bought the CMBO & CMBB bundled pack, but I have only played CMBO once since CMBB is such a leap forward. Why not allow me to try and recreate some fun BO combat with the newer engine? You can still play in the desert with the realistic tanks, just let me pretend I am in Normandy and play my battles.

I agree completely.

I am REALLY looking forward to recreating as many CMBO battles as possible.

But I will bet they will only put in "just" the historically correct vehicles and units for the period of the war covered by CMAK.

oh well

-tom w

[ July 22, 2003, 11:25 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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Heck, the models and data are already available.

Put them all in, I say.

If your opponent decides to cheat and use unhistoric vehicles, when the agreement is otherwise, he probably is isn't the kind of person you want to play with anyway, is he?

Folks who want accurate battles will use accurate vehicles/troops.

Others wishing to explore the Western front will have the option.

Unless BFC plans on releasing another CMxx before the rewrite. Say it isn't so!

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Anyone playing QBs to begin with can't possibly be interested in "historical" play, so include them all.

I agree with that completely.

playing QB's and "buying" units is the totally gamey and a-historical to begin with.

I totally support the suggestion to allow recreating as many CMBO scenarios as possible in CMAK.

BUT from a marketing and sales point of view it all depends on what they plan to do with CMX2? :confused:

Maybe CMX2 is the ETO all over again?

if it is though I REALLY don't think including CMBO (ETO) vehicles in CMAK will hurt CMX2 sales anyway because we all know we will all buy CMX2 no matter what era or period it will cover because by the time it is released it "should" be TOTALLY ground breaking and it "should" make CMAK looked like CMBO compared to CMBB (and Then SOME!)

So my point is CMBO (ETO) vehicles in CMACK could not possibly hurt CMX2 sales because we will ALL want CMX2 anyway for all its COOL new features (full playback, mulit-multi player Relative Spotting (simulated).


They should throw in ALL the vehicles and units and terrain from CMBO and CMBB :D

(likely won't happend though)

-tom w

[ July 22, 2003, 11:34 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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I liked NG cavscout's idea, caters to both groups...

If this will be the last game released with this engine, they really should make a compilation of all unit types, as well as terrain and such and slap it in CMAK. It makes everyone happy and fulfills even my wish of playing CMBO on the updated engine. I still like and play CMBO, but it does lack in comparison.

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Id like to have only those units that involved in this theater, mainly because this way usermade scenarios would be more realistic and im one of those players who want the game to be as much realistic as possible

and id rather see you guys spend those hours fixing the game and making scenarios (that you would otherwise use while putting the "ahistorical" units ingame)

[ July 23, 2003, 11:39 AM: Message edited by: SuperHero ]

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Originally posted by arbi:

all vehicles all units all terrain...

Apparently I need to repeat that all this code might make the whole thing too big and bloated to fit onto a single CD. If not, or if issuing the game on two CDs is commerically feasible, and BFC has the time and resources to do all this, then fine, I have no objection.


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Originally posted by SuperHero:

and id rather see you guys spend those hours fixing the game and making scenarios (that you would otherwise use while putting the "ahistorical" units ingame)

And that's another consideration that I'm sure must weigh heavily on the minds of those charged with producing this game. Everything put into this game has to come out of a time/money/effort budget. Adding something here will inevitably mean subtracting something else there.

So the question may come down to do you want to play a mediocre game on three fronts or a really good game on one?


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ya'll still beating this dead horse? i'm telling ya, it's a non-issue. does this mean if they don't put in all vehicles i won't buy it? hell no! it's not on my wish list, it's on my get-at-all-costs list(1). and i don't care how many of ya i got to kill to get it!(2) lol..

(1) bfc, that don't mean that you can charge me more than the other fellers. i may be dumb, but i'm not...oh hell, what's that word? it kinda means dumb, but it's different. well, you know what i mean!

(2) but if ya'll need me to kill somebody, that's ok...

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I can just see the BFC guys sitting by the pool, sipping their umbrella drinks, counting their money as skimpy bikini clad maidens massage their feet. As they soak up the rays, one checks the forum. "All the vehicles in CMAK? What are they talking about now?" "ahh, just the normal Forum crowd, bleating about what they want in CMAK." "Ohh, nothing important then, Mandy, don't forget the calves, got to massage the calves."

All characters in this skit are fictional and in no way meant to represent any persons, living or dead.

That was a joke, I know the BFC guys take our views seriously, but they could take some time from counting their money and tell us that having all vehicles and infantry types in CMAK is a pipe dream.

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what's the difference between putting Jumbos & KTs along the Gothic line and putting Imperial Stormtroopers along the Gothic line?

I think MikeyD misses the point: the point is not to put Jumbos & KTs on the Gothic line but to use the CMAK engine to create battles in other theaters.

While I understand the argument that extra vehicles shouldn't be included if it would stretch BFC's resources too much, the argument that inclusion of these vehicles to be "ahistorical" overlooks the obvious fact that it depends on what you're trying to recreate. And if you're really worried about historical accuracy, why not allow people to create CMBO scenarios with the more "realistic" engine to be utilized in CMAK? Is that so wrong?

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Since including such "non-historical" units would require extra work (coding them in, textures, updated models) and the fact that it would also require some sort of toggle or what not to allow or disallow them to be purchased along with code for the AI to know if it can buy such units AND since we are already on a VERY tight schedule, dont count on them being added.

Law of design, do what you HAVE TO in order to meet your design goal then, and only IF there is time, THEN you can add some other stuff.

In this case, we aint gonna have the time so don't get your hopes up. As the past has shown, including all the HISTORICAL stuff is hard enough already.


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Originally posted by Madmatt:

Since including such "non-historical" units would require extra work (coding them in, textures, updated models) and the fact that it would also require some sort of toggle or what not to allow or disallow them to be purchased along with code for the AI to know if it can buy such units AND since we are already on a VERY tight schedule, dont count on them being added.

And there you have the Voice of Authority. Can we just drop the subject now and move on to more profitable discussions?


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Originally posted by Sivodsi:

Why not compromise? Have authenticity setting for units only available, and for those who want a little 'more', have an 'all-in' option.

I agree with this. I think there are several people planning to revisit the Western Front with CMAK and would be significantly hampered in their efforts if we did not have a wider option.


Edited to ask Matt: Will CMAK at least have in all of the German units we currently have in CMBB? I mean, isn't it a simple matter of transferring those models to the CMAK engine? I don't expect vehicles never before seen in any CM game, but I would expect to be able to use anything in the German OOB for CMBB.


[ July 23, 2003, 06:35 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Yep, historical vehicals for historical battles but I enjoy the "what if" scenarios also. You know....Italian tanks with backup lights...3 reverse gears and rear view mirror( so they can see the battle)!......just kidding.

Yap kidding. But the poor italian tankers had no matter of laugh. Who is the brave? One in M15/40 against a Sherman or one in a Tiger against a Sherman? Usually they don't see the battle because they are dead.

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