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Master Goodale vs ParaBellum AAR

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Turn 31

In the NW corner of the village Lt.Becker's platoon has secured its objective. The crew of a russian Maxim MG is cut down under a hail of bullets as they try to retreat northwards. Unt.Probst, manning the MG34 of his SPW 251/1 providing fire support for Becker's men is hit by a round that penetrated the gun shield. With Unt.Gres' squad finally moving down from hill 230 I now have 30 men there that should be able to repel all russian counter-attacks.

In the woods in the east of the village the fighting seems to cease. Unt.Wittman's PzII fires long MG bursts at a russian squad and forces them to withdraw. Looks like the russians have also suffered heavy losses in those bloody woods.

I now have less than 20 men to hold these positions but with the support of the PzII and another SPW 251/1 I should be able to hold these position.

I think I have stopped the russian attack inside the village. My only concern now is the situation around the church, where russian infantry emerges from the gully.

A full russian squad, 11 men, are charging towards the church that is only held by Obg.Ober's PzJäger team down to one man and the crews of two knocked out vehicles that sought cover within the church!

If I can't stop this charge all men inside the church are doomed! As the russians charge forward, jumping across the small wall in front of them they come under fire from Obg.Pfeiffer's HMG 34 and Lt.Schulmeister's PzII. North of them Unt.Lorenko and his squad hear the dreaded "Urrrrraaaah!!" of charging soviet infantry behind them and spot the russians, having almost reached the church and immediatly open fire on them. One soviet soldier after another is hit, and as they have almost reached the church (10m) their assault is stopped! Having lost four men the survivors turn around and crawl back, under heavy fire!

Meanhwile Unt.Schmidt's SPW 251/1 has moved into position to engage the enemy infantry in the gully, too. With the accurate fire of Schulmeister's PzII, Schmidt's SPW and Pfeiffer's HMG I should be able to push the russians back.


Turn 32

The battle has ended! Although the setting for this engagement is 35+ turns it looks as if the auto-ceasefire has kicked in due to overall low moral/ammo. My global moral is 42% and many of my units are low on ammo.

Unfortunately this means the VL in the church stays neutral, since there are still two russian squads nearby. I was quite confident to push both of them back within the next one or two turns.

One of them is shaken/tired and the other weary, both under fire from several directions.


Axis tactical victory, score is 65-35.

I have secured two of the VLs while the third one stays neutral.

I started the battle with 215 men and suffered 111 casualties, 35 of them fatal.

The russian forces consisted of 247 men and suffered 169 casualties, 41 of them fatal.

I lost 2 PzIV(short), 1 PzII, 3 PzIII(short) and 2 SPW 251/1s.

I knocked out 3 T-34s, 2 KV Is, 5 T-26s and 4 BA-10s.


Conclusion/Lessons learnt:

I think my plan for this battle was sound. I was able to secure the southern part of the village quickly and bring my infantry into positions from where they could engage the russian armour. I took hill 230 and from there was able to assault the NW part of the village. KG Reuter that was advancing in the gully towards the village reached their objective and joined Lt.Kinkel's men in the village.

That was the good part! ;)

My first BIG mistake was the armour engagement on hill 230. What did I write in my plan? "Pz IVs with short 75mm guns are not meant to duel with T-34s..." Yup.

But then I had a brilliant idea. I thought I could engage his T-34s one by one with concentrated fire from my Pz IVs... That was quite stupid.

I should have immediatly withdrawn them and lured them into an ambush. I had some bad luck with penetrations that didn't knock out the T-34s but if I had used my armour as I had planned that wouldn't have been an issue.

When I got a platoon of PzIIIs I again made a mistake by sending two of them to engage the T-34s head on. I was believing my veteran crews and the advantages of 3-men turrets would give me an upper hand.

Bad mistake! Again there was no need to engage the T-34s frontally. As long as my Pzs were around the T-34s couldn't shoot up my infantry.

Well, somehow I took out the T-34s and the situation on hill 230 stabilized. My PzIIs took care of the russian light armour (did I already mention they simply rock?) and Becker's infantry platoon was in a good position to assault the village.

In the village KG Reuter engaged enemy forces and pushed them back.

Now I made the worst mistake of the battle:

Instead of giving my tired men some time to rest I ordered them to push forward. I thought I had MG's men on the run and gravely underestimated his strength there. I payed a heavy price. Especially at closer distances the firepower of the russian squads is superior to the german squads'. I lost half a platoon within two minutes in these woods. If MG had been able to launch a co-ordinated attack in platoon strength there I think they would have overrun my positions in the woods.

When his KV Is arrived he made a bad mistake that would be decisive for the outcome of the battle by sending them forward without proper infantry escort and both got ambushed and destroyed by my infantry.

My infantry assault towards the village from hill 230 went pretty smooth and once the KV Is were destroyed I had no problems securing the VLs in the center and in the NW corner of the village.

MG's wide flanking maneuvre was a nasty surprise to me. But since I had a mobile reserve (the SPWs and Schulmeister's PzII) I could counter this threat. The russian attacks were uncoordinated and stopped cold.

I think with one or two more turns I would've pushed back the remaining infantry around the church and secured that VL.

I want to thank again Abbott for creating this scenario and Master Goodale for being an honourable opponent and making this battle not only interesting but fun as hell, too!

Since this was one of his very first PBEMs I think he did pretty well. If he had coordinated his attacks more and concentrated his forces he might have put me in a very dangerous situation.

And I think he learned to fear infantry close attacks on tanks... ;)

I hope you enjoyed our little AAR, maybe some new players got interested in PBEM gaming, and maybe some even learnt a thing or two. I definately did...

PS: the end-battle-screen is part of Pavlov's "Red Victory GUI" mod...

[ January 20, 2003, 10:48 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

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I enjoyed reading the AAR very much gentleman.

The scenario was designed with the knowledge that it would be MasterGoodale’s first PBEM game. Thus the German player was put in a difficult situation.

We'll have to persuade Abbott to create another interesting scenario
I would be pleased to provide another scenario for your rematch, drop me a mail when you are ready.
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Alright maggots listen up!! Here's a recap on this whole experience:

The map was really well designed and fun! I thought the terrain was equal to both sides and I had plenty oif firepower to accomplish my mission. Parabellum is a great player and this is the most fun battle I have had so far.

I would say the greatest lesson I learned was the notorious "KV Disaster" lesson. I never should have sent those tanks in!! :mad: Para knew I was anxious to get those tanks back there to aid my infantry. Good perception. Upon reflection I think I should have sent them back up on the hill to the west to circle back around the rear and support my troops back there, as well as finish off the PIV up there. They surely would have destroyed what german armor remained and coming from the hill they would not be endangered by infantry or tank hunter teams as long as I kept my distance from the woods. But there's no use in crying over spilt TNT. Other than that I think I manuevered my troops fairly well. Although I might have faired better had I pushed the BA-10s and T-26s to the east to face a weaker opposition force in strength. But man what a blast this battle was. I anxiously await an email from Portabella. In the meantime, he is my daddy ( :mad: !!)

I just finished up another PMEM (I lost) against "The Bastrad of Balgarod". A strong opponent indeed, but he'll pay for his insolence!! :mad:

I am kicking some TNT-slathered ass in 2 other PBEM games and I am about to bow down to Lt Hortlund (and light a match under his TNT soaked balls). Wallybob and I are still battering away at each other and having fun on the scenario I made. Hard to tell who will win at this point, but his men are very unhappy about the grey stuff I am chucking at them. They said something about how "it explodes and melts their faces furiously" or something like that I didn't pay much attention.

I have an opening for another PBEM if anyone wants to eat TNT :mad:

I also have 2 scenarios that have been playtested and improved, and I think anyone who claims to know what TNT is would have a lot of fun against another person in them. Let me know if you are interested.

Now get back to the real thread maaaaaggooooots!!! :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Becket:

Goodale, total PBEM newbie here (been playing 'gainst the AI since it came out) but if you have room for a game, let me know. :mad:

You're both on carrot Top and Becky!! :mad:

I swear by the holy TNT chuckers I'm gonna sling so much god damned TNT in your general direction you maggots won't know what to do! You'll be crawling to China in a river of molten TNT!!! :mad:

I'll call it . . . . . ."A River of TNT Runs Through It"!! HAHHAHA AHA HAHAH AH AHAH AHAH HA H!!! :mad:

Both of you maggots! Front and Center!! :mad:

We will play 2500 point quick battles on hilly terrain, 1943, clear weather, moderate tree coverage, mid-day, dry, 35+ turns, human unit purchase, Attack/defense! I'm the Ruskies as usual. You can buy whatever you like!

I'll send the setups! get ready to die a miserable, hot, furious, TNT-Slathered death you skunk-banging, amoeba-licking puss sacks!! :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

You're both on carrot Top and Becky!! :mad:

Thats Cpl Carrot or Sir, if the former is too hard.

Both of you maggots! Front and Center!! :mad:

We will play 2500 point quick battles on hilly terrain, 1943, clear weather, moderate tree coverage, mid-day, dry, 35+ turns, human unit purchase, Attack/defense! I'm the Ruskies as usual. You can buy whatever you like!

I'll send the setups! get ready to die a miserable, hot, furious, TNT-Slathered death you skunk-banging, amoeba-licking puss sacks!! :mad:

Rural I assume? You are attacking?

[ January 21, 2003, 03:49 PM: Message edited by: Cpl Carrot ]

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