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Master Goodale vs ParaBellum AAR

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this is a great battle, Good AAR, well done all the way around.

Just hurry up and get to the ruff stuff, will the KV bite it or will the germans get blasted into blood sausage. The wait is killing me, @5 more day's untill I get my bundle pack in the mail.

Once again great job on the battle, this is better than cable Tv.

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HOLY MARY MOTHER OF SWEET JESUS!!! :mad: I thought for sure I would be able to get my AAR up there last night but it seems it was not meant to happen. had to work real late and then baby was very sick all night! HAAARRGG!! :mad: It is definitely gonna be up tonight! I will start as soon as I get home around 5:00. Sorry dudes. That KV-I is anxious to start chucking some blistering blizzards of TNT!! I couldn't even get my turns out last night!! ARARARRGAGRAGRGRGR I hate reality! :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

HOLY MARY MOTHER OF SWEET JESUS!!! :mad: I thought for sure I would be able to get my AAR up there last night but it seems it was not meant to happen. had to work real late and then baby was very sick all night! HAAARRGG!! :mad: It is definitely gonna be up tonight! I will start as soon as I get home around 5:00. Sorry dudes. That KV-I is anxious to start chucking some blistering blizzards of TNT!! I couldn't even get my turns out last night!! ARARARRGAGRAGRGRGR I hate reality! :mad:

I know. You must have been busy studying for your Principles of TNT Chuckage exam.

Edited since I spelled "chuckage" like "bukkake", with two ks.

[ January 08, 2003, 11:08 AM: Message edited by: Lumbergh ]

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I thought for sure I would be able to get it up last night but it seems it was not meant to happen. It is definitely gonna be up tonight!

Its okay. Many men suffer from your problem, and I understand that there are a lot of new treatments to help you 'get it up.'


Edited to say 'Way to go on the positive attitude!' I'm sure you'll get it up tonight, and I'm glad to see that, like Bob Dole, you aren't going to let your little thing keep you down!

[ January 08, 2003, 11:25 AM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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I have to say how disappointed i am not to see an AAR today; it's been my lunch reading.


well done guys, this is gold. very inspiring to try it ourselves i think

edited to put in sad face lest i sound like a whiner and someone take me seriously

[ January 08, 2003, 03:48 PM: Message edited by: Bartokomus ]

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Turn 16:

Ser Pavlov's men aren't fairing any better on hill 230. The halftrack continues to spit flurries of hot lead in their direction, forcing them ever further into the woods to the west. The men are cursing themselves for not holding back to help with the village assault. As they listen to the fighting to the east, all they can agree on is that their comrades sure could use them down there. . .

Krauts are seen attempting to slither their way from the corner of the woods on hill 230 to the west edge of the village, apparently in an attempt to take the one my men hold! The BA-10 that has been stuck in the rocks the entire battle has been given orders to area fire on the slope those krauts must inevitably cross to reach the flag. It appears to be suppressing them somewhat, or at least making them think twice. This will have to do until I can get another squad into that building!

AG Center is holding their own! Ser Iushkevich's KV-I rolls slightly further into town, and just as he rounds the bend he spots one of the halftracks that has been a thron in the side of my men fighting for the north east woods! "Halftrack! 96 meters south! Load AP!. . . . . . FIIIRRRE!!!!" The thundering roar lets our troops know the thorn has been plucked. The KV lets loose another round for good measure, and it finds it's target with a determined fury that has even the hardest krauts raising their eyebrows. With a ****ty grin spreading slowly across his face, Iushkevich nestles his KV-I into a snug position to provide cover and suppression for the infantry and incoming KV-I. He awaits the arrival of his comrades.

The infantry in the NE woods appear to have the upper hand! The krauts are thinking twice about pushing forward any further as they are forced to witness hot, blistering tracers shred the flesh of their once brave comrades. "Keeeep Fiiiring!!" shouts the platoon leader, We have them on the run!!

To the south east the PIIc spots my T-26 meandering up the gulley with the mortar team! One shot knocks the T-26 out and the mortar team scurries for cover! What a dissappointment!! I never expected that PIIc to come down into the gulley! Hopefully the mortar can make it to safety and provide some useful cover fire, especially against that damn HMG to the south. The rear attack surprise force trudges through the southern woods and have almost made it to the road undetected. They will be crucial in securing the southern end of the village, and confusing the enemy.


Turn 17:

Pavlov's squad is on their own on hill 230. I have no use for them and don't think they will survive. The mission must come before the men. Under my breath I wish them the best and god speed. If nothing else, at least they are keeping that halftrack busy up there, when it could be in the village cutting my men up.

Iushkevich's KV-I cautiously moves out toward the western edge of the village. We will need them there for the time being to help suppress the rush from hill 230. This will also give him infantry cover and an angle on that last damn halftrack. Just as he moves out, Stroyev begins to cut across the grass behind the woods on the northern end of the village. This is a safe route and will get him to the west side the quickest where he can rally with Iushkevich. The infantry battle rages on in the woods to the south east, but the men on both sides are tired and bloodied. They begin to question their own courage. . .

To the east the PIIc that has already killed at least one of my T-26s heads out of the gulley into the east hills. He must be heading for my last T-26 hidden near the trees up there. It's fate has been sealed as I know he cannot fend off the PII, but he can at least draw chase and keep him occupied for a while, as the other T-26 in the south gulley approaches the village quietly. The southern surprise attack force is in position. They await further orders. . .

Turn 18:

The KV-Is both quickly take up positions in the western edge and the southern edge of the village. They simultaneously target the remaining halftrack that threatens my infantry. . .but wait. . .a PIIc appears on the western hill!! This is a threat I was not prepared to deal with from this position! "Paaanzer!! Two O'Clock!!" Stroyev shouts to his crew, they are not in firing position and must leave the safety of of this postion and manuever to fire. The panzer slowly rolls down the hill. Iushkevich is preparing to dispatch the halftrack so Stroyev struggles to find a good spot! There are none though!! He moves slightly south, dangerously close to enemy infantry positions, but he has no choice. That Panzer will wreak havoc on even the toughest tanks from above. To toss salt on my already burning wounds, the PII tosses a bitter round at my last BA-10 that had been doing a great job of suppressing the infantry rush from hill 230! The round is inneffective and my BA-10 crew chucks a piece back with hate-filled hearts, breaking up the shell of the PIIc!! But it's too little too late. One shot kills the crew and a second destroys the tank. The men look back with dirty, bloody mugs, the anger and hate all wrapped up in their eyes. The Krauts will pay for this they mutter. . .

Reinforcements have finally arrived from the west to assist the infantry in the north east woods! Two full squads and a hardened commander should add some fresh TNT to this chucking match!! They quickly crest the northern hill and enter the woods, taking up positions behind their tired comrades as they plan their attack.

The PIIc to the south east approaches ever closer to my T-26 on the east hill! It's only a matter of time as the T-26 can't seem to get away fast enough. Meanwhile the T-26 in the southern gulley crawls slowly up toward the village, but I fear it may not get there in time. The surprise attack force waits. . .


Turn 19:

Things are hotter than ever and tempers are flairing in the heat of battle. Lt. Stroyev destroys the remaining halftrack in the village with one shot, while Iushkevich targets the PIIc on the west hill. Seconds seem like days as the PIIc reverses in retreat from the KV-I! "GGRARGRGRGRGGRAGRGRGARRG!!!" is all that is heard from the barrel of the KV as the PIIc slips out of sight!! :mad: The KVs are dominating the battlefield right now and morale is high. My men are already talking of roasting krauts over open fires tonight!! The krauts are tring to lumber down the western slope but they are met by a monsoon of angry lead, spit forth by my brave machine gunner in the flag building! They drop, crawl and roll. . .drop, crawl and roll. Some roll and roll and roll until they reach the bottom of the hill. . .

The battle for the woods is getting bloody for both sides. "Is it worth it. . ." I mutter through the thick smoke of the battlefield before me. The german infantry are dropping like flies as they try desperately to break my fanatical teams approaching them! One of my squds makes it into a light building in the center of the village, but is surprised as they get pelted angrily with grenades from a nearby shack!! They panick and stick their faces in the mud as limbs fly about them! "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH THE HUUMMMAAAANITEEEEEEEE!!!" screams one of my soldiers. I feel helpless. War is hell.

To the east the PiiC finally makes contact with my T-26. The T-26 is in the trees, hopelessly trying to turn the turret to face it's soon-to-be killer. The panzer fires round after round into the tank! 6 rounds later they still survive, but not a shot has been fired in return. God only knows what is happening inside that tin coffin. The 7th round is more than they can take and the crew bails.

The southern attack force awaits orders while the last T-26 rolls slowly up the gulley. . .

Turn 20:

To the west Iushkevich provides firepower with his KV-I against the infantry on the hill, while Stroyev rolls south to try to decimate the troops holding the area with his tank. There are no visible tanks or halftracks, and the infantry have been flushed out as far as I can tell. If I can just control the center I'll take this damn village!! Enroute southward Stroyev spots a tank hunter team!! "Anti-Tank Team!! SouthWest! Cut them down!!" A well placed burst from the tanks MG cust the team in half as they hit the dirt! I begin to worry that perhaps this move was not wise without a squad of infantry in tow, but my infantry were tied up and would not be able to help. Burst after burst of lead is spat at the infantry on the hill west as one by one they either die or go prone. There are apparently more infantry than I thought up there! At least 3 squads! If I don't finish this fight in the woods fast and get some mortar support up there they may overrun the flag. For the time being, we control the SouthWest and Center flags. Only time will tell if we can hold up. . .

To the east I decide to order my last T-26 back up the east hill to try to flank the PIIc and maybe kill the commander or at least keep it busy until my KV-Is are free to deal with it. It was just too damn slow in the gulley! The surprise force in the south are ordered to begin their push North to the village. But they must be careful as there is a known HMG nest just north of them. They take a north-east approach, putting some woods between them and the nest. God be with them and don't let that immobilized PIVE on hill 230 spot them. . .

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Very nice, Master Goodale! :D

And here's my next part:

Turn 21:

On hill 230 Lt.Becker's platoon continues its advance, using leap-frogging tactics to provide covering fire.

The russian HMG in the tall building is pinned down by accurate salvos from Bernhoff's HMG 34, unable to continue firing at my troops.

In the village Unt. Günther grabs a grenade bundle and with a quick jump puts it between the tracks of the KV I.

As he jumps back to his men taking cover, the grenade detonates, tearing apart the tracks and destroying some of the running wheels.

Seconds later Obg. Hampel's Panzerjäger team closes in from the other side and, while still running towards the now-immobilized soviet tank, throw a Panzerwurfmine!

The AT mine flies towards the KV I in a high arc, landing directly on the engine deck! Another loud detonation, and just as the smoke clears a bit, a seconds mine hits the heavy tank!

This is too much for the soviet tank crew, a hatch opens and four men abandon the tank, running madly away from their destroyed tank

"Stoj! Stoj! Ruki werch!" Unt. Günther calls out, but they continue to flee, unable to bear the stress of battle any longer.

Obg. Müller fires a long burst from his MG34, moving the russians down as they desperately try to cross the street...

One KV I less to worry about! Now, where's the other one...


To the east of them the situation gets very serious. Hpt. Reuter is hit by a salvo from a russian LMG, killing him instantly.

The russian Maxim MG less than 50m north of them is pinned down, the crew unable to fire their weapon under a constant hail of bullets.

But the lone russian infantry squad fights like lions! I can't push them back. Worse, another rusian squad appears next to them!

With the loss of their commanding officer morale starts to waver. "Sani! Saniii!" desperate screams for medics resound through the woods.

A fresh squad appears and immediatly suffers casualties!

This patch of wood is a meatgrinder for my troops! I have underestimated MG's strength here, my men will have to pay the price...

And what's that? Infantry contacts to my rear? Immediatly the HMG 34 team south of the village engages them at less than 200m.

Time to move my last SPW 251/1 to counter this new threat.

If Master Goodale has no armour to support this attack, his men will get a bloody nose there against two SPWs and a HMG 34.

If the situation gets really serious I'll move Lt.Schulmeister's PzII from hill 230 there, too.

Turn 22:

Lt. Becker's platoon slowly advances towards the NW part of the village. Their orders are to secure the tall building with the VL. Unfortunately another enemy infantry unit appears there next to the russian HMG. The advance through the rocky ground quickly tires the men, and still enemy fire hits them, I need more suppressive fire! Lt. Schulmeister's PzII starts to fire at the tall building, forcing the soviet soldiers to take cover.

What's that? Two crews from knocked-out vehicles charge up hill 230? That's a VERY costly way to distract my attention. Obg. Bernhoff and his HMG 34 will deal with them next turn...

With the other KV I moving towards the tall building in the NW corner of the village I order Hampel's Panzerjäger team to advance to the large building north of his current position. If Master Goodale moves his KV heavy tank along the street to engage Lt. Becker's platoon coming down from hill 230 they're in a good position to launch another close-assault at the soviet tank.

In the woods at the eastern part of the village Lt. Braunstein runs forward to take command of Reuter's men. I've lead my men into a death-trap here! Another russian infantry squad appears at the right flank and the men start to panic! Lt. Braunstein's arrival can't change much anymore. I have to pull them back to reorganize them. If the russians follow them with a sharp counter-attack they're doomed.

I order the SPW251/10 at the southern end of the village to move into a position from where it can provide covering fire for the retreating men.

Unt. Wittman's Pz.II continues his flanking move. I hope he arrives in time so that he can forestall a russian counter-attack.

South of the village a light mortar is creeping along the gully, but just as Obg. Pfeiffer has them in the sights of his HMG34 the weapon jams! Cursing he desperately tries to get his weapon ready again.

Turn 23

On hill 230 the russian crews get mowed down by the HMG34 as they run back towards their lines. A needless and costly effort to draw my attention. The foremost of Lt.Becker's squad is already in grenade-throwing range and starts using hand-grenades to flush out the russian defenders from their objective, the tall building in front of them. The rest of the platoon is slowly following, crawling over rocky ground and jumping over fences.

20mm rounds from Lt.Schulmeister's PzII tear through the facade of the building, forcing the Soviets to keep their heads down.

As I have expected the KV I moves along the street to engage them. But meanwhile Obg.Hampel has taken position inside the large building east of the road. As the KV I is rolling towards them, Hampel and Berger ready their remaining two Panzerwurfminen. Distance: 30m. "Let him come a little closer." Hampel whispers as he puts his MP40 on his back, preparing to throw the mine...

In the woods to the east the withdrawal becomes a rout. The SPW 251/10 arrives and hopefully will help stopping the russian counter-attack. From more than 40 men sent into these woods only 15 are left ready for battle after this fierce fight.

I have now little more than 30 men left in the eastern part of the village to stop the russians. I can only hope they suffered heavy casualties, too.

Unt.Wittman's PzII crossed the gully and is now in position to cover the road seperating my men from the russians with the fire from his 20mm gun and his machinegun. So far I suspect only two enemy infantry squads in 'my' part of the wood.

Turn 24

Lt.Becker's men continue to run towards their objective, hurling grenades through the windows of the tall building as they advance. Two squads have almost reached the building, they'll assault it within the next two turns.

"Jetzt!!" Obg. Hampel shouts as he tosses his Panzerwurfmine at the soviet KV I, the mine again hitting the thin armour on top of the steel monster just as its turret slowly turned to engage my SPW251/10 on the other side of the village! Another loud explosion and muffled cries from within are heard. Seconds later the sole surviving crew member crawls out, taking cover next to the road.

In the middle of the village a russian HMG team and an infantry squad advance towards a small building, I'll deal with them next turn. With the threat of the heavy tanks gone I can now use my light armour to push the enemy infantry back.

East of them Lt.Kinkel and Lt.Braunstein are trying to reorganize the remnants of KG Reuter into some defensive line.


Unt.Wittman's PzII buys them some time as he catches a charging russian squad from the rear, the MG salvos forcing them to hug the ground. Then he engages the Maxim MG covering the bridge NE of the village. After several well-aimed salvos the last surviving member of the MG crew abandons his weapon, surrendering.

South of the village Obg. Pfeiffer furiously works to get his HMG34 unjammed. Looks like dud round jammed the breech. "Pfeiffer, mach schnell!" his assistant loader yells as russian infantry appears less than 100m away. Suddenly a T-26 appears on the hill east of them and starts to fire his MG at Pfeiffer's position.

Finally Pfeiffer manages to get the distorted round removed from the breech, opening fire immediatly at the advancing enemy.

But after several bursts the weapon jams again! The Russians have already closed to about 50m!

Turn 25

Lt.Becker's men take their objective! Unt.Stein leads his squad as they break into the tall building, throwing grenades and firing on the move. In one of the rooms they find a russian company HQ, the officer desperately yelling into his radio set. As he grabs for his Tokarev a salvo from Stein's MP40 throws him to the floor. Seeing this the single survivor of the Maxim MG crew surrenders.

Good. Becker's men achieved their objective with acceptable losses, 7 out of 44. Now they have to secure the NW part of the village.

The surviving crew member of the KV I tries desperately to get back to his comrades but he doesn't get far...

Unt. Wittman's PzII is ordered to move to centre of the village to deal with the Russians that have taken position north of Hampel's PzJäger team.

Meanwhile Lt. Kinkel and Lt. Braunstein are desperately trying to organize a defense in the woods east of them. A russian squad is beaten back but already the ammunition is getting short. Unt.Schmid's SPW251/10 is firing his MG into the woods in front of their positions, forcing the enemy infantry down. I can only hope Master Goodale can't mount an effective counter-attack in platoon strentgh here.

Again Pfeiffer has to remove a distorted round from the breech of his MG34. In Russia it seems the dust and dirt puts a far greater strain on the german equipment. This time he only needs half a minute to get his weapon ready again. He counts at least 9 Russians crawling closer as he opens fire on them again. He has to hold out for some more time until Lt.Schulmeister's PzII arrives from hill 230 to support him.

...to be continued.

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