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Master Goodale vs ParaBellum AAR

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Turn 11:

On hill 230 tanks move with screetching tracks, main guns firing. Wounded crewmen are crawling away from their burning vehicles, the smell of cordite and burned flesh is in the air.

Unt.Kalb refuses to withdraw his PzIV in order to protect the immobilized tank of his platoon leader, Lt.Reinhard.

The two PzIVs fire round after round at the T-34 about 250m in front of them, when suddenly a 76mm round penetrates the front turret of Kalb's tank.

The gunner, Obg Berthe is killed outright and both Kalb and his loader are wounded. Still under fire from the russian tank they abandon their tank and crawl towards the nearby woods.

Seconds later Reinhard's Panzer finally hits the soviet tank, the round penetrating the front turret. The T-34 stops firing and Reinhard continues to fire shell after shell at the enemy tank, most of them again ricocheting from the front armour.

Finally another rounds penetrates the steel monster and he sees the crew bailing out!

Meanwhile the last of the T-34s charges up the hill right at Reinhard's position. Just as he moves up the last slope, the german tank fires at him at less than 75m, but even at this almost point-blank range the 75L24 round can't penetrate the russian tank's sloped armour.

At least, the T-34 again withdraws down the slope.

Lt.Schulmeister's PzII sent around the hill to support Lt.Becker's men on hill 230 and engage the BA-10s moves into postition and has the first BA-10 in his sights when Schulmeister calls out: "Russian heavy armour, 3 o'clock, at the eastern part of the village! Reverse! Schnell! Schnell!"

Through his binoculars he can clearly see the KV I's turret slowly slewing around, while his Panzer is reversing into saftey as fast as possible.

Lt.Becker's men are still under mortar fire but only 3 men have been lightly wounded so far, although another light mortar had been knocked out by a lucky round.

In the village Hpt.Reuter continues his attack, supported by a SPW 251/1 and some of Kinkel's men. One of MG's infantry squads is destroyed but my losses are getting serious, too.

If Reuter's men take their objective, the woods in the eastern part of the village, they will have to rely on Kinkel's men to stop a counter-attack.

And at least one heavy KV I tank is rolling into the village from the NE...

Turn 12:

Lt.Reinhard's situation is getting desperate as as the loader shouts "Last AP round!". With a loud "clang!" the shell hits the T-34's frontal armour and bounces of, into the air...

Just as he is about to order his crew to abandon the Panzer, he sees Lt.Becker in front of two infantry squads charging through the woods towards the russian tank!

Reinhard knows he has to distract the soviet tank untill the infantry is close enough so he orders to engage the T-34 with HE rounds.

Just as Becker's men are in position the russian tank moves fast to a new position.

North of hill 230 two BA-10s are still around, kept at distance by Obg Bernhoff and his HMG 34.

Down in the village Reuter's men are advancing. MG's foremost infantry squads are pinned down, at least one is withdrawing.

I now have about 70 men in that corner of the village, despite increasing casualties.

If I can continue to engage his force rather piecemeal I'll deal out a lot more damage than I suffer.

I have lost contact with the KV I but I'm pretty sure he will roll into the village to support his wavering infantry

Turn 13:

The two infantry squads of Lt. Becker's platoon simultanously fire rifle grenades at the T-34 at a distance of 50m, both missing the soviet tank.

Seconds later they charge forward to close assault the steel monster. Lt.Reinhard still fires HE rounds at the T-34 to distract it from the closing infantry.

Just as Becker's men are in position the T-34 rolls forward, directly towards Reinhard's PzIV, the crew seems to have panicked or maybe they've decided to ram the german tank in suicidal mood!

Obg Bernhoff destroys another BA-10 with a well-aimed burst from his HMG 34! The men cheer as the crew is seen abandoning their vehicle.

In the village something weird happened to Unt. Lengsfeld's PzIII. I had ordered him to area fire at an enemy HMG's position and reverse behind a house after 10 seconds, since I knew a KV I was coming into the village.

The PzIII fired two rounds and reversed behind the house into safety, just as the KV I rolled around the corner. Although obstructed by the building the PzIII again fired at the target area, somehow managing to fire through the corner of the house.

So far nothing special. Abstraction, I know. But after 10 seconds he decided to advance out of his perfect cover, roll into a fence slowing him down, and places himself right in front of the KV heavy tank.

KV shoots, PzIII dead. I posted this strange behaviour on this board and mailed the turn to BFC. Well, sh*t happens. Especially during battle. *sigh*

My infantry is doing better, another of MG's infantry squads is about to get destroyed by concentrated fire from several squads.

Two of my SPW251/1s are supporting them, suppressing the enemy at the NE corner of the village. They gotta be careful when the KV I arrives, though...

Turn 14:

Lt. Reinhard keeps firing at the T-34, the high-explosive shells detonating on the soviet tank's amour 20 m(!) away. Finally Lt.Becker and his men arrive and begin to assault the enemy tank with grenade bundles!

One of the BA-10s is still seen north of hill 230, Lt.Schulmeister's PzII desperately trying to get him in his sights.

In the village Reuter's men advance, killing another of MG's infantry squads as it is fleeing to the rear.

Fearing their destruction by the russian KV I I pull back my SPW251/1s slightly. Maybe I have to use them as decoys when my Panzerjäger teams are engaging the heavy tank.


Turn 15:

YESSS! Finally Lt.Becker's men manage to take out the T-34!

A hatch opens and the tank commander crawled out. "Ruki werch!-Hands up!" yells Becker, the russian crew is still in shock and does not even think of resistance.

Lt. Reinhard slowly glances over battlefield, he can't believe his Panzer is the only survivor in this bloody battle for the hill.

Lt.Schulmeister's PzII meanwhile waits for the last BA-10 to move into sight again. "Look out for that patch of woods, to the right!" he calls to his gunner.

There! The BA-10 again moves around the corner, ready to fire and withdraw, but this time Schulmeister's Panzer ist faster! The 20mm rounds penetrate the light armour, knocking out the soviet vehicle.

I have ordered my SPW 251/1s to take cover behind buildings, but one of them is slowed down as he tries to move through a patach of light woods!

"Faster! Faster!" Obg Kruhmins yells, as he sees the KV I's gun turning slowly towards him.

In the woods of the eastern part of the village it looks like I got MG's infantry on the run. I have killed two squads and routed another one. Now Reuter's men have to continue their assault.

They are tired and have taken casualties but I must not give MG time to regroup. And as long as my men are fighting in the woods they are relative safe from his heavy tank.

"Come on, boys! We've got them on the run!" Hpt. Reuter shouts as he orders his men to continue the advance.


...to be continued.

[ January 05, 2003, 01:00 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

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Turn 11:

One of my T-34s in Army Group West plugs two shots into one of the remaining P-IVEs and knocks it out! However, return fire from the remaining P-IVEs kills my comrades, rendering their T-34 useless. In a desperate attempt to make sure the immobilized P-IVE doesn't cause me any problems I send my last T-34 with a damaged gun to charge the tank and block it's gunsight from targeting anything to it's North. Maybe I'll even get lucky and have a flanking MG view on the woods from the T-34 if the crew and tank survive! On the way up the T-34 takes a very hot, very angry round from the P-IVE and retreats in shock. Meanwhile a rifle squad from AGW skirts the western side of the hill hoping to sneak up on the immobilized P-IVE from the rear and send it's die-hard crew to hell!

The KV-Is embark on their dangerous trek into town, but one of them appears to have a problem!! He is stuck on dry flat ground!! While he struggles to free his tank the other KV-I, commanded by Ser Iushkevich, heads in. Such close-quarters fighting worries the crew, but it has to be done. There is no time to flank with such a slow tank. . .our men need support.

The inf battle rages on in the NE corner of this village that has brought such devestation and sorrow to our troops. With MG suppressive fire supporting my men, and 3 squads diverted from AGW heading into the village via the gulley, the men rally is morale is boosted! They are holding their own when suddenly somebody from 2nd squad, AGC, witnesses the annihilation of HQ and screams "HALFTRACK!! 50 meters South West!!"

Despite heavy losses, AGE presses on. 3rd plt. decides to support the rear surprise attack force with a T-26 and mortar team.


Turn 12:

My last T-34 continues to take heavy fire from the immobilized P-IVE. 8 rounds find their target! But to little effect. The men are dazed but try to outflank the tank from the west side of the hill this time, hoping the destroyed panzer to its west will block it's view. Meanwhile, 1st plt. continues to sneak behind the PIVE. OH ****! It spotted them! "Get Down!!" yells the squad leader as the men hit the dirt.

Just North of hill 230 another BA-10 is lost to that damn HMG in the woods up there. I need to flush it out somehow. . .

Two of my HMGs have setup nicely near the Russian-controlled flag to the N, providing suppression fire for AGC. Meanwhile 1st plt AGC continues to move in from the west for the push on the village.

The KV-I stuck in the rear is still stuck!! We need them badly and the commander contacts them by radio to see what the hell is the matter! "It's hopeless comrade!" the TC shouts back over the airwaves. "She's stuck and I can't get her out!" "Roger comrade. . .see you when you get here. Out." Upon hearing this devastating news, Ser Iushkevich presses forward in his KV-I with a dampened heart. He is almost into town.

AGC struggles in the woods NE of the village as they fight desperately for their lives against all odds. They are showing sighns of breaking apart at the seams. "Hooold the liiiiine!! We must take these woods for the Motherlaaaaand!!! War cries are heard all over as they return fire in the face of death.

AGE is slowed by a HMG and a PIIc to the SE of the village! A mortar team is ordered to suppress, but to little effect as they are soon spotted by the PIIc and HMG, and pinned. The Southern surprise attack force continues undetected.

Turn 13:

The damaged T-34 finally makes it into position amidst heavy fire from the P-IVE at point blank range, partially blocking the panzer's sight to the North! The crew knows it must surrender now, and discusses it amongst themselves. The infantry flanking to the west mow down the surviving panzer crews scattered about as they flee the burning wrecks!! "AAAAARGAGRAGRAGRAGRAGRARGARGGR!!!!" they shout as they fire away and chuck TNT. The squad is safe for now as the P-IVE is distracted. The 2 remaining BA-10s to the North aren't faring so well. The southern most is suppressing the enemy in the woods atop hill 230, and the other is stuck on what appears to be rocky ground..

AGC fights furiously for the woods against two platoons of enemy infantry. There are now two halftracks supporting the enemy and things look grim. Jst as it seems control of the woods is out of reack, an ear-shattering blast is heard from the rear! "KAABLOOOOOOOOOOOMMM!!!" It's the KV-I, and the PIIc to the south has been hit and is hurting badly, possible out of commission! "HUURRRAAAAHHHH!!" the men shout as they rally. Lt. Stroyev's KV-I is still stuck in the rear on flat ground. Either that or he just doesn't know how to drive. Perhaps his steering is malfunctioning.

The inf support from AGW has nearly arrived to support AGC in their struggle for the north end of the village.

AGE presses on, hoping to find that elusive angle on the village, and the rear surprise attack force continues undetected. . .

Turn 14:

The immobilized P-IVE continues to pund rounds into my last, damaged T-34 to put it out for good. With the help of some infantry they finally do it. They were brave warriors.

A BA-10 from AGW spots a PIIC in the woods supporting the enemy inf their and fires. It's a miss. It was a prayer anyways. HQ scrambles to deal with this new threat. A HT suddenly appears atop the western hill's south side! My infantry are spotted once again and driven fiercely back into the woods amidst a blistering blizzard of hot lead!! They were are last hope for taking hill 230. It appears the fate of this hill has been sealed. It belongs to the germans, but just barely. The other remaining BA-10 supporting AGC is still stuck.

AGC continues it's valiant struggle for the woods. They seem to be pushing the attackers back!! German squads are seen retreating to the safety of the gulley!

My KV-I rolls into town. There are no apparent threats here as the PIIIH is toast. I order them to creep into town and confront the two HTs that are suppressing my infantry. The KV-I in the rear is still stuck. I reaffirm it's orders for good measure, but they seem to be spinning the tracks and going nowhere.

AGE takes up positions of cover as best they can, while the surprise attack force in the rear splits, sending the T-26 and a 50mm mortar team up the gulley from the south, while 3rd plt heads through the woods to the far south toward the southern most end of the road.

Turn 15:

With Hill 230 lost, my men concentrate on AGC and the surprise attack from the enemy's rear flank. The inf from AGC continue to fight ferociously, inflicting heavy losses on the germans, while the forward most KV-I rolls into town and targets a HT. It's fire sounds like thunder! But it's a miss when we most needed a quick hit. Whomever said "It's only a matter of time" must have never been in combat. The rear KV-I finally appears to have broken free and begins the move into the village. Supportr approaches from AGW and AGC still controls the northern-most flag. 2 HMG and an inf squad are hunkered down at the building near the flag. A PIIc is spotted entering the gulley to the south just as my T-26 and mortar team roll around the bend. Uh Ohh. . .


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Man! Even I get excited by now!

Nice AAR Master Goddale! smile.gif

Edit: Thx for all the encouraging posts! I hope to speak in both Master Goodale's name and mine: We really appreciate your comments!

I hope you enjoy this AAR as much as I (and hopefully Master Goodale) enjoyed this game of CMBB!

Most of you know that it's quite some work to put up such an AAR but the feedback of you guys shows that it's well worth our time.

[ January 06, 2003, 01:06 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

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Originally posted by laxx:

I like this AAR because it is funny (like "died bravely", "Uphappy Crew") and written like a novel. Any plans to put into a PDF file for Newbie downloads ?

Para agreed that I put the finished AAR up on my page (converted to HTML). I'll include it as a zip file too. If Mr. Goodale agrees I'll put it up soon after both finished writing it.
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And another part...

Turn 16:

West of hill 230 a single squad or maybe a tank crew is spotted trying to sneak into my rear. A SPW 251/1 ordered there last turn to provide some flank protection fires some well-aimed MG bursts at them, forcing them to withdraw.

On hill 230 two of Lt.Becker's infantry squads advance towards the the village while Becker and his men are moving fast to catch up with them after their succesful tank-busting.

In the tall building in the NW corner of the village a russian HMG team opens fire.

In the village one of my SPW251/1s gets destroyed by a KV I. The SPW had almost reversed back into safety behind a small building when the 76mm round tore through its thin armour.

Another KV I heavy tank is reported to roll into the village from the north! This will be a tough nut to crack...

What's that? Looks like Master Goodale is trying to sneak some forces around my right flank, attacking me from the rear! But Unt.Wittman in his PzII is already in position and engages a light soviet tank, a T-26, that tried to move down the gully from behind. Again the 20mm rounds slice through the lightly armoured soviet vehicle, destroying it.

If enemy infantry appears to my rear the HMG 34 south of the village and Wittman's PzII will deal with them, while the SPW 251/10 will act as a mobile reserve. Hpt. Reuter has advanced and is continuing his attack with a platoon of infantry, with another platoon under Lt.Braunstein following.

The KV I is already ahead of his infantry, if he advances a bit further I'll order my infantry to close-assault the beast! Patience...


Turn 17:

The single infantry unit (tank crew?) west of hill 230 is routed by the SPW251/1's MG fire.

The foremost two squads of Becker's platoon on hill 230 are under tank fire from east of the village, the rest of the platoon will arrive next turn.

I want to get these men into the village ASAP before the heavy soviet tanks are in position to blast them from that hill. Once within the village they have both cover and will (hopefully) be able to engage the KV Is from close range.

Hpt. Reuter and his men stumle onto some russians and immediatly suffer casualties. The men are tired and seem to be at a disadvantage during the fighting. Damn! Maybe I shouldn't have pressed the attack so hard and give them some time to recover...

Unt.Wittman is ordered to move around the hill east of the village to take care of the light soviet tank that's troubling Becker's men on hill 230.

So far I'm not too unhappy with the situation. I have taken hill 230 and destroyed MG's T-34 and quite some of the lighter tanks. My infantry has pushed back his infantry within the village and my Panzerjäger teams are waiting for his KV Is to come closer.

My armour force is almost wiped out, but given the quality of their opponents (T-34s and KV Is) that's not suprising.

Turn 18:

The enemy infantry squad west of hill 230 really starts to suffer as Lt.Reinhard's PzIV starts shelling it with MG fire, HE rounds and even canister shots. I guess they won't trouble me anymore...

On hill 230 Lt. Becker's platoon is now in position to assault the village.

Lt.Schulmeister's PzII rolls around the hill and engages a BA-10 that's firing at Becker's men. The 20mm gun quickly takes out the soviet vehicle. Did I already mention that the 20mmL55 is absolutely deadly against light armour?

Hpt.Reuter, leading his men, steadily advances through the woods, routing another two russian infantry squads!

Across the street they spot a russian HMG team and another infantry squad. My troops are suffering serious losses in such close-quarter fighting. The russian squads are slightly bigger (11 men compared to my 10) and have far greater firepower at close range.

At 40m my german Rifle'41's firepower is 124, where as the russian rifle '41 squad has a FP rating at 40m of 180! Those PPSh MPs really hurt...

Unt.Wittman's PzII meanwhile has moved into position behind the russian light tank east of the village. Distance: 71m. The T-26 (?) is as good as dead...

Turn 19:

On hill 230 Lt. Becker's platoon starts its asssault on the village. They have difficult ground to cover (rough) and and there's still a HMG in the tall building that needs to be suppressed.

When one of the KV I's rolls around a corner he spots Obg Altschuler's SPW 251/1 who is providing fire support for Reuter's attack. Before he can move to safety the KV fires and destroys the SPW with its first shot.

As Obg Ober's 2-men Panzerjäger team slowly crawls towards the KV I through a wheatfield they are spotted and the russian tank engages them with MG fire and high-explosive rounds.

They don't suffer casualties but are pretty much shaken. Oh-oh... Now I have to rely on Obg Hampel's team to stop these steel behemoths...

In the center of the village a single russian infantry squad is advancing and gets pinned down by incoming fire quickly.

Reuter's men continue the firefight against what looks like a Maxim MG and a single infantry squad. Time to bring up the reserve platoon and finnish the russian forces off.

At the end of the turn the Maxim is pinned down, a new squad has almost reached Reuter's men, time for the final assault!

East of their position Unt. Wittman moves around the corner of the forest. "Enemy tank, 11 o'clock, AP round, fire!" Already the first salvo penetrates the T-26's side armour, a second salvo again tears through the soviet tank.

As all AP rounds are spent he continues to fire HE rounds at the enemy tank, the shells exploding in rapid succession on the light tank's armour.

Turn 20:

Lt. Becker's men advance cautiously down the hill towards the village. There are at least two HMG teams and some infantry around that need to get suppressed before thay can assaultt the tall building.

No need to hurry here and risk high casualties. Two squads and Obg Bernhoff's HMG 34 provide covering fire while the other two squads advance using every available cover.

In the village one of the russian KV Is rolls forward unsupported by its own infantry, right up to the center VL. Looks like he wants to finish off Hampel's Panzerjäger team.

Little does he know that right next to him (12m) Unt. Günther's infantry squad is lying in ambush position, readying their rifle grenades and grenade bundles...

In the center of the village the lone russian infantry squad runs back to the rear after suffering heavy casualties.

With this immediate threat right in front of them gone I can now order Hampel's Panzerjäger team to rush the short distance to the KV I. Together with Günther's men they will engage the heavy soviet tank from two sides.

Hpt. Reuter and his men are suffering heavy casualties in the firefight with that single russian squad. Among four squads there are only 25 soldiers left that are still able to fight.

Should I pull back to reorganize my men? I'll wait another turn and hope that the russian squad breaks...

On the hill east of the village Wittman continues to fire HE rounds at the T-26 until he sees the crew bailing out.

With this hill secured I can now move him to support Reuter's men in the village. Just gotta watch out for the KVs...


...to bo continued.

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These guys actually have plans, and stick to them! I thought that was declared a gamey tactic a long time ago. :D

Now I'm seeing what it was like for the early members, waiting for the first CMBO AARs to be posted. As someone else said a while back, the money we pay to BFC is actually for membership on this forum. As a bonus, they toss in a pretty great game.

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