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Björn Eriksson

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Everything posted by Björn Eriksson

  1. I just click a unit in the vicinity of the area I wish to view, then tap the TAB key. This centers the camera on the selected unit.
  2. It didn't work . I checked the temperature though, and it was at 60-70 degrees celsius.
  3. I doubt it is overheating, the problem first came up when I reinstalled the nVidia drivers (was trying to make UFO: Aftermath work). I think I might have come up with a solution now, though. The AGP speed setting was at 4x, but it should have been at 2x. Now, I'm going to try a 3D game to see if it works.
  4. Hi, Whenever I run a 3D game it runs normally for ~5 minutes, then the computer freezes and I have to reboot. My system specs are: AMD 2100+ Geforce TI200 3D card (128 mb) 768 mb RAM Anyone know what the problem is? Thanks in advance.
  5. Jag är helt klart intresserad. Det ska bli kul att komma över och krossa myten om "überfinnen"
  6. Någon som vet hur mycket färjan till Finland kostar? Det jobbigaste tror jag är att få med sig datorn. Jag, som inte har körkort har ingen större lust att ta med den på bussen.
  7. En finnkamp hade varit riktigt, riktigt roligt Tyvärr bor jag i Norrland, så mina möjligheter att ta mig till Skåne är ganska begränsade.
  8. Does that mean that if an unspotted gun fires and remains unspotted, the dust cloud will still be visible, marking the guns location for mortars and artillery?
  9. According to Battlefield.ru, 34780 T-34/76 and 23214 T-34/85, for a total of 57994 tanks were manufactured between 1940 and 1945.
  10. Unfortunately, the bug's still there in CMBB. I was playing a PBEM game when one of my Russian planes swooped down to attack a German AFV. Simultaneously, every small and medium building on the map suddenly exploded, and the few remaining large buildings looked like they took damage. Luckily we didn't have units in the buildings, but this could have wrecked the whole game if one side or the other suddenly took a lot of casualties from roofs falling in. We can send the file to BFC if they want to look into it. </font>
  11. Looks great, I like the camouflage alot. Thanks
  12. Actually, that is the exact formula. You're gonna need an advanced calculator though. I'll take it in swedish instead, it's alot easier to explain Om du kör Windows, starta Kalkylatorn. Gå sedan in på "Visa" och välj "Avancerad". Om du vill få ut 45mm/cos(30°) så trycker du först in "45" sedan "/", sedan "30" sedan knappen "cos" (en av de rosa knapparna). Tryck enter efter det. Jag kommer inte ihåg exakt vad cos innebär längre, men det behöver man inte veta Hoppas du förstår något [ July 23, 2003, 04:36 AM: Message edited by: Björn Eriksson ]
  13. The MG42, I just like the sound it makes when spitting hot lead at the bolshevik hordes
  14. The Bob Semple. Ugliest thing I've ever seen. Read more about it here.
  15. Isn't it possible to upload it at the Mod Database?
  16. I guess we have different AIs then, because I have seen the AI miss with artillery strikes several times. Try using the WITHDRAW command as soon as you see a spotting round falling close to your troops.
  17. Will it be possible for infantry to fire from the roofs of buildings in CMAK? Almost every picture I've seen of mediterranean and north african villages have buildings with flat roofs. It would be extremely cool if you could move troops between the roofs of adjacent buildings, ninja style
  18. It is already in. It's quite common in night battles IIRC.
  19. I like maps with lots of variation and dense terrain. A small village in a forested and/or hilly area would be great for head to head play. I dislike too open and flat maps because they tend to make the armor battle too important.
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