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The Peng Challenge Thread - A Coalition of the Swilling

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Boggs sighs with relief. It had been a long shot, but the stakes were high. The reputation of the MBT was on the line. If the Justicar had gone over to the "good side", there would be no end to the mush .

Joe remains as cranky, crusty (ewwww!), and mean-spirited as ever.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Boggs sighs with relief. It had been a long shot, but the stakes were high. The reputation of the MBT was on the line. If the Justicar had gone over to the "good side", there would be no end to the mush .

Joe remains as cranky, crusty (ewwww!), and mean-spirited as ever.

Damn straight bubba.


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Nidan has a Squire? What's next, a constitutional amendment to give tree squirrels the vote?

He has a squire.

He does NOT have a vote.


See how it all fits together? </font>

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Boggs sighs with relief. It had been a long shot, but the stakes were high. The reputation of the MBT was on the line. If the Justicar had gone over to the "good side", there would be no end to the mush .

Joe remains as cranky, crusty (ewwww!), and mean-spirited as ever.

I've had the pleasure of meeting the Justicar in person...He does have a lovable-lost-puppy dog quality to him. When you take him home...Don't let him get into the silverware drawer...


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

In this case we have two calls to rescind the sentencing and so ... it is DONE!

I blame Seanachai (THE Idiot) and his sidekick Persephone (THE Witless). </font>
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*Sniffle* :(

Since Joe Shaw revoked my Coventry status, I must return the favor: I hereby state that no more Vanilla Ice pics will be posted, bar this one:


... And to be insured that all taint of V-Ice has truly been cleansed off the face of the "peng", I shall summon our infamous wiggy-wiggy white boy rappah's only true nemesis: MC HAMMER!


The message is clear... "Peng thread - u can't touch this".

Now that the act of exorcism is finished, how may I disrespect the individuals (as Mr. Shaw underlined) of the "peng" thread in a more efficient, productive manner?

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Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

...{snipped junk that simply proves that we were right the first time and only SOFT HEARTED, EMPTY HEADED ... opps, sorry}...

Now that the act of exorcism is finished, how may I disrespect the individuals (as Mr. Shaw underlined) of the "peng" thread in a more efficient, productive manner?

Reading the rules in the first post might be considered a START by some.


p.s. The Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread has it's eye on you boyo ... the other one seems to be missing for some reason.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

This looks more like a conglomeration of the milling.

No grain of any kind was processed in the making of this Thread. </font>
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Originally posted by Persephone:


Lars and his girl friend going to the bondage club.....Lars, where are your handcuffs?

Yes, yes, fine, but Lars ... what of my GrandSquire Hanns? The poor little tyke has been gone and his GrandLiege is missing the little fellow. Tell him GrandLiege has a whole dollar for him the next time I get to Minneapolis.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I think you should screw the top back on that bottle of single malt that Peng wants to award to the great unwashed. I told him you'd been somewhat abruptly dismissive of his idea.

Actually, Der Peng and I had a chat about that very subject. Sounds like a damned fine idea. You should be getting an e-mail from the madman hisself soon
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Originally posted by Persephone:

I've had the pleasure of meeting the Justicar in person...

And you survived ! :eek:

He does have a lovable-lost-puppy dog quality.
Ahh. That would be the propensity to "mark" every piece of furniture, then leave a puddle on the carpet.

When you take him home...Don't let him get into the silverware drawer...
Certainly not. He always carries a large sack...And to top it off, he cleans out your liquor cabinet, something about 'one for the road'


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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Send me a set up, you scurrilous purveyor of tripe, trash and tabloid fodder. I'll soon sort you out, laddie.

As an apparent newbie to the great Art of the Duel , I will discuss briefly the proper etiquette and procedures.

1. You are the Carpetbagging Yankee Dog

therefore you are allowed to select any set-up and side that you desire. You may QB, you may Rune , you may create your own disaster:


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I've been too easy on them and it's beginning to show. Now they walk around the Pool, hair slicked back, snapping their gum. No respect, no obsequiousness and above all, no fear.

So, Jimmy, me lad. You wanna fight? Send ME a set up.

*Snap*....*slicks hair back*....*walks around pool*.....

As you wish oh great and mighty One .

Listed below are your choices for the upcoming duel , you may select either of the options:

1. Defender or Defender?

2. Russian or Russian?

3. 1,000 point QB or 1,000 point QB?

4. Medium Map or Medium Map?

5. Turn Limit 30+ or Turn Limit 30+?

6. Small rolling hills or Small rolling hills?

7. Few trees or few trees?

Okay, oh great One , if you register no specific choice, I will go with the first choice in each of the above.

Would that meet with the great One's approval? Expect an e-mail tonight!

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

As you wish oh great and mighty One .

Would that meet with the great One's approval? Expect an e-mail tonight!

Now see? This is what I'm going on about. This is what's been missing in the MBT (Never let them see you sweat. Poke out their eyes.) More forelock tugging. More digging of the toe into the ground. More cowering. More burning resentment tightly packed into little fiery balls of bile and acidic hatred, carefully stoked and nurtured until the great unwashed masses rise up with truncheon and fetlock raised...but perhaps I've said too much.

Besides, that prancing blatherskite, Seanachai asked me to send him ANOTHER set up since he can't believe I trounced him as much as I did in the last and he can't be bothered to bestir himself enough to hit enough keys in succession to do it himself. Lazy sod.

Oh, and before I forget. Nidan? Shut up.

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Originally posted by Persephone:


Lars and his girl friend going to the bondage club.....Lars, where are your handcuffs?

Man, I look good.

I mean, she's not bad.

But I look goooood...

P.S. – handcuffs were provided at the club.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Ask her if the diamond ring is real.

Now sod off.

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