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The Peng Challenge Thread - A Coalition of the Swilling

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

High on a pike preferably

I would refer you to the musical musings of a great artist of my day:

John Lennon: Imagine

Now in order to keep things all legal and above board I will fulfill my AAR responsibility:

Boggs Vs Lars -Engaged in a sweet little nugget designed by the ever devious Rune

called, not surprisingly, "Cossack Carnage" The Melancholy Dane serving in the role of "Cossack" (see above). I sent him a turn a mere Two Days Ago. Apparently it has completely unnerved him.

Boggs vs Noba -Interesting little bit of larceny foisted upon me. The ever vigilant (as in still looking for a win) Noba has agreed to command an SS Panzer Battalion and has allowed me the honor of commanding a Troupe from the Bolshoi Ballet Company . At present, he is still trying to get his Tigers lined up in a straight line. The size of the map may preclude this from happening.

Serf Jim Boggs (Spelt, not Bolded)

Serf Wuss (Heard, not Seen)

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Coventry IS Coventry Patch and nothing less than that.

Yep, it is...

Problem is that Coventry requires everyone to agree...

Along comes that idiot Gnome...

No Coventry

Did I mention that the Gnome is an idiot? </font>

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

i hope tampa bay will not annoy us

My dear Gaylord,

Such an unexpected riposte. Now then can you spell:

S-u-p-e-r B-o-w-l C-h-a-m-p-i-o-n

Serf Jim Boggs (Spelt, not Bolded)

Serf Wuss (Heard, not Seen)

[ March 30, 2003, 04:00 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

i hope tampa bay will not annoy us

My dear Gaylord,

Such an unexpected riposte. Now then can you spell:

S-u-p-e-r B-o-w-l C-h-a-m-p-i-o-n

Serf Jim Boggs (Spelt, not Bolded)

Serf Wuss (Heard, not Seen) </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

No challenge, no taunt, nothing but posts of a washed up rapper. And all of his previous posts were nothing but slanders against the MBT. So go ahead Berli make you case for the lad. Surely there must be some great good that only YOU can see.

Joe, you idiot (Damn! That sure sounds nice... think I'll say it again)

Joe, you idiot,

I am one of the supporters of sending that slimeball into coventry. As far as I'm concerned, the only contribution I want him to make is to shove a double barreled shotgun up his own arse and blow his brains out.

However, Seanachai the Idiot (That sound good also. Once more with feelin')

Seanachai the Idiot... Seanachai the Idiot... Seanachai The Idiot... Seanachai THE Idiot... Seanachai THE Raving Loon... where'd that come from/ Kind nice ring also... Where was I...

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Boggs looks to the heavens and says a silent prayer of thanks. He had come that close to sending a picture to Persephone.

Whipping out his trusty Zippo , he quickly ignites all the known pictures of Boggs that exist.

Jim Bigg Wuss.......you are a...........WUSS! </font>
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Tha baltic eel Hortlhund is proving t' be slippery. He bombarded tha Rat's line with a carronade for many hours then formed 'is men in a column that would make Boney proud.

Now tha thin line of me sturdy marines has begun ta flay 'is column with ball n' shot n' shell. All that can be heard from 'is side of tha hill is some muttered mumbo jumbo like "operashunal paws" or somesuch.

So tha Rat continue ta swill 'is grog n' wait....

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

OH Yeah!

seanachai, the Idiot didn't agree with Coventry for that loathsome swine, so, by the Rulez, he's free and clear.

Personally, it makes me want to vomit, but we can't have anarchy, now can we?

I don't know that we should consider Seanachai an idiot ... oh I know, I know, I agreed at first but it really does do an injustice to the idiots doesn't it?

Berli, you're right ... hey what are the odds I'd be saying THAT huh? But in this case a call to Coventry can only be negated in the case of a POST in FAVOR of the SSN. In this case, and I've checked carefully Berli, there was NO argument with the call to Coventry. It has to be on the record otherwise how can we make fun of the idiot (see above) who went against the call of the entire CessPool and retained the idiot (uh ... different idiot).

My apologies (wow, two "who'd a thunk it" lines in one post ... a new personal best for me) to you for suggesting that YOU wished to retain him as an SSN.

So, let's get it on the record then shall we Seanachai. Matter of moments, eh lad? Just post your REJECTION of the sentence of Coventry for Bone_Vulture and he's an SSN again.

But I do think we need to know WHY you think he should be retained if indeed you do. After all we don't think so, so why do you if you so do ... do so?


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Sorry for the slow turns this weekend lads, but it's been a busy one.

First it was off to a fine Italian restaurant for several bottles of their finest. Then, the next night, the GF and I decided to go in search of my long lost Squire, Hanns.

Yes, Hanns, he of the enormous size and a generous way with pitchers of beer. Turns out he still is working as a bouncer at Ground Zero (our local den of S&M perversion). He's now also running the data banks at the U for a little extra leather money and just doesn't have time to indulge in the perversion of the Cess when he's up to his neck in perversion down at Ground Zero.

And Ground Zero is a very perverse place.

Actually, the GF just wanted to dress up. Or down. Or just not wear very much at all, in this case. Nothing wrong with that. You should see the pictures. To bad I have no way to post them. Can't send them to Persephone, she would have to find a way to keep them out of Berli's hands.

Maybe I should just send them to Seanachai, he knows what pictures from Hanns are like. Might just finish him off.


SSN Hint Of The Day: Talk with your mouth full.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

So, let's get it on the record then shall we Seanachai. Matter of moments, eh lad? Just post your REJECTION of the sentence of Coventry for Bone_Vulture and he's an SSN again.

But I do think we need to know WHY you think he should be retained if indeed you do. After all we don't think so, so why do you if you so do ... do so?


Joe, it's so good to come in here and find you and Berli being your usual 'crusty, but lovable' selves.

The only point I've ever raised about Bone Vulture is that, except for his rather sad and needy romance with Vanilla Ice, he's not particularly disruptive or annoying. I mean, the parade he makes of his personal fetish really hurts no one but himself. Oh, yes, the rest of us have to look at the mug of that deluded, middle-class suburban white boy attempting to project an aura of menace, but coming off as the one-man equivalent of the 'Village People' of the Rap world.

But while this might be slightly annoying for the rest of us, consider the degradation Bone Vulture subjects himself to every time he posts another of those vulgar little personal valentines for all the world to see. It's like a cry for help that by its very nature fills everyone who hears it with loathing, and hardens their hearts against the very person who desperately needs their attention.

But I've always felt Coventry was a fate best reserved for people who were abusive and destructive, or openly and actively disruptive, not merely peripherally annoying.

Should this ultimate punishment be called on anyone who is simply clueless, or needy, or exceptionally stupid? Are the desperate mewlings of a Bone Vulture, with his depressing little romantic longings for Vanilla Ice, something that really merits Coventry?

For remember, Joe, and Berli, and all you others: Once Coventry is called, the one it is called down upon can never hope to be anything more than - an OuterBoarder.

Some would say (certainly Berli would), that it is better that a thousand innocents suffer than that one guilty man go free. Others might say that sometimes the only way to stop the disease is to kill the patient.

But what I say, is: We must not put ourselves in the position of saying 'We had to destroy the Cesspool in order to save it'.

Call Coventry if you will, Gentlemen. But does not Bone Vulture rather deserve our pity than our hatred? Should we not extend to him the (suitably gloved, as I'm sure the little rodent is crawling with vileness) hand of understanding, and give him another chance to prove himself of some worth to this community?

For once Coventry is called, he becomes less than nothing. An Outerboarder who can never rise beyond that level. Not merely history, but evolution itself will have left him behind, and all hope of redemption fled.

How speaks the 'Pool?

[ March 31, 2003, 02:12 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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While Joe's away digging thru the archives, let us continue playing:

Who's the Idiot?

No names please, this entry comes to us from a Spats salesman from Akron, Ohio.

The audience erupts with "BOOOOOOO!"

Okay settle down. And now in his own words:

"Have you ever had all your troops lined up, just out of sight, all ready to make that push across open ground and you're waiting for your arty to lay down a nice thick smoke screen? Then you discover that you hit "T" instead of "K" and start shelling your own men?"

Okay, no more hints: Who's the Idiot?

[ March 31, 2003, 02:49 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

While Joe's away digging thru the archives, let us continue playing:

Who's the Idiot?

No names please, this entry comes to us from a Spats salesman from Akron, Ohio.

The audience erupts with "BOOOOOOO!"

Okay settle down. And now in his own words:

"Have you ever had all your troops lined up, just out of sight, all ready to make that push across open ground and you're waiting for your arty to lay down a nice thick smoke screen? Then you discover that you hit "T" instead of "K" and start shelling your own men?"

Okay, no more hints: Who's the Idiot?

Umm... Joe?


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Originally posted by Lars:

And Ground Zero is a very perverse place.


SSN Hint Of The Day: Talk with your mouth full.

Now sod off.

Are you sure it's not actually GGGround Zero?

I'm sure I've got a porn site link to it here somewhere ... which folder contains yours and Han's pics again?

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Originally posted by AUSSIEJEFF:

I'm sure I've got a porn site link to it here somewhere ... which folder contains yours and Han's pics again?

Quit browsing for porn and send a turn, perv.

That goes for the rest of you bumsniffers too.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Some would say (certainly Berli would), that it is better that a thousand innocents suffer than that one guilty man go free.

And some wouldn't. Society at large labels them...


Kill them all and let God sort them out! Bastard needs somefink to do anyway

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"I met a man named Jim Boggs and he danced a bit...throughout the south.

Had no wit 'n' had no skill...but he had a mouth.

He posted a post, Lord he posted a post,

From another thread, it is true.

And I said, Mr. Bo-Jim Boggs,

Mr. Bo-Jim Boggs,

Mr. Bo-Jim Boggs..."

Send me a set up, you scurrilous purveyor of tripe, trash and tabloid fodder. I'll soon sort you out, laddie.

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