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Life's just like a box of Peng Challenges

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Well, I spend the day battling communist subversion (snow). General Winter dropped by and had to dig my car out of the driveway this morning to get to work. Then, when I got home I dug my driveway out again so I could park.

Amazingly, even in the midst of a massive blizzard, I could hear the whining of Vorpatril and Mike the Crackwhore.

Both you pansy bastards had turns e-mailed.

The Desert Redux scenario is boring and tiring, and designed by the type of sadistic moronic bastard who worships Satan and abuses kittens.

In other words, it was probably designed by a Yankees fan.

The scenario is not sadistic in a fun and exciting way like a cute nymphomaniac domanatrix, but sadistic in a boring and pointless way, like an overzealous tax auditor.

It sucks, and I hate Joe Shaw for selecting it. The scenario is a massive black hole of suck, a scenario from which no amusement or intelligence can escape.

I formally curse Squeaker for designing it, and I hope that both he and his 'scenario' are transported to the deepest, darkest reaches of space- so far away that the Almighty couldn't find them with a stepladder and a radio telescope.

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Originally posted by mcgivney:

The Desert Redux scenario is boring and tiring, and designed by the type of sadistic moronic bastard who worships Satan and abuses kittens.

In other words, it was probably designed by a Yankees fan.

The scenario is not sadistic in a fun and exciting way like a cute nymphomaniac domanatrix, but sadistic in a boring and pointless way, like an overzealous tax auditor.

It sucks, and I hate Joe Shaw for selecting it. The scenario is a massive black hole of suck, a scenario from which no amusement or intelligence can escape.

I formally curse Squeaker for designing it, and I hope that both he and his 'scenario' are transported to the deepest, darkest reaches of space- so far away that the Almighty couldn't find them with a stepladder and a radio telescope.

Wow -- glad you liked it.


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Sir AugustJamboree you are setting a bad example for your squire. Stop playing with your name and continue with our game. I have resent the last turn because you probably got vegemite all over the last one.

Apparently your squire lincolncontinental spent all his points on mortar spotters and now I will have to go hunt him down.

Turning now to the international page...

Nidan1 and I are engaged in a staring contest over the ruins of some innocent village. His hopes of forcing me into a long range duel with his cats have proven fruitless.

Lt. Hortlund seems to be baffled by anyone who doesn't blindly charge into his prepared defenses. I will give him the benefit of the doubt and count it more of a measure of his previous opponents than of him.

In addition, not that it really matters, my battles against various outboarders continue to be rousing victories for the honor of the pool. Proof, if any were actually needed, that a mere serf of the MBT would be rated as king in lesser threads.

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Time for some gamey updates:

In "our backs to the Volga", the cowardly chicken-cowards controlled carelessly ©by Nidan1 is using the enormously gamey tactic of hiding in concrete buildings while shooting at my brave pixeltruppen as they attempt to cross the open streets. Not only that, somehow a communist spy managed to kill my Stuka pilot and take control of the aricraft and drop a bomb RIGHT in the middle of one of my clever flanking attacks. He killed one platoon of infantry, one FT team and one 105mm FO...great going "Rudel"...or should I say IVAN? Never fear though we'll see who'll be controlling the ferry traffic in Stalingrad when this is over.

sgtgoody (spnb) has decided to try the new tactic of boring your opponent to tears. Its turn 20 soon and so far he has sent 3 armored cars on something that can only be described as a peacenick pleasure cruise. I'm over by the victory flags you coward!!

Snarker is MIA...I knew my clever use of conscript Malaxa carriers and tankettes would scare him off.

Jussi managed to cheat his way to a draw in game #4 of the quest for the anointed armored car I'll soon post an aar of that particularily disgusting game.

Rat is about to discover some of the finer aspects of 17th century naval warfare as my mighty galleons are setting battle sails and heading towards his line. Little does he suspect that I have an entire squadron of 64 gun frigates circling up behind him... Arrrghhh...ho and hum, squash the maiden and sail 'ho.

lenakonrad is probably regretting his/her/its desicion to post in the MBT. His Soviet conscript cavalry forces are fleeing before my mighty panzers (supported by 150mm inf guns on a steppe map). muahahahaha <-- evil laughter.

Sir Lars Is, as always, an inspiration and a mentor to me and my unworthy pixelcarabinieri in Sapristi. I feel privileged to watch his careful and excellent manuevering of his forces. I can but thank my lucky starts and the fate that let me be squire to such a brave and able knight.

Thank you Sire and may a thousand pieces of gold mysteriously appear in your kitchen sink tonight.

Vadr and his pathetic Hungarians are learing to tremble at the sound of my mighty T-34/85-ubertanks....Already on turn 3 I have managed to secure two victory flags. Thrice I laugh at his feeble forces haha haha haha

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Poor ickle dalem... you sound much worse than I feel, so just for today you can have the big comfortable lounger right next to the fire.

I left a flask of Chicken Soup, and some flu rememdy capsules nearby, so you can help yourself.

Just don't get to comfy, it's only for one day ROIGHT?

Bloody Wuss !!!!!

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Originally posted by dalem:

I hab a colb anb a sore throab and I can'b sleep anb I habe you all.

Awww... here mate *passes low-irritant, hyper-allergenic, strawberry and garlic scented, aloe vera impregnated, triple layered, double strengthened, warp resistant, king-sized tissue to poor diddums Daywem*.

<BIG>BLAAAA-AATTT!! ... Ewwwww... <U>#$%@*&</U>!</BIG>

What's that you say? MOI gave you a <U>USED</U> tissue *snicker, snort*? Well, THERE'S gratitude, I ask you!

Harumph!!! *Aj storms orf*

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Originally posted by dalem:

I hab a colb anb a sore throab and I can'b sleep anb I habe you all.


If you had a head cold as you iNtimitate, you WOULD <BIG>N</BIG>OT BE ABLE TO SAY "NNNNNNNNNNNNNN". Your false post coNtaiNed 4 illegal "N" entries. Please either delete them to read CORRECTLY "I hab a colb ab a sore throab ad I car'b sleep ab I habe you all."


Admit it ... YOU SIR ARE A FAKIR!!!!


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Oh goody, boys and girls! It's time for a TRUE STORY!!!! Are we ready?


One day, a very olde man called Mr Berli decided to give his most favoritestest pet, a cute little dog called Patch, The Little Rat Dog, a special treat.

You see, Berli really loves Patch, the Little Rat Dog. Very much. Lots.

Well, on this special day, he made a special trip to the grocery store and bought Patch a special can of "Grimsby's Special Premium Doggie Gruel". He hurried home with the treat tucked lovingly under his smelly armpit.

Sneaking into the house so as not to wake up his much better looking and much younger better half Lady Persephone, he poured a bowl of the yummy "Special" gruel into Patch's favorite doggy dinner bowl. Berli looked at the gruel he had poured and thought "Hmmm..... that gruel looks a bit grey and gruesome - most unappetising.. maybe I'll brighten it up a little with this little bottle of 'Mellow Yellow<SUP>tm</SUP>' food dye. Says it's harmless on the label... I'll just pour a couple of tablespoons-full in..."

Well, boyz and girlz, our brave hero Mr Berli poured the iridescent food dye into the murky grey gruel, and 'LO!', like magic, the tasty mush turned a bright, colorful 'Mellow Yellow<SUPtm</SUP>'!! Unfortunately for our somewhat naive villain, Berli had forgotten to read the instructions on the label which read - "USE ONLY TWO DROPS PER LITRE". What a silly olde sausage he was.

Patch, The Little Rat Dog, sniffed the tasty, colorful sludge in her favorite bowl and tucked in. YUMM! This icky-yicky stuff was so yummy SHE ATE THE LOT! Well, our soon-to-be-berated not-such-a-hero-anymore Berli was mighty pleased, seeing his favoritest puppy in the WHOLE WORLD eat ALL his kind offering of 'Mellow Yellow<SUP>tm</SUP>' gruel.

Satisfied with his handiwork, Berli then gave Patch a loving pat and guided her with a brush of his foot outside into the lush grass to cavort and play with her. However, after a few minutes Berli noticed something very, very strange happening to Patch, The Little Rat Dog. Can you guess what that something was, boys and girls?
















YESSSS! The Little Rat Dog, Patch, was changing into The Little Mellow Yellow<SUP>tm</SUP> Rat Dog, Patch!!!


"Oh dear. Oh fiddle-de-poop! Well, goodness gracious me!" exclaimed the soon-to-be-hated arch-villain Berli. "The missus is going to go SPARE when she sees THIS!!!" he said, cowering behind the garden shed and the tatty, little olde garden gnome with the pointy red hat, fearing that his Dear wife Persephone might wander into the garden at any moment sans frying pan in hand...

to be ... continued.

[ February 18, 2003, 08:45 AM: Message edited by: aUSsiejeff ]

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Originally posted by former Lt Hortlhund:

Rat is about to discover some of the finer aspects of 17th century naval warfare as my mighty galleons are setting battle sails and heading towards his line. Little does he suspect that I have an entire squadron of 64 gun frigates circling up behind him... Arrrghhh...ho and hum, squash the maiden and sail 'ho.


n' Aaarrggh! again with feeling at Hortlhund's mangling o tha nautical vernacular which one must deplore e'en more than tha Rat's own. It seems this Hortlhund's grasp o' naval warfare is as lacking as twere in his 18th (not 17th you rum sodden Swedish lubber) century countrymen. This bodes well for tha Rat for no doubt he'll run his ancient galleons upon me reefs and 'is poor overburdened frigates will founder under tha weight of their armaments. Speakin' of weighty matters where be tha cetacean Mr Boo_R. Tha Rat is in tha throws o purchase a fine fleet o whaling ships to put paid to 'is blowing n' blustering.

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lenakonrad:

Why was'nt i born on the great wasteland continent of Aussie? Oh how i yearn for the new of Zealand!

Faithfull Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

XenoCoatrack, you'll get your defeat don't worry, i'm going to send you crying all the way back to the refuge of your masters apron strings. </font>
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Originally posted by Private Hortlund:

(some usuall pitifull whinning)

lenakonrad is probably regretting his/her/its desicion to post in the MBT. His Soviet conscript cavalry forces are fleeing before my mighty panzers (supported by 150mm inf guns on a steppe map). muahahahaha <-- evil laughter.

You have no honour nor guts on battlefield ,you have no humour nor wit in yours posts

and don't worry, Lady's can feel yours overall lack of character.

At least,don't lie.

Now seat down and write true,looser


Faithfull Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

(in all of a twitter)

[ February 18, 2003, 11:28 AM: Message edited by: lenakonrad ]

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Originally posted by BilgeRat:

Speakin' of weighty matters where be tha cetacean Mr Boo_R. Tha Rat is in tha throws o purchase a fine fleet o whaling ships to put paid to 'is blowing n' blustering.

And whose little boy are you?

I'm sorry, I have enough trouble deciphering OGSF's pseudo-Scot diatribes and Aussie Jeff's way over the top Dali-esque inspired UBB rantings, but there's not one damn thing in my contract that says I have to put up with pirates. And look at this refugee from a Gilbert and Sullivan opium dream -- is he a Fluffie/SSN? He doesn't bold names, neither does he challenge anyONE.

I say we let GRUE play with him for awhile.

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Sir Lars Is, as always, an inspiration and a mentor to me and my unworthy pixelcarabinieri in Sapristi. I feel privileged to watch his careful and excellent manuevering of his forces. I can but thank my lucky starts and the fate that let me be squire to such a brave and able knight.

Thank you Sire and may a thousand pieces of gold mysteriously appear in your kitchen sink tonight.

Ok, ordinarily I would say that you are a toadying, apple polishing, lickspittle of a sycophant, but in this case, you happen to be correct. If my arty hadn't been targeted by a Russian who, it seems, had just discovered tequila for the first time, you would be getting it even worse.

Please send the gold posthaste, the VISA bill will be here any day, probably hand delivered by a irate banker.

Now, how does the head count stand in the "Quest for the Anointed Armored Car"?

SSN Hint Of The Day: Block the entrances of elevators, buses and subways.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lenakonrad:

You have no honour nor guts on battlefield ,you have no humour nor twit in yours posts

Actually, he has quite a bit of twit in his posts </font>
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