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Goodale, GoodLager and good Chicken and Waffels.

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Ok Cheery-Cheese-Chuckers, it's been awhile since I last lurked in these parts, but I thought I'd share with you a new scenario I created for you to gnash your teeth upon, "Continuation War." Nothing as twisted or enraging as a Soddball scenario, but a nice long scenario nonetheless, where the Fins put up a hardy slug-fest against a very determined Soviet aggressor in '44. Enjoy.

You can find it at


[ August 26, 2003, 05:45 AM: Message edited by: PlatCmdr ]

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Originally posted by 86smopuim:

I have an Axe to grind, if he would ever send me the phÓcking turn.

Eh? Put down the crack pipe lad. I sent it last night at 7:54 p.m. to smope@ponyshow.com. Should I send it again MasterG..., I mean Soddb..., I mean 86smopuim. It's so easy to confuse those whose skills at e-mail resemble those of a flatulent old goat. :mad:

Becket. What is this play function of which you speak? I know you're running a new version of PBEM helper. I can't seem to find it on mine. :mad:

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Quick updates on Brood games:

Dave H and I have finished Cheery Waffle version one. It's pretty bonkers and the Russians have a definite advantage, but a little fine tuning (which I gather has already been done for Take Two) should make it a worthy addition to the Soddball canon. Further feedback is available on request. I give it a :mad: :mad: :mad:

I am still reliving the misery of the Eastern Front with Mikey, in a grinding battle between green/conscript forces and "light" tanks. It's hard to say exactly what is happening on the bleak steppes, but unfortunately it appears the Krauts may have the upper hand. It could be the moment to call in my KV reserves.

In a race against time, Axe and I are trying to complete our AAR before the impending nuptials. Paula is praying we don't get too far into extra time, otherwise the honeymoon may have to be delayed...

MG is on fire - the turns are returning at a fast and furious rate. Although it is a monstrously huge encounter in every sense, at this rate we could be finished before CMAK arrives. Speaking of which, all that dust looks rather testing - I just hope my kit is up to the job of playing it...

PIII 650

256MB ram

64MB Geforce 2Ti


17" monitor


Cable modem


Edited to add: Soundblaster Live

[ August 26, 2003, 07:29 AM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]

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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

In a race against time, Axe and I are trying to complete our AAR before the impending nuptials. Paula is praying we don't get too far into extra time, otherwise the honeymoon may have to be delayed...

Open Spaces, or Why I Can't Wait to Get My Own Office in Our New Home

A play in one act

Scene: A suburban Ontario living room, a man sits at a computer while his soon-to-be-wife putters around the kitchen.

*The man looks over shoulder and begins typing*

Ahh, she can cool her jets. If she doesn't like it, tough!!

Hee hee hee.

"What's so funny?," the woman calls from the kitchen.

"Uh, nothing dear. One of the Brood just made a funny joke."

{aside} "Me!"

*He looks over his shoulder again*

"That's nice dear," says the women. "Have fun with your game."

He smiles, leans back in his chair, hands locked behind his head, content with another of life's small victories.


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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

Dave H and I have finished Cheery Waffle version one. It's pretty bonkers and the Russians have a definite advantage, but a little fine tuning (which I gather has already been done for Take Two) should make it a worthy addition to the Soddball canon. Further feedback is available on request. I give it a :mad: :mad: :mad:

My Right Honourable Friend Mr. Windsor has downplayed his thorough demolition (71-29) of my German position in Cheery Waffle 1. At the end of the game I controlled exactly zero VLs. His gamey rush to my home flag with a couple of T-34s ended perfectly for him. An entire platoon of fresh German infantry was hidden in buildings within a few meters of his buttoned tanks. They were heavily armed with grenade bundles and panzerfausts, but time ran out before they could use them. :mad:

Oh, and there are significant changes to the units and the map in CW2.0, which I think is much improved.

My other Right Honourable Friend Mr. Soddball complimented me on my whine about a "Forward Recon" scenario, which I don't believe I have played. If you are talking about my battle with Prinz Eugen, that was a QB on one of Biltong's maps. I have to give him credit, the uber-Finn spanked me pretty solidly.

Soddball, I still have not received any Traveller e-mail from you. Try me here at work david.m.hutchens@census.gov

MasterGoodale, I'll get the first turn to you this evening in our new bloodbath. I'm hoping Becket gave you the First Quadriplegic Guards Army. I might just be able to manage a draw against them. :mad: :D

edited because those three-letter words can be so hard to spell

[ August 26, 2003, 08:39 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]

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Originally posted by Dave H:

If you are talking about my battle with Prinz Eugen, that was a QB on one of Biltong's maps. I have to give him credit, the uber-Finn spanked me pretty solidly.

I kick ass. :mad: :mad:

Don't ask Snarker or Axe2121 though. They tell lies. :D :mad: :mad:

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MasterGoodale - Jewel Crowned GrandMster TNT Chucker sat at his PC for almost 3 hours last night to witness but a few miserable turns trickle in and spew forth a final, foul breath of defiance on a ****-speckled wind from their maggoty little pie holes. :mad: What a bunch of lame-ass, non-chucker wannabes!! :mad: I don't ever want to hear another complaint about turn rates you disgusting abominations of amoeba afterbirth!!!! :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

... blah, blah, blah... I don't ever want to hear another complaint about turn rates you disgusting abominations of amoeba afterbirth!!!! :mad: [/QB]

Oooh, oooh, I get the first shot at this. :D:D

Oh, you poor, poor thing, you waited for THREE WHOLE HOURS and only a "few" turns came in. You expect those of us who have waited as much as THREE WEEKS between turns from you to feel sorry for you. I have to admit, you're living in a whole different world from the rest of us. tongue.gif:D:rolleyes:

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Listen up you gaggle of mouth-breathing, Darwin-rejected flint chippers! :mad: :mad:

I'm looking for some advice on a good mod pack to download. I have absolutely NO mods right now and some of them look good so I'd like to see if I can add another level of realism to the terrain and vehicles. :mad:

I also need to know the easiest way to install them. :mad:

Thanks! :mad: I mean, I hate you! :mad:

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Busy Tuesday Stuf

Axe -- I got the latest version of PBEM Helper, not sure what the version is. But the Play Movie thing rules. Once you start, you can just sit and view all the movies (neat idea, you hit a function key and it quits the current movie, and loads the next one).

Goodwhale -- I suggest getting CMMOS and all of the mods from www.combatmission.com Best bang for the d/l buck are Gordon Molek's various armor sets and AndrewTF's uniform packs.

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What does CMMOS stand for? I want terrain mods too. Download size is not an issue on my end (is it on the server end?) :mad:

And Axe and smope please give "Blood and Scones" an angry face rating of 1-8 (8 meaning the scenario was great and full of furious combat and hot lead and TNT) when you're done. I'm hoping to make one good enough for the Scenario Depot one of these times. :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

What does CMMOS stand for? I want terrain mods too. Download size is not an issue on my end (is it on the server end?) :mad:

Combat Mission Mod Operating System or something like that. It backs up your default BFC bitmaps, applies the new mods (with selectable options, saving you trouble).

There are several terrain mods for CMMOS on the site as well. I use Captain Wacky's high res gridded terrain.

With the flow of new CMMOS mods slowing down, I've gone ahead and grabbed some new non-CMMOS stuff as well -- Tom's skies are AWESOME, as are Tanks A Lot's shacks, and the rest of AndrewTF's uniforms.

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