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There Is A Light That Never Goes Out, The Peng Challenge Thread, Stretch Out And Wait

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Yeah, so Seanachai beat me. So what? So he got a big bad Tactical Victory over me. Big deal. I wasn't even paying that much attention. I phoned it in if you must know the truth. I think I was thinking about something else when his moves came in. I'm not even sure, I don't even remember playing it that much. It might not even have been me returning moves. I don't think I was around when it happened.

Seanachai who?

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Yeah, so Seanachai beat me. So what? So he got a big bad Tactical Victory over me. Big deal. I wasn't even paying that much attention. I phoned it in if you must know the truth. I think I was thinking about something else when his moves came in. I'm not even sure, I don't even remember playing it that much. It might not even have been me returning moves. I don't think I was around when it happened.

Seanachai who?

Good Lord, that was some good wine. Although at one point I thought I heard Emma scolding me...must have been a dream.

It's very strange, but here it is Saturday morning and there's hardly anyone parked on our block. And my neighbours all sure got up early and headed off to somewhere around 7:30.

In any case, let me, on this rather cloudy Saturday morning (also strange; last night was clear as a bell, and they said we shouldn't see even a chance of rain until sometime midweek), take the opportunity to comment on the defeat of Mr. Radley.

I cannot fault Boo for being overly cautious. No indeed. After all, when the only things you have to support your Attacking infantry are an Elefant, a Brumbar, a StuH42, and two StuG IVs, the last thing you want to do is advance too quickly.

Of course, Boo needed all that heavy ordinance. After all, there were some trees on the map. God knows what kind of hell it could have been if my men had chosen, as they in fact did, to hide amid some trees. As a result of his choice of ordinance, Boo, of course, was little troubled by the trees. He just drove roads through them using shellfire. Often from great distances.

When asked how he'd had the foresight to bring the AFV equivalents of Agent Orange with him, Boo muttered something gratuitously obscene about 'Nidan', and being 'gun-shy'.

Boo began his slow advance towards my side of the map. My lot, of course, simply retired to their holes to play cards.

When he had finally trundled some of his devastation wagons into range, my massive AT assets (an SU-76 and two of those rather feeble 76.2 mm AT guns the Russians used) began taking potshots at his tanks. They achieved very little. In most cases, of course, the shell hit his Monster Tank Rally entrants, but then simply stopped and fell to the ground with a dull noise.

Boo was quick to avenge these affronts. In many cases he didn't simply shell the offending gun, MG, and crew into oblivion, he continued to pound the area on the off chance that any relatives might have shown up to weep over the remains.

So, when he finally reached my main line of resistance (nice, eh? I've picked up some cool terms from reading Emrys and Dorosh and that lot), his infantry was finally positioned to advance, but all the supporting weaponry was about out of ammo.

But Boo, I've discovered, has a motto: "Never say die, when you can instead scream die, die, aaaiiieee, momma, help me, help me, save me God, someone help me get my intestines back in my body."

He charged his infantry repeatedly at my positions, where my troops, having put away their card games, nudged each other incredulously, saying "Aren't we the Russians? Why are those Germans using human wave attacks?!"

Boo's troops died like dogs. And not good, fun, or interesting dogs, but more like yappy, high-strung little ankle-biters you'll see in the company of old women who offer them treats held between their own lips to get a kiss from 'sweet little punkin'. Just so, and in such disgrace, did Boo's men die.

All of this, of course, forced by the fact that the clock had run out on Mr. Radley's Circus o' Big Gun Fun. He was running out of turns, shells, and I'm sure there was a lot of unseemly whispering among the ranks about 'big girl's blouse who won't advance until the enemy goes home from boredom'.

And so, despite Boo drop kicking shells the size of storage sheds all over me, at the end of the game I still held all the VLs, and large portions of my infantry force hadn't even left their 'hide' condition. Even his artillery accomplished very little. Oh, the 105mm stuff he called in did inflict about 15 casualties, mostly in two squads. But the 82mm mortars managed f-all. In retrospect, it might have been kinder if he'd used most of the mortar FOs load to provide a smoke screen for his poor, suffering infantry to advance under cover of, but then, of course, his Tracked Batteries would have had an obstructed view of the trees they were leveling.

And what fun is that?

[ September 10, 2003, 02:27 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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I'm sorry...Seananchai? No...no, I don't believe I've ever played a game against him.

No, you're obviously thinking of someone else. Perhaps confusing me with some other stalwart, handsome devil, but no...don't even think I know a person named Seanachai.

Is that a cock crowing somewhere in the background?

Funny, that.

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Seanachai I hate to be the one to tell you this but today is Wednesday.. Yes Gnome you've been drunk as a skunk for at least 6 days now, and somewhere along the line you lost a few days.. You also failed to set up a search party to find Mike_The_Squire... I now suspect the two of you are in cahoots... yes I said CAHOOTS .....

Thank God the Justicar is back tomorrow... maybe he'll be able to knock some sense into you...

[ September 10, 2003, 03:21 PM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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Ho! Ho! Ho!.....no it's not Christmas.....just a spontaneous chuckle directed at the obvious discomfort of my former Leige and current battlefield whipping boy...thats right folks....you guessed it... Boo_Radley .

Oh how he loves those Brummbars, ladies and gentlemen... AKA Sturmpanzer IV, Sd Kfz 166, Assault Infantry Gun on a Tank Chassis. Has a menacing ring to it, does it not? Built by Deutsche Eisenwerke from April 1943 through March 1945. (make sure Boo doesnt slip them into a 1942 QB).

Armament: One 15cm Stuh43 L/12...excellent for forestry work of all kinds...large tree felling, stump clearing...and road building. One 7.92mm MG34...later two...good for close in defense against infantry and also as anti aircraft protection (are you taking this all down Boo ?) 100mm of frontal armor, at a 40 degree angle, 50mm on the sides at a 15 degree angle. Only 30mm in the back of the superstructure, so its quite vulnerable from the rear...no comments please....only 20mm in the rear hull folks...so aim low.

The lesson is this....if you find yourself in an attack scenario with Boo as the Germans, and you notice the timeframe anywhere between 4/43 and 3/45, expect to hear this God-awful "BOOMBING" sound early on as Boo's Brummbars as I call them, begin area fire. Seanachai has already...very aptly I might add...described the scene of a Boo_Radley attack, so be afraid folks, be very afraid.

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Originally posted by YK2:

Seanachai I hate to be the one to tell you this but today is Wednesday.. Yes Gnome you've been drunk as a skunk for at least 6 days now, and somewhere along the line you lost a few days.. You also failed to set up a search party to find Mike_The_Squire... I now suspect the two of you are in cahoots... yes I said CAHOOTS .....

Thank God the Justicar is back tomorrow... maybe he'll be able to knock some sense into you...

Oh, God, no! Not again!

What the...my foot! Berli...the gout...the gout...AAIIIEEEEE!

Must find Mike the Wino...wasn't he just here a minute ago?

Better check the calendar...

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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

You see this thread has devolved into nothing but an over 40's chatroom from aol.

A bit like the last thread I started eh Gaylord ?

Hmmm let me think... there was me, and you, and well, as I recall you were having trouble with your stove... </font>

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Gaylord, the gods know I want to like you. Truly I do. But you give me so little help. There are too many times, both here and in the General Forum, when you remind me of my buddy's 10 year old son who was a horrible little 'look at me, look at me, emotionally disturbed monster', until he was diagnosed with some serious ADD, and they put him on meds. Now he's quite the bright and interesting child.

And I'm sure that you, Gaylord, could be a bright and interesting child if you'd make that last, little bit of effort.

You know, the effort to forego getting adults to acknowledge you by accusing them of stupid things like 'not paying enough attention to Gaylord'. Or the stupid thing of 'posting your own rather unformed and rather uninformed opinions as jokes, and then bristling when people tell you you're an idjit'.

I don't mind your weirdness, Gaylord. I don't mind the near gibberish quality of many of your posts. What I mind is this Attention Deficit child approach to posting. Why not, just for a change, come on the Forum and post something whose intent is not, simply, 'look at me, look at me, I can hop even better with my pants down!'

You really shouldn't be in the Peng Challenge at all. As stupid as much of it is, it's for grown-ups. It is not child friendly. But I wince to see you posting elsewhere on the Board, and posting in the same, stupid way, that gets you derided and disliked by all.

Sorry, Joe, for once again ignoring the injunction to ignore. But I can't help thinking of my own young nephews, and hoping for a better world for them, and for someone who'd let them know that they were behaving like useless gits.

Not that they would, of course. They're my nephews. All they need is an almost endless river of substance abuse and the complete loss of their moral compass to be exactly like their Uncle Seanachai. Bless 'em. The whole 'sense of humour' thing is damn near genetic. I hope, of course, that they'll turn out to be more like a real human being than I am. But they could do worse than to follow in my footsteps.

Not much worse, of course, but they could at least probably avoid jail. I mean, at least more than once.

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Originally posted by Lars:

Ooh, goody!!! A MrSpkr turn will be waiting for me tonight!!! ...maybe...or not...

Not when you owe me a turn. Idjit.

dalem, I call you out. You ignert twit, hanging blued guns on METAL PEGS!?! What the hell were you thinking? No, no, don't tell me what you were thinking -- some things I would rather not know.

Like, why your dog is earless. Or what you do with small children that makes them cry so. Or why pillocks such as Slapdragon and Tarbaby seem so attracted to you.

So it is YOU agin ME! YOU be the Romanian THUGS! I be the Valiant Soviet Guards. 2,000 points, meeting engagement, June 1943, mechanized, south, random everything else, computer picks forces.

Now send the bleedin' setup.

Everyone else I'm playing owes me a turn -- so send it. IOf you think you already did, THINK AGAIN!

That includes YOU, Jimmy (and OGSF too!).

It's 10:15pm, I'm still at work, and someone MUST PAY!


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The door of Pool wine cellar swings open. In wafts the foul stench of dank and darkness that it produces...accented by hiccups.

Suddenly, a figure lurches through the door, stumbling, the figure braces itself in the doorway, the aroma of alcohol exuding from the figure, filling the room.

Sheeeshshhsh, dem's a lot of bottles down there. I have completed my inventory of the cellar..in a pocket...somewhere...

With one hand bracing itself in the doorway, the liquor-soaked figure attempts to check all of it's pockets...


Damn, it must still be down there. Have to check that later. There were some questionable vintages which I dispatched directly in the name of the fair lady, Y2K. But I did bring the lady a nice Syrah with bright, forward fruit for her to enjoy. Should that fail to please, here is a hearty Cabernet Sauvignon to warm her heart in this drab and dreary place.

Lurching forward the figure stumbles to his knees,almost dropping the two bottles precariously nestled in his left arm

For the lady.

Leaning over to bow upsets the last of the equilibrium and the figure tumbles to the ground. Sprawled face first, the only sign of life is heavy breathing and....


editted cuz wine will do that to you...beer too...and scotch. Trust me, I have done extensive testing on these matters.

[ September 10, 2003, 11:23 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_squire ]

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Wallybob:

I have here 18 mice specifically trained over a long period of time to squeak in particular tones,for example, this one (Squeak) is B flat, and this one (Squeak) is A minor.

I shall now play for you "The Bells of St. Mary's" (Grabs mallets and starts swinging at mice)

Hehheh! Heh heh heh heh!


Grue want to try joke!






Grue think Monty Python joke don't work when using 1 ton mallet on head of Wallybob!

*sweeps remains under carpet, then wanders off* </font>

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike_the_squire:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike_the_squire:


questionable vintages

Wine ain't liquor, sonny.

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Gaylord, the gods know I want to like you. Truly I do.

Do or do not, there is no try young skywalker.

There are too many times, both here and in the General Forum, when you remind me of my buddy's 10 year old son who was a horrible little 'look at me, look at me, emotionally disturbed monster'
No, i'm just speical.

until he was diagnosed with some serious ADD, and they put him on meds. Now he's quite the bright and interesting child.
If i had ADD there would be no way i could read some of the long winded but educational posts here on this forum. Oh, and stop looking at me you freak show.

And I'm sure that you, Gaylord, could be a bright and interesting child if you'd make that last, little bit of effort.
Well i saw a little of that Chinese movie with the wudan people in it this past weekend and the main character wiseman in it said that true skill comes with no effort.

Do you have wudan qualifications?

You know, the effort to forego getting adults to acknowledge you
Sorry to but in but you are mistaken here. Will you stop staring at me old man , it's kinda creepy.

by accusing them of stupid things like 'not paying enough attention to Gaylord'.
I have accused many of even manier stupid things but not once did i accuse anyone of not paying enough attention to me -- until now, love me!!! Look at me!!! woooooooo!!! look quick ugly american here!!!

Or the stupid thing of 'posting your own rather unformed and rather uninformed opinions as jokes, and then bristling when people tell you you're an idjit'.
You have this one all wrong.....perhaps you could gain the wisdom and insight in bizzarro world, which would be real life to most of the rest of us. The entrence to your bizzarro world can be found by walking through the doors which above hold the sign, Betty Ford clinic.

I don't mind your weirdness, Gaylord.

I don't mind the near gibberish quality of many of your posts.
Well this is g00d nEWz cuz like i said befuddled, endoplasmic riticulum makes noise in black holes, mabe buti doubt it, i kindas lika the werd gibberish.

What I mind is this Attention
Damn paparazzi!!! Leave Seanachai alone!!!!

Why not, just for a change, come on the Forum and post something whose intent is not, simply, 'look at me, look at me, I can hop even better with my pants down!'
Funny, but it would be even funnier if you were correct in your analysis here. If you were i would agree with you here but alas you are not.

You really shouldn't be in the Peng Challenge at all.
You're probably right on this one but if that were true then my post would not be here right?

As stupid as much of it is, it's for grown-ups.
I'm not immature, i'm high spirited!

But I wince to see you posting elsewhere on the Board, and posting in the same, stupid way, that gets you derided and disliked by all.
This is a huge fnord. But Fnord is a cooler word than gibbereish so it's A-Ok.

Also, remember that i was invited here, by that giant nance Panzer Leader .......

In anycase i'm not here to impress anyone and do not feel the need to prove things to others, except that the news thread does need a *bump* from time to time of course!

CHeer up Seanachai, i'ts not that bad! Tell Boggs he needs a new play list in here for the music he brings is worthy of great tomatoe!

[ September 11, 2003, 12:10 AM: Message edited by: Gaylord Focker ]

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Originally posted by Noba:


ps. Anyone seen a cat prowling around here ?

Nope, I ran the bugger off... First, showed it a picture of Seanachai, but that just got it angry... told it that there was a special place in Berli's home for cats that abused mice, and it grinned wickledly... told it that there were warm laps provided by the Dames of the 'Pool for sleeping on if it hurried, and it just spat... tried to buy it off with a saucer of cream, and it knocked the saucer away... finally, I just pointed behind it and said "Here comes Mace!" and the feline took off for the hills...


[ September 11, 2003, 07:49 AM: Message edited by: Mouse ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

dalem, I call you out...

Now send the bleedin' setup!


YOU want dalem to send a set up? Yeah, like that's going to happen. Tell ya what, Sparky. If you truly want our resident Boy Wonder, dalem to send you a set up, here's how to do it. Start by taking in a deep, deep breath.

Now hold it.

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