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Of mice, men, mold and maggots -- it's the MasterGoodale thread

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Oh boy Mr. Boggs have I got a scenario for you. Fresh from the oven, and Mike is the only one who has taken the challenge. It's called "Of Tigers and Men". 2000 pts I believe. A very angry map as well. But don't let the title scare ya laddy. Lots of TNT on both sides begging to be chucked. I'll sling it your way tonight. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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I swear if Axe was here this wouldn't have happened.......

Let the Thread drop like this.......

Bunch of damn layabouts.............

Got no sense of responsibility.............

It's this younger generation..............

Out partying and such..................

Grrrr :mad: :mad: :mad:


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Since nobody else has anything to say, I'll give a quick update on the inaugural BDLRM contest:

Mike_the_wino-nugget complained on Turn 1 that the map was gamey, so he's definitely at the top of his game. He picked his own Soviets. tongue.gif

MasterGoodale, the fury maggot, is 13 turns in and is mopping up my Germans with his heavily shielded T-34s. Due to the lack of German targets, they are systematically destroying every house on the map. His infantry isn't doing quite so well. Becket selected MG's Soviets, which explains his lack of true uber-armor. tongue.gif

Teddy Windsor, the agent for good, is 9 turns in. His Soviet armor is destroying everything in its path, much like a flash flood, only with more explosions. Our battle is so one-sided he has already apologized. Teddy selected his own Soviets, which appears to be a good decision. ;)

Mike from Down Under (does that include New Zealand?) is 5 turns in. He has already told me he is conserving his men for a gamey last-turn flag rush. Since he decided to begin with a massive barrage of rockets on Turn 1, he may only find empty, messy holes on Turn 20. Mike also picked his own Soviets. :mad:

GrumpyBear from Los Angeles, of all places, is 2 turns in. So far I've spotted an armored car. Listen to the disdain in his e-mail for Turn 1, and you will see that he is a natural Cheery Waffler:

What mayhem do you talk about? All I noticed were a few limp wristed potshots at my recon screen... AT shells so weak they couldn't even be bothered to leave a crater....
Like I said, a natural. Oh, Axe selected GrumpyBear's Soviets (that sounds oddly appropriate somehow) :D

Last, but not least, I'm trying to get the Soviet password to THumpre. He's also using Axe's Soviet units. Axe, the marrying maggot, seemed to be too preoccupied for some reason to send it. :rolleyes:

If anyone else is interested, I'm finding my turns only take a minute or two as defender, so I could accept other participants. Remember, the goal isn't merely to beat me, but to beat me worse than anyone else does. :D

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

I swear if Axe was here this wouldn't have happened.......

Let the Thread drop like this.......

Bunch of damn layabouts.............

Got no sense of responsibility.............

It's this younger generation..............

Out partying and such..................

Grrrr :mad: :mad: :mad:


The truth hurts.
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Originally posted by Dave H:

If anyone else is interested, I'm finding my turns only take a minute or two as defender, so I could accept other participants. Remember, the goal isn't merely to beat me, but to beat me worse than anyone else does. :D

I'll give it a go, send to me a setup.
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Let's see,

Pee Eu's men are trapped in a depression, surrounded on three sides, hammered by machine gun fire, and are being shelled by 76mm; most are air bursts. Light mortars are dropping bombs into his half tracks. Bad day at the office.

The armor thrust blunted, Becket... ever the optimist... points out how much faster the turn sends are.

Axe is getting married. The generousity of women never ceases to amaze me. Fer crissakes, they marry the likes of us.

The Surgeon General says, "Smoking is hazardous to your health". So is burning. Just ask Kentucky Fried Goodale.

GRARGH and good night. :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

I swear if Axe was here this wouldn't have happened.......

Let the Thread drop like this.......

Bunch of damn layabouts.............

Got no sense of responsibility.............

It's this younger generation..............

Out partying and such..................

Grrrr :mad: :mad: :mad:


Boggs, we're thinking of having you up on charges.

A man cannot serve two masters. Nor can you.

Well, he can, but he'll probably do a half-arsed job of it, and since you're only capable of a half-arsed job in general, we're getting down into insignificant arsery.

Return to your true allegiance, sirrah, get some cold-cream to get that clown makeup off, don your armour, and bugger-off to your proper Thread.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Boggs, we're thinking of having you up on charges.

A man cannot serve two masters. Nor can you.

Well, he can, but he'll probably do a half-arsed job of it, and since you're only capable of a half-arsed job in general, we're getting down into insignificant arsery.

Return to your true allegiance, sirrah, get some cold-cream to get that clown makeup off, don your armour, and bugger-off to your proper Thread.

Lizzen up Somenastycrotchrot the lad is free to choose. Ye rules be damned. Take you bribe Judas and be gone..or be full of hate, hate is allowed. It's just the whole "rules" thing that bites day-old monkey balls.

If you are in here just because you are sober let me know, I will gladly send more wine. Hell, I was all for putting you in giant jar of preservatives to "save" you for future generations. Wine will do the same thing but just takes longer.

Now play nice or you and HerrBeaker can shove off to parts unknown, and yet far away.

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Mike_the_wino-nugget complained on Turn 1 that the map was gamey, so he's definitely at the top of his game. He picked his own Soviets.

Actually, Axe2121 picked my forces. And quite a nice job he did, if I do say so myself and I do. Don't you remember Davey? I must say sobriety doesn't seem to suit you, affecting the memory and all. Shall I send you some curative elixer as well? Might improve your game you floundering hoor. It should also improve the painfully cheery attitude that you have been sporting as of late into something akin to a sour, disgruntled bum coming off of a 5 year bender.

What was that address again?

More questions:

Does anyone wanna bet on the number of times Axe has tried to sneak off and check the Cheery Waffle to see what is happening? What's the lad to do when he realizes Paula doesn't have antlers to grab on to? Why did the lad insist on wearing a skirt to his wedding?

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The battle for Gorbatov's House is over. Congrats to nugget for his minor victory.

After bungling this game around turn 10 by losing all my StuGs, I'm amazed it wasn't worse. But two daring half depleted squads repulsed a human wave by a full company of nugget's pioneers, and my battered men were able to keep Hamburger Hill under contest throughout the game.

Not a good game to be an AFV driver. Left alive on the field for the Soviets were one T-34 and one immobilized SU-76M (out of a force of two T-34s and four SU-76Ms). Left for the Germans were two halftracks (out of a force of three StuG III F/8s, one Hummel, two Skdfzwhatevers, one Marder III, and 5 or 6 halftracks).

[ September 13, 2003, 01:33 PM: Message edited by: Becket ]

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For your amusement, an update :

It's looking like there's a bit of a problem cooking down my left flank, where Keke's muzhiks roam at will supported by a platoon of ugly SPGs. Of the 152 variety. My troops very much dislike the awfully loud 'BOOM' the gun makes, so I will be looking forward to ways to silence it. :mad:

The duel between myself and mike_the_??? is not going as expected. I have annihilated his armoured force of one StuG in an angry fashion, but in his all vileness he has ATG's behind every bush. As my platoon leader is no longer with us (may he rest in peace), I had better be extra careful with the remaining T-34's. :mad:

It's a real blast with Snarker. It seems my decision to include fog and rain isn't among the brightest I ever made, considering the mobility of certain kit and all, but it sure makes up for some good old fashioned ugly-up close'n personal-in yer face-no mercy infantry combat. The lead has been flying almost from the turn 1. Good fun ! :mad:

MasterMultiTalent is slowly making his way forward against my German defense. Not much has happened recently, AFV's from both sides have seen fit to test the operation of the main armament. The result : a few wasted shells, that's all. He did overrun a half-platoon of mine, but that hardly is an achievement. :mad:

The battle between the other Mike and myself is only in the beginning. No contacts are made yet, we're only in the 2nd turn. Stay tuned for more.

I'm beginning to think that Robohn has fled with his excuses-for-soldiers from the vast Finnish woods. When it comes to fear, I know facing Finnish troops is second to none, but could he atleast wait until we would actually meet ? Oh well, nothing to do but keep scouting onwards, maybe I'll manage to capture some support elements he's left behind. A field kitchen perhaps ? A vodka storage even?

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Originally posted by GetsHisKicksOutOfWatchin'BearsDoIt:


Well, it wasn't Prinze Goodeugen's head after all. He is actively posting on other threads, and not sending any turns, sheepishly trying to avoid his inevitable defeats. In short, he has gone MasterGoodale.


You talk about me being defeated only when you have occupied the flags that currently fly German colours on them.

You maybe in the process of waxing a whole platoon, but there are still plenty more of where they came from.

Oh, and a little something to add :

AND DON'T YOU EVER, EVER REFER TO ME AS GOODALE AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

[Edited for removal of the word s-as---a.]

[ September 13, 2003, 02:58 PM: Message edited by: Prinz Eugen ]

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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by GetsHisKicksOutOfWatchin'BearsDoIt:

For in a row! w00t!!!

Me too. And, if no-one is to stop me, I will pass your greatest achievement in life, and hold the record for most replies in a row. Cool. How that does make you feel ? :mad: I hope ? </font>
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