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OK I know we Southerners are supposed to be quiet and reserved, but I just found our thread down on page 3 - for shame gentleman!

Right sound off the turn number you are on: Red v Orange = Turn 14

(Not as far as I'd hoped after another weekend but I take it as a good sign, perhaps I have PK worried ;) )

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Mr Crimson (GaryT) v Mr Black (Lucky_Strike)

Sorry Rex was gonna post earlier but got busy. As Gary said, he surrendered to me.

Here's the AAR for the Russians:


It was windy and raining, ground was wet. I started the battle with a mixed bag of Vet/Crack but weakened troops - 2 KV's, 2 T34/76, a 45mm AT gun, a 76mm field gun, a BT7 armoured car, a T70, 2 (super) jeeps and a mix of footsloggers plus an 82mm mortar spotter. Hard going for the footsloggers as they got exhausted very quickly on the wet ground.

The map:


Main objectives were more toward the German side, but I had easy access via road to both. Hills at German side overlooked a large portion of the map, so I decided to race most of my forces up the main road to secure (and defend) the objectives as quickly as possible. Covered them with the AT guns and T34's on the right flank.

Gary managed to knock out my armour pretty quickly with some well placed Stugs - I lost a T34 in turn 1 at about 1200m!!!


I managed to gain the objectives however, and once I got my infantry in place it was pretty hard to dislodge them. Some fierce skirmishing took place in the pines. We discovered that pines can allow pretty good LOS in some circumstances - Gary dispatching my last KV:


It was all pretty touch and go for a while, but when Gary mounted a heavy armoured push down the main hill, in the centre, my AT guns were ready and waiting, taking out 2 of his PzIII's and damaging a Stug:


After that it was a slogging match in the mud, with my infantry still pretty well entrenched in the woods.

I'd like to thank Gary for a tough game, and a return match is deffo on the cards ...

LS (Mr Black)

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Ho-haaa, another Russian win, all together now: "Three Nil, to the Red Army"...We German players seem to be the underdogs, could it be the equipment available at this time, or do we actually have to give some credit to our opponents ;)

Thanks for the AAR Lucky_Strike, very good indeed, and condolences and thanks for playing to Gary T.

We could do with a quickie update from Andreas & Sailor Malan and Captain Pies & Iain Fuller, thanks guys.

In my & PKs game, this weekend has seen a further development as the Reds are trying to flank my securely held objective - cough - with 2 T34s, 2 T70s and about 2 platoons that I know of at the moment. The Red infantry have found out that we have an all round defence as my right flank HMGs have got their heads down in short order. I also have an AT gun facing right which has fired about a dozen rounds and only hit twice, doing unknown damage to both his T-70s. I suspect very soon it'll get chance to try it's aim at a slightly bigger target, and hopefully the combined AT/HMG defence will be enough to see off the whole flank attack malarky.

[ March 09, 2003, 08:04 PM: Message edited by: Rex Bellator ]

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Originally posted by Rex_Bellator:

In the cricket I didn't really blame Anderson, he's a novice and he's asked to go in against the best side in the world where every ball was vital and the world is watching, no wonder he lost it. I would like to have a go at Nasser, why on earth did he put Anderson in when he had Caddick with a spare over and figures of 4-35. IMHO it was his bonkers decision to use the novice who was having a bad day and forget about the veteran who was on form that probably cost England the game.

Oooooh! Can't let this go.

"Come on Aussie, come on, come on. Come on Aussie come on!"

BTW, see my post in the General Forum regarding the South Africans in the World Cup.

One more thing, as if the result of your battle with the CMBB novice was ever in doubt H. ;)


Jim R.

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KR send me a turn you damn wine drinking South Australian sun dog....

Leave our cricket boys out of this if it was not for politics they would have been in there with you.

At least we all got sent home at the same time!!!


As for the Germans I think the Germans have the edge in this time period. Those damn Stugs are a beauty and are as horrible as KV's.


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Can't remember exactly what turn we are on but its around 9 or 10, Iain might be able to enlighten us today.

Currently I hold both the flags on the map, or at least thats what the game is telling me. Iain has lost a couple of his Halftracks to my KV's and one of my ATR squads is spanking another at the moment.

Alas the Motorized Molotovs have failed to perform as expected. I lost one in the first couple of turns to a Halftrack and the drivers of the others all lost their bottle in the face of heavy MG fire from Infantry and Halftracks. I think they suddenly realised what a tracer round can do to a large tank of Kerosene smile.gif They have been pulled back to await the arrival of the NKVD for some attitude adjustment.

Iain has now started to shell my positions in the small village that is the main objective on the map. Looks like small calibre stuff. Maybe 81mm or 75mm but he has mentioned Nebelwerfers :(

We plan to put an AAR together so piccys will be forthcoming.

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Bah! Just what we need, smug Aussies wandering around in our thread. I've half a mind to start a UK v AUS tourney as well just to see those ex-cons lose at something for a change. On a more uplifting note, I've recently heard that the institution that is 'Waltzing Matilda' is actually a song about a lonely Aussie shagging a rolled up blanket tongue.gif

I had a quick look at my game this morning, and the two T70s that my AT gun hit after firing 12 rounds have just reversed away unconcernedly :mad: Oh for the laser sights on that KV, which incidentally has been joined by another....

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You're such a tease ... if you'd only expose your rear I could finish the job and put us both out of our misery. Hopefully I'll make my move tonight, but probably not before 11-ish.

I'm coming to loathe T34s ... whenever I'm relying on them they can't hit a house from 50m and pop at the merest hint of danger. If, on the other hand, they're all that stands between me and the second round of a tournament (we'll take it as read my halftracks can take care of that KV), they raise their game considerably.

What's it all about?

Quizzical Teddy

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Combined fire from my two t34 platoons have taken out a couple of short barrelled panzer ivs, also maybe some other light tank, my infantry in the middle of the map is a bit pinned down by his infantry and mg fire but hopefully some close t34 support should do the job. Not so sure about the other flank, appear to be a bit outnumbered!

Good game looking forward to seeing how it develops. smile.gif

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Okay, here's the German side of the story. I intend to publish this under the title 'Victorious Defeats' in which I intend to blame the weather, Soviet hordes, exhaustion and Hitler.

Firstly the results:


Numbers tell a story...my glorious German Herrenvolk, outnumbered 10 to 1, inflicted similar casualties ;) and totally annihilated the Soviet armoured spearhead. German combat losses were 2 Pz III's and 3 HT's. All other vehicle\gun\mortar losses were after the surrender..indeed taking away the Pow figure the points are about even.

Anyway, on with the excuses...

My force consisted of unfit, green/regular forces. As they were unfit I decided to buy a HT mounted company as I thought they would become exhausted quickly. What I didn't know was that they would turn bright red and start wheezing in the short walk from their HTs to cover.

I had part of a PzG company, 3 PzIIIs, 3 Stugs, 1 Pak40, 1 Pak38, 9 HTs. The main handicap to my colossal military genius however was that my forces suffered from a 50% loss setting. While not bothering the vehicles too much it left my infantry sections seriously lacking in staying power. Only just over a third of my force were riflemen...this was to be the most important factor in the battle.

My side of the map had a large hill (good - fields of fire) but no roads (bad - the Soviets could get to the objective first) a factor made worse by the rain and mud.

I positioned a Pak40 to cover the right flank (this never fired a shot all battle) with Stugs on the hill on overwatch covering the road to the right. The Pz IIIs and HTs moved down the hill to the woods where the objectives were. The left flank was covered by a Pak38 which was to take up positions in a wood to cover the road on the left.


First turn the eagled eyed Stugs commander spots two T34s milling around...he dispatches one with huis first shot from 961m. The other hides in the trees.


The HTs moved down to the treeline to unload their portly troops. A KV1 emerged from behind the wood. Safe in the belief they were behind the pine forest they continued to mve forward. However the dastardly, regimented, Soviet tree planting layout meant the HTs were spotted.


See next post...it won't let me post any more images for some reason...

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Part Two....

The result one turn later - three knocked out Sdkfz 251s.


In the woods the heroic German landsers fought back the Soviet waves taking prisoners and routing whole battalions. But still they kept coming.


Back up on the hill the Soviets had called in a smoke barrage to allow their cowering T34 to move. Unfortunately it was miles away from the Stug and did not block LOS. How we laughed (or would have if we had not been humourless Germanic types - no offense Andreas tongue.gif ) at the suicide to come.


On the other side of the battle field the brave 2 man Pak 38 crew (commanded by Obergefreiter von Marwitz - a nobleman demoted to the ranks) had manhandled their gun into the woods and engaged a Soviet T60 moving up along the road, knocking it out.


See part 3

[ March 10, 2003, 05:03 PM: Message edited by: Gary T ]

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Part three...

Next turn the smoke had cleared and the T34 made its ill timed move only to be slotted by the Stug.


In the centre of the battlefield the PZ IIIs and one of the Stugs had moved forward to engage the KV1. The Stug deflected the KV1s first shot before nailing the KV with its first round.


Seeing my Oakleaves to the Knights Cross beckoning I ordered the PzIIIs forward. The devious Asiatics had laid an ambush and two were knocked out. The supporting Stug also took a hit on the gun rendering it inoperable.


I had moved the other Stug round to engage the Soviets last remaining tank...using the Soviets tree planting system against them it threaded a shot through the trees and took the behemoth out.


My understrength infantry in the woods had, by superhuman efforts, managed to hold the Soviet hordes in the woods, dying in place for the most part. Unfortunately one of the supporting HTs, a Sdkfz 251/10, had its gun taken out by an ATR round.


In the same round one of my two remaining Stugs also took a hit on the gun from the 76mm AT gun.


At this point I decided to call it a day (I think I'd just come back from the pub or just got up - can't remember). Although it was about even at this point I didn't have enough infantry with which to take back the forest and only had 1 Stug and 1 PzIII unscathed.

I suppose I could have withdrawn the rest of the infantry and then rushed the flags with my Stugs near the end. If I hadn't suffered any losses in doing this I may have won. However, it would have been gameiness of the first order...militarily the game was up. To save us wasting anymore time I decided to call it a day...the rest of the moves would have been academic.

I like to thank Lucky (Mark) for the game and I have gone 'von Seydlitz' and offered my services to the other side...

In my memoirs I shall be painting this engagement as a heroic action in which the gigantic Soviet armoured steamroller was shattered on the steel fist of my small force. Of course instead of surrendering my men would have withdrawn ready to fight again to prove the superiority of the glorious German Wehrmacht.

So I've blamed the weather, being outnumbered, exhausted...only Hitler left. Hmmm, I'll have to think of something for that.

[ March 10, 2003, 05:12 PM: Message edited by: Gary T ]

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As PJ will be finding out around now I have surrendered our game.

The reason? Well of the dozen or so tanks I selected I got 2 Pz IVs, (yes the 2 he's already knocked out..) plus one Pz II (ditto). All I have left to face his 5 or 6 T34s are a handful of vanilla HTs, 3 20mm armed ACs, a couple of fragile flak HTs and a quantity of veteran but unfit infantry. As I have no realistic AT capability it would be a slow drawn-out defeat for me which would go against the fun theme of the tourney.

Which is almost word for word what I told PJ..

Enjoy the rest of the tourney folks, I shall continue to lurk on this thread to find out what happens..

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TY Boff.

Having looked at the map his assessment is probably correct, i was gonna roll down the line with the t34's. Still its not really fun to loose "in the draw" so to speak or to win in the same way. My Girlfriend gonna be happy that i have 1 less game to play ;)

(How d'ya get a sceeenshot, tried pressing my print screen button an pasting - nothing to paste :( schucks!)

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First off congratulations to Prester John, and OMG that is yet another Russian win. 4 - Nil to the Red Army now. Again, thanks to Boff for giving it a go.

Next up a big thanks to Gary T for that superb AAR, great job.

Also we have an AAR just in from our first winner Holien for his game against Len, here goes:

SEPTIC AAR Holien vs Len

My Force Choice: -

The troops were Veterans on the whole; apart from a few upgraded to crack and some regulars.

Two full platoons SMG, and one 2 squad SMG.

Two full platoons MOT and four 2 squad MOT.

One 82mm Arty spotter with 200 rounds.

Eight ATR


Two Tank Hunter teams

Four T34’s M43

One KV1 M41.


There were two large flags about 600 meters away from each other centrally in the map.

Each flag had woods nearby and these would be crucial to hold if the flag was to be taken.

Visibility was just under 200 meters and really less than that as it was a night game. Very dry and hot.

My plan was to contest both flags. I would use my T34’s to drop off a super HQ (good bonuses) and three SMG squads. These would move quickly through the woods and find a defensive line ahead of the flag. The rest of the infantry would follow up on foot.

On the left flank my infantry would advance as quick as possible to the woods either side of the flag and where the flag was located as well.

My artillery spotter would move up slowly to the right flag behind the main infantry advance.

On the extreme right I would send a small platoon to scout around the edge and watch out for any flanking moves.

I managed to get to both flags before Len. This sealed his fate, as his attacks were poorly co-ordinated affairs with little supporting fire from his artillery or tanks.

He had some good success with a 37mm AT gun, which knocked out my KV. One of the Stugs managed to knock out a T34 before being taken by a hail of fire. Another Stug did for another T34 but again was finally taken by flank fire from my remaining two T34’s.

The final Stug was dispatched after I managed to get a grenade in his tracks. This was finally destroyed when I got a T34 side onto him.

He had over 600 men compared to my 260. This was because he ended up with green and that made his job even harder. He failed to move his troops quick enough to contest the flags. I guess his fitness did not help him.

When he found that I was there already he used wave attacks rather than trying to bring up his HMG’s to suppress me first. His artillery was used on an area I had few men in and I caught his troops out in the open with my SMG’s.

His Stugs could have saved him but they were used in a piecemeal fashion and should have been supporting the infantry and trying to lure me onto his AT guns.

On my left flank he tried to take the flag with a smaller force and I had fore knowledge that he was on the way. I managed to get a solid force of SMG and Motorised Infantry in a blocking position, which ripped into him as he advanced on mass rather than frog leaping forward.

The end was decided when his last tank died and my T34’s set about his infantry with canister rounds.


AAR ends - thanks Holien! smile.gif

Finally in my game my AT gun has now fired FIFTEEN AP rounds at targets around 400m away for no effect! Also a T34 fired at a kubelwagen and of course hit first time, making in total 3 shots from Russian tanks, 3 hits, and 3 kills. If that's going to continue I might as well join Boff in surrendering now :(

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Thxs for posting the picture. I shall learn at some stage to do an AAR like the one previous, gorgeous shots.

Len if you are out there and do want to reverse the situation with me using green germans we can give it a go.

I have not really played with a force with green and conscript and I want to assure myself that it was a fair fight as I had Vets.

What do people think? Vet vs Green can happen in random pick does this make it a fair fight?


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