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Peng Challenge Telethon a Success – Australia Saved

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I was a varsity tackle

And a hell of a block

But when I played my guitar, I made the canyons rock

And every Saturday night I'd feel the fever grow

All revved up with no place to go!

All revved up with no place to go!

All revved up with no place to go!

Thank you.

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There's evil in the air and there's thunder in the sky

and a killer's on the bloodshot streets

And down in the city where the deadly are risin'

oh I swear I saw a young boy, down in the gutter

He was startin' to foam in the heat

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Jim Boob, you Floridiot, you have been trying to subtly bait me for some time now. You are a sandflea-infested gator-smelling bit of offal. I smell your bait and it stinks. Rotten, putrid piles of fish entrails, seagull droppings and cockroaches bigger than a three year old child.


Well now, your descriptive talents are certainly, shall we say adequate?

As I have never addressed you directly oh Dear Lady of the Pool, it still warms my..uh...heart that you would step up to torment those that would seek to annoy the goodly Hiram.

For this noble deed you shall benefit by being the first victim in the Jim Boggs Return to Glory Tour. Yes that is correct, I have been granted a limited return to the Field of Honor, with the clear understanding that I not become obsessive(?).

Therefore I will be attempting to spark some interest in a couple of 500 point QB's in which to, shall we say, Test the Waters?

My dear Lady Moraine, it would be an honor, nay a blessing, if you would condescend to engage in one of these tests?

What say you Dear Lady? </font>

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Still...if the Little BoyScout wants to play, let him do his best to gain my attention and I will consider it...

Yours faithfully,


Well, Lady S, if you can fit me into your hectic schedule, what with gathering peaches, cleaning the drool from your significant other's chin, trying to keep a decent Chromosomal grouping in GEORGIA, I can see where your time would be limited. Still, if you could manage to fit another game in, I would be overjoyed to replay 1861-1865 with you. I suspect the results will be approximately the same, but still, one never knows, does one? [/QB]</font>
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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Okay, all turns except Moraine Sedai's are out. Moraine, try sending me the most recent version you have, and convert it if you can (or I can give it a try Monday or so).

And tell Hiram that here in the civilized part of the Country (i.e., south of the Mason-Dixon line), he can no longer rely upon the stench of the East River to mask his fetid body odor. At a minimum, weekly showers, with soap and shampoo, are necessary.


Done and done. The last turn was converted, so I'm attempting a resend. Let's hope it works this time.

Sheesh, I must be a glutton for punishment even caring about keeping this game going, but honor is honor and I don't like to abandon my duties to the game.

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Part I: As to whom you were truly directing the Georgia jabs at, pardon me (a native Georgian) for not realizing your barbs were not meant for me. An easy enough mistake.

However, it must have slipped your mind that when you first came in here, we swapped a few posts against each other based on the very fact that I am from the glorious state of Georgia whilst you are from that thing that dangles off the bottom of the country. HOWEVER...I will consent to a test of strategy between the two of us.

Have at thee, sir.

Your graciousness is exceeded only by your boundless misfortune. As my Alzheimer's recedes, bathed in the morning glow of the brilliant Florida sun (It's 90 deg already), I now recall that you got lost trying to find the border and ended up in Kentucky or somesuch. Twas indeed a travesty...uh.. tragedy.


You may expect the first bit of stategy in your inbox momentarily.

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Still...if the Little BoyScout wants to play, let him do his best to gain my attention and I will consider it...

Yours faithfully,


Well, Lady S, if you can fit me into your hectic schedule, what with gathering peaches, cleaning the drool from your significant other's chin, trying to keep a decent Chromosomal grouping in GEORGIA, I can see where your time would be limited. Still, if you could manage to fit another game in, I would be overjoyed to replay 1861-1865 with you. I suspect the results will be approximately the same, but still, one never knows, does one? </font>
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Originally posted by OGSF:

Shutup, ye festerin' git.


Shut yer maloderous gob, ye titterin' travesty of a titanic twit, ere I pin yer large, hairy flappin' ears back! Then, when yer reeling back in pain an sufferin', I'll leap forwurrrd, an tweak tha' huge, malformed potato like protruberance tha' sits athwart yer face where, on a NORMAL human, ye'd likely find a nose! An' then, wi' yer googly eyes crossed e'en more so than usual, I'll scamper mah wee sailf aroond behind ye and plant mah SIZE 12 HOBNAILED BOOT sa furr up yer grrrreat, spotty behind tha' yer breath will smell lak shoe polish!

Nah see? Ya got me soooo rrrrriled, ahm talkin' lak a thick pated scotsman! Ah'll do ya fur tha' one, JIMMY!!!

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A charming gentleman, an entertaining conversationalist, well read... these words could be used to be describe Noba...but this would go against convention of us Eastern Coasters ragging on our Western Coast brethren, so I wont use them at all.

Honestly though, Noba has once again proven that the typical Cesspooler is a cut above the rest, and it was my pleasure to meet him.


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Originally posted by Mace:

...but this would go against convention of us Eastern Coasters ragging on our Western Coast brethren, so I wont use them at all.


Probably the cutest thing about Australia is this internal battle for dominance and assertions of regional superiourity. It's like finding out that different sections of a Petri dish mock each other.
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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Your graciousness is exceeded only by your boundless misfortune. As my Alzheimer's recedes, bathed in the morning glow of the brilliant Florida sun (It's 90 deg already), I now recall that you got lost trying to find the border and ended up in Kentucky or somesuch. Twas indeed a travesty...uh.. tragedy.


You may expect the first bit of stategy in your inbox momentarily.

Nay, you addlepated twit. I did not end up in Kentucky. Rather, I had a flat tire on the flatbed and no big, strong he-man type to come and rescue me. Apparently all the red-necks were in a beer induced stupor or summat.

I had to abandon the truckload to the local militia and call AAA for a compact car to get home. It was time for the Mint Juleps on the verandah after all...

In either case, the damage is done and your ilk still leak up into my glorious state causing aggravation whereever they go. Fortunately, it's been hot enough to fry an egg on the pavement of late, so maybe they all will retreat to their sandy beaches soon. One can always hope.

Now...let's get to gaming. I am most intrigued to see what demented setup you have sent to me.

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Do you want to have a quick battle? Or is there a scenario that you like that is well balanced for PBEM play? Rune said we were to be nice to the Females in the thread, and we are affiliated with the same house, so I will restrain my insults, and let my cheery disposition speak for itself.

My, my, my...you are a soft one, aren't you? Shouldn't be much of a challenge, but I'll take you on. More out of pity that one such as our liege has chosen you than for any other reason.

Do your worst and send me something...interesting but not too complicated. It can't be any worse than that which Rune has foisted upon me in the past.


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Originally posted by Mace:

A charming gentleman, an entertaining conversationalist, well read... these words could be used to be describe Noba


Okay I ran this phrase thru a Web-Translator set on Australian and this is what it says:

Charming gentlemen:

One who wears a shirt and shoes when going out to clubs

entertaining conversationalist:

One who has been known to say "Wanna Beer?"

well read:

One who has more than three comic books in his bathroom (located outback, of course)

Funny, the Web-Translator just spewed oil all over the floor and collapsed in a pool of it's own fluids.

You figure!

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Captain Ivan Seanachovich wiped his brow of the sweat that had collected under the hot July sun. He was now seated outside the office of Colonel Murasev. Events had transpired swiftly since the Fascists had invaded the Motherland.

Having served valiantly in the last war with Germany and well past retirement age, he had been surprised by his recall to service, but had faithfully reported.

He thought back to recent good times in which he had been able to spend time with his grandchildren recalling tales of a mythical polar bear.

"Colonel Murasev will see you now, sir", spoke up the orderly who indicated the colonel's door with a sweep on the arm.

Seanachovich stood and briskly crossed into the Colonel's office. Reporting sharply, he was put at ease and offered a chair by the smiling Colonel.

"We need your services Captain", the Colonel began. "The Fascists are attacking all along our lines in an effort to breakthrough and complete the encirclement of Smolensk".

He paused and gazed into Seanachovich's eyes, then looking away, continued. "You will report immediately to the field to take command of a company of infantry that is guarding the most vital stretch of our lines. You will have time to prepare foxholes, set up barbed wire and minefields before the expected enemy assault"

Seanachovich spoke up, "But sir, I am old and terribly out of shape, I don't think I can do this."

The Colonel's eyes narrowed, then relaxed. "Ah yes, I understand. I argued the same point with High Command, but they recall your service in the last war and insisted. They offer you two choices".

Seanachovich looked relieved at this, "And the choices would be....?"

The Colonel smiled broadly, "Choice one is to do your duty Captain, and choice two is..."

With that the Colonel stood up, unsnapped his holster and laid his service revolver in front of Seanachovich. "Choice two would be the only other honorable thing to do. I will return in five minutes. You must choose by the time I return"

Seanachovich stared at the revolver, his mind racing.

What would he do?

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