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Summertime...And The Peng Challenge Is Easy...

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Well, THAT was an absolute snooze-fest...

The first battle between PondScum and Mouse ended in a........ nap.

So, new battle. Other than 1000pts & medium quality Infantry, the Fates have selected the weather, terrain, forces, wind, etc, etc, etc.

Ooh, I'm all a-tingle...

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First we have...

Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

First day in the House of Berlichtingen and already I feel mean and cranky


Sir Lenakonrad

You are a Knight of the Pool and rightly so. You have withstood the slings and arrows and emerged with head held high.

You have bestowed upon my humble personage the great honor of taking me to Squire. It was an honor that was indeed overwhelming and will always be something that I will never forget.

I have made an effort to live up to your kindness, but I am afraid that it is not to be.

I am too much a vagabond, a free spirit, and a wanderer. I can no more be a Squire than Seanachai can write a coherent post. Or Berlichtingen can post something funny. It is one of those things that is just not meant to be.

Keep in mind one thing Good Knight. You have the favor of the Ladies of the Pool and this is as high an honor as can be bestowed by anyone.

Sir Lenakonrad, I wish you well in all your endeavors.

If that's your idea of mean and cranky, then you are seriously in need of the BOOT.

Lenakonrad you have your work cut out for you... don't spare the BOOT

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(drip) (drip)


Jeez, what's that smell? Don't they ever clean this place?

And there's a dead, bloated horse carcass in the corner, why don't they get rid of that. Oh, wait, that's just one of the Pengers, and he's still breathing so he's probably just in a drunken stupor.

Oh, well, best get it over with and get the hell out of here.

YK2, you in here? A couple members of the "friends of PawBroon" society were just wondering how he's doing.



Man, now I'll probably never get that off my shoe.

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Life at the Front,or how SirReal learned the lesson of false Pride

Picture a crater pocked rural battlefield, the Landsers are hunkered down in their hasty defensive positions (Did'nt know it was a Russian attack QB) awaiting the arrival of Ivan's first attack units. The Landsers are apprehensive, but confident, they have been in this position before and expect to repulse the Russians with little effort. The terrain favors the defense, and the Major has set in all the units with excellent fields of fire. A thunderstorm has just started, and the Landsers mutter quietly as their foxholes become wet and muddy. The rain will slow Ivan down as well, they say, The Spiess comes up to the line with hot coffee and sausage, in groups of two the men walk back to the field kitchen to receive these welcome gifts. They then trudge back to their positions, enjoy the hot meal and scan the horizon for any signs of the enemy.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Sir Lenakonrad

I can no more be a Squire than Seanachai can write a coherent post. Or Berlichtingen can post something funny. It is one of those things that is just not meant to be.

Finally sober up, did we? Finally achieve that one tiny spark of coherency that shouted to the rest of the arthritic synapses in that lump of pudding between your ears, "OMG, I'M SQUIRED TO KONRAD ALIGNED WITH AUSSIE JEFF AND BELONGING TO BERLI!!! AIIIIEEEEEE"

Fairly typical response and one we'll no doubt hear again.

Let the healing begin.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Life at the Front,or how SirReal learned the lesson of false Pride

Hm. Assuming a bit much, are we? Well, since I can be expected to have less experience than you, perhaps not an entirely unwarranted assumption. We shall see.

Looks to be a very nice AAR, anyway, so please keep a copy offline. I'd like the whole thing when we're done, if you don't mind.

Bah, how could you possibly mind, since we all agree you don't have one.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Finally sober up, did we? Finally achieve that one tiny spark of coherency that shouted to the rest of the arthritic synapses in that lump of pudding between your ears, "OMG, I'M SQUIRED TO KONRAD ALIGNED WITH AUSSIE JEFF AND BELONGING TO BERLI!!! AIIIIEEEEEE"

Fairly typical response and one we'll no doubt hear again.

Let the healing begin.

I believe, (for the comprehension impaired), that my post points out that I am unworthy of the honor.

You would argue against that?

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Let the healing begin.

Why? It's so much more fun to wiggle your finger in the open wound.

Pass the Listerine, would ya?

SSN Hint Of The Day: Slurp your soup.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by SirReal:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Life at the Front,or how SirReal learned the lesson of false Pride

Hm. Assuming a bit much, are we? Well, since I can be expected to have less experience than you, perhaps not an entirely unwarranted assumption. We shall see.

Looks to be a very nice AAR, anyway, so please keep a copy offline. I'd like the whole thing when we're done, if you don't mind.

Bah, how could you possibly mind, since we all agree you don't have one.

/SirReal </font>

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Finally sober up, did we? Finally achieve that one tiny spark of coherency that shouted to the rest of the arthritic synapses in that lump of pudding between your ears, "OMG, I'M SQUIRED TO KONRAD ALIGNED WITH AUSSIE JEFF AND BELONGING TO BERLI!!! AIIIIEEEEEE"

Fairly typical response and one we'll no doubt hear again.

Let the healing begin.

I believe, (for the comprehension impaired), that my post points out that I am unworthy of the honor.

You would argue against that? </font>

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Wow. There's just so many directions I could go with that, I think I'll just let it sit there in the middle of the room so we can all look at it in wonder.

The ability to inspire the great wit of the Ohideous One leaves me with a warm and tingly feeling throughout the depths of my bowels.
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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Wow. There's just so many directions I could go with that, I think I'll just let it sit there in the middle of the room so we can all look at it in wonder.

The ability to inspire the great wit of the Ohideous One leaves me with a warm and tingly feeling throughout the depths of my bowels. </font>
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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

The ability to inspire the great wit of the Ohideous One leaves me with a warm and tingly feeling throughout the depths of my bowels.

You might want to talk to your proctologist about that. You remember, Pepe the dwarf? The guy with the spelunker's helmet and the strap-on tank of AirWick Solid?
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Whoa! Gang-Bang in progress. Where to begin:

SirReal: The fact that you apparently have collected soil in your pants at some point in time would lead me to believe that you must spend a great deal of time running through the pasture with your pants around your ankles.

Joe: Actually, it's more a feeling of intense pressure that has subsequently....shall we say..passed?

Boo: Pepe sends his regards and wants to know when you are going to return his box of used gloves. Oh, and he says that he is still upset that you used his flashlight as a suppository. Still searching for the old brain cell, eh? At least you're looking in the right place for a change.

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You all used to be bright spots in constellations of hate. Pin-prick points of loathing and individual abhorrence.

None of you are worth it. Just as this physical universe will ultimately wither and whimper into the gray uniformity of eventual heat-death, so precedes this electronic cosmos of fading venom and mild dislike.

I'm not proclaiming the death of the MBT (and it will always be there); I'm merely bemoaning it's reduction to glowing coals. However, as surely as the smallest ember can ignite the largest fire, so shall this patch of the tortoise shell that we ride into infinity once again rage, flame and create the stuff of myth.

Oh, I still hate you all.

But it is now the dislike of a dull arthritic shoulder, instead of the exquisite hate of the kris in the kidneys.

And I hate myself for that.

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Originally posted by SirReal:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Actually, it's more a feeling of intense pressure that has subsequently....shall we say..passed?

Soiled his pants. Just like I thought.

/SirReal </font>

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Originally posted by Leeo:

Hate. (And other banal mewlings that I <big>SNIPPED!</BIG> because I could.)

Oh, Leeeeo, Leeeeo, Leeeeo. May I call you Leeo? Good. Although I would be closer to the mark if I just called you Stupid. Because you are stupid, you know. And I cannot believe how incredibly stupid you are. I mean rock-hard stupid. Dehydrated-rock-hard stupid. World-class, A-1, top of the heap, triple whopper with cheese, supersized stupid. So stupid that it goes way beyond the stupid we know into a whole different dimension of stupid. One-of-a-kind, global, universal, intergalactic stupid. You are trans-stupid stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid collapsed on itself so far that even the neutrons have collapsed. Stupid so dense that no intellect can escape. Singularly, extraordinarily, incredibly, bewilderingly stupid. Blazing hot mid-day sun on Mercury stupid. You emit more stupid in one second than our entire galaxy emits in a year. Quasar stupid. Your life is a monument to stupidity. I am breathless that anyone or anything in our universe can really be this stupid. You are a primordial fragment from the original big bang of stupid. Some pure essence of a stupid so uncontaminated by anything else as to be beyond the laws of stupidity that we know. A behemoth, a leviathan, a colossus of stupidity.

I'm talking really, really stupid.

The current lessening of the hate that you noticed is nothing more than the calm before the storm. The moment in an earthquake after the initial shock has passed, but the "B" waves have yet to commence. The moment after the circus mallet has smashed the point on your head, but before the true pain has begun.

Oh, and there will be pain, little Leeeeo. I promise you pain.

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