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Originally posted by SirReal:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lurkur:

Okay that's a lie, but if you're going to misspell my name, do so deliberately, and in a way that displays a modicum of wit, or is at least vaguely insulting and not simply because you're obtuse, you sodden Swedish meatball!

Bah, what do I care what a noodle-sucker like you thinks. You couldn't even figure out that I did misspell it intentionally, so obviously any wit above the level of a bucket of gravel is beyond your pathetic understanding.

Go shovel some prawns up your nose, you deformed sniffer of dog's crotches. That might improve your looks enough that your pet cockroaches will stop puking in your bed at night.

/SirReal </font>

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"Boggs, wake up lad, your appointment to Squire has been approved!" The Old Serf was smiling broadly as Boggs awakened.

"Say what?"

"Yes, it's true, the Dear Lady Persephone has intervened and you are to Squire for the House of Berlichtingen"

It seemed incredible, but the Old Serf had never told a lie. "Thanks Old One, now I must reflect on this new course my destiny has chosen".

"Well don't reflect too long, there's a new serf coming named SirReal and we need your bunk!"

"Ah, yes. I'm not surprised, the lad showed much promise. You must take him under your wing and see to it that he is prepared for what is to befall him. Promise this Old One"

"Of course, but he is Swedish, and the lads hate Hortlund, but maybe this one will be diferent. We can only hope."

"And the Justicar has signed off on all this?"

"Hehehe...even the Justicar does not tangle with the Lady Persephone."

"Well then, there is much to be done......."

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

By George now THAT'S some fine taunting ... he'll make a solid addition to the already legendary ranks of the Shavian House (always excepting that bone-idle, layabout, can't possible look for a job now because Gilligan's in hot water again former Squire Papa Khann). Pity he's a Swede.



You call that taunting? MY former squire, the inestimable and ever effervescent Lurkur won't even bother to spit out the bones of this Serial when he's done.

You forget Sirrah that Lurkur is from the proud and noble lineage of Croda who sprang fully formed from the brow of JDMorse after a three day weekend featuring many Mexican drinks involving salt and lime and the inevitable worm.

Why there are times that I've even blanched when Lurkur has raised an eyebrow in my direction, and you all know that I'm quite fearless.

Yes, I don't believe there will be much of a contest here.

And don't forget, that this Cyril person is ALSO involved with my OTHER former squire, Sir Nidan, who has the motto "Death Before Disco" tattooed on his chest. And it's an iron-on tattoo, so you know he's a tough cookie.

Yes. I pity this Cereal person. I truly do.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

kind of a zen thing when you think on it.


Nice analogy there Joe, but truth be told your toilet has nothing to do with zen except you apparently think on it a great deal as well.

If my noble liege lenakonrad will train me in the art of picture posting, I will be able to illustrate the above for you.

First day in the House of Berlichtingen and already I feel mean and cranky


Hmmm...now I need to come up with a suitable sig line.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

kind of a zen thing when you think on it.


Nice analogy there Joe, but truth be told your toilet has nothing to do with zen except you apparently think on it a great deal as well.

If my noble liege lenakonrad will train me in the art of picture posting, I will be able to illustrate the above for you.

First day in the House of Berlichtingen and already I feel mean and cranky


Hmmm...now I need to come up with a suitable sig line. </font>

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley: Pfffft!

You call that taunting? MY former squire, the inestimable and ever effervescent Lurkur ...

snip a lot of insignificant drivel

You made that fermenting pool of monkey turds a squire? You not only accept responsibility for this all-time low point in frog gene selection, but even defend it!? Shame on you!

At least you could have the decency to train your gremlins to gibber up for themselves.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

HEY there's a good contest. Let's come up with a good sig line for Jim Boggs ... how about ...

Hi ... I ride the short bus ... wanna be my friend?


Jeez, poor Mr Rogers. His famous tag line already being sullied by interlopers.

[ June 18, 2003, 04:54 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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Originally posted by dalem:

Sig lines are for the weak.


Okay contest is over....move along there ...nothing more to see here......thank you....move along.

So there you have it. The pristine sig line shall remain so.

Thanks to dalem for his winning entry.

[ June 18, 2003, 03:34 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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Originally posted by SirReal:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley: Pfffft!

You call that taunting? MY former squire, the inestimable and ever effervescent Lurkur ...

snip a lot of insignificant drivel

You made that fermenting pool of monkey turds a squire? You not only accept responsibility for this all-time low point in frog gene selection, but even defend it!? Shame on you!

At least you could have the decency to train your gremlins to gibber up for themselves.

/SirReal </font>

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

This liver-spotted arse certainly has some spunk.

Once he figures out how to establish a PBEM with me, (hopefully he wont take any pointers from that other Swedish prancer) Daily AAR's will chronicle his ignominious whipping.

So let it be written, so let it be done!!

Well, before you can chronicle my whipping, you first have to get over the almost insurmountable intellectual task of checking your mail. I sent you that turn 15 hours ago.

Careful, if you get any slower, they'll start using you for a reference point when measuring tectonic movement.


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Originally posted by SirReal:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley: Pfffft!

You call that taunting? MY former squire, the inestimable and ever effervescent Lurkur ...

snip a lot of insignificant drivel

You made that fermenting pool of monkey turds a squire?


/SirReal </font>

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Originally posted by Lurkur:

How does one taunt a soul from the nation that brought us ABBA, Surströmming, and some of the ugliest cars ever made?

The fact that you breathe is a good start, you cheese-filled sheep's bladder. You'll be sad to hear that your days at the teenage discotheques are numbered, you excuse for a worm-infested carcass. I have hired Manuel the 4-year old ant-stomper from Mexico, to track you down (ha! that'll be easy... just follow the slimetrail) and BOOT you right where it hurts the most. I'll let Manuel figure out where, since your constant mutations changes where that is.

You may as well write your last will and testament, to make sure your complete collection of ABBA, all the cans of surströmming and your Volvo S-60 (still banging yours, are you, Nidan?) end up at the charity of your choosing. You will donate them to a charity. Won't you, Sir B0rker?

Originally posted by Lurkur:

Send me a set up, 1943, 2000 pts or less, me as the dashing, jack-booted thugs and you as the vodka besotted, mindless red horde. It cannot be from ker Dessel*. Avoiding Rune-built scenarios is prudent as well; the man is downright malicious in his scenario designs.

I may condescend to do such a thing, merely for my own amusement, of course. If you're lucky, you might get it sometime this year.


[ June 18, 2003, 04:32 PM: Message edited by: SirReal ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Who the hell made Lurker a Knight? We NEED the CessPool website and I think MrSpkr is in over his head ... not that that would be a bad thing.


Let's see, Boo obviously started the process, but it was finalized by...you.

Joe Shaw


Member # 258

posted March 19, 2003 07:07 PM                      


Well far be it from little old ME to suggest that ANY squire not be elevated to Knight ... sheesh, some Australians have ZERO sense of humor. .

Therefore I hereby acknowledge that Squire Lurker is now and shall henceforth be known as ... Knight of the CessPool, Sir Lurker ... and may Gawd have mercy on OUR souls.


I didn't realize having Alzheimer's was a requisite for the office of Justicar. Good GAWD man! Isn't there at least one stenographer in your employ who actually knows anything about record keeping, or stenography, for that matter?

I didn't think so.


[ June 18, 2003, 06:46 PM: Message edited by: Lurkur ]

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Originally posted by Lurkur:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Who the hell made Lurker a Knight? We NEED the CessPool website and I think MrSpkr is in over his head ... not that that would be a bad thing.


Let's see, Boo obviously started the process, but it was finalized by...you.

Joe Shaw


Member # 258

posted March 19, 2003 07:07 PM


Well far be it from little old ME to suggest that ANY squire not be elevated to Knight ... sheesh, some Australians have ZERO sense of humor. .

Therefore I hereby acknowledge that Squire Lurker is now and shall henceforth be known as ... Knight of the CessPool, Sir Lurker ... and may Gawd have mercy on OUR souls.


I didn't realize having Alzheimer's was a requisite for the office of Justicar. Good GAWD man! Isn't there at least one stenographer in your employ who actually knows anything about record keeping, or stenography, for that matter?

I didn't think so.

Lurk </font>

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You know...Im sitting here drinking a beer right now. Reading all your posts. Beer is great, did you know that? The first person who invented beer must have been a genius. I mean really smart. Who comes up with that anyway? "Lets mix this and that and leave it in a barrel for a couple of weeks and then we drink it."

Anyway, beer is great. So is Whiskey. Now there is another invention I'll never understand how they came up with. I mean the weel or toiletpaper is another thing completely, with those inventions you can imagine how they were invented. Some neolithic guy pulled a dead animal over some logs and realized it was easier than just dragging it across the ground or something. And toilet paper...well Its only the Indians who havent figured out the benefits with that one yet...right... not that there is anything wrong with THAT

Anyway, I remember being in a relationship once.

Met this girl 3-4 years ago. Fell in love, everything was perfect. She needed a place to stay, so I let her move in with me. (I had known this girl something like 7-8 years before we got involved).

ANYWAY, relationship starts to crack after 4-5 months...you know how it can be.

Came home from work one night she was waiting by the kitchen table "honey, I'm pregnant"

alright...I mean, Im in a still good relationship, I have a decent job, I have a good place to live, I'm 26 years old, she is 26 years old, abortion is out of the question.

The next 9 monts are horrible, as the girlfriend slowly transforms into psycho-btch. I'm constantly thinking "got to make this one work, kid must have a family" so I stay. I mean...Im not the kind of guy who walks out on his pregnant girlfriend...right?

Soo...nine months later, son is born, and for the next 3 months everything is ok actually. Not because our situation improved or anything, but because I was kinda focused on the kid and on work.

3 months pass, psycho btch returns. She is all over me wondering if Im cheating, if I would want to cheat on her, if I think she is still attractive, why I dont do this or that anymore. She starts bossing me around, do the dishes, clean this, do that, stop playing on that stupid computer. You idiot. You want to get a beer with your buddies? Forget it, you are staying right here at home and clean something.

Meanwhile, Im spending 10-14 hours at work everyday busting my ass off trying to make the economy work, I come home around 7-8pm, just wanting to eat, play with son for a while, and then crash into bed before I have get up around 5am next morning. I'm like "how on earth would I find the time to cheat even if I wanted to". I cant go to a bar and get a beer with my buddies because everytime I do she either freaks out and starts screeming at me (who are you really going to see? What's her name?) OR I come home and find her crying in some corner of the appartment (nobody loves me, and you dont care about anything else but your drinking buddies).

Needless to say, I wanted out of the relationship...but still, it is not easy to leave when you have kids together.

So I figure, it could be worse. I mean, I have a good job, a wonderful kid, a good place to live, and sometimes (like 2-3 hours, once a month) the relationship is good.

So anyway, about a year and a half ago, she is going out with some of her friends. I figure "great, now I can sit up all night and play CM without having someone breathing down my neck all the time."

She comes home around 5 am, t o t a l l y drunk. I mean she is so drunk she is stumbling around in the appartment turning stuff over. She comes into the bedroom looking to score...Im like "no way...forget that." She starts crying and starts taking about suicide. I'm like "uh...what?"

Thats when I decided to leave. I mean, clearly the relationship was *really* bad for both of us, I just never realized that it was that bad. So the next day I find another appartment, and a couple of weeks later I move out.

Three weeks later she tells me she is pregnant again...

Now, there is no way in hell Im getting back into a relationship with her once I got out. So kid #2 arrives, and the first six months he is with his mom all the time (I cant breast feed him that well) meanwhile Im at work doing 12-14 hour days, I dont get to see him in the weekdays, not too often in the weekends either, I get to see him maybe 2-3 hours a week. One day in March I come over to her place to meet him and he starts to cry and scream at the top of his lungs when Im about to pick him up... great, meet mr perfect dad. I realized something had to change.

Soo, I decided to quit my job and spend some time with the kids this summer. Quit in May, have been with the kids since then. One of the upsides of living in a semi-communist country is that you get money even if you dont work. And if you have kids, you get even more money. Being alone with two kids is completely exhausting though. I mean its bad when you start longing back to that desk and those 14hour workdays...

So more often than not, I crash into bed about an hour after the kids. Heh, 29 yrs old and goes to bed at 8pm...now there's something I never thought I'd do.

So anyway...now you know why your turns might be a bit late sometimes.

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Originally posted by SirReal:

Good catch!

But of cource...I am afterall Swedish.

Send me a setup young one. A scenario of your choosing.

- edited in case Denise Richards reads this post...I'm still single honey, call me.

[ June 18, 2003, 07:48 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

***Wedded Bliss Snipped***

Dear Berli, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Must be time for another beer...

{p.s. - Hortlund, find a semi-communist babysitter and send a turn.}

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Send me a setup young one. A scenario of your choosing.

That I will. I'm a bit tired (not surprising, since it's 3 am and I'm waay overdue for bed), so it'll keep a day or two, especially since I'm refurbishing my gaming rig at the moment, and the laptop isn't really suited for games. Giving orders at 3 fps is frustrating.

Tråkigt att höra om familjen. Själv är barn planerade med min flickvän/sambo sedan sju år. Hon ska bara bli klar med sin läkarutbildning så drar vi igång produktionen på allvar.

Tjugonio, lilleplutt. Trettiotre.


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Originally posted by SirReal:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley: Pfffft!

You call that taunting? MY former squire, the inestimable and ever effervescent Lurkur ...

snip a lot of insignificant drivel

You made that fermenting pool of monkey turds a squire? You not only accept responsibility for this all-time low point in frog gene selection, but even defend it!? Shame on you!

At least you could have the decency to train your gremlins to gibber up for themselves.

/SirReal </font>

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Originally posted by SirReal:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Send me a setup young one. A scenario of your choosing.

That I will. I'm a bit tired (not surprising, since it's 3 am and I'm waay overdue for bed), so it'll keep a day or two, especially since I'm refurbishing my gaming rig at the moment, and the laptop isn't really suited for games. Giving orders at 3 fps is frustrating.

Tråkigt att höra om familjen. Själv är barn planerade med min flickvän/sambo sedan sju år. Hon ska bara bli klar med sin läkarutbildning så drar vi igång produktionen på allvar.

Tjugonio, lilleplutt. Trettiotre.

/SirReal </font>

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Yo Ho Ho Hello Peeps

Lt Hortlund Don't worry mate there is light at the end of the tunnel. I have a wonderful son from my ex. She went a a bit psyco on me and it was really hard to cope with.

Lars a game of CMBB, send a set up I really can't wait, but for you I'll make an exception.

Lurker Should be a turn in your box. hehe

Noba New setup required.

Harv There's unfinished business here, extract the digit and do your duty.

AJ New setup required, Arty Fest went belly up. Anything without sand wold do.

Everyone else

Hate you and Sod off

YK2 Thank you for the the kind thoughts and regards, much appreciated, a Cote du Rhone awaits you anytime. Should you need a Kannigit Champian to defend yer honor, I'm there for you.

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Sir Lenakonrad

You are a Knight of the Pool and rightly so. You have withstood the slings and arrows and emerged with head held high.

You have bestowed upon my humble personage the great honor of taking me to Squire. It was an honor that was indeed overwhelming and will always be something that I will never forget.

I have made an effort to live up to your kindness, but I am afraid that it is not to be.

I am too much a vagabond, a free spirit, and a wanderer. I can no more be a Squire than Seanachai can write a coherent post. Or Berlichtingen can post something funny. It is one of those things that is just not meant to be.

Keep in mind one thing Good Knight. You have the favor of the Ladies of the Pool and this is as high an honor as can be bestowed by anyone.

Sir Lenakonrad, I wish you well in all your endeavors.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Sir Lenakonrad

You are a Knight of the Pool and rightly so. You have withstood the slings and arrows and emerged with head held high.

You have bestowed upon my humble personage the great honor of taking me to Squire. It was an honor that was indeed overwhelming and will always be something that I will never forget.

I have made an effort to live up to your kindness, but I am afraid that it is not to be.

I am too much a vagabond, a free spirit, and a wanderer. I can no more be a Squire than Seanachai can write a coherent post. Or Berlichtingen can post something funny. It is one of those things that is just not meant to be.

Keep in mind one thing Good Knight. You have the favor of the Ladies of the Pool and this is as high an honor as can be bestowed by anyone.

Sir Lenakonrad, I wish you well in all your endeavors.

Good god man!!! Are you trying to make us all retch??? And please go wash your nose, it has an unsightly brown color at the moment.
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