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I'm a Peng Challenge Believer and a Mormon Homecoming Queen

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Never anythun nice tae say, eh Boo? Ye feckin' slop-swillin' booger gargler.

As my great aunt Ruth used to say, "If you can't say anything nice, it's probably because you're talking about that great, foetid, armpit hair braiding, Welsh wannabe, dung collecting, small ungulat emulating, pasty wearing, anatomically incorrect, falsetto voiced, spindly shanked, outwitted by a taxidermed stoat, SirEarSplittenLoundenBoomerBessYouIsMyWomanNow, (aka sodding OGSF)."


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by OGSF:

Never anythun nice tae say, eh Boo? Ye feckin' slop-swillin' booger gargler.

As my great aunt Ruth used to say, "If you can't say anything nice, it's probably because you're talking about that great, foetid, armpit hair braiding, Welsh wannabe, dung collecting, small ungulat emulating, pasty wearing, anatomically incorrect, falsetto voiced, spindly shanked, outwitted by a taxidermed stoat, SirEarSplittenLoundenBoomerBessYouIsMyWomanNow, (aka sodding OGSF)."


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Let's make one thing clear, shall we?

Boo will die in the snow on a flat map with moderate trees. Yes he will.

Let's also make it clear that the MBT is more than a collection of one-liners. Although the jabs and barbs and snips can be a part, they are but the spice to the meat, and fairly tasteless on their own. Less filling, shall we say.

That being said, it is also clear that the abandonement of the MBT (and it will always be there) by many of the Old Guard is a pity. Not that we really want them around, but we notice the difference when they're gone. Kinda like a bowel movement, really.

So. Where was I? Oh yes, only an echoing voice in the vast auditorium of former glories. It can be a glory once again, but it takes will, wit, and a disinclination to snappy comebacks.

Oh, but lest ye are mistaken:

Boo will die cold in the snow. Alone.

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Tis but a metamorphosis, a change, a difficult but necessary transitional period, during which newcomers and Olde Ones alike must find a new plateau of wit, panache, and in some cases taste.

Change is a required engine of growth, because some old sods find it an unfamiliar place now, does not mean that the MBT is in any worse shape than it was, say, six months ago.

As long as there is a Forum, there is hope for the Peng Thread . Loonies abound on these cyber pages, and at any time someone could stop by and revive the literary standards (standards???) of this fetid place.

Just as Napolean left the world stage and stopped his ideas of European conquest, only to return some time later to renew his grand schemes. The MBT will rise like the Phoenix from the ashes of poor grammar, and Rodney Dangerfield one liners.

Who can top Baghdad Bob anyway, I swear this is true!!!!!

[ April 27, 2003, 02:22 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Leeo:

Oh, but lest ye are mistaken:

Boo will die cold in the snow. Alone.

And Leeeeeeo will be pointed to and laughed at by many small woodland creatures, as his mincing pixel-ninnies are stomped on really, really hard by the hobnailed boot of justice and niceness as worn by my apple-cheeked sons of Rodina. (I am the Russians in this one, right? I didn't really pay attention. I mean, it is something you cooked up.)
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Hey! One of you Oddstralians needs to go to AJ's house and change the batteries on his pace maker. He has been a little too quiet lately.

And now the news...

In a monstrocity of his own design (gameyness gone wild) AJ managed to snatch (down Bauhaus) defeat from the jaws of victory. Perhaps the Operation I sent him has shocked him into inaction. SEND ME A TURN YOU VEGIMITE SUCKING PILLOCK!!! (With all due respect to your lofty status of course.)

My noble liege Nidan1 continues his dastardly campaign against my peaceful sunday school class and easter egg hunt. We are hoping for UN intervention.

Our reason challenged Polish Dutch wanabe lenakonrad has finally begun his attack. To bad the battle is in turn 35 of 40. Perhaps they were too busy drawing copulating penguins on their helmets. One can only wonder.

My bold flanking manuever has so startled our young Swede Lt. Hortlund that he has started drinking to cushion his pending defeat. Trust me my friend, it only masks the pain. When you come to your senses you will still be losing.

The mysterious and verbose javaslinger has been taking tactics lessons from the Republican Guard. If he ever comes out of hiding and sends me a turn I can continue to enlighten him on the wonders of flanking manuevers and covered routes of approach, something he seems quite unfamiliar with.

Battles against the outboarders continue to be glorious victories for the Pool.

[ April 28, 2003, 03:45 AM: Message edited by: sgtgoody (esq) ]

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by sgtgoody (esq):

Perhaps they were too busy drawing copulating penguins on their helmets. One can only wonder.

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Hangover is gone too.

Until the morning </font>
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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

I sometimes resort to fish urine when I run out of Colonel Popov's premium vodka. They taste about the same.

Send me a turn, pillock.

That setup has been sitting in your besotted inbox for a week.

[ April 28, 2003, 01:30 PM: Message edited by: Malakovski ]

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Yeah, but I only found it yesterday. What on earth possessed you to send it to that adress when we have been using the other one for the past three months?


Perhaps someone needs to update his forum profile?


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yeah, like I want to have my home email adress on display around these baboons.

*points to the crowd of outerboarders who read this thread but dont have the guts/intelligence/wit/opposing thumbs required to post here*

[ April 28, 2003, 02:44 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]

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Guest PondScum

Gamey Updates! Get Your Gamey Updates Here!

chrisl: disappeared without a trace.

dALEM: disappeared without a trace.

Papa Khann: disappeared without a trace.

As to where they've disappeared to, let's just say it's a good thing that Lars doesn't have side-scan sonar in that lake of his.

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

yeah, like I want to have my home email adress on display around these baboons.

*points to the crowd of outerboarders who read this thread but dont have the guts/intelligence/wit/opposing thumbs required to post here*

Is that any way to speak about your kinfolk?
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Christ, where is everybody?

It's so quiet in here you hear Boo frantically rubbing his two brain cells together, trying to work up another one-sentence post.

How about some updates to keep the thread from sinking into oblivion:

Nidan1 was returning ten turns a day, God love him, but then his proud panzers hit a wall of Soviet steel at the same time a flanking force burst from the woods into his rear area (no, not that rear area). Haven't heard form him since. Hasn't worked through all seven stages of grief I suppose...

Lars is returning turns like a good chap. Of course, he is also hurtling towards his death. More later.

Noba is just getting started with his hurtle.

And of course, my least favorite drunken Swede...hm, guess I could just say "Swede" and make the same point..Horlund still hasn't taken two minutes to pick his forces and send a turn. Typical.

Three nameless outerboarders are also losing. Badly.

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Maybe I should explain my somewhat sporadic turn frequency this past week.

Its just my way to say I hate you all.

(I'm quitting my work on May 12th, and I have *alot* to do before I can leave. The details would bore you all to tears, lets just say it involves alot of writing horribly dull documents)

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

I'm quitting my work on May 12th, and I have *alot* to do before I can leave. The details would bore you all to tears, lets just say it involves alot of writing horribly dull documents

Heretic! The old "Real Life" excuse doesn't work here bud. I'm putting off administering first aid to an accident victim just to get my turns sent. Where are your priorities man?!
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