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SC2 News - A Compliation of Posts

Edwin P.

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A compliation of posts on the forthcoming SC2:

Moon Administrator - posted March 31, 2004 01:33 PM


I knew the moment I posted "April" that from April 1st on I'd be hearing this. But damn', one never learns I guess... To be honest, I cannot be more specific, depends on a bunch of issues which are difficult to control. However, rest assured that the longer it takes, the better it will be


posted February 23, 2004 3:45


We're preparing an official announcement about SC2 currently, but it's going to take some time, since we want to give you guys something to look at right away, so please bear with us.


January 29, 2004


That's right! Believe you me, I'm also pretty excited about this one, and it's going to be tough to contain myself as we approach the right time for formal *tidbits*... and this coming from a seasoned veteran game designer like myself

Now... for all you guys checking on my post frequency... what Martin says

Just know that I am still here and working away as always


January 28th, 2004


Here's the news of the day: SC2 is well underway and boootyful to look at. And the best part: I'm not making that up!

We plan to make formal SC2 announcements when all the critical things are in place. Right now the last thing YOU want is to distract Hubert - provided you want a game in 2004, that is.


posted November 18, 2003 05:00 AM


Moon -

SC has gotten wide media coverage when it was released (SC Review Page) , is by now being sold on shelves all over Europe, in Australia/NZ and in Japan..... SC2 is in development, that's an open secret, and when it's closer to completion you will see PR and marketing kick into full gear. Certainly with the proven success that SC was (and it has widely exceeded our expectations) that PR and marketing will be even stronger.

Hubert - Nov 17, 2003 - "Since engine wise there are some overlap similarities between SC1 and SC2"
November 14,2003:


Are you considering random events/decision trees for SC2


Maybe ;)

posted November 07, 2003 11:02 AM


I'm working on makining the units in SC2 more balanced, well at least with more give and take or plus and minus for each unit type to make things more interesting.

posted October 27, 2003 09:12 AM


Great points here Zapp, I would say that most of this is covered although some of it in a different way than you would expect (not all)... but more on that when the time comes as nothing is still 100% final just yet

For the SC2 forum, I would say that it is still a little early for that and my guess would be that when we are in final Beta then you could expect to see it up and running similar to the process used for the CM series.


October 26, 2003 01:36 PM - While generic units were used for SC1 to not overcomplicate a simple game, the idea of having country specific units I think is a good one and is under serious consideration for SC2. At least the ability for the player to do so will exist, and I think this should make most people happy… well I hope ....What I am proposing is that there will be much greater editing control in SC2 so that if you are not too crazy about a particular design decision the ability to change some of the details will exist… within certain limitations of course

posted October 20, 2003 09:16 AM


-------------------------------------------------Originally posted by zappsweden:

1) In SC2, make a pre-game phase i.e when game starts both players can examine map (without fow) like the scenario editor (except no changes can be done). This makes cheating impossible since both players view tech, units, experience.


What is being considered is a BIT check to ensure that the selected campaign exists on each players system. This way a TCP/IP game can only commence if both players have the same campaign, i.e. with exact modifications etc., and this way if it is a modded campaign you have to send it to your opponent first and they can then check the setup in the editor if they wish, thus no surprises.



2) In SC2, make an option to connect to someones game just for watching it.

3) In SC2, please include some kind of replay option so that the whole war can be replayed and viewed by other players too.


Number 2 is a maybe but number 3 is a serious consideration if all goes right


Now before the solo players jump all over me for not including it for them , consider that in many ways I am listening and that safe extended editing capabilities will be included for SC2.

[ March 31, 2004, 02:13 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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I wish there was a date, either beta testing or something.

There are three things in business...Price, Speed, and Quality.

The problem is you can only pick two. :(

I believe Hubert has picked Price and Quality. By leaving the development team small (himself) and by not releasing the product until most of the problems (the obvious ones) have been worked out.

Speed has been sacrificed. A decision that definitely has its merits...no matter how frustating it may be for the consumer at times. :D

A few months of frustration for an in-expensive, quality product. I for one will take that over an over-priced game that would find its way to my "drawer of forgotten games" :mad:

I believe by not releasing a date, he is trying to avoid painting himself into a corner and releasing it before he is ready. ;)

At least we can hope for AAR's while beta testing is going on. smile.gif

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I'm working on making the units in SC2 more balanced, well at least with more give and take or plus and minus for each unit type to make things more interesting.
This particular topic deserves some forum discussion. For a good game, each of the abstract unit types and research areas should be balanced. There should also be appropriate checks and balances requiring players to maintain a decent mix of forces or risk serious problems. Ideally, things like L5 tanks versus L5 anti-tank should be equally fair. Also, researching subs and rockets should offer game advantages comparable to researching jets and industrial technology. There should be balance.

And yet, a realistic and historically accurate game may not provide "perfect" balance among all these abstract unit types and research areas. Clearly some things were more effective during the WWII era than others. L5 jets are conceivable, but could L5 anti-aircraft radar really have been comparable? If one scrutinizes the game close enough there are bound to be discrepancies. And if we make the game too realistic, it may stifle creative strategies and perhaps force players into refighting WWII rather than pursuing what-ifs.

So, should SC2 development and playtesting be oriented more towards abstract game balance or towards historical accuracy? There's a subtle difference between these two competing goals and it will ultimately have an effect, and everyone should recognize that. Achieving ideal play balance for the game may require some compromises, so would that be acceptable or not? It should be possible to achieve a decent compromise, but if not the proposed editor should allow players to adjust things one way or another based on their preferences. Thoughts, comments?

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As originally posted by Bill Macon:

Achieving ideal play balance for the game may require some compromises, so would that be acceptable or not?

If the game is touted and marketed to be concerned with World War II, then that is what I want, and NOT some pinball-wizard encounter where you can skitter off in all kinds of screw-loose directions. :eek:

It should be VERY HARD to win the game as Axis. But, it should be... possible.

How you accomplish that... does matter.

You shouldn't have TOO MANY "gamey" opportunities, without paying the appropriate price for these misadventures. Good example is the Allies attacking the Low Countries.

What chance, in light of historical evidence, that this would EVER happen? I would say, slim to 0.0001 per cent. Yet, here, it happens way too often.

EVERY WW2 game-maker "fudges" the OOBs and the interplay of tech/diplomacy/economics. Else, you would NOT have an interesting and competitive contest.

So, sure, you have to play around with the schematics and mechanics until some semblance of historical precedent is attained.

But, not to lose the true "historical flavor" or else you may just as well be playing any of 100s of other games. You could always just PRETEND that Civ3 or C&C is ACTUALLY about a WW2 type conflict, yes?

Long answer shortened... do whatever is necessary to allow "what-ifs" and a SMALL chance for the Axis to conquer the whole known world.

BUT, keep the historical imperatives so that you actually and REALLY feel like you are re-enacting that conflict. ;)

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Historical accuracy in the units, otherwise the game might as well be Fantasy General II.

Unit types and research areas can be balanced while staying within reality.

If this is done properly, you'll end up with a game that is faithfull to WWII, but almost impossible for the Axis to win.

That is where the "what-ifs" come into play. The almost endless "what ifs" are how you obtain a balanced game. "What if" ... Moscow had fallen; France had mobilized earlier; Germany had liberated, not occupied Ukraine; Spain had joined Axis; Turkey had joined Axis; Turkey had joined Allies; US had not entered the war; Japan had fought Russia; UK had fallen; German manpower was not mismanaged; Malta was assaulted, not Crete; etc, etc, etc.

And finally, a Unit and Terrain editor, that allows us to deal with "why nots" and the creative bursts when we want to go beyond WWII or Europe or disagree with the game designer.

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You definately need the "what if" factors in any WWII strategic game...no one want the absurdity of HOI where Romania runs roughshod over all of Russia (I know I know, there are patches) but the "what ifs" help keep the game balanced so the Axis has a chance to win and not have the game have a strict historical linear dimension to it ...if there is any form of diplomacy in SCII, there could be the added benefit of the Axis winning a Diplomatic victory as opposed to a strictly military one...peace inititives offered from the Allies might be triggered if either certain military objectives are obtained, but not necessarily the complete domination of Europe..this Diplomatic Victory option might help balance the game even further..

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IMHO the most import thing is to have a VERY extensive editor with more control, this way you can go your on way and try different historical things.

Right now if you activate a country you are limited in what it does, for example Italy can joined axis or surrendered to allies. We should be able to choose the others as well: joined allies, surrendered to axis. Goes the same for all the other countries. Imagine being able to make it so Russia comes into the conflict but not as an Allie or Axis, then when Germany falls Russia vs. Allies could rage on.

I would like to be able to decided if Vichy France is installed or not.

Able to add units to ALL countries. Best thing would be if they could buy units / have there own MPPs while they are alive (option).

MAP editor, so you can make a world map or other areas.

Make research luck based or purchase based.

You should all stop worrying about how the game will be, if Hubert makes an extensive editor, then you'll be able to have the game how you wish.

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Moon - posted November 18, 2003

SC2 is in development, that's an open secret, and when it's closer to completion you will see PR and marketing kick into full gear. Certainly with the proven success that SC was (and it has widely exceeded our expectations) that PR and marketing will be even stronger.

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Edwin P,

Thanks for compiling this list, and updating it as new "official" developments are revealed. Hope you will continue to do so, as we all tend to get a bit... anxious,

Waiting for the TINIEST smidgeon of news. :cool:

Well, after all, SC2 IS something to really look forward to, yes? smile.gif

Given what has been so adeptly done with the Original SC, and given ALL of the discussion over the last 19 months or so... WHO KNOWS!

What will actually happen.

It is like being a little kid again, TRYING to contain the excitement... all the wrapping-up and bustle and cookie-making and tree-lights twinkling and favorite (or, crazy!) relatives visiting and, well, you know what I mean...on Christmas Eve...

And sure, we are all little kids, else we wouldn't be so... CHARMED about... a GAME. Playing games, alone or with friends, helps to deflect all those day to day worries and conflicts.

HOORAY! That we have this... easy anxiety. It merely means we are TRULY interested, and not just cynical, jaded or indifferent. smile.gif

Well, forgive me, it's... the coming Season... for cheer. ;)

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Originally posted by DSEDS:

I think Hubert is dead. He´s last Post in this Forum is more than 12 month old, isnt it?

bye bye SC2. :(

Ah, I know Hubert doesn't post often but he takes the time to let us know that he's still interested in that we have to say and lets us know constantly that his work on SC2 continues.

And it hasn't been no 12 months since he last posted, 1 or 2 at the most, but not 12.

Comrade Trapp

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Here's the news of the day: SC2 is well underway and boootyful to look at. And the best part: I'm not making that up!

We plan to make formal SC2 announcements when all the critical things are in place. Right now the last thing YOU want is to distract Hubert - provided you want a game in 2004, that is. smile.gif


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Originally posted by Moon:

Here's the news of the day: SC2 is well underway and boootyful to look at. And the best part: I'm not making that up!

We plan to make formal SC2 announcements when all the critical things are in place. Right now the last thing YOU want is to distract Hubert - provided you want a game in 2004, that is. smile.gif


Well now. it does pay to lurk on this board!!! :D
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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

I've got a question for HC. Now c'mon HC surely you can tell us, generally of course, when did you actually commit to SC2? I'm not talking about the compilation of ideas,... but when did you actually start to modify the code? Can we have that little tidbit? ;)

Honestly... it's been a while and there definitly wasn't any snow on the ground around here smile.gif


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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Well now. it does pay to lurk on this board!!! :D

That's right! Believe you me, I'm also pretty excited about this one, and it's going to be tough to contain myself as we approach the right time for formal *tidbits*... and this coming from a seasoned veteran game designer like myself ;)

Now... for all you guys checking on my post frequency... what Martin says tongue.gif

Just know that I am still here and working away as always smile.gif


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Hubert --- This is Legend (Rambo), if you want some "real" testing done, let me know. Besides being a SC-Icon, 4-Time World-Champ, inventor of R.A.C.K., & the only guy to ever have a World-Wide House rule......I also am a professional C++ guy, Rational Rose expert, Integrator, Project Lead, Test Lead, Clearcase, Unix......name it.

Rambo knows Technology

Rambo knows SC

Rambo knows Sales

Rambo knows Testing

Hubert, I'll debug your game.....AND keep my mouth shut about it.

Legend >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT

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I believe Rambo can do everything he stated including keeping his mouth shut, but he didn't say he wouldn't type info on this board. smile.gif

OK, now I'm going to overanalyze:

Moon says

SC2 is well underway and boootyful to look at


Hubert says

snow on the ground

So this must mean we will have weather effects along with graphical changes to go along with that. OK, a stretch, but what the hay.

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We plan to make formal SC2 announcements when all the critical things are in place.
Moon, is this the same something that you mentioned over in the CMAK forums recently? Or is that a CM something that will be mentioned in a "couple of weeks"?
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