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Originally posted by Iskander:

You, stevethefink, are yet another example of the results of a lifetime of Yorkshire puddings and scones: a head filled with fluff and a gut filled with crap [crap... is crap OK?... poop? is that better?]. If you can raise yourself from your latest Guinness-induced stupor, do drop us a line dear boy... and after smacking yourself in the head with that lemonpeel-wrapped gold bar, try for coherency, I hear it's the latest thing from the Continent (you remember the Continent? That's where we're about to fight... or were you drunk in that class?)

OK, you big pansy. Inbetween washing up, shaving, dressing, and other everyday menial tasks, I may have a slot to put you in. I think the five minutes between when I first sit down and the last clean wipe should be plenty enough for the likes of you.

So send me your files, and I will return them on each and every digested evacuation. I strongly advise that you wash your hands after receiving them. Actually, you may not know what I am talking about. Have you developed hygiene procedures in that big cuntry of yours?

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Goodbye Cesspool.

This is my last post.

Thanks for the good times.

"Its been fun"

- Captain James T. Kirk

Good God, do you know how long it took me to find this place? I kept wandering around north, and the damn Thread had headed east. Who put Mensch in charge? The man can't evacuate his bladder without psychotic outbursts. Where is Hiram going? I'm about to concede defeat on my haphazard attempt to get my modem working with OS 9 and return to 8.6 (if I still can). Hopefully back up and returning turns and posting again within a day or two. I was out sick sick sick for the last four days, no email, no internet, snowstorms, unable to sit in a chair at the computer. I hate you all, and upon my return here I find everything to be as loathsome as I remember. It will take me some time to get caught up on the transported Thread, so if anyone's insulted me specifically, it might be a few days until I can tell you specifically what a pillock you are. As for those who contacted me or have commented derisively about my computing skills, I hope a duck enters your body in a unique and non-traditional way. It's very difficult to solve computer problems when one cannot even sit upright. My return here will, doubtless, provoke much rejoicing. I look forward to your effusive 'welcome back, Seanachai, you credit to us all', and 'Lord love a duck, what a joy that Seanachai's returned! Life had lost meaning without him,' comments, not to mention the relieved expressions on all your wee, rat-like faces. I did, upon returning to work, get turns from most of you.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 02-13-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 02-13-2001).]

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:


Schriben Sie daß:

Chupacabra: Slapped down like an unwanted stepchild

Berli (with loving help from an evil German): Victorious... natürlich

We wuz robbed. Bah.


Edit: extra bah added to reflect a certain... je ne said quoi... existential malaise?


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

[This message has been edited by Chupacabra (edited 02-13-2001).]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I look forward to your effusive 'welcome back, Seanachai, you credit to us all', and 'Lord love a duck, what a joy that Seanachai's returned! Life had lost meaning without him,' comments.

Yeh, yeh, whatever!

Now sod off, you're tying up valuable bandwidth!


[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-13-2001).]

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Ahh my dear Sasquatch, you were gone? Oh yeah right, that gaping existential hole in my life emptied of turbulent angst, that was you? True, I have missed messing with your plans and refusing to give you the victory you so obviously and plaintively crave (even to add in extra turns ya git) So get with it boy, receive the draw you deserve. Ha!


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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Originally posted by Lorak:

Ahh Shandorf..

Maybe I wasn't clear enough.

from page 1:

Now Since I had rekorded you a vin and Mace a loss.... How do you fix it? (I'll give you a sec...)


You Korect Mace's rekord by removing a loss.


Moriarty gets a loss.

Hope that was easy enough for you to follow


Oh yeah?! Well....Yeah! So there! Ha! (Grumble. Grumble. Grumble.)

To all:

I am sorry if I have been remiss in my turn processing. I am sure all of your are either raptured in fear or loathing of my return files. Therefore I apologize in advance.

Sod off.

Thanks for taking the time to listen. When I get a handle on all this school work and my job settles back down to the boring, repetitive waste of time it usually is I will get those turns out lickity split. I assure you this as I assure your destruction.

P.S. Peng I sent the damn file you were sniveling about. I better have a response in my e-mail when I get home.



First of all, David, you stupid sot, if names were meant to be descriptive, everyone would have the, culturally appropriate, name of, "Ugly little purple person that cries and wets itself." -Meeks.

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Oh, files have been sent, btw.

Scrota - Measly little fink. Has an inflated sense of his ability to actually hurt me. Is losing men quickly. Will lose more and some tanks very soon. Has poured a lot of points into armor and FlaK, which is going to bite him in the ass when he realizes all his infantry is deader than Dillinger. 'Cause we all know how good Hetzers are against infantry. Right? Huh? Who's with me YEAH!

Boreiarty - continues his extreeeeemely sloooooooow attaaaaack.

I admire Moriarty for trying to cultivate a Zen-like calm in all things CM, but it doesn't really work too well when you've only got 30 minutes to dig my ass out of town. Tick tock. Oh, and my guys are slaughtering his guys like mad, too. That isn't helping him any.

Stevethesleeve Roberts

Calls me mean for using rockets. If I'd wanted to be mean I would've made mine 300mm. Moriarty can tell you about what happens then. I think he's just mad that I can see most of his force, and he can't see any of mine. His attack so far has been very...mannered. Very British. I half expect the queen mum to turn up and knight him in the middle of the fight for dying like a propah Englishman. If the gods smile, the mortar shells I just sent winging along towards his row of parallel-parked Daimlers will make them look like Oxford Street during a Debenham's sale. Ie, super freaking ugly.

Sneakytea persists in trying to sent me nasty corrupt files. Although he hasn't sent me one in a week or so. Maybe he's given up. Or maybe he's just a big nancyboy who wants me to twist his scrawny Enya-wannabe neck.

PolTroon - Silly rabbit, armored cars are for Panzerfausts.


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

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Since you are all probably wondering...[not].


Cruuud-da: Lets see... Croda has one operational tank that is immobilized and is currently being used to sight range my 2x 20mm flak guns. Boy, is THAT fun to watch!

Me- I have 6 fully operation tanks left and 1 "damaged". Croda thinks he is going to try and infantry assault my tanks. Heh, I can't wait to see that!

jd: This battle is just beginning. So far I have seen nothing but I suspect he wasn't prepared for my assault. I suppose I will find out in a few turns.

Berli frown.gifsee: evil) This battle is kind of like my battle with jd. I advance in the face of limited resistance. The "evil one" better have bought ALOT of arty.

Dalem: This one is all but over. Just gotta load up the final turn and see how bad I whooped his ass.

Marlow: The lucky, little, freak boy returns. Maybe now I can get on with cleaning his clock of all it's kook-koos.

Mensch: I have never seen so many of my tanks die in one turn. But what do you expect.. A flat level map with minimal cover. Me with like a company of Armor and Mensch sitting on the the very back edge of the board with 5 JadgTigers. My only option is to go "up the gut" and turn the flank on those bad mommas. Oh and did I mention mensch had big rockets? What a fruitcake.

Peng: I got his scenario shortly after Mensch set me his.. Hmm.. Do I smell a setup? I loaded this sucker and it "seems" like I have a chance to win. You better not be sandbaggin my ass Ping boy.

If I forgot anyone then you were not worth mentioning. Try harder.



First of all, David, you stupid sot, if names were meant to be descriptive, everyone would have the, culturally appropriate, name of, "Ugly little purple person that cries and wets itself." -Meeks.

[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 02-13-2001).]

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ahh busy day on the battle field.

Tome updates:

Mensch-2 wins

Meeks-2 loses









Hiram is leaving? Tis sad news indeed. Here is hoping it is only tempoary.

Seanachai..welcome back you festering git.

Game updates....

nothing to tell really.

Germanboy is still rushing vehicles forward to only have them blow up...again...and again...and again.

GiTom... is proving why he would make a lousy grounds keeper. He seems to like watching trees explode. Think of the ozone man!

Moriarty.. berli is an evil bastard and I will rue the day I ever started playing on this map.

Hakko... once again I applaud Germanboy for a really nice map... but I'm begining to wonder if he forgot to give the allies any units.

all other games outside of the pool...so they don't matter.

Lorak the Loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Here we are just two threads from the bottom...

I gave a recent update on all my games except with morse. To sum it up, he's getting hosed. In our first turn of contact, he left bodies lying everywhere, without actually causing any casualties in return. Lost a Marder, too-- drove it up alongside a squad, parked it, and got out while they threw grenades into it. Not a very good attack so far. Impressively bad, in fact. Either he has an immense supply of troops and vehicles back there, or he's decided to do zombie attacks and march blindly through the graveyard in the fog while my Red Devils shoot his zombies in the head.


"If you can taste the difference between caviar on a cracker and ketchup on a Kit-Kat while blindfolded, you have not had enough aquavit to be ready for lutefisk." (stolen from some web page about lutefisk)

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So too a provisional victory over Chuckles 666. Provisonal in that Mr 666 claims to have influenza and that pesky school thing tht I have heard mention of. He claims he shall reappear and should he do so the victory needs to be affirmed.

Mr Chucky appeared and claimed that who knows he could be the greatest cm player ever. Well the score was 82-18 Major German victory. He had 35 men okay but only because his men routed pover the back line leaving only 19 pathetic troops to stem the tide. So 666 needs to be relegated to the training wheel section.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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Well, I'm about half way back. I can now post from home. Soon I will send turns out from home. There are still issues. But I'm in there pitching.

Now, on more significant issues:

Hiram? What is the meaning of this departure? Do you no longer find us entertaining? Relevant? Cuddly? I cannot accept this departure. Please email me instanter about your departure and the attendant reasons connected thereto. I do not accept this. A page without Hiram is like a day without sunshine. That is, normal, unlikely to increase the chance of skin cancer, but less cheerful. Am I correct, in my rather limited ability to garner facts, that you are currently unemployed? I discovered this Board and began this Thread under the very same circumstances. Take heart, lad, anyone who can party with Peng and Elvis is not a being whose talents will go unrewarded by our current economic system. Remember, lad, before departing the Peng Challenge Thread, take in to account the wise words of an old friend of mine: 'Never make a life decision in February.'

Lorak, thank you for your heartfelt and unreserved footnote acknowledging my return. If there was any chance in the multiverse that I could steal your beautiful wife away from you, I would actually hesitate for a count of 6 before the attempt, so deep is the esteem I hold you in. It would have been a count of ten, but then, I've seen pictures of your wife.

For the rest of you, I very much doubt that any gods have watched over you during my absence. In point of fact, any of you that felt a warm, golden, misty feeling during this interregnum of my absence...well, the gods were having a slash on you. Go shower, and await my more significant posts.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

For the rest of you, I very much doubt that any gods have watched over you during my absence.

Actually, God is always watching me... waiting for the next coup attempt.

...and await my more significant posts.

We've been waiting for that since your first post. How many monkeys on how many typewriters before we get a significant post from you?

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Now that he is able to process, the Bard will begin to accrue wussiness at a rate of 1 wuss factor point (1¥) per day until I receive turns in our match to decide if he can defeat the first of any of the denizens of the Fatal Shores. In fact, since he proposed this challenge way back when we were hosted in the One Nation Party HQ, he really ought to get ¥2/day, but I am feeling generous.

Cesspool corporate council jdmorse has obviously had his appeal to the Cesspool Tribunal of Omnipotent Scary Beings heard as he has managed to get ever so lucky in dispatching one of my rabid attack StuGs to Valhalla. No matter, I have Sondereidische lurking I the woods to give that Sherman III a good sorting out.

Germanboy may not make it in to give anyone here a good tongue-lashing, but he has exposed (gluteous) Maximus as being even less well travelled and internationally savvy than his new president, which up until then I thought impossible. Check out the latest BTS thread seeking advice on the German nazi-censorship laws for informed comment and stupid yanks on parade demonstrating that while they may have free speech, sometimes its best not to exercise it.

[This message has been edited by Goanna (edited 02-14-2001).]

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