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Originally posted by PeterNZer:

Is horse**** an acceptable word? As that's what he writes, mostly.

2) Meeks is a naughty boy and I can't seem to see a turn from him in my inbox. Therefore I give him a few days before I demand from Lorak a victory for myself and a defeat for meeksy.

Listen, ratboy, that game has been in stupid limbo for ever. If you decide to start it anew with me, I can only play it via TCP/IP for now. Otherwise, wait the interminable wait as I try to get my CD from my idiot cousin and his band of gypsies.


Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?!

No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect?

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Please note that Hiram has had his wuss factor reduced to ¥1 with the request for a re-send of the last turn. It should be in your inbox now.

Meeks is also a wuss for taunting a new game several pages ago with the ÜberEidische then disappearing, but will have his wuss factor held in abeyance until such time as he retrieves his CD from the ingrates he is related to.

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Originally posted by Goanna:

wuss factor held in abeyance until such time as he retrieves his CD from the ingrates he is related to.

He's a wuss for not going right over and forcibly extracting the CD from his cousin immediately. And no excuses that they live halfway across the country either. He could at least send his sister.


"If you can taste the difference between caviar on a cracker and ketchup on a Kit-Kat while blindfolded, you have not had enough aquavit to be ready for lutefisk." (stolen from some web page about lutefisk)

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Originally posted by Lawyer:

I'm bored. I wish he would run into my machine guns so I could shoot lots of troops.

Get used to it. Didn't you read the grog stuff posted earlier-- maneuver vs. attrition? If I were an attritionist I would charge your positions and you would gun everyone down. As a maneuverist, I'm going to run my troops around a bit, so they can get some exercise, then they'll kill all your men, except for the ones that they capture.

It's really been a pretty dull game so far--he's managed to pop a couple of recon Stuarts, but otherwise not a whole lot has happened. Casualties on both sides have been pretty light, except in the building that collapsed on a few of his squads. It was big and made of brick, and they got their defensive lessons from the little piggies. They thought that a big bad wolf couldn't blow down a big stone building. That's probably true, but some dumb GIs with a bunch of HE can.


"If you can taste the difference between caviar on a cracker and ketchup on a Kit-Kat while blindfolded, you have not had enough aquavit to be ready for lutefisk." (stolen from some web page about lutefisk)

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I knew that gently tweaking on the Meeksian gonads would get a little squeak from the lad. Good boy, go back to your cage now.

In other news..

My theory on my games is prooving true, I am totally and utterly loosing to Chrisl, not only have I played badly but my men have died like lemmings and couldn't hit Sneezy's ego from 5 paces. Meanwhile, true Genius shines through in the games agains Mark IV, Dalem, Croda et al.

Chrisl, you will soon savor what so few have, my defeat, the rest of you will be sucking on the bloody stumps of your own limbs.

I despise you all you fetid little armpit scrappers. May your mothers recover from the shame.



"Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde

"Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra

[This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 02-12-2001).]

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Lizardswine, you are correct. I have started to set up our game several times but get pulled away for TCP/IP. It will be coming to you shortly and after that the turns will flow much more quickly.

I have noticed since TCP/IP was released that people are sending turns at a much slower pace. There are several people on this board who are extremely slow. I will not name names (Moriarty,joeski,Hiram and Germanboy) because I am above that. Piss I am wrong and I owe you guys turns than piss off.


"When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello

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A long overdue list of updates:

jd has purchased a handful of 1972 Volkswagen Beetle VT FOs. He rains death upon me like an F5 tornado at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. My Battalion Commander, Col Poorly-Planned Attack, was impaled by the tailpipe of an exploding bug just last turn. That and American Tanks Suck Peng's Entrails.

Dr. shandorffffff beats me like a plague-riddled otter. This game only continues because I have arty left, and a company(+) that needs to close assault his tanks. That and American Tanks Suck Peng's Entrails.

Marlow is the spawn of a Salmon that couldn't make it upstream and had to resort to spewing his fertilizer on the eggs of some Tiger shark that had no business in a river. So we have a pink bastard who looks and talks like a pansy, but has a big old bite. Did I mention that American Tanks Suck Peng's Entrails? Good.

NZer has a solid Battalion of fresh troops armed with Jacksons and Jumbos assaulting my left flank. To hold him off, I have a truck and a fork with a broken tine. You do the math. Did I mention that Jacksons and Jumbos don't suck Peng's Entrails, especially when they kill Crack Hull Down Panthers and Tigers with one shot?

Hiram if you don't go to the unemployment line drunk, you have a better chance of getting a jobby-job. And for a lame-ass, unemployed slacker who spends his time at home drinking Moosehead, you sure don't process those turns to quick. It will take shandorff less time than that to write his disertation on the mating habits of Mace and Kitty's digital representations of herself.

Speaking of Peng's Entrails, the bloody bastard sent me a scenario that has two armored division assaulting a bunch of USO dancers armed with Stilleto High Heels. Lucky for me, Peng is dumber than...well, dumber than anything you can think of, and has already lost three HTs and a platoon of inf by racing them headlong into an ambush.

I have no idea what's happening in the game against Chupacabra, because I get files from him like conjugal visits for a prison inmate.

stevetheratbastard (can I say bastard in here?) set us up on a nice snowy map with 63m visibility, and 20 turns to take the flags. Nobody eat the red snow.

Wildman must think be trying to get all of the combat his maintenance worker ass can handle, because he has every gun on the field targeting one squad. By this time, he's probably at 1/2 ammo, and will shortly lose all of his armor to my Hetzer-O-Death.

Von Shrad (remember him?) has killed everything I have on the field, yet I continue to push on! Oh, wait, nobody cares.

Hairy Ovaries is the kind of freak that tears the legs off of spiders to see them writhe. He pits my legion of Green Frogs (redundent, I know) against an assault of what are most likely 10 Elite StuHs. I had the choice of attacking and being routed, or dying whimpering in my foxholes...route on, Mein Herr.

SeeN'Say needs to be introduced to FreeINet or something.

Dalem dies in droves. He seems to have bought all MG42s and a Half Track. He's eaten enough VT to fill a pod of Blue Whales, and will now die from the bayonet. I like playing Dalem.

I may have forgotten people, but they are most likely whipping me so bad, I've forced them out of my mind.


The New CessPool




Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

Croda, you rock! - Meeks

[This message has been edited by Croda to ensure that everyone is aware of the bludgeoning that Dalem is receiving..]

[This message has been edited by Croda (edited 02-12-2001).]

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Originally posted by Croda:

Hairy Ovaries is the kind of freak that tears the legs off of spiders to see them writhe. He pits my legion of Green Frogs (redundent, I know) against an assault of what are most likely 10 Elite StuHs. I had the choice of attacking and being routed, or dying whimpering in my foxholes...route on, Mein Herr.

Oh Crawdad, my Crawdad...

I gave you Frenchies because, well, last battle you had us fighting in piss-poor weather and almost zero visibility. Come to think of it, it was not piss-poor weather, but extremely piss-rich weather, as in what a pisser to have to play against your Krauts with their SMG equipped troops on the defense in terrible visibility!

But that battle is over, and you lost... On to happier times.

I chose this battle, and setup the sides such that all your little "Le Beau's" would have to come out and play. The first thing you did correctly was to stop hiding in the woods and come out into the fields. What does infantry have to fear from turretless armor...

But you would not come out like good Frogs waiting to die and spare me the effort of hunting you down in the woods.

No, you had the gall, the temerity, the chuzpah to actually immobilize one of my Stugs, and then kill it by cramming the bones of you deceased "amis" into the tracks and down the barrel.

Enjoy your moment in the sun, for it is now time to pay the piper, or should I say Peiper. Watch your right flank (SIT DOWN BAUHAUS!!), because now I'm pissed. Which makes this a piss-rich battle as well I guess...

In short, prepare to DIE ALOT NOW


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

[This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 02-12-2001).]

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Originally posted by stevetherat:


It makes me shudder uncontrollably, like the entire contents of some queen's (colloq.) stomach has been poured upon my defenceless and naked body, before having large snapping alligators loose around my private area...

...speeding for the last bottle of $1.99 wine.

Do I make myself clear?


Again, in reverse order (just like all of jd's tactical moves up until now):

*Mad-dog, Ripple or Boones Farm... if they're selling it for US$1.99, rest assured that I've got a case. Why? Because consumption of at least that much would be needed to slosh my brain down to the level of CM-ineptitude that is known throughout the Thread as "stevian."

*Please, please leave me out of your Anglo-erotic fantasies... but I congratulate you on your desire for "alligators loose around your privates" since a game with me would likely involve tigers and panthers loose around your majors.

You, stevethefink, are yet another example of the results of a lifetime of Yorkshire puddings and scones: a head filled with fluff and a gut filled with crap [crap... is crap OK?... poop? is that better?]. If you can raise yourself from your latest Guinness-induced stupor, do drop us a line dear boy... and after smacking yourself in the head with that lemonpeel-wrapped gold bar, try for coherency, I hear it's the latest thing from the Continent (you remember the Continent? That's where we're about to fight... or were you drunk in that class?)


"I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory."

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Files will go out maybe tonight, probably tomorrow. Depends on how long it takes me to write ten pages of bull**** about Kennedy's policies towards Vietnam.

I am too overworked to hate any of you more than I hate my life at the moment.


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

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Originally posted by Lawyer:

Para.1 ...off topic, off target...

Para.2 ...off topic, off target...

Para.3 ...off topic, off target...

Para.4 ...(see the post to jd above).

I've got better things to do than listen to you two bloodsuckers fight over who gets to sleep next to the stove in Hell

Para.4 ...I shall send whatever I please when it pleases me, and you shall be grateful to be acknowledged at all.

And here it is, three days later! Not only do your posts have all the accuracy and wit of Soviet concrete, but you have the timeliness of it as well. My mistake, I'm sure: expecting a below-the-Beltway lawyer to show up on time. Maybe if I had said "fundraiser" instead of "challenge" I'd be seeing your file now rather than enjoying the cavernous silence of your cowardly absence.

No, really. After your last post to me I'd love a game: if your tactics are like your arguments I shall be driving your attachetruppen before me like mice while you bomb and shell some empty buildings on the edge of the map, all the while yelling "look what I said! look what I said!" and wetting yourself.

Thus I say to you from someone not worth quoting:



"I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory."

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I have an incredibly grumpy disposition (and that's on my good days) today it's worse so I thought I'd punish myself further and you as well by reviewing a few games........

Lizardbreath tops my list of mean spiteful and really disgusting people. This is someone who makes a Komodo lizard look like something you'd prefer to have over for a visit rather than this Ozzie git. For the second or third time (actually seems like every shot) I have planted a 75mm AP round right down several of his Stug's throat. Do they die? No. Are they at least shocked? No. Sheesh. Meanwhile he sneezes and the front glacis plate on my tanks fall off. I am resigned to crawling into the woods and dieing a lot™. This one is history as my ability to manuver is seriously compromised, ie my squads are panicked or broken and I am down to 1 tank.

Since we are on the downunder, that sheeplovin man, Spaced has managed to ambush some advancing armor. It was well played, but I am becoming suspicious. With two TD's blowing up a tank or two, and firing Mg's at the others, you'd THINK that my armor might stop, rotate and engage? But nooooooo, let's drive merrily along as if nothing is happening. I am wondering if the inhabitants of Oz haven't secured a special potion of Aboriginal origin to smear upon their cd drives to affect the outcome (see lizard boy above)

drooled by Iskander somewhere above Again, in reverse order (just like all of jd's tactical moves up until now
Hmmm tactical moves. I have lost 1 CO HQ (in an outpost position, one 'zook, one PSW. That's it. Alexanderwannabe has created more than enough kindling for my troops to keep warm. He has apparently suscribed to the Hakko/Meeks school of artillery. Blast them even if they aren't there. Brave words from some one that hasn't managed to even find his way through the fog yet.

Rickshaw besides demonstrating that he has no life over the weekend by regularly exchanging numerous turns (but hey I never claimed to have a life) has finally discovered that the AT gun he pummeled has been KO's for several turns. There are ugly battles in the woods and the flash blindness from the amount of artillery has guys on both sides running for cover. After killing my 2 sherman's, Mr. Shaw is content to keep his three remaining Panthers at a far distance like the sissy boy he is.

Crodaphile has at least not disappointed. As posted above and acknowledged in his subsequent post, the formersquirenevertobeakniggit has shown that he still retains the servile subservience of a former squire towards his former liege and lies down before me so I may place my jackbooted foot upon his neck. He so nicely diesalot™

Of general interest there has be a grenouillefacedboy sighting. After a long abcess, er absence, Paw sent a message promising a turn in a few hours. Course that has as much relaibilty as any Frenchman saying je t'aime to a comely Mme.

Hiram (boy sober up and get on it) Pillar and Marlow are stupid gits with ¥2 wussines factors for not getting turns out. Meeks has an excuse but is still a stupid git. It seems everytime we play, something happens that prevents conclusion of our games. I guess the nancy boy just can't face it......

Loathe™ you lots......



If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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Originally posted by Iskander:

And here it is, three days later! Not only do your posts have all the accuracy and wit of Soviet concrete, but you have the timeliness of it as well. My mistake, I'm sure: expecting a below-the-Beltway lawyer to show up on time. Maybe if I had said "fundraiser" instead of "challenge" I'd be seeing your file now rather than enjoying the cavernous silence of your cowardly absence.

Check your email, if you know how Dilbert! The setup was sent to you yesterday, you nincompoop. I thought Croda loosed a whiskey fart on the forum, but it was just Ikki-san blowing his nose again.

And you WILL die a lot.


Some days the sun just don't shine up a dog's behind.

-- Catfish Hunter

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Guest Germanboy

I have just dealt out lots of death & destruction (and been on the receiving end of a little bit of the same). All files on the way. You will all be hung drawn and quartered. Remember, you read it here first.

Now for why it is a good thing the thread is no longer in Canuckland:

Originally said by Lieutenant Anburey, present at the battle of Freeman's Farm, 1776: As to the Canadians, little was to be depended upon their adherence, being easily dispirited with an inclination to quit as soon as there was an appearance of danger.

So there.




Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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LORAK... a minor update for menschypoo


so heres a low down.. all I can say the second game I never seen a regular firefly take out two tigers and a wespe in four shots in 47 seconds.. it was luverly

first game

Mensch the undefeatable (sit down croda) : germans

11 casualties (3kia)

2 vehicles knocked out

men ok: 57

score 89%

meeks the unlucky: uh allies

26 casualties (8kia)

40 captured

4 mortars destroyed

4 vehicles knocked out

men ok: 0

score: 20%

result: German major victory

second game.. man I have not laughed so hard and peed my pants since.. well my last games with meeks

Mensch killer of meeks: canucks

1 casualty (0kia)

1 vehicle knocked out

men ok: 53

score (drum roll please: 97%


6 casualties (1 KIA)

63 captured

2 mortars destroyed

5 vehicles knocked out

men ok: 0

score: 3%

result: allied TOTAL VICTORY

players note: i was disapointed he gave up.. I didn't get to use my vet croc. that the computer bought.. feck

players note 2: if I keep up two games with meeks a night , it boosters my stats quite nicely.. hey peng your better then this guy!!

night all .. i will sleep better knowing meeks is now taking out his frustration on his cat "fluffy"

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-12-2001).]

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by mensch:

Mensch the undefeatable

So - where is my effing turn you bleedin' git. The undefeatable? Me not fink so. Let it be known that Mensch is prefering to beat up the beatable, instead of taking it on the chin like a man, and returning the last turn I sent him. Claiming overwork is one thing - then going to play with youknowwho is another.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Ahh, what a sorry little week down here in North Carolina.

Now for some Tome updates...

Looks like this was an All Peng weekend. Fanamania Babies!!









Now on to game updates..... OK. lets not go there. Been real busy and just sent turns out today. So nothing has really changed.

Moriarty... Still a wonderful little match getting started in Berli's Foggy-vonderland..

Germanboy... Hopefully he is still dying lots, and running out of things for me to blow up.

Hakko... My uber-defense is waiting for his troops to show themselves.

GiTom... still firing artillery at um.. squirrels I guess.

Lorak the Loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Originally posted by Elvis:

Lizardswine, you are correct. I have started to set up our game several times but get pulled away for TCP/IP. It will be coming to you shortly and after that the turns will flow much more quickly.

I have noticed since TCP/IP was released that people are sending turns at a much slower pace. There are several people on this board who are extremely slow. I will not name names (Moriarty,joeski,Hiram and Germanboy) because I am above that. Piss I am wrong and I owe you guys turns than piss off.

OK, you East Coast slime ... I really hate to do this as I am above all that but the last turn I have on file (dated 1 Feb 01) is an Allied turn. Since I am playing the noble Axis soldaten, I must surmise that you have ignored, misplaced or are recoiling in terror (still) and taken refuge in your TCP/IP flailings.


"Moriarty, you suck." -- Dunno, but somebody must've said it somewhere along the line

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Guest Lord General MB


Seems to me that the icon of Peng is getting the rough side of the blunt sword. The (fool) will never learn.... I kick his ass round anyway.....



Lord General Mr. Bill

Supreme Commander

1st Army

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Gamen zer Updatenners:

Jshandjob: A better person than myself would say that I was outplayed and handed a sound thrashing. I am not that person, so clearly he is a greasy-buttocked, cheating kitten-kicker.

Mister Nijistic: Things are finally getting interesting in this particular valley. I am particularly enamored of the way nijis puts a bunch of heavy weapons all in one place for me to snuff out.

Cromag: He buys lots of artillery but then uses it to lay smoke. In the woods. Hmm. And he backs his mortar halftracks into my FlaK guns like a cow backing up and mooing for her turkey baster full of frozen bull semen. I've decided that I like playing him.

peterpeterNZedbeater: Weird game. Very weird game.

Marlowbrow: Gamey-assed pigsticker's worried now, hee hee hee.

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Originally posted by dalem:

Marlowbrow: Gamey-assed pigsticker's worried now, hee hee hee.

I'm not worried, just disgusted at your cheating gamey bastard ways. Your Mark IV comes waltzing over the hill into an ambush of 2 M36s and a bazooka, and proceeds to zap them all. WTF. You must have sold your soiled little soul to Berli. I hope Mace mistakes your hairy ass for one of his favorite sheep.

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Game updates:

Peter"I went skiing because wools socks give me that special feeling"Nzer is taking a terrible thrashing. I beat him to all the flags, but he didn't know it, because it's night, and in his first attempt at them got a good bloody nose. Then he hid for a while, and acted like he was all dead. Then all of a sudden, four platoons appear, charging at my troops. Three of them are decimated, and the fourth is getting hosed by HE from all sides, including above. Then he charged another platoon after the first on one of my positions. Fool. It's about to be finished off, too. Losses to me in all his assaults? About 5 guys. And a whole bunch of ammo...I was saving those bullets for later.

Frightwig Jake the lawyer: Well, this one isn't going quite as well. At least I'm doing better than Peter is against me. Jake, being a lawyer, seems to have cheated, since I think he actually has more troops than me, but somehow I ended up the attacker. He'll die anyway.

morse- does he want to find out if I have flamethrowers, so I can call him s'mores? I always thought those things were disgusting, which is why morse made me think of them. I signed up what may turn out to be half a year of my life to play him in a 7 battle operation, 20 turns each. I'm playing the Rest of the Red Devils, designed by Rune, which means that I have exactly one more bullet allotted for the whole op than morse does troops (Rune was feeling generous). I'll have to push him into the river or something (morse I mean-- Rune deserves far worse). Send me the next file--I want to finish this one before CM2 comes out.

(I was going to edit this so that the UBB code around jake's name was fixed, but decided that he doesn't deserve bold text-- it'll just make him run off at the mouth)


"If you can taste the difference between caviar on a cracker and ketchup on a Kit-Kat while blindfolded, you have not had enough aquavit to be ready for lutefisk." (stolen from some web page about lutefisk)

[This message has been edited by chrisl (edited 02-13-2001).]

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