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The Master, Margarita and the Peng Challenge thread

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:




If there is one thing that I despise more than emoticons it is chrisl. If there is something I despise more than chrisl it is SeanachaiIf I despise them more than Elvis it is because of reasons of my own.

BUT I really hate "LOL" Damn. Elvis is back on line - time to kill some more.



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I know that many of you have been agonizing over the question of the week ... what WILL I get Joe for his birthday on Sunday?

After many, many inquiries (mostly ... actually ALL of them self-generated), I've come to the decision that expensive liquor, pre-paid call girls and a new set of golf clubs will be unnecessary. I've decided that I'll be accepting gifts ONLY from those whom I'm currently playing (no, no, I insist) and that the gift should be a surrender from them to me in our current game.

Not only will it make ME feel better (especially since the chances of victory in ANY of them are vanishingly small), but it will make YOU feel better too since you will have ... uh ... made ME feel better.

I'll await your turns so that I may gloat over my wins. Don't delay, wouldn't do to get a surrender AFTER my birthday.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Sniffed by Joe Shaw:

I haven't been confirmed as Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

For god's sake, appoint this man to something. I've seen county drain commissioners campaign with more... WAIT!!!

That's IT!

JoXia as Drain Commmissioner!!! How fitting...

Mr. Aitken: How stupid of me not to realize that the metric system is not derived from Base 14, or 15 for purists. I had attempted to work in a tedious concept from English literature (the fortnight, which has baffled freshman English classes this side of the pond for the last 100 years or so) with my customary nod to those of Metric descent. As usual, it is hurled back in my teeth. Swine.

On the subject of Army Men, who are all Cesspool kaniggets in my book, you have not even scratched the surface, my friends. I have sent divisions to injection molded hell, from GI Joes to Airfix scale (scale: M-80 to ladyfinger). I have built entire tanks which I was too lazy to paint (the guilt stays with me, so I don't download mods) with the turrets constructed around smuggled 3" firecrackers. After a week, tops, of admiration, it was isopropyl and the match... I still have the scars from flying molten plastic.

But that's when it still meant something to be a Plastic Army Man Commander... these punks today... (mutter, mutter).

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I just thought I should post here before the thread is unfairly terminated by the big bald one. It had taken me nearly three weeks to catch up to you twits, but, as per the squire handbook, I read every post, which probably explains the spontaneous narcolepsy I seem to have developed. I would just begin processing the word Panzer Leader and suddenly it's two days later and the cats are chewing on my extremities.

Just to make this post legitimate, I am :eek: still :eek: playing that stupid squire challange match with Foobar, who keeps disappearing into some rabbit hole, with the result that we are now averaging about one turn a month. We are on the last turn now and with any luck may be finished by Christmas. I think I annoyed him be nailing one of his last shermies as part of my gamey endgame flag rush, and now he has gone off to pout some more.

I must say that BTS is to be commended with the accuracy of their nationality behavior modelling. I had the pleasant surprise of having one of Foobars French sections surrendering to a passing Panzer of mine ( apparently relatively undamaged, 9 men I think). It wasn't shooting at them or anything, it just happened to spot them, about four blocks away, with no other German units anywhere near them, and instantly they drop their weapons and give up. I can't wait for the Italian theatre of operations to be covered in a forthcoming CM sequel.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

You owe me a setup from before the mosquitos tried to kill me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


So, I can't speak for Peng in any sort of conclusive way, except to say that I, for one, would like there to be stout, or at least porter, and I think both Peng and I would be happy with some Jameson's, or perhaps Maker's Mark.

Oh, and that in these dark days of loss and tragedy, we'd actually like your worthless arse to stay alive, and are more than prepared to provide our mailing addresses so that you can send us the alcohol we're owed, you bastard, so that we can knock back a draught to honour your continued existence and utter uselessness to any concept of Reality besides the Peng Challenge Thread.

We'll keep our tributary demands within the means that a useless, bollocksed, annoying Californian like yourself can afford. Roughly.

And remember to use proper packing material. You pillock.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I know that many of you have been agonizing over the question of the week ... what WILL I get Joe for his birthday on Sunday?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Nothings too good for our Joe Shaw, so that's what I got you....nothing!

Happy birthday though, you little scamp. *gives nooky*


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

I also once ordered the "100 plastic soldiers for $1" from the back of a comic book when I was about 15, and they were great! They tasted like WD40, and were made from really chewy plastic, but the scale was all goofy-- it included battleships that were jagged and ripped up my...[oh fork it, this old misquote-the-guy trick is hackneyed all to hell] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So that was you! I remember a kid in my neighborhood had those. Innalekchally challenged fellow that one. He turned out well, though, growing up to be a liquor store clerk. Memories...sigh...that time I cashed in on our 'friendship'...at 2:25 AM, when he was locking up. I wheedled him into selling me a case of Night Train Xpress. I've despised the guy all these years after we lost touch. And so we meet again in the MBT. Well, what else is there to do but line up them soljers fer a fite! Why don't you set up you flat dudes and mail them to a certain address, namely mine, so I can finally finish the job I should've done years ago.

You see, I couldn't face the time pressure/competition of the big tourney so I bailed, but one or two choice games here would be poifect to ease the strain.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I know that many of you have been agonizing over the question of the week ... what WILL I get Joe for his birthday on Sunday?


Here, I'm willing to give the useless sot a birthday sing-song, straight from the deepest and most disturbing recesses of my childhood:

Happy, happy birthday

to all you girls and boys

hope this very special day

brings you lots of joy

hope the birthday presents

you get from Mom and Dad

will make this very special day

the best you've ever had

Happy birthday, to you

Happy birthday, to you

Happy birthday, Dear Shaw

Happy birthday, to you

I feel a bit queasy after that. I've had to delve deep into my 'repressed memory therapy' training, but I believe that song's from the 'Lunch with Casey Jones and Roundhouse Rodney' show. It also brought back disturbing memories of the 'Hercules' cartoon, and the associated theme song for that.

The bright moment of redemption comes from the fact that the "Rocky and Bullwinkle Show" was on immediately following, and those memories have come rushing back as well.

Anyone else see Shaw and Lars as 'Mr. Peabody, and his boy Sherman'?

Let's get into the Way Back Machine, Shaw, and tell us some deeply personal and queasy making incident/aspect of your childhood.

Anything, that is, except your loss of virginity. As Sherlock Holmes said, 'that is a tale for which the world is not yet ready'.

Happy Birthday, Joe, you useless sod, Justicar, and Drain Commissioner of the Peng Challenge Thread. As my birthday present to you, I'll consider your existence, then visualize ripe, young, pouting blonde girls with confused moral imperatives.

Then, of course, I'll probably throw up.

To be fair, that might have occured without your Birthday imagery, but the latter pretty much made vomiting a lock.

Best wishes, you horrible man.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

(two, maybe three 'shrecks would make life interesting for the Canuck 'cans).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Every time you open your mouth you just spurt off some more about the order of battle in that scenario. So, tell me, do the Germans have any AT mines? I'd dearly like to know that, because if he doesn't I'll bet I can drive the rest of that long hard mile in about 2 minutes flat. Let the sad sack footslogging doughs catch up later.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer:

Every time you open your mouth you just spurt off some more about the order of battle in that scenario. So, tell me, do the Germans have any AT mines? I'd dearly like to know that, because if he doesn't I'll bet I can drive the rest of that long hard mile in about 2 minutes flat. Let the sad sack footslogging doughs catch up later.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You mean you haven't run into those yet? That's odd.

Must have been poor placement on his part.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>JoXia as Drain Commmissioner!!! How fitting...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now see, Mark IV IS good for something ... other than cannon fodder that is. I don't know though, taking the post of Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread is a burden I'm confident I can handle, but to receive the ULTIMATE responsibility of CessPool Drain Commissioner ... you do me too much honor.


p.s. I've not received a SINGLE surrender and your meaningless posts here are pretty much ... meaningless, even MORE meaningless than Seanachai's post which was even more meaningless than his posts USUALLY are and that's saying something. SO ... get on the stick and surrender damn it ... especially YOU jd, I'd love to be able to say I won after being forced to retreat up to Last Stand Hill that way.


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OK, so I wasn't right back, but once again Peng's MrHand said "HELLO!" to Elvis' MrBottom - Axis tactical victory. Not that winning and losing matter at all - but this was particularly gratifying. It was an ME and I am notorious for my extra strenght suckitude at MEs. If you think I suck at CM then you are correct, but not quite correct enough when it comes to MEs in CM. Suffice to say that the great sucking sound MrPerot made when whining about NAFTA was NOTHING compared to the volume, force, suction and general slurpage of my sucking at MEs. So logically, if I really suck that bad at MEs and I beat Elvis like a plastic milk crate pretending to be a drum in an ME then....

CORRECT! chrisl is a worthless wank who should be forever banned from scenario "design"


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Seanachai you git. You forgot the best and probably deepest, most thought out, and just amazing part of the song.

How old are you now

How old are you now

How old are you now

How old are you now

Happy B-day Joe . BTW....why are you having another birthday? Weren't you old enough last year?

von shrad

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

... but to receive the ULTIMATE responsibility of CessPool Drain Commissioner ... you do me too much honor.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I've actually reserved the Ultimate Honor for our absent colleague, M. Geier. Not everyone can aspire to the position of Cesspool Bayonet Practice Dummy but in my heart I know he's the man for the job.

Nonetheless, this position comes with a lot of responsibility; please use it wisely. Drains corrupt, and absolute drainage corrupts completely.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>[/QB]I've not received a SINGLE surrender and your meaningless posts here are pretty much ... meaningless, even MORE meaningless than Seanachai's post which was even more meaningless than his posts USUALLY are and that's saying something.[/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks to the renegade pronoun with an unclear antecedent, this paragraph is deprived of meaning, except that it is clear that it is about meaninglessness. It could only be directed to ME if you have failed to open the last turn I sent.

Happy Birthday. There will be a reading from the Book, chapter and verse to be noted by the sexton, on Eeyore's Birthday. I think a broken balloon and an empty honey jar is the very most we could do for our Heaven-Born Lord High Drain Commissioner and Most Exalted Justicar. In honor of the event, I pronounce today... Sunday.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

I think both Peng and I would be happy with some Jameson's, or perhaps Maker's Mark.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No doubt because neither of you have taste. Whiskey comes from one place in the world, and that is Scotland... anything else isn't good for anything but cooking.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>CORRECT! chrisl is a worthless wank who should be forever banned from scenario "design"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think we want to be careful here Peng. Your statement implies that chrisl is a worthless wank BECAUSE of his scenario design ability. In fact, as you are well aware, chrisl is just a worthless wank OVERALL. I think we need to speak with a single voice on this issue and allow no waffling.


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