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The Master, Margarita and the Peng Challenge thread

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by -Havermeyer-:

Begging for mercy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You were doing only halfway lousy till that last bit...we doesn't begs and the only mercy we show (to crypto Francophiles like yerself) is the coup de grace. Now you'd best get packing before Juardis comes along and really sticks it to you.

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Having seen a FEW SSNs wander through here I'd thought I'd seen the worst but four posts to get a stupid three or four line challenge out is clear evidence of serious dain bramage.

As to the question before the body of Seniour Knights I, of course, stand mute as I am the subject of the query ... HOWEVER ... Marlow is incorrect in many things but in one in particular.

It is my CHOICE to bold and spell correctly the names of Knights and Squires of the CessPool. I do this for two reasons, first to acknowledge that they have reached their station and to greet them as fellow members of the CessPool, but second to avoid misunderstandings. Someone like Marlow for example, could have their name butchered to (for example) Marlboro, Marblows or MarbleHole and before long you don't know who the hell you're talking about.

But it is MY choice and my preference. I impose that upon no one by my squires while they are in my service.

I leave the Seniour Knights to their deliberations with the reminder that it was I who provided the stenographers during the Trial of Seanachai. Should I be appointed to the post of Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, I see the need for them increasing in the future.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

... it was I who provided the stenographers during the Trial of Seanachai. Should I be appointed to the post of Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, I see the need for them increasing in the future.


Great, a staff of lifetime bureaucrats. What's next? Hmmm, staff attorney (Lawyer)? Big black walnut desk in an office with a window (gorgeous view, of course)? Certainly, there is a level of lifestyle that must be maintained to accord the level of respect due the Cesspool Gig ... um, Justicar.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

It is my CHOICE to bold and spell correctly the names of Knights and Squires of the CessPool. I do this for two reasons, first to acknowledge that they have reached their station and to greet them as fellow members of the CessPool, but second to avoid misunderstandings. Someone like Marlow for example, could have their name butchered to (for example) Marlboro, Marblows or MarbleHole and before long you don't know who the hell you're talking about.

But it is MY choice and my preference. I impose that upon no one by my squires while they are in my service.

I leave the Seniour Knights to their deliberations with the reminder that it was I who provided the stenographers during the Trial of Seanachai. Should I be appointed to the post of Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, I see the need for them increasing in the future.


Don't you all just love this latest post of Joe's he sounds so damn serious yet I couldn't stop laughing.....

I know I don't get to vote, but I'm gonna anyway....

I say AYEor maybe that should be

Auch Aye

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

For those of you who do not visit the main board, I have posted an offer of free beer for Washington area CM players who want to get together with Marlow and me next Friday.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Free beer with Lawyer?

I knew there was a catch!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I leave the Seniour Knights to their deliberations with the reminder that it was I who provided the stenographers during the Trial of Seanachai. Should I be appointed to the post of Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, I see the need for them increasing in the future.


After extensive thought on the matter and due deliberation I cast an aye vote for Sir Joe.

Hey Joe I wouldn't be able to have three stenographers this time, would I?

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Joe appointed Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread,? Bears consideration...

Let me tell you all a little story, as a simple country lawyer, I have come to observe Joe and his penchants....So it reminds me of the time a lawyer lived in a small town and was the only lawyer around those parts. Now he did occasional work, drew a will, settled a boundary claim but, he was, well, going flat broke. Then one day, as he was sitting in the courthouse square, fanning himself to keep the midges at bay, he noticed a new sign. "Attorney at Law" it read. A new lawyer had moved to town and let me tell you, the days of going broke were over. Now don't cha know they both got rich.

Now Joe is a right good fellow, as a defense attorney we enjoy the bombastic and predictable and Ball(s)Gunner Joe fits the bill. Look at his recent persecution and pogrom of The Bard of the North The best he could do is hang a minor misdemeanor on him. They say a good prosecutor can get a Grand Jury to indict a ham sandwich. I have no worries that Smilin' Joe will actually threaten this little haven of ours. After all he'll be good for my fees.

Then again there is his CM playing ability. Now, I realize that we don't care about wins or losses, but we do like to crush and demolish little furry things, and for that Cracker Joe is perfect. He, like lawyers, does not have any brake skids in front of his carcass.

In our current game Smokey Mountains (highly reccomended for double blind pbem) Joseph has once again proved his bona fides. Well let's say he is hoping at this point to reinact Benteen rather than Custer. Meanwhile the Indians gather.....

So Aye for Joe. Perhaps I'll need to clear out the back office and take MrSpkr on as a Rule 9 Intern, in anticipation for an increase in the trade......

[ 09-09-2001: Message edited by: jd ]

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Well, until JD's post, it was a damn slow night here on the Once and Eternal Thread.

So, with time on my mind, and my mind always active on that which concerns the Peng Challenge Thread, and there having been yet another recent discussion on the wording of Kipling's "the Young British Soldier", I spent a few minutes this evening to make it a poem of the Thread, and vice versa.

Hell, I'm feeling expansive and annoying, and might even post it on the Outer Boards, just to make the Mad Bald One lock it up.

After the last few days, I think even an annoying affirmation of life is a good thing, eh?

The Young Cesspool Squire

WHEN the Scum Sucking Newbie goes out to the 'Pool

'E acts like a pillock an' 'e posts like a fool,

An' 'e weeps because others are frequently cruel

    And 'e's not fit to serve as a squire.

Serve, serve, serve as a squire,

Serve, serve, serve as a squire,

Serve, serve, serve as a squire,

    Squire of the Cesspool!

Now all you serfs what's drafted to-day,

You shut up your cake-hole an' 'ark to my lay,

An' I'll sing you a squire as far as I may:

    A squire what's fit for a 'Pooler.

Fit, fit, fit for a squire

Fit, fit, fit for a squire

Fit, fit, fit for a squire

Squire of the Cesspool!

First mind you steer clear o' the 'general' taunt,

that labels you stupid, useless, and naught --

that shows to the world that you cannot be taught --

    An' it's bad for the young Cesspool Squire.

Bad, bad, bad for the squire

Bad, bad, bad for the squire

Bad, bad, bad for the squire

Squire of the Cesspool

When comes the laughter -- as it will past a doubt --

don't pose and don't preen, and don't go on the shout,

For the 'Pool will just sneer, and spit yer arse out,

    An' it crumples the young Cesspool Squire.

Crum-, crum-, crumples the squire

Crum-, crum-, crumples the squire

Crum-, crum-, crumples the squire

Squire of the Cesspool

But the worst o' your foes is the other young fools:

who'll be set on yer arse, by the powers that rule:

they'll send you out battles that make you look like a tool,

    An' you'll die like a fool of a squire.

Fool, fool, fool of a squire

Fool, fool, fool of a squire

Fool, fool, fool of a squire

Squire of the Cesspool

If you're belittled and spat on, completely ignored,

Don't piss and don't moan, and return to the Board;

Be witty and tough, and amusement afford

    Then it's beer for the young Cesspool Squire.

Beer, beer, beer for the squire

Beer, beer, beer for the squire

Beer, beer, beer for the squire

Squire of the Cesspool

Now, if you should find a Knight notices your worth

and offers to sponsor your place on this earth

and offers your pain up to give others mirth,

    Know that mirth is enough for a squire.

'Nough, 'nough, 'nough for a squire

'Nough, 'nough, 'nough for a squire

'Nough, 'nough, 'nough for a squire

Squire of the Cesspool

Your Knight's foes will curse you, and laugh at your pain

your Knight will laugh too, and you'll feel there's no gain

and you'll curse all the 'Pool, and call it insane,

    An' you'll then know the curse of a squire.

Curse, curse, curse of a squire

Curse, curse, curse of a squire

Curse, curse, curse of a squire

Squire of the Cesspool

When you first go to taunt, you'll probably suck,

And the Knights will run over your arse like a truck,

Be thankful you're livin', and trust to your luck

    And march to new taunts like a squire.

Taunt, taunt, taunt like a squire

Taunt, taunt, taunt like a squire

Taunt, taunt, taunt like a squire

Squire of the Cesspool!

When 'arf of your taunts fly wide and go wrong,

Don't revert to expletives or ****e jokes, you nong;

Just buckle down lad, and get set for sing-song,

    the song of a young Cesspool squire.

song, song, song for a squire

song, song, song for a squire

song, song, song for a squire

Squire of the Cesspool

And if you should finally arrive as a Knight

having taunted and held on and fought the good fight

then remember to make the new squires wade through ****e

Cause ****e is what makes a good squire,

****e, ****e, ****e for a squire

****e, ****e, ****e for a squire

****e, ****e, ****e for a squire

Squire of the Cesspool

You're no longer a squire, and now you're a Knight,

you've learned how to taunt, and mock, and make light

of all of the bastards who once gave you ****e

    and hate like a young Cesspool squire.

hate, hate, hate like a squire

hate, hate, hate like a squire

hate, hate, hate like a squire

Squire of the Cesspool

When you're wounded and left in the Cesspool of Peng,

And the bastards come out to cut up what remains,

Jest roll to the taunt and blow out their brains

    An' go to your Gawd like a Knight.

Go, go, go like a knight,

Go, go, go like a knight,

Go, go, go like a knight,

Knight of the Cesspool!

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I hate being a Knight.. it's no fun...now a Wizzard would be good. Although not being good at spell casting wouldn't stop me from trying mind you. Then again Wizardry is not on using magic its about not using magic, show restraint and better judgement.. then again a class 10 fire ball at a SSN wouldn't hurt off and on.

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Monthly backup of the AS/400 day and by golly I am bored out of my tree. Used to be a tree full of rats when hamsters/meeks! was around but those times are gone forever. no rats no trees no hamsters and not even the odd gerbil around here. and one can only read so many posts from icbm1974 before one's eyes begin to bleed out. nothing to say really just kind of hanging around waiting to swap tapes. (goddam place is too cheap to spend the ten grand on an auto-laoder for me. bastards. they'd rather have ME come in once a month and get nottywhackered waiting for the 40gig's of idiot garbage to copy to tape.) so i'm sittin here reading EVERY thread on the board and following ALL of the links to wherever they may lead and i noticed that the MBT was sinking lower and lower toward the bottom. it must be the weight of that little "sing-song" wtih which the Bard inflicted us. or is that infected? no matter as there isn't a single thing of interest to read here or anywhere for that matter. nope nothing. i check the game scores now and then but with the phightin phils wheels phalling ophph the wagon the joy in basball recedes as quickly as the braves pull out in front of the NL east. cripes it's even worse than i thought, i've begun talkin baseball. feh and poot. there is no end in sight either. the files keep copying and the libraries keep copying and the damn green screen keeps me up to date on its progress but it will never really end will it? no. next month there will be three more gigs to copy so i will be here 37 minutes longer or whatever time it takes. its a mother beautiful day today in pennsyltucky too and here i am sitting in this hated office waiting for this big beast to copy tons and tons of what? financial data? payroll? orders? manufacturing data? inventory? WHO EFFING CARES? it is all juxt chasing after wind. and money of course. lots and lots and lots of money of which i see an insignificant amount each week. it is the sort of disparity that lends one the idea that typing pwrdwnsys and typing in a delay value of six days might be kind of fun, or maybe traipsing over to the novell servers and deleting the admin users and then locking the console and then downing them....ah the twisted dreams of the disgruntled IT guy. no wonder i am over paid compared to those poor order entry schmucks. we are both in the class of trained monkies, and yet my training makes me so much more dangerous. but no, i'll be good and drink my ice tea and munch my payday (payday's are the ultimate snack - they satisfy both cravings - savory and sweet - its the little bit of salt on the peanuts that does it. ) read the board some more and wait for the tape to end. my revenge fantasy will never come to pass. at least not in a grand and bold final stupid statement like deleting the admin users or blowing away the production library - no it would have to be much more subtle and twisted than that. sort of like the scam in that stupid office space movie where they skim the 100ths of cents from each transaction - our data files actuall do the same thing calculate price to the 1000ths - no it wont be that either, i just dont know. the depths of my ennui are such that i fear i will never recover, and apathy will be happy that we won without a fight.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Senior Knights,



Well gawwwwly!

Fancy that. Moi, a Seniour Kniggett!

And all this time I've been bunking in the average Kniggett dormitory, trying to block out the nocturnal rumblings and stirrings of the rest of you pox ridden lot.

My armour is all packed and I'm moving up I tells ya, up to a room with an ensuite and a balconey.

Seniour Knigget *giggle*

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:


Monthly backup of the AS/400.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Gee, that wasn't even existential angst. More like the thoughts of a fat, lazy dog locked up in the laundry room while the master's away. Good thing dogs don't know about gas lines and delay fuzes or there'd be a lot more empty lots.

Today is Ingratitude Day. I would like you all to doff your caps for a moment and think about an ingrate in YOUR life.

Lawyer serves a subpeenie on me for generously bumping his stupid thread. The poor sap has to advertise FREE BEER to get anyone to play with him, and even then, a sign that would gather a crowd in downtown Bagdad was sinking fast. Out of pity I post to at least keep it on the front page, and what do I get?

Joe Shaw offers to tape "Band of Brothers" for some no-name ex-deadmarshian, but forgets poor old Mark IV, whose posts and turns have brought him so much pleasure over the years. Here's a turn of the post for you, Mr. Xia. Ma Chivvy rolled over and my woman run off and I ain't got no HBO neither. Ain't got cable. Dawg et it and died.

Then there's the GF, but we shan't bore you with the details, usual stuff, you all know the drill. The United States Government, who ought to name a goddam aircraft carrier after me or at least let me steer one for awhile, and instead used my undeducted a$$ to buy black helicopters to see if I'm smoking unfiltered cigarettes.

Don't even get me started on Seanachai. He's not grateful. He's killed most of a rifle company and has started on the next.

So I sit with my beer and some stinky cheese and wonder where in the hell my turn from MrPeng is, with his Crack Uberpeople, who eat .303 slugs and poop HE, in a choreographed massacre from Goanna, the most grating of the ungrateful.

Please, remember to think about an ingrate in YOUR life.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Joe Shaw offers to tape "Band of Brothers" for some no-name ex-deadmarshian, but forgets poor old Mark IV, whose posts and turns have brought him so much pleasure over the years. Here's a turn of the post for you, Mr. Xia. Ma Chivvy rolled over and my woman run off and I ain't got no HBO neither. Ain't got cable. Dawg et it and died.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> HE was from TEXAS, you, OTOH ...

{sigh} As it happens, I MIGHT be able to do something for you. Details via email.


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I sent you a bloody turn days ago. And yes, there was nothing much in that post. I am sooooo incredibly bored that a case of fleas or head lice would be welcome to break up the monotony. IF I were a dog that is. Since I am a pod and we dont get fleas or other vermin (well except offspring. they are quite similar to vermin, though I'm told the authorities get in full harumph if you spray them with pesticides. the offspring that is, {well I suppose the authorities get in full harumph if you spray them[the authorities] with poisons too}) but then offspring only cling to your body at home or at the store or at the fair or at the family barbeque. they never cling to you at work so there are bright sides to even the darkest clouds. or as I say to my spousal unit too frequently for her liking every silver lining has a looming black ugly cloud waiting to piss all over you. or in the case of offspring waiting to waste perfectly good food and then whine and complain that they are hungry.

So, MrFour there you have it irrefutable PROOF that I sent you the turn several days ago. ingrate.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:


I sent you a bloody turn days ago... So, MrFour there you have it irrefutable PROOF that I sent you the turn several days ago. ingrate.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I am very grateful for the thought. However, you did not send a turn, or on a more conciliatory plane, failed to send it correctly.

I have now, thanks to the magic of sequential numbering, re-sent the last turn in the series, that being #07, launched with ceremony and aplomb at 6:18AM September 6th, 2001, a turn that will be heard around the world, a turn that shall forever live in infamy, and a turn that thus far is UNANSWERED.

Knowing that you would prefer a bloody and violent death to any sort of default, I render this service cheerfully, with my customary patience and goodwill. I know it is a futile gesture, but I too wish you had fleas or head lice.



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Months go by, and Mark IV fails to respond to my witty posts mentioning him by name. Then I try to do some serious charitable work by inviting locals to worship me at a bar, and the Foreman of Mark invades with some nonsense about his adopted home, Fresno. Then he gets hurt when I tell him to buzz off because nobody in Washington or anywhere else cares.

And THIS is the thanks I get for letting Mark IV win the esteemed Lawyer's Cup... BTW, I can't find that George Peppard movie anywhere, and I can't even remember the name of it now.

Well, I do listen to the unwanted suggestions for poor relations such as Mr. Four. So in his honor and in adherence to his suggestion, we will indeed use one of those cheap internet mini-cams to film the festivities next Friday at Grevey's bar. It will be placed in the urinals underneath one of those plastic piss shields that says "Just Say No to Drugs".

Mark IV shall then be able to examine close-up the "business end" of many piss artists he has admired here. It will be for him rather like collecting "personal autographs" from some of his heroes and our leading experts in the field of pissology. He will also learn who has followed ancient Hebrew laws regarding the proper ending of a blunt instrument.

Hey, for all you do, this p_____'s for you, Mr Mark.

And who dares to call me an ingrate?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Months go by, and Mark IV fails to respond to my witty posts mentioning him by name.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A Lawyer with a sensitive side. How droll.

I have no desire to see anyone's deke fentling, either live, or on some grainey internet connection.

I DID make the only worthwhile suggestion in your thread, however; actually, two of them, as I will soon gather the southern Kalifornienens for a similar CMfest. There, Foobar and I shall plot your demise.

Remember that I have a Certain Picture of you. I have very graciously refrained from posting it, as you may have several years worth of unproductivity to go, and I do not wish to jeopardize your overemployability.

You leave me little choice. This means... intercoastal war.

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