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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Open-Air Urinals to Help Rescue Landmark

LONDON (Reuters) - London is to set up open-air urinals to stop the rot that is threatening one of the city's most famous tourist attractions.

Westminster City Council, which runs the center of the British capital, has acted on evidence that urine was eroding the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square.

``Night-time revelers, waiting at a bus stop outside the gallery, have been relieving themselves against the new wing,'' the council said in a statement. ``The gallery now fears that the stone of the building is being affected by uric acid.''

``Much of the West End is now blighted by this type of...anti-social behavior,'' the council said. ``The urinals will be placed in problem areas where 'wetspots' {editorial: Down Bauhaus} have been identified or where residents and businesses have raised concerns.''<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Anyone seen PeterNZer or David Aitken lately? Hmmmm.


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Came home for Lunch today and brought two baguettes but no sign of Paw {That's me for those of you that are CrodaLike}.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bloody shameful woman!!

Is there no bond nor limit to your lust?

I know after some ICQ Chat why is it that you're bringing in Baguettes for!

Back at work with ye!


Err, and forward the pics.

And while I'm in here, is Berli feeling a bit like Brad Pitt in Fight Club or what?

So Father Peng it is then...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Wildman you're nothing but a Peng sychophant ... heavy on the Psycho. I've read your drivel that purports to be a Peng FAQ and ...

Bah! This is all about ... PENG! As if HE has anything of value to add to the CessPool! Oh sure, his NAME is on it, certainly anyone who loses to him is permanently branded with the mark of shame but that's about it. He'll wander in from time to time, spouting some mystical nonsense that makes even LESS sense than Seanachai, grumbles about the state of things in general and then sloshes off into the nether regions ... and when you live in the CessPool the regions are pretty damned nether.

This supposed FAQ says NOTHING about the origin of the REAL CessPool. It provides no guidance to anyone who would dare to venture into the CessPool, it doesn't even reference the OFFICIAL CessPool site where the members of the CessPool are listed in all their glory.

Does it explain Bauhaus (well, as well as he CAN be explained), it does NOT. Does it explain the significance of Mormon Wives, it does NOT. Does it tell about the exploits of the Knights, the Squires, the serfs, the scum sucking newbies, (well, any of them that actually have accomplished anything, none spring to mind immediately but it COULD happen) it does NOT. Does it explain the roles of the Consigliori or the Father Confessor (whoever it ends up being, those damned butterfly ballots were confusing as hell, I think I voted for Phillies Phan and that just CAN'T be right), it does NOT.

This is no FAQ, it's another snivelling, toadying, whining PENG appreciation thread ... as if there is anything about PENG to be appreciated.


My fellow knigget in Cess, shaw. I understand that the faq is not all knowing, all reveling, and most of all mentioning you!

To explain the entire concept of Cess, I would have to post the Pool threads in their entirety. My guess is that MadMatt, may have a wee problem with that.

That being said the FaQ is a work in progress. The Cesspool rules will be explained, and BTS' answers on why it stays.

So stay your hand...ire...flatulence until I have proclaimed FINE! If you don't like it, send a setup and I'll spank your candy ass back to Tejas where your ancestors cry in horror about what their linage has become.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>So stay your hand...ire...flatulence until I have proclaimed FINE! If you don't like it, send a setup and I'll spank your candy ass back to Tejas where your ancestors cry in horror about what their linage has become.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm glad to see that you have at last acknowledged the pitiful (it's not actually THAT pitiful, I frankly have very little pity for you, let alone being full of it, now YOU are full of it ... in entirely another sense but that's another story) ... damn ... lost track again. Anyway, see to it that you get to the important bits next time (as you rightly point out, I'm not mentioned once in the current version) and cut much of the current drivel (i.e. anything actually written by either Peng or Seanachai). I'm warning you lad, you're on a short leash here ... and we had to borrow that one from Bauhaus ... damn, probably should have warned YK2 first I suppose ... Oh YK2, do have a care around ... opps ... too late ... sorry Emma, my bad.

As to the game, I've explained innumerable times (innumerable to you lot anyway, your mathematical skills are essentially: one ... two ... many) that my dance card is filled and I shan't be adding any for the nonce ... perhaps after the nonce if I haven't celebrated too heartily ... lots of nonce day celebrations around these parts.

Right then, cherrio and back to your regular pursuits ... NO Bauhaus, bad Bauhaus, don't slobber on YK2 she doesn't care for that ... well ... appearances to the contrary.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted on hte netherboard by WildWoman:

Marlow, you pathetic git.

Stop posting and send me a turn!


Don't wet your panties. I have just recently returned to the good ol' U.S.of A., and will soon have access to my CM CD. Death by various unpleasent means awaits all my opponents (except jd and ShandyBaby who cheat).

Hey, Dog-ear boy, don't you owe me a setup?

Also, nice to see PushBroom and YKtoo back in the pool.

P.S. If anybody had anything to say to me in the last incarnation of the pool (not bloody likely), I couldn't be bothered to sort through all of the garbage to read it.

[ 05-10-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

Hey, Dog-ear boy, don't you owe me a setup?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah yeah, I do. I will pull a QB out of my nether regions tonight and forward it along.

as for updates,

jshandjob is killing me lots again. But all is not lost to his cheating, gamey, sub-kniggit ways. Or is it...?

Joe Flaw's tarpaper VL shacks are now burning like his love for boy_scout. His sturmgirlen will soon know the meaning of the word "mama!".

Weedhump and I seem to be fighting over an abandoned Swiss glacier town or somefink. Most interesting map I've seen generated in a long time.

Dame Achin' has intimated that my attacking uphill in the snow might prove to be somewhat difficult. But hate, like the hate I have for all that is Dame and his ilk, is a powerful motivator.

WhirliBerli has gamily grabbed the buildings very early in this supposed meeting engagement. We hates him forever!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Joe Flaw's tarpaper VL shacks are now burning like his love for boy_scout. His sturmgirlen will soon know the meaning of the word "mama!".<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Oh good, my guys have been asking what all the Ami's were screaming as they ran like rabbits, now I can tell them.


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Wildman's Peng-mania is creating a brief commercial opportunity for kitschy artifacts. Elvis or even Peng himself ought to steal one of his bedsheets, cut it up into small squares, and sell them as souvenirs to the thronging masses on the main board.

Better hurry, though. Peng has about six minutes of fame left until Bald Man shuts it down. Still, that should be enough to do an IPO for Peng.com.

Where's that ballpark hawker Mark IV when you need some quick marketing advice? Peng trinkets have far more value than anything he has sold elsewhere.

[ 05-10-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ]

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Well, Marlow it is good to see you show your pox ridden face in here again. That battle you and I are playing was started about 4 months ago atleast. It is about time we get back to it.

And, Dalem, you posture like a stork on steroids. Tall and looming but waffer thin and helpless. Remember.. Next battle you are to attack me. Unless you want to play one of those wussy MEs.

JD! You slackjawed, gibbering ape. I have sent you the battle you have so foolishly requested. Whats wrong? Being a lawyer hasn't got you depressed enough? Now you want me to open a can-o-whoop-ass on ya?

Peng! When your CM skills surpass Hiram and that of an eggplant, respectively, send me a setup.


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Cut Peng's bedsheets up into small squares and sell them as souvenirs to the thronging masses of the main board.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wouldn't small squares be made for thongs more than throngs?

Or am I missing something?

Err, would thronging be like throbbing in a Bauhausian sense moreover?

You live dangerously close to the Brinks Capitolian...

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Guest Babra

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Wildman's Peng-mania is creating a brief commercial opportunity for kitschy artifacts. Elvis or even Peng himself ought to steal one of his bedsheets, cut it up into small squares, and sell them as souvenirs to the thronging masses on the main board.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Naw. I'd get one, but he'd only make me sleep in the wet spot.

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It's a sad day in the CessPool. Up until this point in time we've dealt with gamey players, players who would bend the rules to win a game of CM, but who still played WITHIN the rules. Now ... it's different.

It is my sad duty to report that one amongst us has actually gone so far as to use a CRACKED VERSION of CM to improve his position. Who is this miscreant, this foul creature masquerading as a Knight of the CessPool? None other than Bauhaus! Now I'm NOT suggesting that HE has the wit to crack a walnut let along the code to CM, but consider the following:

In our current game, 10 of his AFVs (about 6 tanks and 4 HTs) faced off against roughly 8 of mine (about 6 tanks and 2 HTs). In ONE TURN, I lost 6 tanks and 2 HTs while he lost only ONE tank! Now obviously, Bauhaus couldn't have that kind of a result without ... shall we just say assistance?

Oh sure, he LOOKS dumb ... really Dumb actually ... massively ... sorry, anyway I suspect he's had some assistance from outside forces. Forces of EVIL, not to put too fine a point on it. So Berli ... been a little slow in the soul department these days? Been getting a little HEAT from the Home Office have we? Finally decided that ANY soul was better than none at all? Pretty pathetic Berli, sure the lad was lacking in the social graces but to do this to him? For shame.

For those who might be confused by this based on Bauhaus' past record, it obviously just happened since his tactical choices to date have pretty much been predicated upon tossing a coin when faced with any decision.

But fine, I'll play the game to the end but it's just ... too bad it had to come to this. Poor Bauhaus.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>In our current game, 10 of his AFVs (about 6 tanks and 4 HTs) faced off against roughly 8 of mine (about 6 tanks and 2 HTs). In ONE TURN, I lost 6 tanks and 2 HTs while he lost only ONE tank! Now obviously, Bauhaus couldn't have that kind of a result without ... shall we just say assistance?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Maybe Bauhaus was getting a blowhaus from lady luck?

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PBEM Report

Elvis has finally stopped losing tanks, and I have picked up where he left off. He is in the process of torching my little noctural enclave. I am scheming to move the goalposts.

I am still chucking shells at Leeo. Historical accuracy, you understand. Nothing like a good preparatory 25lb'er barrage...

Armornut appears to have an awful lot of German infantry. My Brits have elected to stand and fight. Take that, Jerry!

Abbott appears not to have bought a plane this time. Thus far he has been lobbing lots of shells at where he imagines me to be, while advancing his infantry down the middle and one side of the map, and his armour down the other. He has taken to accusing me of gamey historical combined-arms tactics. Such tactics have just enabled me to cream most of his armour.

The last turn was a beautiful sight to behold, as his second Hellcat chickened out of a short-range engagement with a PzKpfw IV, despite getting the first shot, popped smoke and sat there while a platoon of my men jogged over and lined up their panzerfausts. One of his HMC's came over the hill above my tank (I didn't think he could get up there), and met a fiery death. Initially I thought it was a panzerfaust from the platoon which I had sent to get him (and was right on top of him), but closer study revealed it to be a perfect first shot from one of my 234/3 armoured cars (I'm really getting to like those things).

dalem is defrosting his men (with the help of bauhaus I understand) and making ready to storm my men's igloos. Don't wreck the snowmen, mind, it took all morning to build them.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

You slackjawed, gibbering ape. I have sent you the battle you have so foolishly requested. Whats wrong? Being a lawyer hasn't got you depressed enough? Now you want me to open a can-o-whoop-ass on ya?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

*Sniff* *sniff* ahh Shadoofus is about. Amazing how quickly he hurrys to his doom. Your fate comes forth on silently winged feet my spatulent one........(nice word that, spatulent, no idea what it could mean but I am sure it applies to you........


On other matters, my 1,000 and 1 post....to think I have wasted so much on the collectives likes of you all.

[ 05-10-2001: Message edited by: jdmorse ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>jdmorse wrote:

On other matters, my 1,000 and 1 post....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Nanny nanny naa naa, I'm more of a windbag that you are!

Wait up, what happened to jd, your slick, new, 21st century moniker? Was there already a jd inc. solicitors and estate agents, and they were going to sue you?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by armornut:

Maybe Bauhaus was getting a blowhaus... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh, and I'm regarded as the "tasteless one" on the HMT (bandwidth, again...)!

Hey, jd/jdmorse, the whole "male menopause" thing over and using the old tag again? Or are you once again out of victims -- er -- clients, and want to appear "professional" once more for all assembled?

And: MARLOWOLATRY! We got as far as the setup before you went yeller' and ran like Mace after an in-season ewe... well????

Dammit, YK2 where's my setu---, oh that's right, haven't challenged you yet... damned rye whiskey... I'll get around to this soon...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Nanny nanny naa naa, I'm more of a windbag that you are!

Wait up, what happened to jd, your slick, new, 21st century moniker? Was there already a jd inc. solicitors and estate agents, and they were going to sue you?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

True David you are. I humbly bow. Nope just courious as to how many posts, member # etc. (na na I am 19 your senior!) I set my office computer to that moniker (more professional - hah!) Maybe I'll leave it, hmmmj could be jd, esq. you know!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd:

[QBI Maybe I'll leave it, hmmmj could be jd, esq. you know!


jd, esq.??? Perhaps you are just Mr Spkr many tired years down the road...

Your pal,


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Maybe I'll leave it, hmmmj could be jd, esq. you know!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't know jd it seems to be that it would be better to actually BE jd rather than being jdesq ... I mean why be LIKE jd when you can BE jd ... not that that makes a lot of sense either.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump:

Anyone seen PeterNZer or David Aitken lately? Hmmmm.


Hmm, I thought those two were open-air urinals.


Notice to all Newbie-wannabes:

Please see the above one-liner for an example of proper (albeit simple and obvious) poolariciousness. Notice the lack of potty-words, mean-spiritedness, and even smilies. The keen edge of my razor wit is clearly evident, however.

Notice also that, even in such a lean and Hemmingway-esque reply, I have left many openings for the more slow-witted, sock-eating denizens of this thread to hang their hats on, in order to keep the lobbing of taunts cleanly in motion. Obvious retorts would involve comments as to my "lack of..." various things such as brains, nads, skills, chest hair, etc.

In short, the above is a masterpiece of poolaranimy. Study it. Learn from it. Then go back to the 88mm grog thread where you truly belong.

Class dismissed.


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