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Ol' Mark IV has been around a little too long to fall for the old "go down in that French cellar, it's probably full of wine and girls" trick. Next thing you know, it's all sock puppets and elbows down there. At best.

I'll just set the Gold Card down by one of the windows and see what comes out. If they can't stand the daylight, there's a reason.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Babra:

I'm going to live to be a hundred and three, and when I die my girlfriend will be so upset she'll have to drop out of college.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

She's going to take that long to graduate? What is that, 0.71 semester credits per year or something?

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Guest Babra

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Well if she's hanging around with Babra she can't be too bright now can she?


(((Humorous content deleted on account of poopy-pants types.)))

Updates: None to speak of. My latest thrill-kill Nijis is actually putting up a fight of sorts.

The rest of you bugger off.

[ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: Babra ]

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again, life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

Today's bland aphorism brought to you by Ferris Bueller.

(dedicated to MrSpkr)

'night lads

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

My vote would have to go for Hiram/Phan or mensch.


what an election? great! I'm all for it.. uh.. yes.. my opponent Hiram/Phan is not worthy.. because.. well hes a Skizo... I mean its as bad as that Peng/Mr. Happy thing going.. next thing you know thier picture is in the Cess Newspaper over a scandel of sum sort involving 4 lbs of unsalted butter and a South American Water Frog.. no I say vote for me cuz I'll make sure everyone of you get a pot in a chicken and jobs for everyone all be it crappy jobs which pay not more then some sweatshop kids recycling used condoms to bubblegum wrappers.

yes me name is Gregory or Greg or Gregoir or Georg or or or.. no I'm not one to step on anyones feet.. ok maybe romp on them with steeltoed boots but never step look on the bright side most humans have two lobes and only think with half of them... Hiram/Philles has only half a lobe and uses half of it because everyone knows half a loaf of bread is better then a fresh muffin in the oven... or something like that.

Heck I like Politics although finding those tics can be a chore I tell you that but better then Mites.. those just make your skin crawl and cause nasty rashes that smell, right mace?

vote for me because I can't be influenced by lobby groups! my hotel states no loitering in the lobby .. so they can't influence me see!! its great!

as my vice president I nomiate OFSDFS because he says real smart stuff with wierd wordes <--see!! and well I am sure he spells potato with an "e" at the end. and would say funny stuff that no one understands they just laugh because they know if you upset the old chap he may say "oooh ye mayke me hoppe lyke ey konstepated Lypericon! ye doo!"

beside being constipated is sad cus that means he may explode one day and that would if anything make us all regret we didn't buy those wetsuits at the californial "surfer dudes heaven" shop for $45.95 (and if you buy now you get a free blonde sufer dude wig for free!!)

so... what says you all do I get the job? by the way ... what are we voting for anyhow? some how I feel I need the aid of a Lawyer to explain the small print.. is there any competent lawyers in the house? I mean aside from that small claims court hippy "lawyer" here in the cess?

peace be with you, cus you'll need it we just ran out of toilet paper in the cess WC.

[ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

[ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, being an Ami and all, I'll vote for the shiniest object that catches my fleeting attention. I'm just trying to ponder this imponderable point; For what conceivable reason could mensch have edited his last post? Perhaps he wanted to add a little more rambling and punch it up with more fevered gibberish?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

what an election? great! I'm all for it..


[ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I can't help but wonder what the edit was.


Death! Explosions! Whining! I'm attacking in many of my games, and in some of them I'm killing the other guy somewhat. In other of my games, my opponents are playing slower than I return a DekeFentle setup, likely because they are brainless prats (COUGHCrodaCOUGH). I forget what's happening in those games, although I'm probably winning decisively. There may be snow involved.

Agua Perdido

[Edited to say, "Leeo, you worthless wanker, if you can stop to read the mensches, you can SEND ME A FECKIN' TURN!" I think reading his campaign speech has injured my cognition (such as it was...)]

[ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: Agua Perdido ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leeo:

I'm just trying to ponder this imponderable point; For what conceivable reason could mensch have edited his last post?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As Mensch Agent I'd have to ask you the following.

In all weirdness, hadn't you even considered that my Client could have easily typed in [ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: mensch ] just as I did now in order to show the full magnitude of its, err, medically challenged aptness to be our Confessor?

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I cast my Vote for menschy-pooh. he is much more loopy than i am, posts a lot more than i do, obviously cares a lot more than i do and has substantial quantities (huh huh, i wrote 'tities') of mind altering drugs while i have only limited quantities (huh huh) of cheap bourbon and expensive beer.

also going against my nomination is the fact that i am a pod and not human. a confessor should have some human quality(ies). i am an atheist - a devout atheist and a strict adherent to the joys of natural selection on individual, cultural and species levels, i have no faith in anything except that some things are and some things are not. you need a religious nut, not a secular nut.

piss off the lot of you. Tell 176Fred I love him.

MrPeng (176Fred's Mrs)

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ParProom you are giving top secret campaign secrets away... dammnit wheres my OFSFG?? he should be yelling at you now saying funny things like "wee Beasties" and "Eyy Spill mee Hagus!"


[ 05-09-2004: Message copied and pasted by: mensch ]

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I vote for mensch. He's not necessarily the brightest thing to catch the wavering interest possessed by this member of the electorate, but he makes oh-so-much sense as a tragic religous figure. Martyrdom, anyone?

[ 05-07-2001: Message taken out to a long, leisurely lunch and then left behind in a dine-and-dash by: Leeo]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally confessed by MrPeng:

I cast my Vote for menschy-pooh.


i have no faith in anything

MrPeng (176Fred's Mrs)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

first off.. I like to thank Pengsy for his vote of trust to ME... and I am sure he has no hanging chit to argue over either.

As the faith thing I would like to bring the lad to the light... BEER.. no not LIGHT BEER, that's for wankers and Teenage kids thinking they be walking on the wild side by drinking anything with a "%" symbol next to it..

yes I am sure Peng has faith in BEER... I mean just look at him! someone like that must have been born with the stuff running through his blood!....that or some rare tropical disease.

But at any rate I am sure he has some confessions to tell since he is well, 46 on the top 50 wanted in the US of A.

tell menschy your darkest secrets and devily deeds... then I can advise you what to do! I work both ends for the religious types I can tell them where to go.. and if your not religious I can still tell you where to go.. either way its to hell.. so hanker down and pull up those diapers, Papa is home back from his Postal job he just lost and gave a 7.62mm farewell to his coworkers and boss.. and wants to make sure the family understands why daddy did what he did.


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I'd normally be willing to vote for Mensch, but I am troubled that perhaps his campaign promises too much and will actually deliver too little. I believe that a person should not actually WANT the job so much as have it thrust upon him (Bauhaus!) and I find all this campaigning unseemly. Promising this and that for mere votes demeans the office and the office holder. For that reason I find that I would not support the candidacy of Mensch ... now if a certain Stug or two should HAPPEN to stumble into a clever ambush that resulted in a victory for ME my mood MIGHT undergo a change and in the flush of victory I MIGHT be tempted to overlook the flaws of certain candidates and vote for them.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Reckon'm'Boy :

This would all be very funny if it weren't so tragic.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Elvis, no need to take aliases to tell us we're wankers.

Go play in that sandbox will you now?

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A bit of sage wisdom:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Never vote for anyone who wants the job.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thank you for your attention

This has been a Public Service announcement. Had this been anything that matters, instructions to self destruct would have been provided. That is all.

[ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: jd ]

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PoorBrown: I can call you a merchant banker without taking an alias. I am not Elvis, although I have have claimed to be as matter of expediency.

If the Yankee moderators knew what impact the "W" word actually has, so you think they'd let you carry on using it?

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