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Coming mod attractions (part pi)

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Since the announcement of the release of my hi-res set of whitewashed Fernando German vehicles generated little enthusiasm (


Let's see if I can shock you jadded modsluts with something else that's in the pipeline. smile.gif

Here's some images of the alpha-quality work panzerwerfer42 referred to in the other thread.


Comments, suggestions and (constructive) criticisms are always welcome.


And yes, the intention is that you'll have all of the available Fernando "summer" camo schemes and markings to choose from.

[ 07-17-2001: Message edited by: Gordon ]

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Never seen those.

Rule #1 of MOD Beta Testing:

Do NOT spill the bean when Flash is your GM in RumbleII.

They look suspiciously like Fernando's MODs with snow on them.

You can tell the overall effect is coming through nicely that way...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gordon:

Comments, suggestions and (constructive) criticisms are always welcome.

[ 07-17-2001: Message edited by: Gordon ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You have bad breath. May I suggest a tic-tac? :D

Oh ya. Great looking Mod. :eek:

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Watch it or I'll have to let the Germans interrogate the captured gun crew and they might reveal that you're the commander of the Pershing platoon.


Baseless slander! You'll hear from my lawyers and no snowy German mods for you.


Not very soon, but I hope to have them all out by Christmas.

Gordon smile.gif

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Let me state emphatically that your whitewashed mod was received with great enthusiasm. Some of your best work yet.

I, perhaps in a minority, perhaps not, am a bigger fan of whitewashed vehicles than regular cammo schemes with snow.

Anyway, consider yourself appreciated.

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Those mods look great. I love the snowed on effect, but weren't the Germans much better about painting winter camo, or is that my misconception? While downloading the whitewashed Fernando mods from CMHQ I was thiking that they would look better with snow added to them. Have you tried that? I wonder how the combo of whitewash and snow would look. If you finish by the end of the month you could call it the Christmas in July mod pack. We could all dress up like Santa and have a BBQ.

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I'm more of a "whitewash/winter camo" man myself, figuring that the amount of time that a vehicle would remain covered in snow (certainly on the west front, the east front is a whole different story) would be small.

Pvt. Ryan,

For the Allied winter vehicles I was doing 3 separate treatments; snow-covered, whitewashed, and snow-covered whitewashed. However, it seemed to be generating little additional benefit to have the snow-covered whitewashed versions, so I was planning on discontinuing them.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gordon:

Pvt. Ryan,

For the Allied winter vehicles I was doing 3 separate treatments; snow-covered, whitewashed, and snow-covered whitewashed. However, it seemed to be generating little additional benefit to have the snow-covered whitewashed versions, so I was planning on discontinuing them.


It always seems to work out that way. I always like what no one else wants. Oh well. Fernando's whitewashed vehicles look a little too antiseptic to me and I though some snow would bring them to life. I really like the snow covered ones you have here, but I was under the impression that the Germans painted or whitewashed much of their armor. I've gotten the Ardennes bug lately and I am picky about my snow. smile.gif

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Pvt. Ryan,

Actually, according to Wise in "D-Day to Berlin", "a suprisingly large number of (German) vehicles did not make use of any snow camouflage during the Ardennes offensive."

Also, my (summer tri-color) Hetzer mod is based on a Hetzer that was knocked out in the Ardennes, and it also had no winter camouflage applied.

Old Crow,

He obviously hasn't fired his gun yet. smile.gif

Actuallly, it'a an interesting point. Personally, it looks more strange to me when the barrel has no snow and the rest of the tank has snow scattered all over it.

Any current or ex-treadheads out there care to comment?


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Gordon I like the snow on the barrel, When will they be ready for D/L :D Its a must have. I think the camo with snow looks the better in the game then whitewash does. Just my 2 cents :cool:

SS Peiper

[ 07-18-2001: Message edited by: SS Peiper ]

[ 07-18-2001: Message edited by: SS Peiper ]

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SS Peiper,

They should start trickling out in 3 weeks to a month (or so). There's still a fair amount of work to do (and I haven't even started on some of the vehicles that are in the whitewashed set), and I'm on a business trip and vacation during part of that time.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lcm1947:

[QB]Extremely nice job. I myself prefer the snow on look rather than whitewashed so will be waiting for these to come out.QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, that's why I try to provide multiple "flavors" for these mods, because I know one size doesn't fit all.


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