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Sir Peng, I take your challenge to Lord Raglan

Guest Germanboy

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Originally posted by Forever Babra:

I got sump'n fer ya to polish right here, bub. And I'll be the one making the "ahhh" noises, thank you very much.

Oh, I see someone wants to die. If you are not too busy to set some personal time aside to humiliate yourself, then I will be sending a setup your way late tonight. Please get it back to me asap since I hate wasting quality CM time on a senseless douche bag such as yourself.



When nuclear weapons are frozen then only freezers will have nuclear weapons.

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Attention please.

Who is this 'other' Rat? This 'Robo' rat? This mechanical disease? This wind-up windbag? This cyborg pretender to the one and only, King Rat's crown?

I say here and now, you witless clockwork sewer slumming rodent, you battery-beating sticky furred obese MOUSE, you plague carrying tiny wheeled vermin. I say, you are MINE. I shall uncloak your feigning hide and reveal for all that you are nothing but a cheap Tamiya made plastic imposter, a carpet covered tin cats toy, a flashing buzzing whizzing Taiwanese reject.

Prepare your worthless chassis for the drubbing of your life, or at least until your batteries hold out.


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Originally posted by Pale:

Ok, I can do that, maybe. Let's see, judging by the little pictures I can see you are all an ugly bunch, so why don't you try to redeem yourselves in my eyes with beautiful tactics in CMBO battle?

Hiram, is that you?

His spirit lives on...


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by stevetherat:

Attention please.

Who is this 'other' Rat? This 'Robo' rat? This mechanical disease? This wind-up windbag? This cyborg pretender to the one and only, King Rat's crown?


Actually, the Canadian rat was here before the Limey rat. Still, nice rant, Rat fella. I feel much less need to hurl when reading your posts. You seem to be finding your feet...er, paws, here in the Thread.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Actually, the Canadian rat was here before the Limey rat. Still, nice rant, Rat fella. I feel much less need to hurl when reading your posts. You seem to be finding your feet...er, paws, here in the Thread.

Nice ta see you have time ta post, but no time ta send files. Woohoo! Its summer in Hell again

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Another newcomer, named Pale of all things.

Well, whilst the rest of you were busy giving him, er her, um... it the usual toasting and berating due a newcomer, Mace (whom I kept at arms reach for obvious reasons) and I took another route.

I traced back his IP, we stalked it home, and while it was opening the door to its home, I grabbed it around its pencil-neck and shook violently.

I can now report that I heard a great deal of sloshing around inside that bulbous head, and register the fact that this Pail is indeed half empty, with barely enough intelligence inside to fill a teacup.

Mace did indeed confirm at the same time that there is not a pair available to the git, though it did involve some shrill screaming on the part of Pail and some gruff words from Mace.

Both these facts are borne out in the particularly weak, dare-I-call-it, challenge posted by Pail in his first few attempts in the thread.

I hold little hope for this one my fellow Poolers. Best not to waste our effort. Move along now, nothing to see here...


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Nice ta see you have time ta post, but no time ta send files. Woohoo! Its summer in Hell again

Nice ta see you have time ta post, but no time ta send files. Woohoo! Its summer in Hell again esp after your losing those 3 tank's in one well coordinated and prescient tactical maneuver, or was that manure? That's 2¥ for you, you spawnette familiar.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-02-2001).]

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Originally posted by bauhaus:

I'm Catholic, I get my morning exercise everyday at mass.

Bent over touching your toes I would suspect.

It's okay, Bauhaus, you can tell us. He touches you in your "special place", doesn't he?



When nuclear weapons are frozen then only freezers will have nuclear weapons.

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Originally posted by jd:

...and in other news, the investigating committee into the mysterious "alleged victory" of IKanpander deepens as it has been revealed by sources close to the investigation that the aforementioned "uselsss wank" has failed, in response to the special prosecutor, Jake "the snake" Lawyer's subpoena, to turn over to the committee crucial evidence. Sources mention that the "so-called" AAR is vital for the committee to peruse as it will yield vital clues as to the forces Mr. 'pander had at his disposal in the recently concluded game.

An investigator close to the investigation said,"everyone knows it is standard practice to return the AAR's. What's he hiding?"

Mr Iskdoofus was unavailable for comment. Consideration is being given to file a writ of mandamus and seek an injunction before the circuit court, the Hon. Judge Lorak, presiding, to decertify, or hold in abeyance, the victory until the investigatory committee ompletes it's work.

Actually, the answer to this mystery is quite clear, jd. The large tank force that he used to exterminate you was deftly moved over into my game with Mr. Kiss Ass Kander. Not to worry, though. I quickly demolished his several Shermans, a few Stuarts, and a Greyhound or two.

You can check out this huge collection of junk steel in my AAR when I complete the demolition of Ike's remaining forces, which shall be as soon as he crawls humbly back to his old Kentucky farm.

The poor lad was so devasted that he left home to go to Columbus, Ohio. There's no greater punishment that you can possibly inflict on him, jd.


If you can read this, you are too smart to be in the Cesspool.

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Well Chuppie's been getting out and doing a bit of socializing I see.......


Chupacabras struck again last week at two locked henhouses in Lebu Alto, a farm village on the outskirts of the city of Concepcion, which is 300 kilometers (180 miles) south of Santiago de Chile, the national capital.

According to the Chilean newspaper Diario El Sur, "The attacks occurred in two different locations, and in both, witnesses claim having seen a beast with similar characteristics. The attacks on the henhouses in the Lebu commune by an unknown being bolsters the existence of the mythic 'Chupacabras' in the area, more specifically in the province of Arauco."

"In the early morning hours yesterday (Saturday, May 13, 2000) in the Lebu Alto section, two families claimed to have been victims of strange events which caused the deaths of 24 hens."

"The event, confirmed by the Lebu Carabineros (Chile's national police--J.T.) took place at 4 a.m. on Saturday morning.when an unidentified resident heard a noise in her henhouse. Getting out of bed and going outside, she found that her dogs were calm--even fearful-- despite the fact that something was going on in the henhouse. As she approached the gate, she told police, she managed to see a rounded figure jump away from the chicken coop and go around the base of a nearby hill," the Cerro La Cruz. "Upon entering the henhouse, the witness confirmed that 17 of her 19 hens were dead with visible signs of tearing."

"Shortly afterward, the chicken coop of a neighboring farm was also attacked, and another resident gave a similar account. At 8 a.m., the Carabineros were notified of these events. Police elements reported to the scene and verified the animals' deaths. The carcasses were collected and sent to Concepcion for further analysis." In its May 15, 2000 edition, Cronica, the other newspaper of Concepcion, made the claim that three Chupacabras had been captured by the Chilean army near a local copper mine and turned over to the custody of agents of the USA's Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Cronica reported, "Radio Padahuel and (TV) Channel 13 transmitted news reports indicating that a family of strange creatures--possible 'Chupacabras'--had been found by military personnel in the vicinity of the Radomiro Tomic (copper) mine within the Second Region."

"According to information provided by Radio Pudahuel, it was a female, a male and a cub--a story which has the ring of The X-Files around it--and were delivered to agents of the USA's FBI agency which arrived at Calama from Santiago (where the USA federal police have an office in their embassy) The creatures quietly would have been taken to the USA"

"No further mention of the event was made, but police sources told Cronica that the capture of the specimens was real and that everything had transpired as was originally told" on Radio Pudahuel. (See Diario El Sur for May 14, 2000 and Cronica for May 15, 2000. Muchas gracias a Scott Corrales, autor de los libros, Chupacabras and Other Mysteries y Forbidden Mexico y tambien Gloria Coluchi para esas historias.)


Better Lock up your chickens ladies he's on the loose.....


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-02-2001).]

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Oh, dear. You'll never achieve coveted cesspool squiredom by going around posting apologies, now, will you? Noooo, you won't.

Get back to the pool, My-Gal and abuse somebody. C'mon, you know you wanna... Everybody's doin' it... It feels goooood....

What's this then? It has the stench of Advertising about it! Why it's practically a recruitment offer. Lookee here Babra, we don't NEED to recruit people to join the CessPool, hell we don't even treat them nice when they show up uninvited and here you are PROMOTING IT! Well it won't do, those wannabes who show up to be slapped down are bad enough, but with this we'll be inundated with them. Hell we'll have to post a FAQ, send out membership cards, regulate the number of posts ... before you know it they'll take our keyboards away, see if they don't.



I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

[This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 03-02-2001).]

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Hey all, I noticed Babra's Recruitment Poster in the other thread and thought I'd stop on by and see what this place was all about.

Where do I sign up?


"Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."

"They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."

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Originally posted by Croda:


Originally posted by dalem:

...Send me a setup. Something that allows me to die quickly, instead of drawn out over a long time.


Aww, Cromag, you're just mad that you dropped all that smoke for no reason.

Besides, I lose track of all the toys with the 1500-pointers. They just end up devolving into 2 750- pointers anyway unless the map size is constrained.

I'm going to try a 'woot!'




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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Lookee here Babra, we don't NEED to recruit people to join the CessPool, hell we don't even treat them nice when they show up uninvited and here you are PROMOTING IT

Oh, stuff a sock in it. My-Gal Dorothy has promise. He twigged right away what to do when I proffered the "Bitche" scenario in front of him. I just have to hammer that innate Canadian politeness (and western slowness) out of him and he'll see the light. Now, granted, he's no Aqua Velva, but hey, everyone needs a squire...

Now kindly return to the games you were losing.


Quo fas et gloria ducunt


The Un-Rant

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Originally posted by stevetherat:

Attention please, I feel the urge to pass some wind.


What's that?? do I hear some faint squeaking?

Hey Kitty, I think one of your hamsters is loose again. I think Dalem was doing some felching again.

Oops, I was wrong, it's not one of yours, it sounds like some insignificant, diseased little back-alley rodent, trying to appear bigger and tougher than it really is, in a pathetic attempt to scare away some predator.

Well, stuffedfullofhimself, IF YOU HAD THE BRAINS, AND MORE THAN ONE HAND FREE TO DO A LITTLE SEARCH, you would be aware that I have been here since midway through the original incarnation of this thread. I fact, I think I was one of the first "newbies" to be grabbed as a squire, as a visit to Loraks site would have indicated. I am currently locked in a death struggle with Captain Foobar in a squire match, using some sadistic Knniiggiitts perverison of a setup, and where we are well on our way to setting the record for the longest PBEM in CM history.

So, just crawl back under whatever rotting dockyard sewer you crawled out of, you insignificant little gnat, or I will be forced to dig out the thesaurus and really give you a verbal thrashing.

And by the way, Tamiya generally makes the best and most detailed models available, much better than that Airfix and Matchbox trash that merry olde england keeps spewing out.


"With cat-like tread, Upon our prey we steal;

In silence dread, Our cautious way we feel." -G&S

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Originally posted by jshandorf:

Bent over touching your toes I would suspect.

It's okay, Bauhaus, you can tell us. He touches you in your "special place", doesn't he?


No you pig! It's exercise of the sitting, standing and kneeling variety. Aerobic religion as I like to call it. Now Mr. handpork, if you choose to continue, a challenge my result.

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Oh, stuff a sock in it.
Don't have to, don't want to, can't make me ... opps, I got confused with the Kiddie CessPool. But my point is still highly valid, note that now {shudder} Mr. Clark has decided to drop in. Well I'M not going to do the work this time, somebody else will have to read him the riot act.
My-Gal Dorothy has promise. He twigged right away what to do when I proffered the "Bitche" scenario in front of him.
Oh YEAH, that showed about as much native wit as a clam.
I just have to hammer that innate Canadian politeness (and western slowness) out of him and he'll see the light.
Well, based on what we've seen so far you MAY be able to get him to see the light, provided you demonstrate the tricky usage of the light switch.
Now, granted, he's no Aqua Velva, but hey, everyone needs a squire...
And that's just the point, I waited, passing by the marginal and unacceptable candidates until a gem in the rough presented himself. You, obviously, are willing to settle for any old Tom, Dick or Croda.



I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

[This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 03-02-2001).]

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Originally posted by jd:

Nice ta see you have time ta post, but no time ta send files. Woohoo! Its summer in Hell again esp after your losing those 3 tank's in one well coordinated and prescient tactical maneuver, or was that manure? That's 2¥ for you, you spawnette familiar.

4 wuss points for you. The last file I have from you was recieved on the 26th... and I know you got the reply as you mentioned it in one of your posts. So, kindly send me the next file so I can finish kicking your ass

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Ya know it's sad, just sad at what the nether realms have fallen to. I mean, here's Berli trying to hold on to the tawdry remenants of a long faded past that he is actually seeking the souls of the pools inhabitants? I mean think on it, is this a Kmart blue light special or what? Would any self respecting demonic spawn of Hades really want Cradfaced's or Stumpthegerbilfacedboy's or (shudder) Ikandoofus's soul? Pathetic. The son of the Prince of Darkness has turned into a 42nd street wino, pan-handling the passerbys. "Hey buddy, ya want a soul? Used only once by some guy who fancied himself a Celtic bard? check it out."

Oh BTW Spawnette of Dusk, I sent it on Tues. or Weds, last...learn how to use "Get message" willya! So I guess I'll just have to send it again and this time try to stop impaling the ice cream cone on your forehead.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-02-2001).]

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Originally posted by bauhaus:

No you pig! It's exercise of the sitting, standing and kneeling variety. Aerobic religion as I like to call it. Now Mr. handpork, if you choose to continue, a challenge my result.

Oh, okay. That clears things up. Silly me.. I thought it was exercise of the "kneel and bob" variety.



When nuclear weapons are frozen then only freezers will have nuclear weapons.

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Originally posted by Mr. Clark:

Hey all, I noticed Babra's Recruitment Poster in the other thread and thought I'd stop on by and see what this place was all about.

Where do I sign up?

This chap's been around the Board a while, lads, he knew what he was getting into when he came in here playing at the naif. I say let him have it, and spare not the slander.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

This chap's been around the Board a while, lads, he knew what he was getting into when he came in here playing at the naif. I say let him have it, and spare not the slander.

Sorry, Senile. I was ignoring somebody. Did you saying something?



When nuclear weapons are frozen then only freezers will have nuclear weapons.

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