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Sir Peng, I take your challenge to Lord Raglan

Guest Germanboy

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My Daimler will be long gone by the time you re-assemble your school boys for action.

Take it as a lesson, hanging out at the back of the map while you relentlessly shell the VLs (hoping to catch me in them) will not bring you any rewards.

Whereas, a proactive, tactical scouting mission will locate your enemy and provide you with a beautiful target to aim your 14"ers at.

Tuck yourself up, munchkin, and prepare for rain.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

and I don't hate him anywhere near as much as I hate Bauhaus. There is something wrong with Bauhaus. I am trying to put my thumb on exactly what, but I don't like actually touching even the concept of Bauhaus with unprotected skin.

Let me put my finger on it for you. You hate me because you can't defeat me. I'm in your head haunting your every movement (sit down Bauhaus, not that type of movement!). Your men have become puddy in my hands and you've become as brave as a school girl on prom night.

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One of the signs of true idiocy is to post nothing, and then smirk about the lack of contribution.

this from someone who listens to World Music? I'm not surprised. Why don't you enlighten me with other and false signs of idiocy?

But I must not outstay my welcome, thanks Mace, for I die a happy bug.

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Originally posted by bauhaus:

Let me put my finger on... puddy in my hands... a school girl on prom night.

Calling Prof. Freud! That's quite a string of statements there, Cowhouse; should keep your therapist busy for some time, I'd say!

And, I would ask what this "puddy" you refer to is... but even in the Cess somethings are best left alone....

For the rest of you mouse-rubbers, tune in later for the henious details of jd's arse-up surrender to me. I guess the 'quake unnerved him to the point of buckshotting Alt-U's to one and all.


"I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory."

"Legal advice is very often divorced from reality in my humble opinion" - BTS

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Ya know, since Hiram left I just realized that I don't have a whippin' boy anymore. You see Croda use to be my whippin' boy but then it just got to be no fun beatin' him like some chained mutt at my side. In essence I took pity upon him and released him to be free and be beatin' by others here in the pool. Now Hiram was another matter totally.

I really enjoyed beatin' on Hiram like a patsy side kick that deserved nothing but my ire and spite. I really relished in that but now he is gone and I miss it, not him mind you, the beating.

Now a few candidates have come along since then such as Dalem, Wild-Hair-in-Butt, and Fetid-Rat-boy. But since I hate Dalems and in all truth beating a Dalem in combat gave me no real surge of superiority and satisfaction, he's therefore just right out.

So then there is wild-hair-in-butt, but in all truth I have yet to recognize his existence, so he wouldn't do at all.

That leaves Fetid-Rat-Boy. I see FRB has been getting a little cocky and uppity. I think he feels that he is moving his way up the dominant male ladder in our little troop. Well, I am here to put a stop to that right here and now. So put down that tasty piece of fruit you have so boldly snatched from MY tree and cower and prostrate before me monkey boy. I hereby challenge you.

I will be sending a setup your way tonight so that you may gibber and drool over your computer with fear. Yes, I know your instincts tell you flight instead of fight but you have no where to run to anymore my little cephalopod.

Prepare to Die Alot Now.


P.S. Peter-Bendzer-Over, did you get my setup? I sent it last night. I will expect a reply back faster then I got from that slime ridden mollusk Peng.


When nuclear weapons are frozen then only freezers will have nuclear weapons.

[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 03-01-2001).]

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Originally posted by jshandorf:


Prepare to Die Alot Now.


P.S. Peter-Bendzer-Over, did you get my setup? I sent it last night. I will expect a reply back faster then I got from that slime ridden mollusk Peng.

You have insulted not only mollusks, but slime as well. For this you shall pay dearly


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable

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Added Babs to the pool mod.


Goanna If you want to be included in mod please send me a picture of you because the one I got from Lorak's site is too distorted to use.



Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

Jesus Dress Up!

The McNoldy Group

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*spin mode on*

Ahem, is this on? Attention, please.

We wish to announce that the seminal game with Iskandoofus has been completed. Since he was new to the pool I took it upon myself to welcome him and let him feel he is a valued and able member. Thus, I had to let him win or we'd be stuck with WM and STR 's bickering. Plus it was in the fog, uphill, was trying out new defenses, he's a gamey bastard.... whatever. To save him from further heartache and to avoid his further embarrassment I surrendered voluntarily even though I am sure that if the game had been completed the results would have been a clear cut win for me. This way his self esteem is bolstered.

I had a company and 2 tanks. IIRC he had 4 tank/td's plus armored cars, arty and at LEAST a company or more of troops. An investigation of initial points may have to launched as to whether this was a "fair" setup or a "setup" since Mister Isk sent the file, sight unknown. Oh did I say fog?

Anyway, I didn't want to steal the boys thunder. He is so proud and thinks he has accomplished something. You, my opponents out there, know how hollow a victory over me is anyway. So when he comes by, boasting of his feat, give him a "huzzah" and "well done, lad" and let him bask in what pitiful accomplishments he does manage.

A little lesson in that it is not in the actual winning but in the spin that the 'pool revolves.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-01-2001).]

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A little lesson in that it is not in the actual winning but in the spin that the 'pool revolves.
Hmmm, spinning, revolving, 'pool ... sounds like somebody went down the drain to me.



I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

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Originally posted by Kitty:

Added mensch to poolmod and in a stunningly grog-like move, included the reason for his behavior in the picture.


hey where did you get that picutre? that was before I knew you could enter a tank through a hatch!.. funny guys at the motor pool telling me the only way in is through the tail pipe.

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Originally posted by Wildman:

Berli callously destroyed a split squad in the middle of the street, and was quickly returned in kind by around seven squads and a tank. Can you say overwatch? I'm in the middle of the town, and all his troops are doing is RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY. I can only assume that he has lost his manhood somewhere on the other side of the map and is sending his troops to find it.

A view of the battle, no doubt, brought about by the large quantties of Ganj' you've been smokin'. The only attempt to accually take a victory location went up in smoke (flamethrowers will do that). To date, all VL flags are red, white and BLACK... no red, white and BLUE to be seen.

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Ahh you festering gits, Nice to see you again.

Tome update:






I am disrespecting you? My god man! That is almost a compliment in the pool. Sadly It is true that Several of you have challenged me to games as of late. (Yes, I still owe the Bard a beating). I've had several games outside of the pool pop-up lately and as I get some of those resolved, I be happy to wing some death your way.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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I get the feeling this is technically the real opponent finder thread, right? If so I'd like to play, please, thank you.
Ah I'm afraid you've gone beyond the Pale on that request.

This is the Peng Challenge Thread, the Mutha Beautiful Thread, The One The True CessPool. One does not come here to find opponents but rather to find taunts, vitrol and abuse. The playing of CM is nothing but a vehicle that allows us to call each other what we all richly deserve to be called. So, in short ... although for all I know you may be quite tall ... if you want a game ... go elsewhere. If you've a mind to enter the fray, be prepared for abuse and slander beyond your wildest dreams and, if you show that you've the mettle for the 'pool, you may get a game. Mind you it won't be much of a game since we are acknowledged CM losers, but it will be a game in the 'pool. So in the time honored tradition of the CessPool ...

Sound off like ya got a pair son! Insult someone.



I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

[This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 03-01-2001).]

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Originally posted by Pale:

I get the feeling this is technically the real opponent finder thread, right? If so I'd like to play, please, thank you.

My God, I can't watch. Run, child.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Half a track, half a track,

Half a track onward,

All in the valley of Cess

Rode the six hundred.

"Forward, the Light Brigade!

Charge for the grogs!" he said:

Into the valley of Cess

Rode the six hundred.

"Forward, the Light Brigade!"

Was there a man dismayed?

Not tho' the 'poolers knew

Someone had blundered:

Theirs was not to make reply,

Theirs was not to reason why,

Theirs was but to taunt and die:

Into the valley of Cess

Rode the six hundred.

Grogs to the right of them,

Snerts to the left of them,

Moderators in front of them

Volleyed and thunder'd;

Storm'd at with taunt and bile,

Boldly they lied with style,

Into the pit of Cess,

Into the rancid smell,

Rode the six hundred.

Flashed all their bums bare,

Flashed as they turned in air,

Taunting the posters there,

Charging an army, while

All the board wondered:

Plunging in the groggy smoke,

Right through the thread they broke;

Bauhaus and Lawyer

Reeled from the stinging-stroke

Shattered and sundered.

Then they rode back, but not--

Not the six hundred.

Refreshing monkeys to the right of them,

Newbies to the left of them,

Madmatt behind them

Volleyed and thundered;

Stormed at with lies and cess,

While Peng wore a girlie dress,

They that teased so well,

Came thro' the jaws of Cess,

Back from the monkey's mess,

All that was left of them,

Left of the six hundred.

When can their glory fade?

Oh, the wild taunts they made!

All the Board wondered.

Honor the lies they made!

Honor the Light Brigade,

Noble Six Hundred!

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Ok, I can do that, maybe. Let's see, judging by the little pictures I can see you are all an ugly bunch, so why don't you try to redeem yourselves in my eyes with beautiful tactics in CMBO battle?

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Originally posted by Pale:

Ok, I can do that, maybe. Let's see, judging by the little pictures I can see you are all an ugly bunch, so why don't you try to redeem yourselves in my eyes with beautiful tactics in CMBO battle?

I say, "BAH!" to you, sir! BAH!

That effort was as weak and limp as a wet noodle. And if you want an authority on wet, limp noodles ask Shaw's woman. She will testify first hand to his limp wristed efforts!

Pathetic...tisk, tisk, tisk. Just pathetic you are. Coming in here and doddering about for a game. If you insist on dangling your man thingy in here such as that I will be force to snip it off at the base and mount it above the pool with the others! And mind you it won't stay there long once Bauhaus gets sight of it!

Now run along before someone really hurts your insignificant feelings.




When nuclear weapons are frozen then only freezers will have nuclear weapons.

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Pale you ignorant slut. You pusillanimous pile of putrid pus. Obviously you have not got a clue, ya dim noggin, what the pool is or why it exists. Go to http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/016566.html and read the links there and maybe (although I doubt it since you don't seem to have enough cojones to make a chicken take notice) you will get the vaguest glimmer of why you aren't worth spitting on.....go away, and do something more entertaining like swallowing your tongue.



If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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