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2 Huge planes just wrecked into World Trade Center


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by -Havermeyer-:

I think we shouldn't discriminate in our response. Every loony bin organization will claim credit, and, I think we should go on killing them and their leaders till people stop claiming credit. We'll get the right ones eventually, and do the world a good turn while we're at it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Amen to that brother! It takes a lot to piss me off, and that just did it. :mad:

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Two planes within 18 minutes of each other crashed into the World Trade Center. One was a 767.

There is a fire in the Pentagon on the west side. Another plane crash is the cause just verified.

There is a fire on the Mall in DC.

The President is enroute from Florida and he has issued a short statement.

FBI is claiming it is a terrorist attack

White House is being evacuated.

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Well, I am at work, but we do have TVs strewn thruout the building. At this time the facts appear to be:

1) 2 planes crashed into the World Trade Center (1 for each tower).

2) 1 of these planes was a hijacked United or American flight from Boston to LA.

3) There was some sort of blast at the Pentagon, apparently not that large and probably connected with the construction.

4) Bush was giving a speech to an elementary school when he got the news. He promptly used Disaster Speech Number 7 and was 'shocked' and 'horrified' and promised 'the full resources of the federal government.'

5) There are rumors about airport closures, etc.


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