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Wild Bill's Rumblings Of War (con't.)

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I've been giving some thought to the finals for this tournament. In the interest of time I think we will go with a knockout system rather than the round robin thing.

The three section winners and the highest second place finisher(the Wild Card)will do battle using a BALANCED scenario I have created and playtested extensively with SuperTed and once with MickOZ. The highest scoring section leader will play the lowest scoring of the other three.

The two winners of this fight will then proceed to the final showdown, again featuring a heavily PBEM playtested BALANCED battle by yours truly.

These are not historical battles. The emphasis is on BALANCE and an abundance of tactical options. Both scenarios include what I believe to be unique ideas, or facets, if you will.

What say you all? Does anyone have any aversion to the championship and the South African wine riding on a Treeburst155 set of scenarios PBEM playtested with SuperTed?

Treeburst155 out.

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Sounds good and will balance out who you play so that it will give a good idea of the two strongests players in the whole goup.

You want to get those based on their overall strength rather than a few flukes and so far the scoring system will ensure that.


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Yes, the Nabla scoring system coupled with the large number of times each scenario was played will most likely give us the four strongest players to advance to the finals.

The finals however may not yield the 'best of the best' for the reasons Wreck mentioned; but we've got to determine a winner somehow, eh?

SuperTed and I are currently playtesting the second scenario, and MickOZ and I are also having a go at a revised version already. SuperTed will be tormented with repeated replays of the scenario after each tweak. :D

The first scenario has been tested to exhaustion already. Neither SuperTed or I can stand it anymore. We started testing just after this tourney began in hopes of capturing that very elusive scenario characteristic, BALANCE.

Treeburst155 out.

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KF hands off....


I hope you persuade JK to play that game again with him defending it will give him a new perspective on it.

Well this is the last post for four weeks plus.

Have a Great Christmas and New Year. I am not sure how I will cope being away from the game for so long.

My G/F has promised to take me in hand if I start to shake from the HeeeBeee JeeeBees.


I will keep an eye posted on the board if I am allowed to visit Internet Cafes or access my friends PC's while in Sydney.

Good luck to all those still playing and "Hi Mom".


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Another idea is to play the semi-final and final scenarios mirrored. One is a fairly small scenario (but requires some micro-managing). Two simultaneous battles, one from each side, the highest total score moving on to the finals.

The other scenario is on the large side of the medium category IMO, but it would be best if this one was played twice by the finalists too. This is the "Superbowl" scenario after all. Though there are plenty of units to maneuver, the time frame is only 25 turns. In fact, I've just convinced myself. Barring any strenuous objections the finals will be mirrored games.

You might argue that you will lose FOW, but I think it's worth it for fairness. Just think of it as FINALLY being blessed with real good intelligence for once in your wartime career. Besides, you know I've been working on balance so you'll have a fairly good idea of what to expect anyway.

Sound good?? Excellent!!! :D

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Wild Bill Wilder:

You've nearly all been very good about reporting the battles and your thoughts about them.


I confess to NOT being one of these good people -- yet. Though I cannot fully understand why Mr. Wild hates me with such passion ;) , I do intend to get AAR's out, just as soon as I can figure out how to spin my "successes."

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Tom has reappeared after an absence of nearly a week. He's chewed up one of my blocking positions

but is paying for it at that location and clear on the other side of the board where I continue to grind up isolated elements.

von Lucke grinds forward on my right, which is somehow still holding, is trying to work E into F closer to my center in order to outflank and neutralize my G, and has expressed extreme displeasure with the status quo by attacking my H.

Nine turns to go!

Nothing has been heard from Peter since Saturday, but George has been sent my setup. This leaves only one Section II battle unstarted.


John Kettler

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All the way down to page 3?!? Can't let that happen. I've completed all but one game and that game against tabpub is progressing in fits and starts. He disappeared for a while due to Real Life, he sent me a turn, and then he disappeared again. Hopefully we can finish it off before the new year.

I'm looking forward to seeing how well others did in these scenerios. Some I know I mucked up but in others I'd be surprised if someone else could manage to better than I did. Very tough scenerios. I'm sure these will be sought after games once they are released to the rest of the CM community.

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Nabla and I have tweaked the scoring system a bit. The general idea is still the same, but the point values I am assigning to AARs may have to be changed (currently 1/4 to 1/2 tourney point). What I will do is assign AARs a value at the end based on the average final tourney score of all 24 players.

I think 3% for good AARs is about right. If you write 7 AARs your score will be increased by a number equal to 21% of the average tourney score(before AARs). Brief AARs will only score 1.5% of the tourney average. Only one person has sent me AARs that fall into this category. All others are sufficiently detailed to earn full credit. Many are way above and beyond the call of duty, and greatly appreciated. Basing AAR value on a percentage of the average score is much better than my trying to guesstimate what that average score will be and setting an appropriate fixed value to the AARs.


An exploitable flaw in the scoring system was brought to my attention by JPS (not participating). Here's the new twist to fix the problem:

For games that do not add up to 100 points the difference will be split between the players. For example: A final score of 60-30 will be recorded as 65-35. If you can figure out why I am doing this then you have a devious and gamey mind. :D

Treeburst155 out.

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Time for an update.

The battle against von Lucke rages on, in spite of

casualties in a certain category verging on annihilating to him and crippling to me. He has managed to infiltrate several of my positions with a variety of forces and is consequently contesting

most of the VLs. I'm hanging on for dear life in multiple sectors but believe that I'll win the tale of the tape once the smoke clears. If what I expect to happen occurs, I may take a nice haul of prisoners. One turn remains after I get the movie.

Peter has reappeared after yet another of the commo problems which seem to plague my tourney battles. As best I can tell, I never got his turn after I'd stormed one of his positions, but he thought I'd broken out the champagne and was resting on my laurels. I fear they'll be somewhat the worse for wear as I press the attack.

Tom and I are on the home stretch. To call some of the fighting "desperate" would constitute a gross

understatement. I'm trying to keep things from falling apart in one sector while mopping up isolated elements elsewhere.

George and I have our game well under way, but so far things are quiet. Bet that won't last!


John Kettler

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Treeburst155 - actually, I am participating in the RoW. Nevertheless, I hope that doesn't invalidate my suggestion smile.gif

The_Capt - yep, that is one way to state the potential problem. And as it happens, it was our battle in the tournament that made me to think about it!

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von Lucke has pulled not one but a succession of military tricks from his tactical hat, exhibiting a combat dynamism that is positively breathtaking. He has blown through in several places, is poised for a final rush in others, but took severe losses on some of his efforts. Final orders have been issued to my men in a battle which is being fought from one side of the field to the other, and in places to my front, sides and rear all at once.

One last exsanguination and it's done save for the paperwork.


John Kettler

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by JPS:

Treeburst155 - actually, I am participating in the RoW. Nevertheless, I hope that doesn't invalidate my suggestion smile.gif

The_Capt - yep, that is one way to state the potential problem. And as it happens, it was our battle in the tournament that made me to think about it!<hr></blockquote>

And so it should ya flag robbin bastard ;) It will help the problem but not solve it. A player owning the flag will still lose points but not as many. Better than nothing I guess.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Help!! What's "exsanguination"? Is it a new German rocket!? :D

Treeburst155 out.<hr></blockquote>

Not actually a word as far as I can tell, but I think I know where he's going -- "bloodletting."

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Treeburst155 and Olduvai,

My Merriam-Webster's COLLEGIATE DICTIONARY, TENTH EDITION defines exsanguination as "the action or process of draining or losing blood" and shows the word first came into use circa 1909. It's a derivation from the Latin ex (out of or from) and sanguis, sanguinis (blood). von Lucke and I practiced massive mutual exsanguination in our now concluded game.

There were several surprising developments when the shooting stopped and at least some of the smoke cleared. All pertinent details will be found in the

end of game screen and the AAR.

George and I have clashed. Blood has been drawn, with much more to come and soon. Have received no turn today from either Peter or Tom.


John Kettler

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by The_Capt:

That wouldn't be to avoid the "?" flag steal would it.<hr></blockquote>

Just what IS the "?" flag steal? I guess my mind isn't gamey enough. I just had a game end with two "?" flags, so I find this particularly relevant. Given one more turn, I think my opponent would have secured one of the flags and I would have secured the other. Would that result in identical scores to the ones we now have (I think it would) or different scores???

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombinedArms:

Just what IS the "?" flag steal? I guess my mind isn't gamey enough. I just had a game end with two "?" flags, so I find this particularly relevant. Given one more turn, I think my opponent would have secured one of the flags and I would have secured the other. Would that result in identical scores to the ones we now have (I think it would) or different scores???<hr></blockquote>

Yeah, what he said. Although I would point out that neither of the flags in question in that scenario were the result of gamey rushes, merely the wickedness of WBW making the damn scenario one turn too short.

[ 12-13-2001: Message edited by: Spanish Bombs ]</p>

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