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German Soldats...what are they saying?

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Sorry to ask this question, but maybe some of the German folks on here can answer this...

I've played this game for a long time now and wondered what in the world the German soldiers are saying. This is kinda embarassing since my ancestors are from Germany...alas, we didn't keep up with the language. Although they had to learn Shawnee and Cherokee.

Some of words shouted during the game are obvious (like Panzer!), but I swear there's one guy that sounds like he's yelling "Have a pickle"!

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I got this on file from somewhere:

2000 - Los, los, los! - Go, go, go!

2001 - Auf zum Sprung, los! - Ready to jump, go!

2002 - Los, bewegung, Männer! - Go, move, men!

2003 - Auf geht's! - Let's go!

2004 - Auf zum Sprung, marsch! - Ready to jump, move!

2005 - Vorwärts, marsch! - Forward, move!

2006 - Auf geht's, los! - Let's go, move!

2007 - Marsch, marsch, marsch! - Move, move, move!

2010 - Die schlachten uns ab! - They're killing all of us!

2011 - Wir werden alle sterben! - We're all gonna die!

2012 - Nichts wie raus hier! - Let's get outta here!

2013 - Volle Deckung! - Full cover!

2014 - Deckung! - Take cover!

2015 - Hilfe! - Help!

2016 - Hilfe, rettet euch! - Help, save yourself!

2017 - Hilfe, nichts wie weg hier! - Help, let's get outta here!

2020 - Nicht feuern! - Don't fire!

2021 - Feuer einstellen! - Hold fire!

2022 - Spart Munition! - Save ammo!

2023 - Feuer einstellen! - Hold fire!

2024 - Spart Munition, Männer! - Save ammo, men!

2025 - Feuern auf Befehl! - Fire on order!

2030 - Ich bin verwundet! - I'm wounded!

2031 - Hilfe, ich bin verwundet! - Help, I'm wounded!

2032 - Sanitäter, Sanitäter! - Medic, medic!

2033 - Mein Bein, mein Bein! - My leg, my leg!

2034 - Hilfe, hilfe! - Help, help!

2035 - Bin getroffen! - I'm hit!

2036 - Die haben mich erwischt! - They got me!

2037 - Bin verwundet! - I'm wounded!

2040 - Kamerad, Kamerad! - Comrade, comrade!

2041 - Nicht schießen, wir ergeben uns! - Don't shoot, we surrender!

2042 - Wir geben auf! - We're giving up!

2043 - Nicht schießen! - Don't shoot!

2050 - Ergebt euch! - Surrender!

2051 - Waffen fallenlassen, Hände hoch! - Drop your weapons, hands up!

2052 - Hände hoch! - Hands up!

2060 - Habt ihr noch Muni? - Do you have any ammo?

2061 - Meine Waffe ist leer! - My weapons is empty!

2062 - Ich brauche Munition! - I need ammo!

2070 - Nahkampf! - Close combat!

2071 - Im Nahkampf ausschalten! - Eliminate in close combat!

2080 - Jaaa! - Yesss!

2081 - Ja! - Yes!

2082 - Ja, Volltreffer! - Yes, right on target!

2083 - Den haben wir erwischt! - Nailed him!

2090 - Achtung, Minen! - Watch out, mines!

2091 - Tretminen! - Mines!

2100 - Volle Deckung! - Full cover!

2101 - Granatbeschuß! - Mortar fire!

2102 - Granatfeuer, in Deckung! - Mortar fire, take cover!

2103 - Volle Deckung! - Full cover!

2110 - Feindliche Jäger! - Enemy fighters!

2111 - Achtung, Flugzeuge! - Watch out, planes!

2120 - Ausschwärmen! - Spread out!

2121 - Nach den Seiten sichern! - Secure the flanks!

2122 - Jawohl, Herr Unteroffizier! - Yes, Sergeant!

2123 - Ausschwärmen! - Spread out!

2130 - Panzer! - Tanks!

2131 - Da, feindliche Panzer! - There, enemy tanks!

2140 - Fürs Vaterland! - For the fatherland!

2141 - Steht auf und kämpft! - Get up and fight!

2142 - Steht auf und kämpft! - Get up and fight!

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One that they say alot that I've wondered about is something that sounds like "Vack to Germana!" (Back to Germany??) I can't find anything on that list that looks anything like that. I've even gone through and clicked on each of the Wav. files and can't find the right one.

[ 07-22-2001: Message edited by: Vanir Ausf B ]

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Some more lesser known German phrases:

Winter Mods:


Mien assen ist colden -- I feel quite a chill.

dieser Schnee saugt wirklich -- The snow will not support the weight of a King Tiger

Es könnte falscher sein, wir könnte auf der östlichen Frontseite sein! - Things are not so bad.

Doan ducken mien heir, itsen onlie uf sherman tanken -- We see a tank.

Schissen, est ufa vee tee artillerie - - The artillery fire is rather heavy.

Goering trägt Unterhosen der Frauen -- The airforce is doing its best.

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*lol* Slappy good one!

I edited some a bit to make it sound a bit ess "Dutch" :)

Mein Arsch ist kalt.-- I feel quite a chill.

dieser Schnee lutscht wirklich -- The snow will not support the weight of a King Tiger

Es könnte schlimmer sein, wir könnten an der Ostfront sein! - Things are not so bad.

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The really good ones are the Pommy soundfiles...

'Shove that pineapple Fritz!' is my all-time favourite.

For the Germans we should have regional mods, as Andrew suggested, along the lines of the regional Asterix & Obelix comics:

- Schwaebisch (Moi aam, moi aam - Mein Arm)

- Niederbayrisch (Dea hot gsessa - Ja Volltreffer)

- Hessisch (Wir machen uns weg, als die Strasse nunner - Nichts wie weg hier)

- Berlinerisch (Ick hab die Schnauze voll - Kamerad)

- Latein (for officers) - (Alea Iacta Est - Los los los)


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Lindan is the specialist for Hessian dialects (or better Nassauisch), but I guess "Mer mache uns de Gass nunner!" is even more incomprehensible. But different accents and maybe Austrian (which is not German of course! :D ) would be a nice mod.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Warphead-:

Lindan is the specialist for Hessian dialects (or better Nassauisch), but I guess "Mer mache uns de Gass nunner!" is even more incomprehensible. But different accents and maybe Austrian (which is not German of course! :D ) would be a nice mod.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not Austrian for God's sake - I think BTS should adopt a policy of being tough on Austrians, and tough on the causes for Austrians!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

The really good ones are the Pommy soundfiles...

'Shove that pineapple Fritz!' is my all-time favourite.


Hey, GB. I believe they're actually saying "Shove that up your pipe Fritz" but it's still amusing no matter which way you hear it.

BTW, you're all forgetting the Boys Own war comic translations

#*@SHEISS%!^FICK!*@%.... "Damn"

Die Englander ist kaput!.... "Scratch one Limey"

Gott in Himmel- sieben Panzers!.... "I wonder where all out tanks are today?"

Kamerad!.... "I've suddenly seen the error of my ways and converted to Communism requiring me to now surrender to the righteous Allies"

Yahwohl Herr Obergruppensturmbahnfuhrer!.... "Yes Sir!"


Jim R.

[ 07-23-2001: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]

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