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It Was the Best of PENG CHALLENGES, It Was the Worst of PENG CHALLENGES

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>23.4) I'm sorry, but you have failed to follow correct MBT procedure, you have been sequential!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I have examined the currently popular non-sequential numbering and have found it passe ... and besides numbering in order annoys Elvis.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>A.12.78 and a bit) Have you thought that the reason they only paid you once is to stop you singing?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah, I see they have ignored irony in Australian schools AS WELL. That was, you see, the point of my statement. Hit 'em over the head and ship their butts off to Oz. The English did do SOME things right.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I look forward to your continuing abuse, and your turnfile.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No doubt having abuse hurled at you is better than no communications at all. As to my file, how many times would like me to send it? I sent it once, you deleted it by your own admission, now I've sent it again. Shall I send it yet a third time in anticipation of your once again deleting it?


[ 08-16-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Shall I send it yet a third time in anticipation of your once again deleting it?


No, twice is enough. Otherwise I don't think I could contain my glee of receiving yet another email from you.

That was sarcasm by the way.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bauhaus:

I really thought we got rid of this clown. He makes Joe look like less of an idiot.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Damn, and here I was thinking you hated me. But, you called me a clown. And clowns bring joy and humor to the world. Nobody hates clowns. And clowns certainly must be above SSN, at least, per the job description and all. Thank you for noticing me sire. [/gen-u-flex]

And making a knight look like less of an idiot is our lot in life. We exist so that you don't have to.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

Damn, and here I was thinking you hated me. But, you called me a clown. And clowns bring joy and humor to the world. Nobody hates clowns<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not only do I hate clowns; I fear clowns.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

Damn, and here I was thinking you hated me. But, you called me a clown. And clowns bring joy and humor to the world. Nobody hates clowns. And clowns certainly must be above SSN, at least, per the job description and all. Thank you for noticing me sire. [/gen-u-flex]

And making a knight look like less of an idiot is our lot in life. We exist so that you don't have to.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I hate clowns. That is unless the are gutted, deboned and cooked in a firey hot green Thai coconut curry.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally typed breathlessly by Buzzsaw:


You had better get another one of your boot-lickers to clean it off this time. And please leave MrsSpkr out of this -- I have no quarrel with Leeo.


"OOoo, yes dear, and please do tell them how those pretty germanboys I command snuck up and gave one of your shermans a C4(or not, and you're a pissy grog if you care) high colonic, and are currently prepping the other one. That's it sweetie spkr, tootle on and step right up close to the microphone. That's the way, Whoooo's your daddy..."

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leeo:

"OOoo, yes dear, and please do tell them how those pretty germanboys I command snuck up and gave one of your shermans a C4(or not, and you're a pissy grog if you care) high colonic, and are currently prepping the other one. That's it sweetie spkr, tootle on and step right up close to the microphone. That's the way, Whoooo's your daddy..."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Every git has his day, Leeo. That was yours. Please adjust your remaining expectations in life downward accordingly.

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Greetings once again to all you disgusting muggles.

I am sure you have all been lost without my fine elvin guidence of late. Truth is.. work sucks this week. I did manage to finally get all my turns out this evening. So please continue to beat the crap out of me.

see 'em player...

We should be able to come up with a name for this bloke. Just have to make it something that is not so obvious like CMplayer, loser,idiot,git,ect...

Lets see... he is a disgusting,foul, dirty old thing. Who acts on the surface to be polite. Yet one we all know would stab us in the back given the chance.

Gollum comes to mind.

So...any suggestions?

Lorak the loathed

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Hey, I would like to mention that last thread I came up with a nom de keyboard for our CMPlayer. I thought we should call him My Buddy because he is just like that cuddly doll that used to be marketed for BOYS! Of course, My Buddy didn't go over too well, but neither is THIS Buddy then, is he?

Okay then, that's enough 56k for me. Toodle-oo.

Oh, and in My BUddy's defense, he is dying a lot and quite nicely in our game, and I think he'd be a right-fine pissing boy or serf, or plebian, or whatever.

[ 08-17-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader (misaligned tags kept for prosperity):

I thought we should call him My Buddy because he is just like that cuddly doll that used to be marketed for BOYS!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Funny how you show some interest in cuddly dolls marketed for boys!


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you hate clowns?! One of the oldest and most revered professions in all the earth? and you hate them?!? I'll have you know that before there were even kinnigits there were court jesters! I agree that those the typical circus clowns can be most despised, but there are true artists around. Why, I remember this one clown that...oh, never mind. The most famous breeding grounds for clowns is a circus of course, and the holy grail of all circuses is...[hushed tones]Monty Pythons Flying Circus{/hushed tones]. Yes, the most hallowed of all breeding grounds which produces that which you so despise is none other than that which is most revered here in this very cesspool. So you may indeed wish to boil, debone, deflate, and denigrate clowns, but please do so in a reverent manner so as to make Monty proud.

And that's all I have to say about that.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

you hate clowns?! One of the oldest and most revered professions in all the earth? and you hate them?!? I'll have you know that before there were even kinnigits there were court jesters! I agree that those the typical circus clowns can be most despised, but there are true artists around. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Clowns are evil.

Suppose you're in the hospital, and you're lying there in bed, and a clown comes in. What does it mean? It means you have a terminal disease and will be dead in a week. Same with jesters-- you only need them to distract you from the fact that your empire/kingdom/duchy/estate whatever is on the verge of collapse and there will be peasants with torches and pitchforks clamoring for your head. And they'll have it before the weekend is out.

And circuses-- that was part of a roman policy to distract the masses from the fact that the empire was collapsing and they were all going to rot their brains with lead poisoning.

So, in reply to your comment about clowns, yes they are hated.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

Yes, the most hallowed of all breeding grounds which produces that which you so despise is none other than that which is most revered here in this very cesspool. So you may indeed wish to boil, debone, deflate, and denigrate clowns, but please do so in a reverent manner so as to make Monty proud.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh, juardis, juardis, juardis... you still don't get it, do you? The Cesspool is all about hate. Of course I hate clowns, and so of course I hate the reeking, filth-spewing mongrel trash that are the denizens of said Pool. They are worse than clowns, in fact; they are more deserving of less flattering emotions than hate, because they are...

Clown Wannabes.

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*GASP* *Horror* {grasp chest and squeeze heart to get it going again}

You hate clowns? I cannot believe this! You think them harbingers of death and destruction? Nay, that is only true if you were to meet me on the CM battlefield wherein, whereupon, and uponwhich I would bring you much death and destruction and mock you unmercifully until, in a fit of rage, you would rip out your small intestine, wrap it around your throat, and put you out of my misery. That is only true if you were Roman, or...a serf (are you a serf?) on the eve of the moorish invasion (I'd say French, but everybody knows the French couldn't fight their way out of a wet toilet paper sheet let alone conquer a court jester). But we're not talking about that. We're (OK, maybe boohouse isn't), but I'm talking about comedians, the very cream of clowns, the nobelest of niggits, the epitome of..of..well, whatever starts with e that fits here. To hate clowns disses (all pause and bow heads) John Cleese, Michael Palin, Graham Chapman, Terry Gilliam, et al, and all that they stand for (which I really don't know about, but they stand for something, of that I am sure).

So sir, may you never lay (or is it lie?) in a hospital bed and find yourself in need of a clown. And if you do find yourself in such a situation, I hope you get one of those piss ant circus dweebs who squeezes piss out of his flower and shoves his size 44 shoe up your....

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I would like to jump on the bandwagon of Clown Rage here. In the library near where I went to school, they had sad clown statues, my favorite of which featured a two-foot tall bronze clown, with two brass arrows in his breast. I used to wonder, "what was the range to this clown? What kind of broadheads were used? Did they have to track him very far?" and so forth, as I was very young. Now I am just glad he is dead. chrisl was probably repeatedly denied entrance to this same library for wearing nothing under his coat.

I have only three Cesspool games going at the moment, and one is with Seanachai, so obviously there are only two updates, one of which is that Wildman sucks Stuart mufflers. For a medium scenario we have killed a great many tanks already. This is mitigated by the fact that I own everything worth owning, except a minor VL which is currently targeted by every gun in the western hemisphere. Sadly, the gamey slut has been issued a company of Panthers as reinforcements (replacements would be more apt), and they'll probably start blowing things up. So much for sportsmanship.

Geier is a Goanna-class foreign scenario-stacking bastard and that is about the worst thing I can say about anyone. He is starting to die more, but not a-lot-enough yet. We are working on this.

At least one local pestilence, r. leeticus infectus, is beating his sodden head against the firewall I graciously offer the 'Pool from time to time. If he wasn't dying there he'd be posting here, so you can thank me later.

There is another foreigner, and some unwanted pet that Moriarty let go in my neighborhood, too witless to find its way back. I'm killing them and I only mention it in order to bore you. Thanks for missing my birthday, you thoughtless bastards; it made it very special for me.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

Thanks for missing my birthday, you thoughtless bastards; it made it very special for me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You're welcome!

I'm not saying you're old, but did the heat generated from all the candles result in the forest fires now troubling North America?


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Now hold on a minute there hair oberst. You cannot judge a clown by his makeup. Suuuure, they look mean and nasty, but look at those smiles. And those chubbby wittle cheeks. Maybe they flunked makeup school, or got a hold of some bad base, or never heard of the cesspool of peng. YOu just never know. I'm sure these guys would be great to party with, especially that top one. He looks misunderstood, like all his life all he ever wanted to do was bring joy and happiness to the world, but because of his looks he has brought fear and hatred (misguided I might add) with him. Try as he might, he just can't get people to stop cringing and that makes him sad, and angry, and sure, he may have killed a couple people when they failed to laugh, but you can't hold that against him.

Don't let one bad clown ruin it for the rest of 'em.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

I'm not saying you're old, but did the heat generated from all the candles result in the forest fires now troubling North America?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You know it's a slow newsweek when we all hear about the fires again. Wildfires (like hurricanes and winters) happen every year, about the same time, in roughly the same places. This is because the west is made of very dry grass and wood. It wasn't a big deal until we built suburbs in the same places. Now, the ex-flower children who pollute our media consider this particular aspect of nature undesirable, and want the government to Do Something. I wonder who put all those fires out in the 60,000 years prior to our brave New Age?

So yes, I am proud to have helped cause this annual spectacle, in much the same way that Joe Shaw's posts contribute to the annual hurricane season. The good news is that I am still alive. The bad news is... well, some swords cut both ways, eh?

Anyway, age is beyond the scope of CM and is only abstracted.

[ 08-17-2001: Message edited by: Mark IV ]

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Oh what fun!

There I was, preparing for an onslaught when, in fact, I'm rubbing my hands with glee to such an extent I have removed completely the whole of my palm print!

Well, I am back, but catching up (as I like to call it) with life-on-line (sure beats that overrated and thoroughly stressful real-life business) after the Hiroshima-like catastrophe inside my computer not so long ago.

The phlegma-based life forms that I am opposing are, in fact, giving me the most restful sleep in years. I have been prone to sleepless nights during the past couple of years and nothing, not chemical or herbal drugs, not even a violent blow to the head with a 14lb sledgehammer, will set me off on sheep counting duties.

The fact is, when I have finished chuckling away to myself (and at them) I feel so completely rested that yawning sets in and if I don't run to the bedroom immediately I'm out for the count heaped over the keyboard.

I would like to send a heartfelt 'thank you' to those creatures of the deep. And it would not be a proper roll call without mentioning names:

Aqua Perido





(I may have missed one. Please remind me if it is you)

However, there are some fellows that have, and still are, causing quite a bit of head scratching. Even worse, these particular blokes are within reach, so to speak. Chupacabra and PeterNZer are both having the type of reaction on my troops as a quart of anthrax would have on a gerbil. Not pleasant, no, not at all. Next time we meet up I will stealthily conceal a large club about my person.

Anyway, that's enough work time used up. Back to the drudgery. Have fun folks!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mouse:

Hey, I would like to mention that last thread I came up with a nom de keyboard for our CMPlayer. I thought we should call him My Buddy because he is just like that cuddly doll that used to be marketed for BOYS! Of course, My Buddy didn't go over too well, but neither is THIS Buddy then, is he?


Ah, Sancho, you’re so close. My Buddy is almost it. Who was the most famous My Little Buddy?

That’s right, Gilligan!

Now look at the benefits here:

Gilligan is a complete idjit, so it fits.

The Skipper (i.e. any Knigget who feels like it, and they all do) can repeatedly whack him over the head with his hat.

Coconuts!, fresh pina coladas for the Kniggets, fresh coconut halves for the Squires (these old ones are getting a little worn).

Ginger and MaryAnn might start posting here.

And most importantly of all,

Gilligan is stuck on a deserted island.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars:

Gilligan is a complete idjit, so it fits.


I'll bet you're just like Joe Shaw: talk

the tough talk, but when it comes to

proving it in a game you squawk the

chicken squawk, BWAWK bwakbwakbwak BWAAAAWK!


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