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Peng just challenged my newborn son andwill still lose

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Good morning!

You're all a load of ******* *****, I trully loathe and detest everyone of you ******* *******! I hope a gigantic elephant hovers above you and dumps a load of steaming **** on your heads!!!!

Now that's the start of the working week pleasantries out of the way, I just like to boast about my new PC. This new PC is a porsch compared to the one it replaced, which is more like a knackered old HQ Holden!

The one thing about this PC is that, although it doesn't improve my CMBO gameplay one bit (bugger!!!), it does however make the dismembered bodies and burning AFVs far more pleasing to the eyes.

Of course, I am now modding CMBO like crazy, but i have a quandry!

What grass mod to use?

Any suggestions? I am prepared to listen to the views of my collegues. Hell, I may even listen to you guys.

btw did I say good morning?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

What grass mod to use?


Old Dog's update of Tremblett's velvet grass is nice, but a bit harder to play as it doesn't show the elevations like some of the others. I do like his transparent tree bases. It's a lightened version of the subdued terrain mods.

DD's work is excellent, too.

You might check in with jd ... mod slut.

[ 06-11-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

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Lorak, welcome back.

Lessee, loss to Geier as if that was in question. Another loss ... hehe no way you can catch me now.

That gamey bastich Seniletea managed to eke out a draw in what should have been a most magnificent victory. Must remember to use short-turn games when on defense.

I believe you already racked up the losses to those equally game bastiches Blousemouse and


[ 06-11-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Adam Lloyd:

Don't you guys EVER get bored of this? ;)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What, pointless posts by grog-wannabes from the outer board? Yes, long ago. Any other questions?


Good. Sod off.

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Is it my imagination or is PanzerPanties so hyped up starting threads on the Outerboards that he should be considered an Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder posterchild. Start stocking up on the ritalin mama cause that boy will soon exceed the US gov't standards for wordiness.

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ok... Long tomb update. I'm sure this is just the begining.



























I am sure I'll be back in a bit. So keep my seat warm.

Lorak the loathed

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Lorak ye haggis linin' - welcome back. Yer a daft wee bugger an' noo mistake.

Ye got tha Speedy win recorded, aye good. Noo, the other wuns fer mae since thain...

Stuka Win OGSF Loss

Speedy Loss (tha's tha wun ain four moves) OGSF Win

Seanachai Win OGSF Loss

MarkIV Loss OGSF Win

Tha's tha' fer noo.....


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty:

4.3-8. OldGummyStinkyFingers you gaseous pseudoScot. You, sir, are the remains of 4-month-old haggis left in a dank, dark 87.2-degree place of ill repute. You stomp about in the cess creating waves as you trumpet your vile and debased victories over the Scum-Sucking Newbies. Where is the challenge in that? Where is the courage? The Chivalry? Where is the tilting at windmills? Where is my hat? (oops, off track). Where is your tactical prowess? In the sewer? Nay, that is where you live and from whence you came. I borrow liberally from Peng when I say to you, Bah! Gah! Feh! You, have been hiding in fear since the battle eons ago over the length of your freaking nick. Well, the time has come, boy-o, to meet on the battlefield. The time has come to grind the pixelated, addlepated, lupin-eating swine you call soldiers into such a wallowing pool of goo that you won't know their dangly bits from their eyeballs. The time has come to decimate, desecrate and discombobulate your armored retreating vehicles so that there is nothing left but crunchy little bits as my valiant forces walk over them. Your time has come, sir. Now, stand and deliver!

[ 06-11-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah'll see yoo, Jimmy! Sae, MarkIV, Mace, Speedy, Seanachai et al are SSNs' are they? NSS more leek at.

As fer ye, ye weeping gravel rash, Ah'm gwintae dismember ye ssshhhtupid wee soldiers pixel bah hi-res pixel an' back fill tha resultin' void wi' tha gizzards o' their hapless an' bewildered commander (tha's yoo mon, ye Goon Show reject).

Random weather an' time o'day ME as comin' ye wah Jimmy. Gird ye loins! Aye, a band-aid wid do...

Dalem ye earless sniffer o' pee-soaked fetlocks - where's mah set-oop??


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Lorak ye gormless twat. Ye missed mah awesome victorrry o'er Speedy, forcin' mae tae mention at yet again. At were tha wun wha Ah smacked tha hoddock oot o' haim ain FOUR MOVES.

Speedy Loss (tha's tha wun ain four moves) OGSF Win


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aye OGSF,

You really need to lay off the crack for an evening or two.

I had already listed your win against Speedy. In fact you even started off your post saying the you saw that I had recorded it.

Now, go and be a good boy and bang your head against a rock until forgiven.

Lorak the loathed

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While I officially have 4 pool games going currently, I find myself not-dying-a-lot. It seems that armornut is allowed to use the computer one day a week. The rest of his time his dominating life-mate controls it. Mace, on the other hand, offers no excuses. But I suspect it has something to do with his animal husbandry {yes Bauhaus, this is exactly what I mean} or the fact that he lives in the outback {not a bad restauraunt, but I am not sure I would want to live there} and only has electricity for a short period of time each day.

As a result, I find the need to bring down another member of the herd. Moriarty, you chase cars and bark at them, you silly-walking, maggot scarfing, hamster jumping, unhinged accident of an ophthalmologist wannabe. I call you out! I am not sure why, as you must have the IQ of a protazoan {No pansie, this is not a South American tribe} if your writings offer any clue. Send me terms or a setup. Something with style, wit or failing that brevity!


[ 06-11-2001: Message edited by: Speedbump because I can't spell to save my life ]

[ 06-11-2001: Message edited by: Speedbump ]

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God is in his heaven, and all is right with the world now that Lorak is back. There was a horrible feeling of...emptiness there, for a while. As though sparrows were falling right and left, and no one was noting their fall at all, at all.

To further the updating, Lorak, please note:

Pawbroon (Mad The French): German Ubertank Win

Seanachai: A Gentlemanly Loss

Good to see you back. I'm sure I owe you a CD, or some whiskey, or something. Pick something out and let me know.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

I had already listed your win against Speedy. In fact you even started off your post saying the you saw that I had recorded it.

Lorak the loathed<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah saw tha' ye'd reccorded Speedy's win, but no mah win which followed rrreet after 'at. At were nae clear tha ye'd recorded tha second game.....tha's all. But thank yee fer recorrdin' anythun at all....


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Ahh more tomb updates.




You had indeed mentioned a nice Celtic CD. But I must pass. Your area is in such dire need of culture, I could not, in good conscience rob it of so valuable a gift.

Nay, the sound of a gentle breeze, or the pitter of soft summer rain is all the music my good soul needs. The earth and nature truly provide the most wonderful music, if we but take the time to stop and listen.




I stand corrected, I did not realize that you had in deed played two games against his speedyness. Your win has been recorded.

Now you may stop banging your head on that rock. For I fear you may grow to like it and another scottish game be born.

Lorak the loathed

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Adam Lloyd:

Don't you guys EVER get bored of this? ;)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh, everything begins to pale after a few centuries, but Combat Mission holds up better than most things.

As far as the Peng Challenge Thread goes, laddie, it’s the CM equivalent of the Dreamtime. We teach those who will be what was, and take them on a CM walkabout to what is. Here in the Peng Challenge Thread we dab ochre on the cave walls and the rocks, and remember the beginning times. We have the sing-songs, and the taunting, the allusions and the illusions. Do you ever get tired of history, lad, or the world? We are all about history here in the Peng Challenge Thread, and we re-create the World every day.

The Grogs have their own versions of this, of course, but they involve a lot of numbers, and formulaes, and weighty arguments, and unearthing facts using little wispy brushes to flick away the dust of history. They're like Scientists, ya' see, and here, we're more like Shamans and Fools, and you can't tell who's who, even with a scorecard. You won't get a good sing-song out of the Grogs, by all the gods. They just don't seem to have it in 'em. Go all stuffy and start using 'We' when they post, and huffing in a way peculiar to folk who think themselves to be members of some sort of aristocracy. No time for the entertainments of the 'little people', don't you know.

Even here in the Eternal Peng Challenge Thread, lad, the way gets dark sometimes. But you just read this Thread with your eyes closed, and you’ll be able to follow the sound of the digeridoo, and the bullroarer, and a faint, mad chanting.

If you listen real hard to the chanting, you usually find it’s someone saying ‘sod off’, and someone else replying ‘wankers’. But the digeridoo and the bullroarer, lad, they’re top-notch!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump:

While I officially have 4 pool games going currently, I find myself not-dying-a-lot. It seems that armornut is allowed to use the computer one day a week.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You might think that, but in truth it is so she can get her PhD done and support my CM playing! You wish you were so lucky!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump:


Enter into the tome:

Win: Albeit minor, our valiant hero, Speedbump, prevails!

Loss: {Cue the music for the silent-film villian}, dalem!

Thank you, and good night!


So noted.

Tomb has been updated.

Lorak the loathed

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