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Do you think venison tastes gamey?

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Well actually if the Deer have eaten the first 20 acres of corn of a 150 acre field then no it is not gamey (the dam brown bastards!) and if your wife constantly hits deer year after year with the good car then venison really is gamey!!!!

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Classification of vehicular deer slaying must clearly be done on the basis of intent. If you are out driving the backroads, lights off, cargo box filled with buddies on a couch and a cooler of beer bolted to the bed, this is manueverist, as you are clearly attempting to position yourself to do the killing.

Now, if the killing itself is incidental and not based on selection of the animal who unwittingly particiaptes, we have attritionist behaviour.

Only people who breed in large numbers, have small brain stems and themselves are the subject of much attrition at the hands of perverted party goers (and I think there can be little doubt about whom I am speaking here) would focus solely on the act of killing itself in their definition.

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Originally posted by PeterNZer:

That's bloody perverted. I'm reporting you.

Report me will ya? Well I never......

I slap you across the chops with my gauntlet. Not once, not twice, but thrice!

E-mail me forthwith oh gamey one, that we may discuss terms of your topplement.

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Originally posted by Hamsters:

Obviously you would be attritting the dead beast with your thingie, as this mathematical model shows:

Stuka(Thingie)^.6* x Dead(Hamsters{Noshing}Deer) / You Sick Bastard2

You can just mind your manners too, young man. Or else I may take it upon myself to give you a right royal spanking on the field of battle and then throw your tender tushy to Bauhaus...and nobody wants that.

Except maybe Mace.

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Originally posted by Pvt.Tom:

I hit a deer with my car once, what does that make me?

knowing your car is heavy and more survivable than a deer, you allowed the mass of your force(the car) hit the main mass of the enemy force(the deer), despite the damage inflicted upon your main force(the car). In exchange for a few tasty(gamey?) meals(deer), you traded a few thousand dollars worth of damamge to your primary force(car). Since venison is worth much much less than that, but you walked away with your force able to move another day, you are attritionist.



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"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

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Hear me out...

If a vehicle driving down the freeway is moooving (manoooooverist) and a deer is sitting in the middle of the road eating its cud (atritetion) and said car collides with said deer do they not reverse their polarity.

the manooooverist stops (attrition) and the deer mooooooves (manoooooverist).

now the winner is the one who buckled their seatbelt, right?

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Originally posted by Stuka:

You can just mind your manners too, young man. Or else I may take it upon myself to give you a right royal spanking on the field of battle and then throw your tender tushy to Bauhaus...and nobody wants that.

Except maybe Mace.

Bring it on, happy fun boy.

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What do you do with the deer? It's really good canned with tomato sauce. Open up a jar for instant stew/chili/Four Ways.

What kind of deer are we talking about? For me it's sitka blacktails, which are small, but make up for it by hanging on the beaches in winter, which makes them really easy to harvest.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

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Ahem, can we get past the gormand stuff and keep on thread? I maean this is serious. Of course we haven't even really discussed the L/70 Pronghorn Ausf. A and it's utilization on the Ost front.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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Jd, you boobless teeny-bopper, always with the mention of the Ostfront. You know, there were drastically different deer deployments on the Ostfront. Next thing you know, you'll be talking about the rheindeer and Stalin's three-assed uberdeer, both of which were never produced beyond a cheez-whiz mockup.

On another note, I'm happy to see everyone but that imbecile's mother Berli has managed to come to the same conclusion I reached well over thirty years ago, that hunters did practice attrition warfare on the mooauaoanaooouauioeoaeaouvre oriented deer.

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I second the call for a hunt command. Tiger did up an excellent "orange vest" mod (in panzer grey of course), but other textures and tweaks are required for full immersive effect. Use of soft-skin vehicles is strictly gamey since everyone knows one cannot attrite a deer within 100m of a road. The one time in ten thousand that one tries such a tactic is the one time in ten thousand that Der Wardenhamster will be watching, thus prematurely ending the game in an auto-surrender.


"Za Rodentia!"

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Hamsters...I find it hard to refrain myself when all you can manage is an ad hominen attack. I'd rather not respond in the same vein you worthless pile of moose dung. But I digress. If we are going to keep it on the western front (for the Axis) or was that the west from Poland, but East for the Allies, unless it was Russia, no the Soviet Union, of which we speak, then let us consider the under utilization of that Recon element par excellance, of course I am speaking of the US Calvary's M2A4 fast recon vehicle, the "Jackalope" Known for it's quickness and ability to shoot and scoot, the Jackalope carried a potent weapon for such a lightly armored unit. Mounting twin bofors horns, the allied jackalopes were the stuff of legends (or was that stuffed legends?) when they were used.

There does that satisfy your uber german bent? (idiot)


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-14-2001).]

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Originally posted by Hamsters:

According to these infallible equations and books written by others using similar infallible equations, we can see that hunters utilize attrition warfare and that deer are realistic, not gamey, you cheap whore.

You are such a moron. Moron's like you try to reduce the fine art of hunting (and by extension drinking) to numbers. So, attrit yourself while the rest of us MANEUVER to the fridge for some beer so we are ready to MANEUVER into the woods for some deer.

Oh, another point, you simple minded rodent, most hunters are to drunk to attrit anything, which invalidates your idiotic attrition theory

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Originally posted by jd:

I'm a little tea prat, short and fat! Here is my pratness, here is my suck.

I will not follow you into the muddy realms of mudslinging, you hotly contested holy site. Rather, I will only point out that the Jackelope was designed as an AA platform and, therefor, the fact that BTS chose to model the Pregnant Yak instead, even though only 3 Pregnant Yaks were produced and over 1700 Jackelopes were produced, makes perfect sense as the Luftewaffe was in such shambles. The combat efficiency and legitimate hunting use of the Jackelope is questionable as only hunters know of it and, as I have conclusively and unquestionably proven you useless git, hunters know absolutely nothing about hunting. I will now make some theoretical models and when the pamphlet relating to such things is together I'm sure you'll see your favorite little hoofed rodent sucking wind as much as you do, my esteemed, yet bloated, fellow.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Please do not force me to warn you again about your use of slanderous libel and libelous slander when refering to me, you guppied chumchuck. I see no need to bandy insults with such a naive person. I will stick to arguing the facts of the argument, rather than pointing out how incredibly dumb you are, and say just that drinking, like hunting, can only be properly appreciated by those who have never done it. By drinking, you drunken drunk, you ruin any chance of every truly appreciating how much fun it is to be drunk, much less drunk and hunting. Why I just finished three books on how enjoyable drunken hunting is and I KNOW that I would never have had the time to read them if I had been out drinking or hunting. It's obvious to everyone but you, you peabrained jarhead, that you've ruined what little credibility you once had here. It's well known, according to Shzeinhuttzle in 'Attriting the High Country Lager', that a good beer requires you to attrit it with knife and fork and that you were obviously manooauauoeeovroeoeaing your fat lips around a can of Bud Light or some nonalcoholic beverage, just as you were more than likely maonouveeovuvoooeoevoveovoering your drunken ass about a forrest with no real hunting involved. An attritionist would have killed every deer in Montana by the time you'd woken from your drunken mooaoaouaoauaoanouvering.

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What about spotlighting?

Is it maneuver (ie moving ute full of armed drunken yobs from point A to point B at night), or attrition (shooting at anything while moving from A to B, that is trapped within the spotlight beam; kangaroos, koalas, wombats, pigs, people, birds, rabbits, insects, farmers, sheep, cattle, horses, trees, discarded tinnies etc etc etc)?

From my personal experience (passed out in back of said ute) it is maneuver!


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Some minor points of clarification in what is an otherwise very studious and enlightened debate. . .

Of course we haven't even really discussed the L/70 Pronghorn Ausf. A. . .

Unfortunately, you have obfuscated the issue (as is your wont, counsellor) by grouping and entirely different vehicle into the “deer” category, when Pronghorns are, in fact, a goat. This is a typical error since they were also referred to for years merely as “speed sheep”. Your technical error notwithstanding, given that this discussion is on the gamey flavour of indigenous feral undulates, it might be worth mentioning that the Pronghorn Ausf. A can be quite tasty and not gamey at all provided that they are fuelled with wheat, barley or other assorted grain crops for a week to two prior to their attrition.

. . . , you peabrained jarhead

Our esteemed rodentia has here during what was a becoming a quite obtuse and convoluted snivel made a rather obvious error which might have otherwise gone unnoticed had he couched it in his standard ostentatious vernacular. Referring to former marines (or royal marines) as jarheads is quite out of favour these days. They are more correctly identified as pinheads, as it is a well documented and much lamented fact that you can put something in a jar.

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Once again Mace, it all comes down to intent. Was the journey (or maneuvering) the goal in and of itself, or was the culling the goal. If it was the latter then we are clearly looking at a case of atrrition since culling by its very nature is unambiguous attrition (not to mention the attendent attrition in lager).

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Meaning no offense, but I find this mindless prattle by a bunch of armchair deer hunters stupid, ignorant, and offensive.

As a veteran of the Deer Wars, I have worn our nation's orange in the hell of the northern woods, and may I say as politely as possible that your bizarre fantasies are based on a game, and not reality. It is one thing to move pixellated ruminants around a monitor and quite another to hold your position in a frozen blind when the acorns start dropping.

I'm not saying you can't get the flavor of it from books, although that would entail owning some, with actual text and hard covers. But the very idea of actually telling a hunting buddy, "Jones, take that bottle of scotch and stumble into those hemlocks over there" is utterly laughable to those of us who've been there and Seen the Elephant (hey, it was very good scotch).

I guess there are 2 different kinds of gamers- those who treat this as a model for hunting reality and those who are stupid as hell. I make no judgments. I just wanted the voice of the only person who knows what he's talking about to be heard.

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Guest wwb_99

Venison tastes gamey only when it zig-zags across the field trying to make orange clad hunters reveal their positions for the other deer.



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