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Peng, I take your Challenge to HOLLAND!

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Who or what are you? And if you are challenging me then you had better back it up with a QB, because the last person who dropped an empty challenge on me had his dog's ears removed and has since been lost off the face of the earth.

Very well. We will meet in Arnhem this weekend. I will email you.

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Mace my boy...I had a couple thoughts about our game after my post and I think I might know of a way to pull this one out. So unless you are bored too I think I'll play on a bit.

Once I have received Mark69s surrender I will give him a rematch..it is the sporting thing to do. chrisl I will also open my arms to you (sit down bauhaus) in a rematch. Seanachi...I expect you'll be looking for one too after you send me the final turn in your close loss to me.

David and LLEEEOONN in an effort to be all things to all people feel free to send me a set up file whenever you want. My DSL will be turned on at 6pm EST tomorrow and what time I pickup in download time I cam spend playing you waterheads.

Kitty, Kitty, Kitty..I think someone must remind you of what Matt has asked of us. If someone were to start spouting off about doing things to your gender specific parts it would be seen as very wrong and out of line and I think it is only right if someone points out that your comments about unspeakable things to someone elses gender specific bits is out of line. You might want to keep you taunts focused on people intelligence (or lack of) and other things along those lines. Don't mean to be heavy but I have seen similar posts of yours escalate to bad levels and Matt has asked us to police ourselves to a certain extent.

Oh course all will be simply overlooked if it is just "that time of the month" :) (smilie inserted to make sure the previous comment is understood to be a playful joke and in no way meant to insult...I do not use smilies lightly).


"When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello

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Very well. We will meet in Arnhem this weekend. I will email you.
Croda how nice of you to bring your little friends into the CessPool ... DEAL WITH THIS PROPERLY OR WE'LL HAVE TO!







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Originally posted by JunoReactor:

-NOW- I understand!!!! Croda, you dumbwit! Of course I can challenge you.

[This message has been edited by JunoReactor (edited 03-20-2001).]

Alright, who is this Piss-boy Pretender? Being recently elevated (Oh Happy Day) to the glorious (at least that's what we write to the folks at home) status of piss-boy (does that equate with serf?), I hereby take the opportunity to evacuate my bladder on this person. Yeah, Yeah, a little power corrupts a little bit. Anyway, I pee at thee, I pee at thee, I pee at thee!(mystical thrice repeating for Seanachai's benefit). You are not noble enough for me to hold a bucket to ya'!

All the rest of ya can BUGGER OFF!


It is better to spend money like there's no tomorrow

than to spend tonight like there's no money!

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btw Joe, where's your surrender?
zzzznnnooorrreeeee Huh! What? Hmmmm? Oh sorry, I was watching your last turn and must have {yawn} dropped off ... now what?







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Yo, Lorak, WWwhaazzzuupp? (The preceding was just a lame attempt to garner attention by uttering proletarian phrases inculcated in the populace by the bourgeosie). Wait, let me slap myself. There, much better. So, I noticed that upon the kinnigit's page reside several people with a record worse than I, a lowly piss boy. For example, GI Jim (0/0/1), Madmatt (0/0/0; but okay, I'll give you that one; he's a god), Rune (0/1/1), and Dalem (0/4/1) all have records worse than mine (well, Madmatt's is the same, but he's exempt). If you notice, I have not lost a single match.

Fix or do somefink!

Oh, and a desultory SOD OFF! to the rest of you.


It is better to spend money like there's no tomorrow

than to spend tonight like there's no money!

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Ahh Leeo..

So you have noticed the first rule of the Pool. Records mean nothing. Your status is solely based on your time and effort of post.

Granted Matt was made a knight before he became the man. But that is neither here nor there. Rune...well, he makes scenarios and has a thing for porcupines. GiJim... haven't seen him in ages, have no idea on that one. Dalem.. a earless dog?! who doesn't need one of those.

Even Hiram and Croda, while horrible at actualy playing the game, made for two good knights. They bring the one thing that is a must. A distinct personality and small amount of wit to the pool.

Anyone can be a member of the Forum proper. But to develop and grow a personality that shines in the pool is something rare indeed. Many have came in here and tried, many of those have failed and dissapeared. Thus the truly insane and "diffrent" have carved out these halls. It is a great honor indeed to be mentioned in the same breath with the "poolers".

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Stupid puds.

Serfs were useful.

The unholy land between "newbie" (fated to be stoned and poked with pointy sticks, driven away with large dogs clinging to their dangly parts, etc., you know the drill) and "squire" (same gig but smaller dogs, congrats lads) is inhabited by- what?

Untermensch (i.e., lower than mensch)? Too connotative, perhaps. Fellaheen might work, but only Goanna could find out what it means, and only because he's just received his membership card.

They are looking for sponsors in the Peng Thread. They willingly suffer debasement, with the slim hope that if they stick it out (Bauhaus!), they may enjoy universal contempt and derision.

They are bimbos. Trollops. Their innermost feelings, not to mention organs, are used to temper fine steel, or at least rusty shards of jagged pipe. The excruciating process of Cessdom must run its Darwinian course, and the weak will be eaten... by those unconcerned with hygiene.

A warning from On High about the 8th deadly sin: Tolerance.

PS: Elvarse, you suck flak barrels and swallow the cordite like a greedy muzzle brake. I'm not bitter. And I'm not dead yet....

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Originally posted by Lorak:

Ahh Leeo..

It is a great honor indeed to be mentioned in the same breath with the "poolers".

(Eyes wet with tears..) One can only hope....

Sure, my hut is drafty and my stomach grumbles, but I know through the beneficence of someone greater than I, it will be possible for me to rise above my allotted station of (flourish of horns) Serf Piss-Boy Extraordinaire!

...mumbling under breath as we muck out the stables;I wish all of them kinnigits would just Piss-Off!.

Umm, did I just say that out loud?


It is better to spend money like there's no tomorrow

than to spend tonight like there's no money!

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Originally posted by Elvis:

First, I am playing a game against Mace right now and we are about 15 turns into a 40 turn game. It is the silliest rune game I have played and it has become tedious and devoid of fun.

jd is trying to bore me into surrendering by continuing to play in what for him appears to be a hopeless battle. We're in the third battle of 7, and so far I've eliminated almost his entire force twice. The third annihilaiton is well under way, but it looks as though this time more of his troops will run off the map edge than be shot. He managed an amazing feat of crowding an entire company of broken troops into what looked like a single terrain tile-- it's some sort of "clown rough terrain" bug, or else Eddie is in the space-time continuum again and jd has troops popping out of a wormhole near the map edge.



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Originally posted by Elvis:

I am playing a game against Mace right now and we are about 15 turns into a 40 turn game. It is the silliest rune game I have played and it has become tedious and devoid of fun. Should I grant the rematchs or deliver on my commitment to David and LLEEEOONN?

I say dump 'im (Mace) like a sack full of garbage. He has any problems with that, you just tell him to take it up with Serf Piss-Boy Extraordinaire!


It is better to spend money like there's no tomorrow

than to spend tonight like there's no money!

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Originally posted by Elvis:

Kitty, Kitty, Kitty..I think someone must remind you of what Matt has asked of us. If someone were to start spouting off about doing things to your gender specific parts it would be seen as very wrong and out of line and I think it is only right if someone points out that your comments about unspeakable things to someone elses gender specific bits is out of line.

Hi, E. True, but he also said that no "gender related taunts" were allowed either and what's-his-name started in with those so I feel I should be allowed to follow up with the mauling of gender specific naughty bits.

Oh course all will be simply overlooked if it is just "that time of the month" :) (smilie inserted to make sure the previous comment is understood to be a playful joke and in no way meant to insult...I do not use smilies lightly).

hehe It's not but if it came down to it it's always nice to have that as a last resort excuse. ;)



Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

The McNoldy Group

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Originally posted by chrisl:

jd is trying to bore me into surrendering by continuing to play...

Nope I am bored also. Surrender has been sent. I figure rune or chrisl/1 used superglue or had a Bn of NKVD commissars behind their lines to shoot panicked troops. His squads (British paras) refused to budge, no wonder they held Arnheim so long...so last of rune for me, the evil bastard, the last two of his I have played have been , well lets just say unsightly....so bury this as the dead dog it is..

jd - loss

chrisl/1 (rune familiar, right Berli?)- win


•Non illegitimi carborundum est

•If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-21-2001).]

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Originally posted by jd:

His squads (British paras) refused to budge, no wonder they held Arnheim so long...

3 cheers for British Paras!..Hip Ray! Hip Ray! Hip Ray!

Top blokes each and every one of them.

Curiously handsome too I might add.

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Originally posted by jd:

jd - abject humiliation

chrisl - utter and complete victory

Rune was quite harsh on little morse (380-something casualties to my 140-something, plus he lost a battalion or so of armor, compared to 5 fixed guns and a few 2" mortars)-- he was supplied with overpriced hamsters, and not really in immense quantities at any given time, while I had some sort of übertommies that vaporized his troops as they approached. Given how lopsided this one was, one might really do justice by noting the victory for Rune. But then, who cares about justice-- just mark it down for me.

In all fairness, and to further tarnish the reputation of morse, I would be willing to play this one as the Germans against him, even though the thrill of blind play is gone.



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It is our duty as Knights to train those less fortunate (genetically) then ourselves *kick*. In the spirit of that, I have begun by teaching Leeo that flanks are not our friends when we don't cover them. I have also taught him that armor surrounded by Schecks do not survive. Another lesson taught is that although the term is 'FORWARD Observer', that does not mean forward of your own lines (a side lession was that an FO team cannot win a firefight with Fallschirmjäger squads).

Oh Hiram! Hiram, we've found an opponent for you.

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blatherd by a old wind bag:

You goat-kissing toad! THERE WAS/IS NO GAME!


*yawn* you insults are failing, hard to imagine you breathe oxygen. file is in your email, challanges states *yawn* I tire or your insults.. it appears to me you can't insult someone without involving testicles and your typical female "ugh i am woman hear me roar!" routine.



www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

"...one who once was and still is but does not as often but does it better although somewhat sloppily."

-Hiram Sedai/Phillies Phan

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-21-2001).]

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It is my duty, though I reel from the task, to relate to you the occurances of my brusque with Agua Perido, and the consequential outcome.

My yellow Fallensquirters were obviously recruited from the most underfunded YMCA hostilleries in every dark corner of the Germanic empire. At every decsive moment they broke like the hymen of a 30 year old virgin and ran like Warden Joe was calling them in for dinner from a long day on the chain gang.

Every single ambush was skirted around and evaded. My FOs were set upon by legions of machine gunners. My SPGs swarmed by the shells of Shermans.

In truth, APs attack was an exhibition in style, execution and humiliation. I can't fault a single phase of his reign of terror. I feel fuller by the experience and shall examine the files again for my education.

So, what are we to expect? I can see threads of jubilation from Aguas leige SlackJaw Shaw and, hopefully, an examination from APs side. But, from me, nothing but respect in a (aspiring) gentlemanly manner.

Lorak, please enscribe the following:

OpenPore Shaw's bastard love child, Albino Peroxide: Win by the fowlest of means

stevetherat: The bittersweet symphony of surrender

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

zzzznnnooorrreeeee Huh! What? Hmmmm? Oh sorry, I was watching your last turn and must have {yawn}dropped off ... now what?


Old age (and I mean really, really, really old age) will do that! biggrin.gif


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Originally posted by Leeo:

I say dump 'im (Mace) like a sack full of garbage. He has any problems with that, you just tell him to take it up with Serf Piss-Boy Extraordinaire!

Oh,I'm sorry!

Shouldn't you be out tilling the fields, chasing the rats, or popping your bubonic postules or something?


[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 03-21-2001).]

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On this 21st of March, 2001 ("a date which will live in infamy …") The evil Axis forces (hereinafter "Hun Bastards") of Herr Oberst Speedy (hereinafter "Gamey Freak Boy") did dishonorably defeat the valiant forces of Marlow (hereinafter "CM God") on the field of battle. No excuses for this topplement will be made except that Gamey Freak Boy did lie, cheat, steal, alter the game code, and commit other assorted acts of vile treachery such as the Cesspool has never seen before.

Sir Lorak, please record in the sacred tome:

Gamey Freak Boy Speedy: Win

CM God Marlow: Lose

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Originally posted by stevetherat:

I'm not worthy. Agua-boy slapped me silly, spun me around and gave me a wedgie. I have not learned a thing about being in the Pool during my short tenure here, and wish that someone would squeeze my skull until it pops like a grape.

You started out well, but that whole gentlemanly thing and all that nobility crap just makes me feel... well... dirty.

What in Berli's name is all that drivel? Your first duty is to the Cesspool you impudent rascal. Let me walk you through this:

A. Agua Perdido beat you in a QB or whatever.

B. The only way someone can beat a Cesspooler is to be a cheating, gamey bastard.

C. Simple logic then dictates that Agua Perdido is a cheating, gamey bastard.

D. Your job is now to divine the nature of his cheating and gameyness and reveal it in all its glory to the Pool.

"When you can snatch justification from the jaws of defeat, you will have learned Grasshopper."

- Master Po


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

[This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 03-21-2001).]

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Originally posted by jd:

Iskander..... you ungrateful wretch, get out here and grovel...

Dominus! Dominus et Deus! My most just and gracious Lord! I, am a worm… before your Grace do I grovel (actually still doubled-over from the intestinal flu, but go with me here) and worship! At the merest dip in the path (like Hamsters) will I throw myself down so that your walk will be undisturbed. At the slightest puddle (like lizardbreath) shall I cast off my rags before you that you may remain dry. If the Sun were to pass behind a clod (like chrysalis/1)... er... cloud, not that your countenance needs any light but beyond its own, would I tear down that which is the poor hovel I cower in for firewood to light your way. Were that Sun to shine too bright (like the evil of Berli) would I flay the living flesh from my bones to fashion you an umbrella. All! All I have is yours!...

... just keep your hands off my goddam smokes.

I am also so very, very, very sorry for your devastating, humbling and crushing loss to me. That happened so long ago, and there is no reason for anyone to mention it ever again. The fact that you were dug in and wreathed in fog and still somehow managed to lose to a putz like me is amazing, but I certainly wont be one to dwell on it, nor do I expect any others of the ‘Pool to ever remind you that your now-Squire ran circles around you and laughed. Nope, I think we can put that behind us.


Once again, command me, Dominus! I quiver in eager anticipation (nauseous exhaustion, actually) for your slightest command!


"I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory."

"Legal advice is very often divorced from reality in my humble opinion" - BTS

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