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How The Peng Challenge Was Won And Where It Got Us

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Guten morgen, Foos!

Well harpooner old buddy old pal, thank you for your kind words. So you think I'm cooldo you? Well, let me tell you somefink, I'm wayyyy too cool to be just plain cool. I'm Uber cool!


BTW I'm only really posting to see my ID#

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Sgt Foobar was in the tank right next to you, he did everything he could to help, but there was no helping you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My gawd man, no wonder he withdrew, with Captain Foobar next to him it was a Blue on Blue just waiting to happen!


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I would like to point out that some of us HIGH number people wear it as a badge of honor. We were ROBBED of our original identities on the NIGHT of REFRESHING MONKEYS, and if you don't know what that is, your certainly a damned newbie, so never mind.

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I remember that night when the CM world turned upside down and we stepped through mirrors and stuff.

Anyway, I have too much time and amd too busy at work to share any bile with you lot. So in general, you all stink, especially Stuka for landing me with Paras on defence along with his gamey human wave tactics. The rest of you are failing to kill me which is a surprise in some cases, and in others, not.

Die-a-lot old board style


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

I would like to point out that some of us HIGH number people wear it as a badge of honor. We were ROBBED of our original identities on the NIGHT of REFRESHING MONKEYS, and if you don't know what that is, your certainly a damned newbie, so never mind.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

However, those of us that are pure of heart retained our usernames :D

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

However, those of us that are pure of heart retained our usernames :D<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That explains why I lost it once and plain changed it once... Pure of heart? You?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:


It's got the Ignore moron option!!!

Thank you thank you thank you.

Someone just made the world a better place. I'll be busy for a little while, byeee for ever. You know who you are.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Geier seems so happy. It would be down right evil to ruin it for him...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>From the board FAQ:

Ignore lists apply to private messages only. Anyone you add to your ignore list can no longer send you a private message. You can put someone on your ignore list by viewing the member's profile and clicking on the "add to ignore list" link. Private messaging must be enabled on this site in order to use buddy lists. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

[ 04-09-2001: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Do you despute that Evil may have a pure form?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm very much at odds with the word pure I am. In every sense or form.

Undiluted would be more appropriate in my opinion. But hey, it's your language, do what you want.

As for the ignore-thingy. I was happy. For a brief moment I envisioned joyous, troublefree times ahead. But, being a thoroghbred cynic, I knew it wouldn't last, that Mother fortune would once again vomit on my pillow. Only a matter of time.

But still, for a brief moment I was happy.

And there is nothing you can do about it

Sleep tight,

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It is evidently obvious that my 99 to 1 drubbing of Herr Oberst is what caused the board crash. And ordinarily I'd appologize for causing the world such heartache, but the fact of that matter is that I enjoyed it very much. It even caused a few sorry saps (**cough**Johann**cough**) to create idiotic usernames and post drivel to the backup CessPool. The joker argued eveything from nappy hair weaves to infanticide and didn't make a cogent point one single time. If I were Nipponboy, I would berate him for his obviously third rate education and proclaim my intellectual mastery, but I am not so I will simply call him the result of misplaced nut-butter.

As for Mister Seanachai, if you are going to quote Prufrock, at least don't use the same line I used mere pages ago. Quote from The Hollow Men, it's so much more you.

I have many more nasty things to say, and no time to say it, so let me just close with - Boy is this page white.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

to create idiotic usernames and post drivel<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thank you. It's what I do. I'm just much better at it than you are.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Boy is this page white.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No it isn't.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bastables:

Bhaha Bastables is on 2 week leave before shipping out to ET MACE, Kitty I challange your AUSSIE Jellybean (AUSSIE army camo) bodys to a CM battle of the old angry old guard.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Damn Gus Dur, I paid him a fortune to make sure they crossed the points of thier bullets, and you still returned!

Corruption just ain't what it used to be!

*Sigh* Well then send me a setup, you kiwi/pom wannabee.

In the meantime, I'll let the top aussie shiela know you're spoiling for a punchup!


btw about this new colour scheme:


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

The Academy Award Winning Nefarious Legion of Croda, Inc. would like to take this

opportuinty to annouce its utter Crodification of the former Hairy Obeast. The little

bugger had trouble getting into turn number two, and lost by a score of 99 to 1. Some

would say we did well to score 99 points. We would question how the gamey bastard scored any

points at all.

Nevertheless, he has paid for trifling with the Legion.


Why you arrogant little pile of weasel snot... enuf said.

It is nothing short of miraculous that I was able to squeak out a single victory point in that little engagement. If you could call it an engagement. It was not an engagement along the lines of two consenting adults, nor even that of two hormonally confused and over-sexed teenagers. It was more like Mace's geriatric grandfather shuffling past the elementary school bus stop and saying

"Hey little girlie, want to come see my..." Oh, forget it. I'm sure you all get the picture.

Here is Croda's recipe for a battle:

1. Take unequal parts of Germans and US troops...

2. Place the German Security Troops at the bottom of a huge mixing bowl, with commanders as far away from their own troops as possible...

3. Liberally sprinkle that area with barbed wire to impede the running troops...

4. Perch the odd 10-15 Sherman 105's at impossible downward angles all around the rim of said bowl, cementing them in place with Crazy Glue...

5. And for fun, call in a salvo of 14 inch rounds from the Battleship Missouri gamily hiding off-map...

6. Press Go!

This is Crawdad's recipe for a 99-1 score...

Obviously driven mad by his pitiful record within the Cesspool, his dememtia forced him to construct this little scenario. Through my own magnamimity, I now concede the loss to Crawdad...


Ladies (* nods to Kitty, Y2K, and Mace if he's wearing his frilly things today *) and (if I might borrow a phrase, and if I can't... Bite me!)

Gentleworms of the Pool,

I come here not to bury Croda, but to praise him.

His skills in scenario design are beyond compare. Behold his masterpiece of engineered destruction. His skills in Generalship are so grand, his selection of unit position so precise that none of his units dared, er, needed to move during the whole battle. His aiming skills so acute that nothing, nada, nicht could escape certain death by the pin-point use of his 14 inch naval shells.

He is truly a person of resource and sagacity, His wit, so sharp at times as to rend your Inner Croda and leave you defenseless. Yes, before us we have a Master. A Master Baiter into battles, arguments, or a Kleenex, whichever is handier at the moment.

Hopefully this gift, so small and insignificant a concession on my part, yet so magnificent and boundless a treasure trove of good feeling and self-esteem on his part, will be the first step in his healing process towards, one can only hope, normalcy.

In the end, rest assured that he will remain our Croda, whatever the form. The surest sign of this ultimate truth I have was his Email reply after the computer auto-surrendered my position.

"How did you get a point?!?" Poor Croda... in the end he must be himself.

[ 04-09-2001: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]

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