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CM2 Commands- Wish List

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So what command(s) would you most like to see added to CM2 (in light of the current and new ones)?

Fallback: I'm looking for a command that pulls out an entire squad or platoon from a position being assaulted without them turning their back on the enemy (like withdrawl does). This would be very effective especailly with the addition of the "assault" and "human wave" commands that will be appearing in CM2... In fact this would be similar to the assault command in that it would be like "leapfrogging" backwards (probably slower moving then an assault, but perhaps enough to keep you from being overrun).

I'd also like to put delays inbetween orders so that I can coordinate units more precisely. Example: Move to trees, pause 30 seconds, and then assualt the building

Finally, I'd like units to return to "hidden" status if they have taken out their targets and have not been moved. There have been been many a time when I wish units had hidden after they finished their jobs.

That's My Wish-list; What's Yours?


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Yes I agree that those commands would be a worthy addition. One other thing needs to be put in, a "not one step back command" or the Tac AI needs tweaked for AFVs. I no longer have enough fingers and toes to count the number of times that the Tac AI has done some thoroughly outlandish things with my tanks. I have placed Stugs with great hull down positions in ambush, they see a Church VII's flank and decide they need to run away. Mind you they are unsuppressed and the Church does not see them. So they decide it is best to advance towards the Church coming out of hull down, and thence bringing themselves to the attention another Church and his pal, instead of sitting there and picking them off. :eek: I have also had Stuarts do this and it is way more important for them to stay hid, etc....etc. Thus the need for a Stay Right Here command, or Tac AI tweak for AFV's in all occasions the tank in question could easily have defeated its opponent if it had stayed put. :rolleyes:

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1. Pausing Before Shooting/Smoking

This will allow you to smoke an area without using up a tank's entire smoke supply in one turn.

2. Multiple Pauses During Turns And At Beginning Of Turns

This will allow a player to move a tank up a slight hill to get a shot off at the enemy and then retreat back down for cover. As it is right now, we have to use workarounds which are an unnecessary burden.

3. "Fallback" Command (Idea From Jaldaen)

This command will serve to move your infantry squads or teams away from the enemy at a slower pace than withdraw, yet taking a lower morale hit. It shows in abstraction, a team backtracking or moving away using cover fire to get the entire squad out of harm's way, preventing the enemy from rushing them and shooting them in the back.

Also, could we have an option to rotate after withdrawing? I'm confused now as to why we don't. If you're running away from the enemy, wouldn't you want to turn around and see if they're following you?

4. Hand To Hand Fighting Animation

I'd like to see at least some sort of animation showing squads in hand to hand combat, even if it looks rudimentary. Sound is just not enough.

5. Multiple Area Targets Per Turn

This one is very important! We should have the ability to provide suppression fire for more than one suspected target a turn. Also, there have been hundreds of times that I've needed to smoke more than just one patch of trees to move my infantry into an area but I can't. I have to use one minute's worth of smoke (the entire supply of one tank) on one area. Let us give the orders to smoke at the very least a second target in that turn to create a wider or longer smoke screen for the infantry.

6. Infantry Smoke

I'm still lobbying for this one too. smile.gif

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I would like to see some sort of low rate of fire command for vehicles when using area target. This would be a nice addition for Stugs which use up half of their HE load in 1 turn firing at suspected enemy positions. It would be more of a suppresion fire than destructive, allowing them to support infantry assaults longer than 2 turns.

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This may be kinda stupid, but I'll give it a shot.

1. How about a multiple tatget order, so as to switch targets every 10-20 seconds. I think it should help with support fire.

2. This one plays on panzerwerfer42's idea of

a low ROF. How about an adjustable ROF for squads and mainly MG's. I can't count the number of times I ran out of ammo too early because my rifle squad was firing at an enemy

just inside max range. I know hide will solve this too, but I still think adjusting ROF from say 2 salvos per round to 8 (or whatever the max is) would be helpful.

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I second the request for the low ROF fire. Moreover a command for keeping the primary armament from firing would also be nice, for example, giving the high reloading times and low ammo supply I would like my ISU-152 to not was ammo on opportunity targets but be ready to spray approaching infantry with its DShK heavy MG. And this will be crucial also for all the Sturmtiger fans, while the MG and the close defense 90mm mortar will have of course a fire at will order I presume that to have this AFV finally reload only to see it wasting the 380mm rocket on something fuzzy would be a mind shattering experience for any german player :D


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I would like the Smoke command to be more flexable. I think smoke fire would be better if their was an option of setting how many rounds are to be fired. Or else I think any round landing within 10m or so to be a hit (its used only to make a smoke screen, nothing else)and the units to cease their fire. As it is units can unload their smoke all in one turn, with the rounds masking each other for no real benefit, other than denying their use at a later time.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Radar:

I would like the Smoke command to be more flexable. I think smoke fire would be better if their was an option of setting how many rounds are to be fired. Or else I think any round landing within 10m or so to be a hit (its used only to make a smoke screen, nothing else)and the units to cease their fire. As it is units can unload their smoke all in one turn, with the rounds masking each other for no real benefit, other than denying their use at a later time.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'd like to see some more control over smoke as well... and artillery as well ;)

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Well, all of them sound good to me so put me down that I agree. Now for my one little request. That you can command the turrert of a tank to point/rotate in any direction you want without it having to fire machine gun in order to do so. I've requested this many times before but since this thread is a repeat then I repeat it here again. :D

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A modified Ambush command in which the Unit can have Move items and Pauses which dont go into effect until after the Ambush is triggered. This would allow for shoot and scoot tactics. Right now if a unit has its ambush triggered it has to wait out the remaining time on the turn and the command delay for the next turn before it can move. But with this new command it would move after the ambush is triggered, if you wanted the units to hang around even more you just add more pauses to the command. This would make thin skinned vehicles like marders much more survivable.

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i really want to see a pop up command. a tank will reload behind a hill or tree line or something then move to a hull down position or out of cover just far enough to shoot then back to cover. its not just something i would like to see i think it is a major detail left out of cmbo. it was used all the time its a standard tactic tankers used. especialy for u.s. because they couldnt slug it out with the germans

my .02

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nathan:

i really want to see a pop up command. a tank will reload behind a hill or tree line or something then move to a hull down position or out of cover just far enough to shoot then back to cover. its not just something i would like to see i think it is a major detail left out of cmbo. it was used all the time its a standard tactic tankers used. especialy for u.s. because they couldnt slug it out with the germans


Try using Hunt + Reverse commands to replicate this. If i have an area which I want to search for targets I put about 10-15 hunt + reverse commands, you get a tank moving up slowly, finding a target (usually) firing, then backing down, if you made your hunt and reverse lines the right size it will get back into position just as you are reloaded. I believe the Americans call this tactic Tophat and Lowsky.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Banshee:

Try using Hunt + Reverse commands to replicate this.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I thought that if a tank spots a target while under Hunt orders, it will stop and engage until the target disappears, and only then will it resume movement.

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I would like to see infantry able to use something just like the Hull Down command described by BTS. Move until you can shoot at this spot and then stop. Great for setting up ambushes or advancing to the edge of a tree line. I suppose that enough practice would let me eyeball it, but until then it would be nice.

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