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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

That is quite enough of that<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

In order to maintain balance in the universe I offer...

"Beezlebub, Beezlebub, Beezlebub"

Happy now oh Dark one?

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*huff* *huff* *huff* don't leave *pant* *gasp* me sire *puff*. I had to scout the *huff* the other side of the river. While Jars, which holds pi*s I might add, was polluting the airwaves *puff*, I was sneaking around in his setup zone. Hahahahaha, reminds me of the pollack that was told to stand in a circle while these thugs beat the crap out of his car. Yet, while the thugs were DESTROYING his car, our friend the pollack stepped out of the circle 3 (thrice, three, not 4 and certainly not less than 2, but tres) times without the thugs knowing. Oh man, I'm killing myself here {holds sides together}.

Regardless, when I got back from my scouting mission, the cesspool had MOVED! I no couldna find it no mo. So I had to send scouts OUT to find it. Aieeee, I said it. Aieeeeeeee, I said .. again. Yes, right, well, lucky for me it [AIEEEEEEE} was only a move to the orient and not halfway around the world or somefink.

Sire (that would be the alleged MrSpkr), I have to ask, have I displeased you in any way? I mean, it's bad enough having to drop arty all over Scars butt, but having to actually swap emails with him is most humiliating. He's so...soo...Midwestern. I mean, he hails from a Mound in Minnesota for crying out loud. How much more humiliation must I endure before you show me favor my liege?!?!

And speaking of "Artyfest 1945", what are all these "bullseye" thingies? I don't have a LOS to EITHER of them. Do I get xtra points for camping my brave squires on top of them? Do they have to be on the exact center or can they be nearby (maybe there's a triple 20 space in the bullseye?)?

Ahem, cough, anyway...

Grog => any alcholic beverage (guilty as charged your dishonor). I admit to trying to win alkeeehaul in a non-cesspool sanctioned gathering of...of...whiney, pedantic bastards.

Groggy => how I feel after drinking mucho grog. Again, guilty as charged.

Grognard => defined as a foot soldier in the french army..... Now, I've been called many things in my life, but never...NEVER...NEVER have I been compared to a Frog (which rhymes with grog (for those of you with half a brain (like (Joe (Xia)))). So you take that back Shawl or I'll...I'll...I'll do something really really bad. And besides, when I defined gamey on the questionairre as being whatever is acceptable in the cesspool, I was immediately and unequivocably disqualified from being considered part of the human race let alone their stupid alcohol incentive laden tournament.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Grognard => defined as a foot soldier in the french army.....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My, my, my, aren't we just the groggliest of the groggly young Squire. Having achieved the lofty rank you now hold you're just the expert aren't you now. Well you're close but you haven't quite reached the cigar now have you. For see you, lad, the term "Grognard" is applied to not just ANY French soldier but is specifically applied to the Old Guard of the French Imperial Guard of Napoleon. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Grognard: a soldier of Napoleons' Old Guard; a veteran soldier; grumbler (French) - Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now, of course, I'll have to endure the ENDLESS recriminations alleging that I am being groggly by knowing that ... nonsense, I just know how to use a search engine.

Oh ... congratulations on FINALLY making squire, ... Juardis.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Now, of course, I'll have to endure the ENDLESS recriminations alleging that I am being groggly by knowing that ... nonsense, I just know how to use a search engine.

Oh ... congratulations on FINALLY making squire, ... Juardis.


Face it, Joe; you're a grog. And grogs are poopy (poopy like Communiss and tea). And you know the worst part?

You're not even a good grog. No rivet counts. No Brinnel numbers, no muzzle velocities. In fact you're, you're a...

Quasi-grog. A grog-pretender.


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OK.. now call me stupid.. but seriously without the serious tags. In the past two months I have personaly lost two people who I know well, one a family friend killed in a horrible car accident, another lost to a heart attack after a small electrical shock with a defect power tool (no joke here people, and if you make any sleu remarks I will personaly kick your ass and never talk or corrispond with you again... )

anyhow since these two accidents I get this joke? and I hope it is a joke in the email from the lad I always made jokes at and he me, call me a wee bit sensitive with the topic of "DEATH" but even though I consider you nobs my destroyers of PBEM and TCP/IP games with me. I consider you lads a nice damn community and friends (online and the ones I have met in person) so.. tell me this is a joke.

------ email from senachai ----------

Hello to all of Seanachai's opponents reading this, and I hope this finds

you well. Please forgive this somewhat generic email, but it is the only

means by which I can contact you all, as I promised my brother I would do.

I cannot describe my sadness, nor the pain I feel, when I tell you that the

person you know as 'Seanachai', is no longer with us. On August 20th of

this year, he was gored to death by a pronghorn antelope at the Minnesota

zoo. On a drunken dare late that night, he climbed the fence into the

enclosure. I know it sounds stupid, but it was the kind of person he was.

Afterwards, his remains were eaten by rats. While shocked and saddened, our

family cannot help but feel it was all for the best.

I want you to know that he truly loved the game 'Combat Mission', just as he

truthly loathed all of you. I want you to join with me now in sending a

volley of the foulest curses you can think of in pursuit of his departed

spirit. It's not only what he deserved, it's what he would have wanted.

Please find attached the last turn in your game with him. Wherever he is

now, and no matter how horrible the place, I know it's what he deserved.


------ end email ---------

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

anyhow since these two accidents I get this joke? and I hope it is a joke in the email from the lad I always made jokes at and he me, call me a wee bit sensitive with the topic of "DEATH" but even though I consider you nobs my destroyers of PBEM and TCP/IP games with me. I consider you lads a nice damn community and friends (online and the ones I have met in person) so.. tell me this is a joke.

------ email from senachai ----------

Hello to all of Seanachai's opponents reading this, and I hope this finds

you well. Please forgive this somewhat generic email, but it is the only

means by which I can contact you all, as I promised my brother I would do.

I cannot describe my sadness, nor the pain I feel, when I tell you that the

person you know as 'Seanachai', is no longer with us. On August 20th of

this year, he was gored to death by a pronghorn antelope at the Minnesota

zoo. On a drunken dare late that night, he climbed the fence into the

enclosure. I know it sounds stupid, but it was the kind of person he was.

Afterwards, his remains were eaten by rats. While shocked and saddened, our

family cannot help but feel it was all for the best.

I want you to know that he truly loved the game 'Combat Mission', just as he

truthly loathed all of you. I want you to join with me now in sending a

volley of the foulest curses you can think of in pursuit of his departed

spirit. It's not only what he deserved, it's what he would have wanted.

Please find attached the last turn in your game with him. Wherever he is

now, and no matter how horrible the place, I know it's what he deserved.


------ end email ---------<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thats not possibly true. I live near him and nothing of this sort has happened. Someone is playing a joke in rather poor taste.

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Joke?????? Maybe my humour is failing me lately, but I don't find that in the slightest bit funny.

Now I will be fretting until I know Steve's ok.....



Seanacoochie posted in the last thread on 23rd AUGUST.......... :D

[ 08-28-2001: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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I received the same e-mail from our friend Seana-mook and have come to only one conclusion;

He was kidnapped and forced into a cult of aging folk singers and forgotten hippies. They have no doubt violated him and forced him to change his name to Selah.

I say we find where this hippie lair is and commando Steve out of there before he starts handing out pamphlets door to door.

I am firing up the van for a trip up north so we can squash some folk-singing heads. I hope to bleed a baritone.

von shrad

ps. Let's just hope his alter ego plays as bad as he and we should all win our games with Selah...er... Folkhippie

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:


Seanacoochie posted in the last thread on 23rd AUGUST.......... :D


ok.. you got me there but look when I last stepped foot in the cess. DAAAYS.

so what does that tell you I read just the last page to get up to things for many reasons, one mostly cuz I am rarely in anyones post and two I couldn't bother with all that reading.

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Originally posted by Semen Box :

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> The score so far:

half brains- 1

no brains- 3 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Just what are you trying to say? Out with it Semen. Are you calling dumb us I are?

Grog Off!

Name un-bolded for obvious reasons.

von shrad

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I got the same e-mail, and noted with satisfaction that his body was eaten by rats. Either security is very lax at the zoo, or he was flung by the antelope into the rat cage. I have long feared this sort of collusion between the animals and have worked to prevent it.

At any rate, since the announcement was accompanied by a turn (and the first in some time, I should note), I shall return it to the survivors, who will thus have even more deaths to mourn. Someone please find out if they're having an open bar at the services.

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Life sucks, ladies and gentlemen. I used to joke about it, but I'm coming to understand it much better this past month.

I agree with mad mensch about the sense of community. I've gotten much support regarding my situation.

I want to say "thank you" to every one of you who expressed your regards and sympathy. I'm grateful that I don't have to be actively PBEMing to be a part of this Peng family.

You now may go back to eviscerating, bludgeoning, and hurling inuendos.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>anyhow since these two accidents I get this joke?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Like Mensch I've had more than my share of death to deal with lately. I must admit that my heart gave a bit of a lurch when I read the first paragraph but then I realized that it was just our own lovable Seanachai being ... well, Seanachai. That being said, I too questioned the wisdom of the post (and, obviously, of the poster) but humor is ... difficult. At work I was often accused of going "over the line" in my attempts to create funny stuff for the employee gatherings we had so I understand that what we INTEND to be funny doesn't always come off that way.

In any case, I agree about the rats, couldn't happen to a nicer guy. I kind of like the idea of Seanachai ending up as rat poop, symbolic ya know?


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