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I Saw a Beast Rise Up Out of the Sea, and Upon His Heads the Name of Peng Challenge

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What was once flushed from the Cesspool has returned!

While I cannot claim to have been present when Seanachai first struck the rock with his staff and tapped the fetid spring that has so amply filled this Cesspool, I did bathe briefly in its medicinal waters about a year ago, trading posts with a few of those who seem to now be considered learned “Elders”.

Some of the “Elders” will doubtless dismiss me as a brief and minor distraction. Others will claim no memory of me whatsoever (this may be true, as their wandering, barely intelligible posts often reveal a disturbing inability to remember what they have written in previous paragraphs). Most have been secretly yearning for my return, for the day when I would again taunt them mercilessly.

Well, you mustard-seed brained, knuckle dragging proto-humanoids, your wait is over. Rest assured that my absence has not changed my lowly opinion of your writing skills, intellect, or parentage. Better still, I am prepared to bestow a gift upon a select few of you. I will give your otherwise miserable and empty lives a special meaning by soundly thrashing you in a Quick Battle.

Now, allow me to peruse the archives to see who is most in need of lessons in tactics and taunting....

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Fruit: plant's or tree's edible product of seed with its envelope, quantity of these; vegetable seed with envelope as means of reproduction; male homosexual. *giggle*

btw: Who's been upsetting the outsiders?

Please stop it, they want to lynch us now, and I'm too fond of living to have it taken away from me!!!!



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I get so F**K'N tired of that bull****. I looked at that thread, hell I even posted on the Mother! There were certainly old hatreds between people that had nothing to do with the topic at hand.

In general the arguements, both for and against that stupid KIA BMP thread were reasonable. I hope that pussy Tiger does leave. Jesus H. Christ, maybe we should hold his hand and feed him sugar because he makes mods. If that had been a newbie making that pathetic gesture, he would have been laughed out the door. Feh on them all

I'm beginning to wonder why the hell I even look at the Outerboards anymore!


I still need a scenario, Berli, Mark IV, anyone?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tha South Seas Parrot:

You double moron - Fruits are vegetable!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Aaarrgh!

Reminds one of tha arguments I used to have with Joseph Banks aboard tha Endeavour

"I declare sir that the bosun is a vegetable"

"Well that may be since he was hit by that falling spar he, is but before that he was a fruit"

A fruit being the ripened seed-bearing part of a plant when fleshy and edible or more exactly the mature ovary of a plant which is a vehicle for reproduction.

A vegetable being a herbaceous plant cultivated for an edible part, as roots, stems, leaves or flowers. Or you may say a vegetable is the edible stems, leaves, and roots of the plant excepting the fruit.

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Record a bloody, smoldering DRAW with the arch-rodent von schrad.

SMG-brandishing, tank-killing, we-don't-care-what-we-look-like-once-we're-dead Kuhltruppen: 42

Him: 48

Listen, my droogs, this was in the bolshy flamey mess called "Afterlife" authored by our sneering local scenario vendor germanboy (bolded in a nod to his former status, but denied the coveted capitalization reserved for active kaniggets), and a bloody stinking mix-up it is.

M. Perdido, perhaps, will note the change of tense in mid-paragraph. Anal twit.

As I was saying, this is not a scenario for the faint of heart. You will all die and burn up a lot, and that during the setup. I think you could call it attritionist. I did a maneuver thing but it got attritted, too. Damn.

As I still don't play with mods, I can only guess at what I must have been missing in this blazing inferno. So it's too bad about Tige, but a lot worse about Priest, who blames the teacup for the tempest. Stupid trolling whiney baby gyro-licking non-sequiturial finger-pointing bandwagon hopper just couldn't make his point without stooping to name-calling. Typical.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BasementMouse:


Ah...praise the lord he's not going to try to say anything!!


A vegetable being a herbaceous plant cultivated for an edible part, as roots, stems, leaves or flowers. Or you may say a vegetable is the edible stems, leaves, and roots of the plant excepting the fruit.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


OK smart arse - if it isn't vegetable then is it animal or mineral?

[ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wildman:

1. I need a battle make by one you hairy creatures to send to Elvis<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well my Barbarian friend.. me finks Elvis is to busy counting his points and numbers to have sent an email to you.. to enlighten you here is the dialog I had with him in ICQ

m: heyyyy anything new?

e: i hate numbered turns!!!! hehehe

m: use the alphebet thing.. er.. aye. that.

e: hee hee....ya working on mine and lizardboys game?

m: er.. I got the map done.. I'm just fuzzy who does the weather stuff, etc.. or is one person supposed to make it? Nice map though.

e: i have no idea i've never done one of these things before

m: ah ha.. right.. um... I could do the whole thing, both of you send me a flat map with the forces you both wish. I'll put her in the map and send it off saved as campaign saved.

e: that works for me....any idea how many points?...should I be doing that now.

m: contact your funny challanger and do it this way. one player decides the weather and time of day the other decides ground conditions and if there are flags or not. I though you guys agreed on 2500pts.. meeting engagement?

e: right...2500 points..and i will contact him for now i am going to try to nap...been up since 645 after trying to stay awake to finish my game with that bastard stuka last night

m: hmm.. he still plays?? wow! right just email me when you got the details and tell your buddy to send me a game file with his choice of stuff

right that sums it tamedman, you figure it out. I got the map, I'm waiting for the settings and troops and off you two will go wacking each other with big sticks.

right... fixed something cuz some nob is going to point somefink out.. I hate you lot.

[ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

PeterNZ: The nob I think has given up on CM thus our game that is on hold. cuz the NOB is not returning his file to me for Two and a HALF months now.. lorak I formaly declare this one a draw since he was loosing, knew it and ditched the game!! this is the first copp out I have experienced in my CM playing career.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I see you and raise. I'm formally declaring my game against the cop-out sheepshagger a win and so should you. I don't mind people putting games on hold, I still have my Ethan game on hold since what, March?

I do mind when people even can't be bothered to tell me they aren't going to reply. I've sent two emails to Peter asking for some kind of explanation but nope, he can't be bothered. Was it three weeks ago he popped up and said that he'd send files to those he felt like within a week?

Peter, if you're reading this and don't like it, too bad.


Guyer: wow, amazing.. I think this is the only real intensive game I've had all year.. cuddos to Germanboy wonderfuly done.


You haven't seen the last turn. I have. Veni vidi panzerschreck should be on your official regalia.

Your right flanking force has one more turn to live, except for the two shermies who are dead already. Speed is a good thing when attempting to flank. Standing still and picking your nose isn't.

Your arty is dropping where I used to be, sucks to have those slow large calibre thingies.

Your ht assault never got around to the assaulting part. My right hand flanking force (the one you saw) is still alive and well and not where you think they are. Man, can you tell I'm loving this game?

I couldn't agree more on the scenario design, it's "Into the East" and if you don't play it as pbem double blind you are doing yourself a disservice.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:



...at least they all work for Ford now....

<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Nope, the SAAB people works for GM. Otherwise I think you're spot on.

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Peace and Pestilence to you all!

I have ventured forth from my province in the Outerboards to thank the creator of the Abbott_Gyrene scenario for his fine work. I don't know who made the map or picked the units I am using, but I do know the battle was created by someone dwelling in this fetid abomination you call the Mutha Beautiful. My PBEM partners and I thank you.

I must leave you now and return home. Feel free to continue your discussion of vegetables. If you really want to clear up all doubt as to the definition of a vegetable just look in the mirror. With that I bid you, Die-A-Lot Now!!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

I have ventured forth from my province in the Outerboards to thank the creator of the Abbott_Gyrene scenario for his fine work.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Play "Into the East" from der Kessel next or we'll have to shoot you. The more I think about the possibilites in that scen the more I think I'll play it again.

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now i am a real penger smile.gif you can all

be happy and I will report on my first

peng challenge game. some guy connected

and we played but the computer was not

very fair. i got 2 USA engineer platoons,

one sherman, and 3 halftracks. plus one

bazooka and one mmg. hmm..oh and some

useless flamethrowers. He got 4! platoons

of volksgrenadiers, 120mm arty, 3 81mm

mortar teams, one hmg, 2 halftracks with

canons on them and a stug. Like is that

fair? :(:( so i lost. i got mashed.

he shot my sherman with a panserfaust.

now you are all depressed for me, i'm

so sorry. i got mad and told him he's

gamey, but i forgot the computer bought

him that stuff. thank you all so much

smile.gif i'm sorry i can't write more now but

i have to go back to some tests i am

running with comets. i'll tell you all

the results, promise. god bless.


[ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>CMplayer wrote:

... sorry ... sorry ... sorry ... god bless ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I doubt it was a cesspudlian you played if they beat you.

This guy sounds about as dangerous as a small pile of polystyrene chips. I bet he could give anyone here a sound working over.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

I see you and raise. I'm formally declaring my game against the cop-out sheepshagger a win and so should you.


I see that, raise you again and call.

(I think thats what all the tough cowboys do)

Curious, really that Peternoozeeladurrr happened to be losing all the games that he's bailed out on.

In our game he was within mere turns of being ousted from his positions, handcuffed ankle to wrist over the 44 gallon drum and then sent 'round to Bauhaus' place.

Its no wonder he vanished really.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

Play "Into the East" from der Kessel next or we'll have to shoot you. The more I think about the possibilites in that scen the more I think I'll play it again.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Considering your turn processing rate, I'll play you with that one Johan and two simultaneous games might amount to a normal one played with David Aitken.

What say you?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Considering your turn processing rate<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Urg. Damn i knew there was something I overlooked when I formatted and reinstalled. I am glad it was only The French and not someone who mattered. Hang on, I'm not playing anyone that matters. File on it's way tonight.

Sure, I'll play Into the East against you but only after me and menschy boy have finished. In fact, I'll play Into the East against any takers, I just need to finish it first.

[ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: Geier ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Curious, really that Peternoozeeladurrr happened to be losing all the games that he's bailed out on.

Its no wonder he vanished really.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well he certainly was losing in our game. He had his entire force (apart from an immob Sherm far far away behind a hill) inside a fire sack with no armor left and running out of arty.

Maybe he thought shandorf would be too disappointed with him? Who knows? Who cares? mensch don't answer that last one OK?

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