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How to keep the wife happy with CM

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I asked two PBEMers how they kept their wives happy and didn't bug them about spending so much time with CM. One told me he would paint the bathroom first; one told me he bought her expensive gifts; I said "Sex or CM." She said "Keep the volume down."

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There have been several threads on this. I don't think there has been any very good answers. Basically you just have to play when you can and take abuse. Sex or Cm ultimatim will make you celibate. Of course you should get plenty of Cm in that way. After you have been married for a long time it becomes less of a problem cause they usually want to see less of you anyway so they will probably love Cm occupying your time. If you haven't been married long you might as well get used to not playing much Cm or anything else for that matter. Or suffer some wrotten consequences. smile.gif

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Guest Space Thing

I've found it REALLY helpful if I remember to take off my "game face" after a game. I like to spend a few moments getting out of that "I'LL SMASH YOU TO SMITHEREENS" mode and go over to her and talk about whatever she wants to talk about. smile.gif

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Guest Space Thing

Originally posted by Hundminen:

Having the computer in the same room as the TV helps.

Don't ever trade off sex for CM. After you've been married as long as me (13 yrs) sex is rare enough as it is.

It'll be 14 for me this October. Listen to him guys. Listen to him. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Space Thing:

go over to her and talk about whatever she wants to talk about. :)

That's a pretty good move but if you're interested in a female's view (albeit a very sick and twisted female), here's my idea:

Ask her to play a game with you. When you ask, be enthusiastic!! Make it sound like it'll be the most fun she's ever had in her life! Also be sure to physically touch her; hold her hand, your arm around her, whatever...studies have shown that a person is more likely to respond favorably to a request if you are touching them...no, I wouldn't recommend doing this during sex as that could have potentially fatal results for your marriage or your physical person. ;)

If she says ok be helpful and responsive to her questions about how to play and what unit can do what...by responsive I don't mean that if she asks what a panzerschreck is for the 3rd or 4th time to respond, "$%#&$@!!!!! IT'S AN ANTI-TANK WEAPON JUST LIKE I %$#@ TOLD YOU 5 MINUTES AGO AND 5 %#$$@ MINUTES BEFORE THAT!!!!" This would be bad. Be patient. Be ultra-patient. If you feel you can't maintain your composure, excuse yourself to use the restroom or even better, go to the kitchen or store (if you're really high-strung) and get her her favorite candy. Use whatever excuse you need to take a minute so that you can regain your composure.

Now assuming that she has no experience in games of this sort, you will probably have more skill than she does (people like mensch being an exception). If this is the case, then when you finally get her to play, do one of the following according to her personality type:

Fiesty/Competitive If your wife falls into this category allow her to think that she's beating you for a short time. Let her make fun of you, etc... then kick her butt go all out at the end to pull off a narrow victory. This will make her think that maybe she could have won and possibly provoke the enough desire in her to prove it that she'll play again.

Non-Competitive/not interested: To be honest, I don't think there is anything you can do in this situation . . . maybe pay her to leave you alone? =)

Lived under your domineering heel for far too many years Easy. Let her win. You'll hate it but there's a price for everything. Let her win, Master!! If you can bring yourself to do it, it will acheive one of two things:

1) She'll be so elated at finally beating you at something she'll probably go off to gloat about it somewhere else, leaving you to play CM at your leisure, or

2) She'll like the new found taste of your blood and start craving it more. She'll want to play again. If this happens, let her win again but make it a little more difficult for her. Gradually increase the difficulty level until she's addicted and no matter how many times she may lose to you she'll always need that "just one more chance and I can do it" fix.

So there it is for now. One suggestion though...if you're letting her win don't be obvious about it or you're liable to be needing new monitor to replace the one your head broke when it crashed into the screen, and at the very least . . . don't expect to have any alternative outlets for your pent up male aggressions other than CM for quite some time. ;)




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I've actually gotten my girlfriend of ~4 years interested in CM, the first time she's ever been even remotely interested in a game I play. She's an aspiring graphics designer and I pointed her towards the .bmps. While she hasn't taken to it with a vengeance, like I have with playing CM, she is toying with a Panther and a Sherman mod.

She is the curious one, tho, and somewhat fiesty, being a redhead, and the other night she actually asked, "So what do these tanks look like on the battlefield? Are they any good?" I told her yes and yes, in the right hands. Her: "Are *you* any good? Are yours the right hands?" Me: "Not even close."

And she says, "You better get busy."


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Easy, buy your wife her own PC and desk. I finally hooked up my old lady a couple months ago. Before that I would get nagged constantly about how much time I spend on the 'net or CM. Now, not a peep. Hell, some mornings I'll get up for work and she'll still be playing her own games or surfing from the night before. You can get a barebones 600mhz machine now for a couple hundred carrots. One of the best things I ever did.

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While Kitty's suggestion is nice it is far from a realistic solution for most married guys. My chances of getting my wife to play CM are about as good as her chances of getting me to take up cross-stitch. Some things are just "guy things" and some things are "girl things". While the two categories sometimes intermingle for the most part they are occupy two different universes. I don't have a problem pacifying my wife because she knows she is more important to me than CM ever will be. And just for statistical purposes: I've been married for 12 years.

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Buy her a computer and a couple of games. I can tell you it works, because my wife is playing a lot too. I got her hooked with Diablo I in cooperative multiplayer.

Best games for wives:


Monkey Island series

Grim Fandango

Road to Eldorado

Everquest - this you can play with her

Diablo I-II

Twinsen's Odyssey


Rollercoaster Tycoon

Best to start with something simple.

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I've found that playing on a laptop in the same room your wife watches TV really makes things easier. You can ignore the TV and she is happy you are together instead of you holed up in the office or whereever the computer is.

Upside is if you can get a laptop... you can now play head to head over IP at home!!!

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Originally posted by Kitty:

Ask her to play a game with you.


uh kitty.. been there done that.. after two losses to her she was estatic.. so I said feck that lets play for keeps.. on the third game I started winning and she lost interest faster then a soap opra fan at a micro physics presentation.

sex.. well I could post some penetration charts but I think steve would ban me from the thread, and loose those valuable bonus points I earned. biggrin.gif


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[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 01-25-2001).]

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Guest MantaRay

Wll, my wife Sara bought me the game as a gift, emailed Steve asking where it was(as I was a wee bit impatient), played a game against the AI, beat it I think 70-28, lost interest, but found playing Diablo 2 as addictive as crack.

Infact, one of the weapons in the game, a lance, she found is better than any of mine, and her character is soon to be as good as a few of mine.

So the last thing I would tell anyone who values their computer time to do, is let them play at all. Someday she may grab my gun and force me off at gunpoint.



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Originally posted by Cybeq:

While Kitty's suggestion is nice it is far from a realistic solution for most married guys. Some things are just "guy things" and some things are "girl things". B]

Like I said, it won't work for everyone.

And if this is "just a 'guy' thing" what am I doing here? Guess I should leave. =(



Hamsters at War!

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"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

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Originally posted by Kitty:

Like I said, it won't work for everyone.

And if this is "just a 'guy' thing" what am I doing here? Guess I should leave. =(


I think you, more than anyone else here, must be aware of your 'uniqueness' in the wargaming arena... actually, I used you as any example for my spouse... as a result if I don't lay claim to the PC at first sight, she is invariably playing "Hitman Code47" and cutting into my CMBO time!! (She doesn't play CMBO, but she does pay attention to the replays... and is becoming something of a brutal critic... "He's gonna see you if you do that... BLAM... told you so!")

Thanks a lot Kitty, 'cuz of you I'm going to have to fork over for a second PC and a network card... great... just great... frown.gif

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Guest Space Thing

Originally posted by Kitty:

And if this is "just a 'guy' thing" what am I doing here? Guess I should leave. =(



Come back! A woman's presence here is very healthy. Besides, Cyberg doesn't know everything. It seems that some people just have to reduce things to over-simplistic explanations that cannot cover all circumstances. It just doesn't work that way, yet they act like it does. You prove him wrong by simply being here and participating.

People say all kinds of weird things here. Heck there is even some Colonel --------- that clearly hates women. You must know by now that there are still neanderthals running around. Science won't admit it, but its true.

Here is to hoping that you were just kidding.

Your suggestions were great BTW. smile.gif My wife isn't into gaming -computer or tabletop. I do have to say, that the insights that you bring here enrich all of us that happen to have open eyes. Thanks again!

Space Thing

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Hey guys and gal,

My soon to be wife is a CM nut! She plays me in hotseat games and does very well for a person who knows nothing about the forces she is working with. The best thing is I took a look at her favorites list, and there are CM sites. She has been researching what the best equipment is to use in given situations. When I asked why she did not ask me about that, she said she wanted to surprise me with as hard attack that would kick my butt! I have tried to get her to play on line, but she said she is not ready. She has already beat up the Computer on most of the quick battles she has tried. So look out guys in a few months there may be another female CM player:)!



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I'll be moving in with my fiancee in April, so I am trying to brace myself for the inevitable consequences.

She already loves the Sims, and I think she may develop some interest in X-Wing Allinace, being a Star Wars nut.

I just don't know about CM. I'll be thrilled if she takes to it like you, Kitty.


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Originally posted by armornut:

Hey guys and gal,

My soon to be wife is a CM nut! She plays me in hotseat games and does very well for a person who knows nothing about the forces she is working with. The best thing is I took a look at her favorites list, and there are CM sites. She has been researching what the best equipment is to use in given situations. When I asked why she did not ask me about that, she said she wanted to surprise me with as hard attack that would kick my butt! I have tried to get her to play on line, but she said she is not ready. She has already beat up the Computer on most of the quick battles she has tried. So look out guys in a few months there may be another female CM player:)!

Hehehe take that, Cybeq. =P Cool, armornut. The funniest part about Cyb's response to my post is that gee, didn't he see that it was meant to be humorous? =)



Hamsters at War!

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Ok guys (and girls smile.gif), here's a tip for you straight from my girlfried. A couple of extra hours of CM.

Civilization 2, that's her favourite. Keeps her busy while I'm playing and, what's probably more important, makes my obsession much more understandable. Although not wholly, I'm afraid...

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My wife got hooked on Risk II. That is all she'll play. I have been trying to find something else that she and I might enjoy playing together. The problem is that she thinks she spends way too much time on the computer playing this one game. She doesn't want to get hooked on another in the same way.

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You study micro physics mensch!? I'm impressed. Oh, BTW don't we still have a game to play from eons ago?

And for the people reading the forum...i can't help you a bit! Having said that, i'll know hypocritcially sugesst that you simply stay up until the sun popos up on weekends, sleep fro 5 hrs (this is the period of least CM opponents available, 5AM - 10AM EST, and it keeps you fresh wink.gif ) and then repeat! Eating is occassionally nessecary as are studyign etc...this can be accomplished betwene games or during the data transfer biggrin.gif

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