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The random 1% chance? Where does it happen in CMBO

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I'm not real sure I will ever get a real straight answer on this one, but aside from any targeting considerations, (chance to hit odds don't count) what random events in CMBO happen at the frequency of 1% chance of happening or less.

I'm curious about the aforementioned armour "penetration without result" I have not seen one of those for quite some time.

What about the "penetration at weak spot" I have seen more than a few of those, lately. (BUT I think they could be as high as 2-3% odds if I'm not mistaken depending on the tank type)

What about that "gear stripping" crunching sound that some German tanks make when they break down and grind to a halt. I have NEVER heard that one, maybe it is an aftermarker sound mod I don't have?

I'm curious to know what random events in CMBO are programed to have a 1% or less chance of happening, either to you or to your opponent.

Its not a big deal I'm just mildly curious?

Anybody got any ideas?

-tom w

[This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 03-08-2001).]

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Spalling with casualties comes to mind. In the 9 months I've been playing this, only twice have I been on the receiving end of a internal armor flaking hit, and neither time did I suffer any casualties. So I would say if you suffer a casualty from internal flaking, that would be <1%


Jeff Abbott

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Originally posted by Juardis:

Spalling with casualties comes to mind. In the 9 months I've been playing this, only twice have I been on the receiving end of a internal armor flaking hit, and neither time did I suffer any casualties. So I would say if you suffer a casualty from internal flaking, that would be <1%

How often do you play w/British armour (non-Lend-Lease)? IIRC, it is more vulnerable to spalling than others, especially the older models.




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The spalling result might also have something to do with the hit type vs. armour value. I have seen this result multiple times, usually with German armour. The particular instance I can easily recall is an immobilized Tiger that received 3 of these results in one game before eventually succumbing. All three results were from 76mm guns, despit numerous hits from smaller calibres, only the 76's produced spalling.

Just my 2 pfarthings worth.


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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

How often do you play w/British armour (non-Lend-Lease)? IIRC, it is more vulnerable to spalling than others, especially the older models.

About half the time. I didn't know one tank variety was more susceptible to spalling than another.

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I just had my Hellcat shoot at my opponent's Hetzer and put a round through its side and the report was, "Upper Hull Penetration." I was happy as a clam until my opponent told me I didn't kill the tank. I didn't believe him until I saw the Hetzer reverse into some cover on the last turn. What's strange is that my Hellcat took 3 shots at the Hetzer's side without the Hetz turning to pivot which it obviously has to if it wants to shoot since it has no turret. I thought if it didn't move, I at least immobilized it but that's not the case.

So, what the heck happened to it? Homba, give everyone the damage report on your Hetzer. You know it's gonna get brewed up sooner or later by my cat. biggrin.gif


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What about casualties from disembarking?

I've only had that happen once.

(Do German tanks just break down occasionally?)


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I haven't been playing all that long but I've had several experiences (both Allied & Axis) with armor flaking and also with non-fatal penetrations of armor. I've also caused several pillbox penetrations that seemed to produce no casualities. In general, unless the "penetration" message is followed by a "vehicle (or pillbox) knocked out" message, I think you have to assume the enemy vehicle is still functioning.

I've also have had more then one penetration in my AFVs that caused a single casuality and sent a vehicle into temporary "shock." One time my green Hellcat was shocked by a panzerfaust round, but kept creeping forward and in the next move recovered in time to kill the Axis AI's last crack Panther with a single shot to the rear--a vindication for Green and easily shaken troopers everywhere. (This was in that bocage scenario with the three crack/elite Panthers, I forget the name.)

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I have only had a tank simply break down once resulting in the "gear stripping" sound. It was a KT and it just went from moving normally to immobile with no intermediate bogging. The ground was dry and there was no enemy fire as it was on the second turn of the battle. I did locate the wav file for the sound and I posted it the last time the topic came up. I don't think it is a modded sound, but it not the same as the immobilized or bogging sound.

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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Something with a less than 1% chance in CMBO?

How about "Losing to Croda."?

Allright, Bucko...you're in for it. As soon as we're done with the Meat against Metal Carnival that we're playing now, I have something real special for you.


Woot! - Maximus2k

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How about a STGIII hitting an M8 Greyhound in the side with 2 upper hull penetrations from less than 200 meters... without destroying the greyhound, or inflicting any casualties? (of course the third round blew up the greyhound), but still...


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Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

I'm curious about the aforementioned armour "penetration without result" I have not seen one of those for quite some time.

I just saw a PSW234/1 take two penetrations without even appearing shocked. It did eventually blow up catastrophically on a subsequent hit.

What about that "gear stripping" crunching sound that some German tanks make when they break down and grind to a halt. I have NEVER heard that one, maybe it is an aftermarker sound mod I don't have?

I had a sherman bog and then subsequently immobilize in the first 30 seconds of a scenario recently. It went "sploop" when it bogged, and the "BANG!!!" when it immobilized. Sounded like it blew something. And no, it was not enemy fire. It was a meeting engagement and the enemy were all on the other side of some hills.


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As far as spalling goes, you just need the right ammo: Had a StuH immobilized and gun damaged facing a 105mm howitzer at 500m, and said howitzer proceeded to pound said StuH for something like 4 turns. The 105 HE couldn't penetrate, but produced a helluva lot of "Internal Armor Flaking" until the crew finally had enough and abandoned ship --- still without a single casualty!

Also, I see plenty of "Armor Penetration, No Damage". Frequently enough that I'd put the percentage at closer to 10% than 1%. Most annoying when it happens 3 times in a row! (bazooka vs side armor of a StuGIII!).

I'd put this at a <1% chance though: Top armor penetration and catastrophic explosion of a Tiger I from the 1st round of an bombardment by 4.5in. mortars! (Ruined my whole game plan, that did!)

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How about those neverwhatchimacallits killing your own troops when said tank is being close assaulted?

Or ricochets killing a nearby asset, vehicular or otherwise?

I've seen any of those before, but I've heard of the first happening, not the 2nd (although theoretically the 2nd could happen).

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Guest Andrew Hedges

I've seen the Nahverteidigungswaffe used a couple of times; it can be deadly to surrounding infantry. In some cases, as when infantry tried to assault an immobilized StuG of mine, the Nvw caused far more casualties than the StuG's gun did.

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I'm waiting for the day when I'm locked onto one of my tanks or AT guns, watching it target an opponent ("yes, yes, you can do it"), fire an armor piercing shell ("go on, go on"), miss wide ("goddamit you..") -- and take out a different tank instead ("..lucky, lucky bastards")


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