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Peng in Paradise


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Greetings to you all from the muddy slipway of South West Londonshire.

So why am I so jovial? Well, I really don't know.

Is it because I have been working 12 hour days recently and have lost my sense of being and cohesion completely?

Is it because that marvel of potraiture, Kitty, has constructed such a work of art that a place is being reserved for it as we speak in The National Portrait Gallery?

Is it because in both 'Battle of the Squires' contests I am performing in (against Wildman - remember him?, and Agua Perido), I seem to have the upper hand?

True, AP and I are trading shells at the moment but, little known to him, I am setting up a stall in the village from which I shall sell the trinkets I will construct from his hollow bones.

And, WM has just brought on half a dozen Tigers and a company of SS Trupsters in the most contrived, skanky, lop-sided battle of the Century created, naturally, by Marlow. Yet, I still smile.

Is it because, when born full of promise, I landed myself at the feet of the most vile and gamey of CM advocates, PeterNZer?

Or maybe that I have just booked an Easter week away on the Scottish Loch Lomond, reserving a most comfortable Self-Catering Lodge by the shore?

To be honest, I don't know what it is. Suffice it to say, I am in good spirits and can't think of a bad thing to say to any of you. No, not even Croda (incidently, who's Hetzer caused such a flash last night, I thought dawn was breaking already). My love to you all and each of your families. May prosperity envelop you in fortune and friendship.


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Originally posted by Stuka:

Aww c'mon Kitty, fix my ear. I look like a damn elf.

But you are a fecking god damn elf Stucco! Be happy your not in the Dwarfs Guild where your name gleams like that fish sales mans eyes down by the docks.. uh gimmlet is his name.. boy he gives me the creeps.

On the other hand you don't get to sing songs about Glod since he got pissed of of using his name. yes sirrie.. Gold songs.. ahh nothing better then Gold songs.. well except the Hi Ho songs..

besides I hear Rat onna Stick taste ok.. but way better with Ketchup.

hmmh...hhmmmm.... oh ok here I am in the mood now...

Gold, Gold, Gold!

oh Gold!

Gold, Gold, Gold

Gold here and Gold there

Gold, Gold, Gold

(second verse Part IIV)

Gold, Gold, Gold!

oh Gold!

Gold, Gold, Gold

Gold is nice and Gold life

Gold, Gold, Gold

Gold, Gold, Gold!

Gold, Gold, Gold!

oh Gold! oh Gold!

Gold, Gold, Gold!




now I feel better.. whos up for a Hi Ho song? Anyone got some good old Dwarfs Bread I need to forget about my hunger.

lets march off now and go beat Mace to a bloody pulp

Under the hills the heart of the axe

Arises from cinders the still core of the fire,

Heated and hammered the handle an afterthought,

For the hills are forging the first breath of war.

The soldier's heart sires and brothers

The battlefield.

Come back in glory

Or on your shield.

Out of the mountains in the midst of the air,

The axes are dreaming dreaming of rock,

Of metal alive through the ages of ore,

Stone on metal metal on stone.

The soldier's heart contains and dreams

The battlefield.

Come back in glory

Or on your shield.

Red of iron imagined from the vein,

Green of brass green of copper

Sparked in the fire the forge of the world,

Consuming in its dream as it dies into the bone.

The soldier's heart lies down, copmletes

The battlefield.

Come back in glory

Or on your shield.

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-27-2001).]

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Originally posted by Kitty:

Hehehehe but Ron Jeremy is a God! He is the ruler (yardstick) of all he surveys!


Ron is Da Man in many ways, but I prefer to enjoy the antics of slighter, less hirsute folk.



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I'm a little Hotchkiss short and stout

this is my turret, this is my Gun

if you shoot my commander see me rout.

Fill me with fear and fill me with lead

So that I can come back as a Tiger in a few years

Look at me Hunt look at me Move

but don't look to me for booze

My driver is drunk and I am low on gas

those damn Jabbos shot it up

so a leson to you all

if you want a tank go look for a wall

for it is stronger and stabler as me

poor little Hotchkiss, what a piece o crap

where did Hitler get the idea to use them after France.

Hey Gobels you git tell your designers to move thier asses quick.

The Americans, British and that lot are knocking on our door and we have these for a lot.

Hotchkiss Hotchkiss you pecker of a tank

why do you cost more then 50 points

Hotchkiss, Hotchkiss well give them back

only if the french stop laughing at us like that.

did you find my marbles? help mensch find his marbles...

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Ok. Lorak, since Mr. Shaw insists on being the US officer, you have been busted to private and are now the US rifleman.
As it should be, IMHO.

Well done Kitty.



I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

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I got a blue one.. and a red one.. and one with perdy sparkles in it. Some say the ones with sparkles in it are lucky marbles.

I just say they remind me of cheez wiz.

wiz.. that reminds me I realy got to go to the washroom, but why do they call it a washroom? or a water closet... first you do all kind of nasty natural deeds there.. so your not realy washing are you.. and its not a closet because I never found a rack of clothes hanging there with fuzzy slippers lying on the floor.

who the hell invented fuzzy slippers anyhow? I bet it was those Omish.. can't trust those Omish... one minute plowing the fields next minute inventing fuzzy slippers. jerks.

Does anyone have those small little.. ooh what are they called... those little things found under your bed... uh... no not condoms but thanks mace... uh... ahh Dust Bunnies... yes why are they called Dust Bunnies... Dust balls or Dust tuffs yes.. but Bunnies?? please I left all those carrots and letuce leaves under my bed and the feckers didn't eat them.. well at least that green mold is happy now...

I saw on the news yesterday that there was some problems with sheep in england..did mace visit england in the last little while? must be harsh finding out a Kiwi gave your sheep some VD or somefink.

talking about VD, Stuka did your wife get you spaded, Tick bath before getting it on with that marrage thing? I wrote and wrote but she just said she had other plans for you.... whats a Rect. Probe?... oh well. she seemed happy.

Ever wonder what did happen to those guys in Rescue 911? are they all dead? Did they actually go for acting lessons? the only real actors then were the guys on SWAT Team! .. boy that was a show, I remember sitting there watching it with my buddy Tim while his Older brother tried to put the moves on one of the Lawinski Twins.. heh.. we never did find his left eye after that.

I hope a big truck falls on you lot so I can laugh and laugh and laugh.. then realize what a jerk thing like that to do.. then laugh some more.. You all suck..

talking about sucking, why does Hiram, Meeks, Croda suck larger then me... heck I can beat me, heck a bowl of chilli can wind me. (more ways then one)

Anotherthing! anyone beating me.. I let them beat me.. why you ask?? well you see one day a big alien ship is going to land and look for all those people that win war simulation and strat games.. and wipe them out, the rest of us lot are going to be put in slavery and serve the Leader boiled space worms... which to come to think of it would be better then playing the likes of you in CM.

Did I mention I lost my marbles? if you find them please call me at 555-IMNUTS.

there will be a $50 reward for finding them.. but then a $50 bill for using up my time.

If you ever want tips on how to remove those nasty blood stains on your shirt call me, they turn orange after you wash it 50 times or so.

ok.. some guys are here to pick me up now so I guess I'll get back to you guys when I am finished playing Hanibil with them.

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Originally posted by PeterNZer:

j****edorf send me a setup. You almost made me laugh. Can't wait to see how you play. I'll keep the bucket close by incase I laugh up a lung or something.

Ahhhh, A pooler with guts. Good! I will have the setup whisking your way sometime this evening.

It's been a while so...


Crud-da: Well, our big battle is far from over but Croda is far from winning. I have taken light casualties on all fronts and Croda has sustained moderate to heavy casualties. At this very moment Crud-da is batan death marching his troops towards my MG, 20mm flak, and Tank positions in some banine effort to make me run out of ammo I suspect.

JD: This battle has been a real wing dinger. So far I have experienced a small arty barrage, the merciless slaughter of one of JD's bazooka teams, and a poor HT of mine hitting a mine. This one has been a real snoozer.

Beril: Evil in carnate has yet to impress me. I march on his positions from all angles. He will not and cannot stop me. Die, Beril. Die.

Mensch: As I have mentioned before. I have rejected the game we were playing on the bases of sandbagging and pure gameyness.

Marlow: I get turns from this guy about as often as mormons get drunk and laid in the same night.

Peng: Was dropped too many times as a child. I am sure of it.




When nuclear weapons are frozen then only freezers will have nuclear weapons.

[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 02-27-2001).]

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Aww c'mon Kitty, fix my ear. I look like a damn elf.

We're all getting just a little bit tired of your whining about your bloody ear. First of all, it's not YOUR ear, it's Prince Charles' and any self-respecting pom, as you now are, Mr. Para, would be honored to sport it. If I hear one more peep out of you on this matter I will replace your current picture with this one.


I don't know about you, but I'd rather the big ear than the beard of bees.



Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

Jesus Dress Up!

The McNoldy Group

[This message has been edited by Kitty (edited 02-27-2001).]

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Originally posted by mensch:

Did I mention I lost my marbles? if you find them please call me at 555-IMNUTS.

there will be a $50 reward for finding them.. but then a $50 bill for using up my time.

If anyone does find Mensch's marbles, DO NOT TOUCH THEM! Use a broom or something similar to sweep them together into a bio-hazard container. Burn the broom afterwards.

Caution: even casual exposure to what was Mensch's sanity can cause cramps, blurred vision, vomiting, and internal bleeding. Pets kept in the same room with it will invariably suffer renal shutdown. Prolonged exposure leads to Mensch, but with Stuka's ears.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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[Author's aside: when I originally ripped this off it was with Meeks' name. Given mensch's current state, I've re-targeted... thank you all... jerks]

Walking along the wide, quiet white-sand beaches here at the Cesspool Resort and Crematorium, I call to mind all those that deserve my scorn and spite... and those like mensch that simply deserve a crack in the noggin' with a bat... thus:

Mensch I'ma kill you! You don't wanna taunt with me

Squires leave - you ain't nuttin but a ModSlut™ to me

Mensch I'ma kill you! You ain't got the balls to beef

We ain't gon' never stop beefin I don't squash the beef

You better kill me! I'ma be another ‘Pooler dead

for poppin off at the mouth with crap I shouldn'ta said

But when they kill me - I'm bringin the Cess with me

Knights too! You ain't nuttin but a toy to me…

I said you don't, wanna play with Isky

Cause Isky, will fargin’ kill you

I said you don't, wanna mess with Isky

Cause Isky, will spargin’ kill you.

Hmmmm.... better now! I think I'll go see if the pitchers of Mai Tai's are ready while I wait on mensch's fit to wear off, before he sends me a setup already linked to his surrender.


"I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory."

"Legal advice is very often divorced from reality in my humble opinion" - BTS

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Guest Germanboy

Kitty - great stuff on the mod. If I may be so bold to put in a request, could I maybe be the German Arty FOO? That would be very nice, since I could carry on a family tradition. I have not dl'd any of the face mods, maybe because this is the one I have been waiting for.




Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Originally posted by Croda:

Only if you cut your hair and don't ram anything with your tank.

Now you're starting to sould like my parents did when I wanted to borrow the family car.

BTW isn't it amazing... All i was mentioning was some sort of realistic outcome to say, a tank running head long into a jeep. Cause right now the tnak will just push the jeep backwards while the jeep tries to go forwards and shoot it's MG at the tank. Now people are starting to talk about ramming houses and throwing tank tracks. Geezus.. Take a simple idea and just MAKE it complicated why don't they.



When nuclear weapons are frozen then only freezers will have nuclear weapons.

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Originally posted by Germanboy:

Could I maybe be the German Arty FOO? That would be very nice, since I could carry on a family tradition. I have not dl'd any of the face mods, maybe because this is the one I have been waiting for.


Sorry, but I gave that spot to Berli. I'll give you my reasons:

1) He was an artillery spotter in the USMC

2) Berli is evil. Since Germany is typically viewed as the "bad guy" of the war, I felt that the roll of German spotter was perfect for him.

3) I thought, I guess mistakenly, that your grandfather(?) was an anti-tank gunner and therefore I am placing your picture in that spot.

Now I feel bad. =(



Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

Jesus Dress Up!

The McNoldy Group

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